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We're sorry, reproductions for this item are currently not available through our online ordering system. You may still in most cases order reproductions by contacting the holding institution directly. PHILADELPHIA STREETS DEPARTMENT, SURVEY AND DESIGNS BUREAU Frank Morelli Phone: (215) 686-5540 |
Plan, Plan of the revision of lines and grades of City Plan No. 178, 42nd Ward Philadelphia, bounded by Ruscomb St., Broad St., the line of Chew St., Stenton Ave., and the right of way of the Phila., Germantown and Norristown Railroad. And to lay out on said plan such parkways, parking places, and parks as may best preserve the natural beauties of the land within said boundaries. [Ordinance Dec. 1, 1911; confirmed various dates to Sept. 21, 1911], 1911 Original size: 44 x 46 in. (estimated)