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Philadelphia Streets Department

Philadelphia Streets Department Surveys

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2755 result(s). Showing results 551 to 600.

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Identifer Preview Title Surveyor Date Media / Size / Scale Area / Map Features
144-01 MTD Plan of the First Section of the survey and regulation of Chestnut Hill, Twenty-second Ward, City of Philadelphia. [Resolution, April 28, 1857; approved May 3, 1858; confirmed by Court July 17, 1858] Lightfoot, Jesse 1858
45 x 47 in.
Chestnut Hill, 22nd Ward, 1st Section. Bounded by Montgomery County Line to Mermaid La., Germantown Ave. to Union Ave.
Curb elevations, building footprints, "North Branch of Cresheim Creek"
144-02 MTD Topography of Plan 144 [Part of Chestnut Hill] Not named 1880 ca.
43 x 42 in.
Chestnut Hill. Bounded by Gravers La. to Mermaid La., Germantown Ave. to Stenton Ave.
Topography, branch of Cresheim Creek with several dams and ponds, including location of the Chestnut Hill Water Works; building footprints. Streets not named; this plan seems to be a draft showing topography only.
144-07 MTD A revision of the lines and grades of City Plan 144. [Ordinance Nov. 10, 1900; confirmed 1906 and 1908] Wagner, Joseph C. 1906
42 x 46 in.
Bounded by Germantown Ave., Gravers' Lane, Stenton Ave., Mermaid Lane, Twenty-fifth St. and Willow Grove Ave.
Topography, streams, ponds, railroad and railroad stations
145-01 MTD tracing Plan of the First Section of the resurvey and regulation of the late Borough of Germantown, Twenty-second Ward, City of Philadelphia. Ordered by Councils April 17th, 1856. Made under the direction of Jesse Lightfoot. [Approved by Board of Surveyors May 3, 1858] Lightfoot, Jesse 1858
52 x 70 in.
22nd Ward, 1st Section, Germantown. Queen St. to Roberts Ave., Washington St. to Germantown Ave.
Streams, roads.
146-02 MTD Plan of the survey and regulation of the Eastern Section of the Kensington District of the Northern Liberties, approved by the Board of Commissioners March 26th, 1849. Arranged and revised by Benjn. Moore. Moore, Benjamin 1849
44 x 81 in.
Kensington District, Eastern Section. Bounded roughly by Delaware Ave. to Cohocksink Canal, Frankford Ave., Belgrade St. and York St.
Curb elevations, water course, sewers, Gunner's Run [Aramingo] Canal, benchmark bui8ldings, rock at Delaware River front
146-02 MTD tracing Plan of the Survey and regulation of the Eastern Section of the Kensington District of the Northern Liberties. Approved by the Board of Commissioners March 26th, 1849. Confirmed by an Act of Assembly passed April 5th, 1849. The same Act requires the confirmation of Franklin Avenue to Richmond St. in the District of Richmond. Arranged and revised by Benjn. Moore. Moore, Benjamin 1849
43 x 82 in.
Kensington District, Eastern Section. Bounded roughly by Delaware Ave. to Cohocksink Canal, Frankford Ave., Belgrade St. and York St.
Curb elevations, water course, sewers, Gunner's Run [Aramingo] Canal, benchmark buildings, rock at Delaware River front
146-17 MTD Plan of Penn Treaty Park, 18th Ward, Philadelphia [Ordinance March 10, 1892; confirmed Dec. 19, 1892] Mercer, Joseph 1892
35 x 17 in.
Penn Treaty Park, on Delaware River
Park boundaries, Port Warden's Line, wharf
147-01 HP Plan of the revision of street and grade lines in the Twenty-Third and Twenty-Fifth Wards Philadelphia in accordance with a resolution of Councils approved October 31st ,1868 [Approved by Board of Surveyors Oct. 17, 1870; confirmed with exceptions by Board, Sept. 2, 1872]. Not named 1870
52 x 93 in.
1 inch = 100 feet
Bounded by Richmond St. to Trenton Ave., Kennedy St. to Butler Ave.
Frankford Creek, Aramingo Canal
147-x HP Plan of the Fifth Section of the regulations of Frankford, 23rd Ward, Philadelphia [No dates or signatures] Not named 1860 ca.
46 x 54 in.
Frankford, 5th Section. Bounded by Tucker St., Stiles St., and on two sides by Frankford Creek.
Curb elevations. Plan is unsigned and undated; seems to be an unfinished draft.
148-x1 HP Plan of the regulations of Whitehall, 23d Ward Philadelphia. [Ordinance Aug. 15, 1855; approved by Board of Surveyors Nov. 1, 1858; confirmed by Court Dec. 22, 1860] Shallcross, Isaac (probably) 1858
46 x 48 in.
1 inch = 100 feet
Whitehall Borough. Frankford Creek to Jackson St. Orthodox St. to seven streets east of Frankford Ave.
Philadelphia and Trenton Railroad, two unnamed creeks, sewers, curb elevations
148-x2 HP Plan of the regulations of Whitehall, 23d Ward Philadelphia. [Ordinance Aug. 15, 1855; approved by Board of Surveyors Nov. 1, 1858; confirmed by Court Dec. 22, 1860] Shallcross, Isaac 1858.
53 x 43 in.
1 inch = 100 feet
Whitehall Borough. Kennedy St. to Orthodox St., Pierce to Walker Sts.
Frankford Creek, Little Tacony Creek, curb elevations, mill pond
149-01 MTD blueprint Plan of the Second Section of the survey and regulation of Chestnut Hill, Twenty-second Ward, City of Philadelphia. [Resolution April 28, 1857; approved April 11, 1859] Lightfoot, Jesse 1859
38 x 57 in.
22nd Ward, 2nd Section, Chestnut Hill. Bounded by Gravers La. To Mermaid La., Emlen St. to Germantown Ave.
Curb elevations, streams
149-06 MTD tracing A revision of the lines and grades of City Plan 149 bounded by Germantown Avenue, Emlen Street, Mermaid Lane, and Gravers Lane and that portion of City Plan 288 bounded by Emlen St., Cherokee St., Mermaid Lane and Gravers Lane, 22d Ward. Philadelphia. [Ordinance Nov. 10, 1900; confirmed Oct. 1, 1906] Wagner, Joseph C. 1906
42 x 64 in.
Chestnut Hill. Bounded by Gravers Lane to Mermaid Lane, Cherokee St. to Germantown Ave.
Topography, streams, pond, railroad
150-01 CP Plan of revision of lines and grades of Fifty-fourth Street between Hunter's Lane and Lancaster Av.; also to place Merion Avenue, 55th, 55-1/4, 55-1/2, Oxford and Jefferson Streets on the City Plan [Ordinances 1889 and 1890; Survey returned 1890; confirmed 1890] Johnson, Joseph 1890
18 x 24 in.
West Philadelphia. Triangle bounded by Lancaster Ave., Lansdowne Ave. and 56th St.
Curb regulations
150-01 MTD Plan of curb regulation of the Seventh Section of the survey of the late Township of Blockley made by direction of a resolution of the Select and Common Councils of the City of Philadelphia approved the eighteenth day of April A.D. 1863. Smedley, Samuel L. 1864
49 x 50 in.
West Philadelphia, Blockley Township, 7th Section. Bounded by Wyalusing to Oxford Sts., 48th to 56th Sts.
Mill Creek, mill ponds, mill races
150-02 MTD tracing Plan of the revision of the 7th division of the survey and regulation of the late Township of Blockley. [Resolution Dec. 13, 1873; survey returned March 8, 1875; confirmed May 20, 1878] Hancock, George W. 1875
48 x 48 in.
West Philadelphia, Blockley, 7th Division. Triangle bounded by Pennsylvania Railroad or Lancaster Ave., 56th St. and Wyalusing Ave.
Topography, Mill Creek, mill races, mill ponds, building footprints, Cathedral Cemetery
150-06 MTD Plan of the Seventh Section of the survey of the late Township of Blockley made conformably to the Acts of General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania approved April 3rd, 1851 and May 13th, 1854. Surveyed by contract with the Board of Commissioners by Saml. L. Smedley...returned...6th Mo. 1, 1858. [Approved Feb. 17, 1862; confirmed by Court, May 11, 1862] Smedley, Samuel L. 1858
50 x 50 in.
West Philadelphia, Blockley, 7th Section. Bounded by Wyalusing to Oxford Sts, 48th to 56th Sts.
Curb elevations, building footprints, old roads
150-09 MTD Plan of Meeting House Lane between Girard Av. & 53rd Street, 24th Ward, as directed by resolution of Council[s] approved April 22, 1873 Hancock, George W. 1873
16 x 19 in.
West Philadelphia. Meeting House Lane, between 52nd and 53rd Sts., Wyalusing and Girard Aves.
Meeting House Lane, a diagonal street, "DISAPPROVED"
151 MTD Plan of the revision of lines and grades of that portion of Plans Nos. 151 and 152 lying northwest of Kingsessing Ave and between 60th St. and 65th St. 40th Ward Philadelphia. [Ordinance July 7, 1914; confirmed July 19, 1915] Gillingham, J. Harvey 1915
31 x 45 in.
1 inch = 100 feet
West Philadelphia. Kingsessing Ave. to Cobb's Creek, 60th St. to 65th St.
Topography, Mt. Moriah Cemetery, building footprints, Cobb's Creek Parkway
151-01 MTD Plan of the Second Section of a survey and regulation of Kingsessing. [Act of Assembly May 4, 1857; survey returned 1857; approved by Board of Surveyors Oct. 17, 1870] Miller, James 1857
43 x 53 in.
Kingsessing, 2nd Section. Bounded by 53rd to 62nd Streets, Darby Road (Woodland Ave.), Cobbs Creek (Delaware County line) and Thomas Run (Blockley Township line)
Thomas Run, Cobb's Creek, old roads, sewers
151-02 MTD Plan of the revision of lines and grades with topography of that portion of the Twenty-seventh Ward, Philadelphia embraced within the limits of Plan No. 151 on file in the Department of Surveys [Ordinance April 2, 1881; confirmed Sept. 29, 1884] Jones, William H. 1884
53 x 44 in.
West Philadelphia. Bounded by 62nd St., Cobbs Creek, Florence Ave., 55th St., Willows Ave., 53rd St., and Woodland Ave.
Topography, Ameaseka Creek (Thomas Run) and other streams, old roads, new street confirmations added, building footprints. "Joseph H. Young, topographer and draftsman"
151-02 MTD tracing Plan of the revision of lines and grades with topography of that portion of the Twenty-seventh Ward, Philadelphia embraced within the limits of Plan No. 151 on file in the Department of Surveys [Ordinance April 2, 1881; confirmed Sept. 29, 1884] Jones, William H. 1884
54 x 44 in.
West Philadelphia. Bounded by 53rd to 62nd Sts., Cobb's Creek, Florence Ave., 55th St. and Willows Ave. to Woodland Ave.
Topography, streams, Thomas Run (Ameaseka Creek), building footprints, property lines, old roads; "Joseph H. Young, Topographer and Draftsman"
152-03 MTD Plan of the Third Section of a survey and regulation of Kingsessing made in accordance with a resolution of Councils of the City of Philadelphia approved May 4, 1857. [Surveyed 1857; approved by the Board of Surveyors Oct. 17, 1870] Miller, James 1857
41 x 70 in.
Kingsessing, 3rd Section. Bounded by Darby (Woodland) Ave., Cobb's Creek and 62nd St.
Cob's Creek and other streams, old roads, Mt. Moriah Cemetery
152-04 MTD tracing Plan of the revision of lines and grades with topography of that portion of the Twenty-seventh Ward Philadelphia embraced within the limits of Plan No. 152 on file in the Department of Surveys. [Ordinance April 2, 1881; survey returned July 1883; confirmed Sept. 29, 1884] Jones, William H. 1883
43 x 72 in.
West Philadelphia. Bounded roughly by Cobb's Creek, Woodland Ave., and 62nd St.
Topography, streams, dams, mill races, Mt. Moriah Cemetery, building footprints, old roads
152-05 MTD Plan of the revision of the lines and grades of the streets upon Plan No. 152 the lines of which are crossed by the Baltimore and Philadelphia Railroad in the Twenty-seventh Ward, Philadelphia, made in accordance with ordinance of Councils approved July 3rd, 1885. [Survey returned April 1887; confirmed July 18, 1887] Jones, William H. 1887
43 x 72 in.
Southwest Philadelphia. Bounded by Woodland Ave., Cobb's Creek, and Cemetery Ave.
Topography, Cobb's Creek, "Passmore Mill Race," dams, Mt. Moriah Cemetery, building footprints, railroad
152-06 MTD Plan of the revision of lines and grades on that portion of Plan No. 152 bounded by Greenway Ave., Cobbs Creek, & Seventieth St., 40th Ward [Ordinance March 3, 1901; survey returned May 3, 1901; "Superseded - see minutes of Board of Surveyors, May 2, 1910"] Gillingham, J. Harvey 1901
18 x 21 in.
1 inch = 100 feet
Southwest Philadelphia. Bounded by Greenway Ave., Cobbs Creek, and 70th St.
Curb elevations, railroad and bridges, Cobb's Creek and "Passmore's mill race",
152-07 MTD Plan of the revision of lines and grades on that portion of Plan No. 152 bounded by Greenway Ave., Cobbs Creek, & Seventieth St., 40th Ward [Ordinance April 4, 1902; survey returned June 1902; confirmed April 6, 1903] Gillingham, J. Harvey 1902
18 x 22 in.
1 inch = 100 feet
Southwest Philadelphia. Bounded by Greenway Ave., Cobbs Creek, and 70th St.
Curb elevations, railroad and bridges, Cobb's Creek and mill race
153-01 HP Plan of the line and curb regulations of the Twenty-fifth Ward, Fourth Section, City of Philadelphia. [Resolution Nov. 8, 1860; approved by Board of Surveyors Oct. 20, 1862; confirmed by Court May 18, 1863] Shallcross, Isaac 1862
49 x 73 in.
1 inch = 100 feet
25th Ward, 4th Section. Bounded by Delaware River to Bath St., Pike St. to Kirkbride St.
Sewers, curb elevations, proposed road sketched in pencil
154-03 MTD Plan of the regulations of the 23rd Ward, First Section, Philadelphia. [Resolution Dec. 19, 1857; confirmed by Court May 19, 1862 and Feb. 15, 1871] Shallcross, Isaac 1862 ca.
27 x 61 in.
23rd Ward, 1st Section. Bounded by Erie to Lehigh Aves., 9th to 16th Sts.
Curb elevations
154-04 CP Plan of the [number omitted] section of the revision of lines and grades of the Twenty-fifth Ward Philadelphia [Ordinances 1880 and 1885; confirmed March 15, 1886] Webster, George S. 1886
62 x 29 in.
25th Ward. Bounded by 9th St., Lehigh Ave., 11th St., Germantown Ave., and Erie Ave.
Topography, streams, building footprints, old roads
155-01 HP Plan of the First Section of the survey and regulation of the District of Richmond agreeably to an Act of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania approved the twenty-seventh day of February A.D. 1847. Surveyed and returned 9th mo 12th 1848 by Joseph Fox, Henry Haines. [Attachments: [Plan of] Property transferred to the District of Richmond by the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Company [1850] and an 1892 letter from Court of Quarter Sessions noting that the plan was confirmed in 1849] Fox, Joseph; Haines, Henry 1848
51 x 37 in.
1 inch = c. 120 feet
Richmond District, 1st Section. Bounded by Delaware River to Lemon St., Norris to Williams Sts.
Aramingo Canal, sewers, curb elevations, penciled wharf
155-02 HP Plan of the revision of grades made to suit the bridges over Aramingo Canal in part of the First Section of the survey & regulation of the 19th Ward, City of Philadelphia, revised & returned March 3, 1857 by James P. Davis, City Surveyor 6th District Davis, James P. 1857
25 x 31 in.
1 inch = 100 feet
19th Ward, 1st Section. Aramingo Canal, York St. to Lehigh Ave., Salmon to Cedar Sts.
Aramingo Canal, sewers, curb elevations
155-03 HP Supplement to the survey & regulation of the First Section of the District of Richmond. Made & returned Oct. 4th 1853. Spain, Edward Livingston 1853
26 x 20 in.
1 inch = 100 feet
Richmond District, 1st Section. Bounded by Richmond to Cedar Sts., York to Huntingdon Sts.
Aramingo (Gunner's Run) Canal, sewers, curb elevations
156-01 MTD Plan of revision of grades of the Second Section of the Twenty-third Ward Philadelphia. [Confirmed 1873 and 1876] Not named 1873
46 x 54 in.
23rd Ward, 2nd Section. Bounded by Allegheny to Lehigh Aves., 9th St. to A St.
Curb elevations, sewers, streams, railroad
156-02 MTD Plan of the revision of lines and grades of the Second Section in the Twenty-fifth Ward Philadelphia [Ordinances 1870, 1880 and 1885; confirmed 1884, 1885 and 1886] Not named 1884
41 x 54 in.
25th Ward, 2nd Section. Bounded by Allegheny to Lehigh Aves., 9th to A Sts.
Topography, streams, railroads, Fairhill Reservoir
156-03 MTD Plan of regulations of the Second Section of the 23d Ward Philadelphia. [Approved Jan. 8, 1860; confirmed by Court May 10, 1863] Not named 1860
44 x 50 in.
23rd Ward, 2nd Section. Bounded by Allegheny to Lehigh Aves., A St. to 9th St.
Curb elevations, sewers, streams, railroad
157-01 MTD Plan of regulations of the Third Section of the 23d Ward Philadelphia. [Resolution Dec. 19, 1857; approved Jan. 3, 1860; confirmed by Court Dec. 22, 1860] Shallcross, Isaac 1860
45 x 50 in.
23rd Ward, 3rd Section. Bounded by Erie to Allegheny Aves., 2nd to 11th Sts.
Curb elevations, railroads
157-02 MTD Plan of the Third Section of the revision of lines and grades Twenty-fifth Ward (late Twenty-third Ward) Philadelphia. [Ordinances 1880 and 1885; confirmed March 29, 1886] Webster, George S. 1886
39 x 46 in.
Bounded by Allegheny to Erie Aves., 11th to 2nd Sts.
Topography, streams, railroad
158-01 MTD Plan of regulations of the Fourth Section of the 23d Ward Philadelphia [Resolution Dec. 19, 1857; approved Jan. 3, 1860; confirmed by Court June 11, 1860] Shallcross, Isaac 1860
47 x 53 in.
23rd Ward, 4th Section. Bounded by Erie and Allegheny Aves., F St. and 2nd St.
Curb elevations, sewers
158-02 MTD Plan of the revision of grades on the Fourth Section of the Twenty-fifth Ward (late Twenty-third Ward) Philadelphia. [Ordinance May 1, 1874; confirmed July 19, 1875.] Shallcross, Isaac 1875
42 x 50 in.
25th Ward, 4th Section. Bounded by Delaware River to Bath St., Pike St. to Kirkbride St.
Curb elevations, creek, Connecting Railroad
158-03 MTD Plan of the revision of lines and grades upon City Plan No. 158, Thirty-Third Ward Philadelphia [Ordinances 1893 and 1895; confirmed 1896] Brinton, Walter 1895
40 x 50 in.
Bounded by Allegheny Ave. to Connecting Railway above Venango St., 2nd St. to F St.
Topography, streams, building footprints, railroad, old roads
158-05 MTD Plan of the revision of lines and grades on portion of Plan No. 159 and grades of Venango, Tioga, Westmoreland [and] Ontario Sts., and Allegheny Ave. to avoid crossing at grade with the tracks of the Fairhill Railroad. Thirty-third Ward, Phila. [Ordinance Feb. 27, 1893; surveyed July 17, 1893; confirmation not noted] Brinton, Walter 1893
42 x 35 in.
33rd Ward. Bounded by Erie to Allegheny Aves., A St. to F St.
Topography, building footprints, stream, pond. Changes made to remove railroad grade crossings.
159-01 HP Plan of the Second Section of the survey and regulation of the District of Richmond agreeably to an Act of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania passed the twenty-seventh day of February A.D. 1847. Surveyed and returned 12th mo 31st 1847 By Joseph Fox, Henry Haines [Confirmed June 23, 1848] Fox, Joseph; Haines, Henry 1847
49 x 32 in.
1 inch = 100 feet
Richmond District, 2nd Section. Bounded by Norris to Somerset Sts., Jasper to Lemon Sts.
Reading Railroad, Philadelphia and Trenton Railroad, sewers, curb elevations
160-02 MTD Plan of the regulations of the Sixth Section of the 23rd Ward, Philadelphia. [Resolution Dec. 19, 1857; approved Jan. 16, 1860; confirmed by Court June 11, 1860] Shallcross, Isaac 1860
53 x 49 in.
23rd Ward, 6th Section. Bounded by Erie and Allegheny Aves, Frankford Ave. and F St..
Curb elevations, streams; gradient of the regulated streets also noted
160-04 MTD Plan of the Sixth Section of the revision of lines and grades of the Twenty-fifth Ward (late Twenty-third) Philadelphia [Ordinances 1880 and 1885; confirmed 1887, 1888, 1891] Not named 1887
59 x 52 in.
25th Ward, 6th Section. Bounded by Erie Ave., Frankford Ave., Allegheny Ave. and F St.
Topography, streams, ponds, old roads
160-10 FLAT Plan for placing Harrowgate Park on the City Plan. 25th Ward, Phila. Brinton, Walter 1893
Bounded by Kensington Ave., Tioga St., Jasper St. and Kettlewell (Schiller) St.
Stream, building footprints, park
161-01 MTD Plan of grade regulations of the Tenth Section of the Township of Blockley [Resolution Feb. 24, 860; approval noted but no date] Smedley, Samuel L. 1860
40 x 47 in.
1 inch = 135 feet
West Philadelphia, Blockley, 10th Section. Bounded by Girard to Columbia Aves., 56th to 66th Sts.
Topography, streams, dam and pond
161-02 MTD Plan of the Tenth Section of the survey of the late Township of Blockley, made agreeably to two Acts of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania approved respectively on the 3rd of April, A.D. 1851 and the 13th of May A.D. 1856 [Survey returned Dec. 20, 1858; approved by Board of Surveyors Oct. 3, 1859; confirmed by Court Dec. 8, 1859] Lightfoot, Francis 1858
40 x 46 in.
1 inch = 135 feet
West Philadelphia, Blockley Township, 10th Section. Bounded by Haverford to Columbia Aves., 56th to 65th Sts.
Property lines and ownership, building footprints, railroad
163-03 MTD Plan of the grade regulations and revision of street lines on the Second Division of the Twenty-first now Twenty-eighth Ward of the City of Philadelphia [Resolutions Oct. 1, 1870 and June 24, 1871; confirmed July 19, 1875. Copy made in 1900] Not named 1875
41 x 89 in.
21st Ward, 2nd Division. Bounded by Abbotsford Ave. to School House Lane, Schuylkill River to Wissahickon Ave.
Topography, streams, mill ponds, building footprints,
163-05 MTD Plan of the re-survey of that part of the Second Division of the Twenty-first Ward which lies northwest of Logan Street continued [Resolution April 17, 1856; approved Feb. 20, 1860; confirmed by Court June 11, 1860] Siddall, Joseph S. 1860
51 x 35 in.
28th (late 21st) Ward, 2nd Division. Bounded by Logan St., Township Line Rd. and Schuylkill River
Curb elevations, old roads