GeoHistory Resources |
We're sorry, reproductions for this item are currently not available through our online ordering system. You may still in most cases order reproductions by contacting the holding institution directly. PHILADELPHIA STREETS DEPARTMENT, SURVEY AND DESIGNS BUREAU Frank Morelli Phone: (215) 686-5540 |
Plan, We the undersigned City Regulators do certify that this is [?] plan describing the directions of ascents, descents and common sewers in that part of the City lying between High and Cedar Streets & between Broad Street & the River Schuylkill which was reported by us. Approved by the Select and Common Councils the 2d day of October 1817 and by them directed to be recorded agreeable to the 10th Section of an Ordinance authorizing the Mayor to appoint City Regulators or Surveyors and establishing an office preserving the Records of their proceedings and for other purposes, signed the 6th day of August 1814., 1817 Original size: 10 x 19 in. (estimated)