GeoHistory Resources |
We're sorry, reproductions for this item are currently not available through our online ordering system. You may still in most cases order reproductions by contacting the holding institution directly. PHILADELPHIA STREETS DEPARTMENT, SURVEY AND DESIGNS BUREAU Frank Morelli Phone: (215) 686-5540 |
Plan (alternate image), Philadelphia 100 years ago. "To the Mayor Recorder Aldermen Common Council and Freemen of Philadelphia this plan of the improved part of the City surveyed and laid down by the late Nicholas Scull Esq. Surveyor General of the Province of Pennsylvania is humbly inscribed by the Editors. [November 1858 republication, from Joseph H. Bonsall and Samuel L. Smedley, of 1762 map by Matthew Clarkson and M. Biddle], 1762 Original size: 42 x 53 in. (estimated)