Vestry minutes, Christ Church, St. Peter's Church, and St. James' Church, v. 3, 1784-1815

Christ Church (Philadelphia, Pa.)
Physical Format:
Minutes (Records); Manuscripts
Parish elections; Church records and registers; Church finance; United Churches of Christ-Church, St. Peter's, and St. James's (Philadelphia, Pa.); Kearsley, John, 1684-1772; White, William, 1748-1836; United Churches of Christ-Church and St. Peter's (Philadelphia, Pa.); Church management; Church fund raising; Church committees; Church buildings; Cemeteries; Church bells; Poor; Charity; Hospitals; Charters; Episcopalians; Episcopal Church
Minutes of the vestry of the United Churches from 1784 to 1815; first as the United Churches of Christ-Church and St. Peter's, then as the United Churches of Christ Church, St. Peter's Church and St. James's Church. The first mention of St. James's occurs on p. 151 in the meeting minutes from March 30, 1807, in which a building committee was appointed to erect the new church. By 1810, the vestry is incorporating St. James's Church into their charter. Entries include the date and place of the meeting, members attending, and business discussed. Topics include church elections, improvements to buildings and grounds, fundraising efforts, burial requests, and the ongoing operation of Christ Church hospital. Recorded at the rear of the book are legacies, gifts, and donations made to an assortment of church related funds by various congregation members. Of note is a transcribed copy of Dr. John Kearsley's will. This volume has inserted at page 47 two additional items: a printed excerpt from the minutes of October 30, 1752 and a printed version of Bishop White's sermon delivered on June 21, 1786. Note: Blank pages were not scanned.

Front cover

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Title page

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Minute Book of the Corporation of the united
Episcopal Churches of Christ Church of St Peters Church in
the City of Philadelphia

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  At a Meting of the Corporation of the United Episcopal
Churches of Christ Church and St. Peters Church in the City of
Philadelphia at the Rectors House on Monday April 19, 1784:

The Reverend Dr. White Rector

Church Wardens:
Woodrop Sims
William Pollard

Vestry Men:
Joseph Bullock Robert Towers John Morris John David William
Adcock Benjamin Wynkoop Joseph Claypoole Francis Gurney Peter
DeHaven Thomas Casdrop John Chaloner William Price

Agreeable to Doctor Kearsely's Will the Vestry took into consideration
the choice of a Treasurer for Christ Church Hospital, when Mr. James
Reynolds was unanimously elected for the ensying year.

The undermentioned were elected officiers for the following year viz
Matthew Whitehead Clerk of Christ Church
George Stokes......Sexton of St. Peters Church
Jacob Diegel.......Sexton of Christ Church

Mr. Sims and Mr. Chaloner were appointed a Committee to procure a Clerk
for St. Peters Church.
Mr. Sims and Mr. Wynkoop were appointed a Committee to view the new
frame Building, on the south side of St. Peter's Church Burying
Ground, and take such measures as they shall think necessary.
Mr. Sims Mr. Gurney and Mr. Price were appointed a Committee to form an
estimate of the expense of building a brick wall of a board a board fence
around St. Peters Church Burying Ground.
Mr. Claypoole Mr. Towers Mr. Dehaven and Mr. M. Clarkson were appointed
a Committee to superintend Christ Church Hospital.
Mr. Pollard Mr. Chaloner and Mr. M. Clarkson were appointed a Committee
to rent the parsonage house and lot on an improving lease, agreeable
to a former minute of Vestry.
Mr. Adcock and Mr. Bullock were appointed a Committee to settle Mr.
Reynolds last years accounts and the accounts of the late acting Church
Warden. The said Committee are also to lay before Vestry the
particular state of Mr. Reynolds accounts, particularising the
monies upended on the repairs of the Estate and for the suypport of the
Mr. Pollard Mr. Chaloner and Mr. M. Clarkson were reappointed a Committee
to collect the deeds and relative to Dr. Kearsley's Estate and to settlde the accounts
of the Executors to the estate of Dr. Kearsley and report the balance to Vestry.

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At a meeting of the Corporation of the united Episcopal Churches
of Christ Church and St. Peters Church in the City of Philadelphia at the
Rectors House on Wednesday April 20, 1784:

The Reverend Dr. White Rector

Church Warden
Woodrop Sims

Vestry Men:
John Chaloner Gerardus Clarkson Francis Gurney John Morris
Benjamin Wynkoop Robert Towers Joseph Claypoole and Peter

The Committee appointed to form an estimate of the Expense of
building a wall around St. Peters Church Burying Ground and reported
the expense of doing the same. It was therefore unanimously resolved
that a subscription whould be opened for the building a wall around
St. Peters Church Burying Ground and for putting new windows in
the upper story of Christ Church.
Resolved that the Rector of the acting Church Warden be a Committee
to draught a subscription paper for the above purpose and report
the same to the next meeting of Vestry, which is to be held at the
Rectors House on Friday next, the notices mentioning that the
business of the meeting will respect the raising of money by
subscription for the aforesaid purposes.
The Rector, Reverend Mr. Blackwell, Dr. Clarkson, Mr. M. Clarkson, Mr.
Pollard and Mr. Chaloner were reappointed to meet the Clergy and a
committee of Vestry from St. Pauls Church and such Clergy of delegates
from the severa; churches in this state as shall attend in this City
on the 24 May next agreeable to circular letters sent by the Clergy
and delegates from this city.

   At a meeting of the corporation of the united Episcopal
Churches of Christ Church and St. Peters CHurch on Friday April 30, 1784
at the Rectors House:

The Reverend Dr. White Rector

Church Warden:
Woodrop Sims

Vestry Men:
Gerardus Clarkson John Chaloner Townsend White William Price
Adam Hubley Benjamin Wynkoop William Adcock Robert Towers
Peter Dehaven and John Morris

The Committee appointed to draught a form to head a subscription
paper for to raise money to build a wall around St. Peters Church

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 Burying Ground and to put new windows in the upper story of
Christ Church, reported the following which was adopted viz.
We the subscribers promise to pay the sums annexed to our res-
pective names, towards building a wall around St. Peters Church
Burying Ground and putting new windows in the upper stroy of
Christ Church.
Mr. W. Sims was unanimously elected Treasurer for the monies to be
raised for the purposes of building a wall.
Resolved that Mr. Sims Mr. Gurney and Mr. Chaloner be a Committee to
treat with a bricklayer to undertake the building of the wall and
report different plans of walls, with the estimate of the Expense to
the next meeting of Vestry.
Resolved that Mr. Pollard and Mr. Dehaven be a Committee to put windows
in the upper story of Christ Church as soon as funds shall be pro-
Resolved, that the City of Liberties be divided into four districts for the
convenience of collecting subscriptions for the wall and our 1st from the
North side of Race Street upwards 2nd. From the south side of Race
Street to teh North side of Chestnut Street inclusive 3rd. From the
south side of Chestnut Street to the North side of Pine Street inclusive
and 4th. From the South side of Pine Street downwards. The following
gentlemen are classed to undertake to solicit subscriptions
1st division. Mr. Chaloner Mr. Dehaven, Mr. Bickham Mr. David and
Mr. Towers.
2nd division. Mr. Pollard Mr. M. Clarkson Mr. Adcock Mr. Gurney and
Mr. Harris.
3rd division. Mr. J. White Mr. Bullock Mr. Wynkoop Mr. Sims and
Doctor Clarkson.
4th division. Mr. Hall Mr. Claypoole Mr. Price Mr. Hubley and
Mr. Casdrop.
Resolved that one of the Gentlemen of each class be served with
notice of the appointment of himself H g the district assigned
The Committee appointed to procure a Clerk for St. Peters Church
reported that Mt. Andrew Adgate had agreed to serve as Clerk to
said church for the present. It was therefore agreed that he should
be in[unclear] to the Clerks salary, for the time he may officiate.

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  At a meeting of the united Episcopal Churches of Christ Church
and St. Peters Church in the City of Philadelphia, at the Rector
House on Monday June 14, 1784:

The Reverend Dr. White Rector

Church Warden:
Woodrop Sims

Vestry Men:
Robert Towers Joseph Claypoole Benjamin Wynkoop William
Adcock Francis Gurney John David John Morris Gerardus
Clarkson John Chaloner William Price and Thomas Casdrop

Mr. Wynkoop Mr. Towers Mr. Gurney Mr. David Mr. Chaloner and
Mr. Morris were appointed a Committee to immediately contract
with work men and purchase materials, to build the wall around
St. Peters Church Burying Ground, as far as the funds allotted
for that purpose will admit of and to employ a suitable person
to superintend the same if they shall think proper.
The committee appointed to put windows in the upper story
of Christ Church, are desired to purchase the materials for that
purpose and contrat with suitable workmen to complete the same.
Mr. Whitehead consenting to collect the subscriptions money to
build St. Peters Church wall and at one and one half [unclear] he was
appointed to receive the same and pay it to the treasurer.
A letter from the Reverend Dr. White, chairman of the Committee
of the Episcopal Church in the State of Pennsylvania, reporting
the proceedings of the state meeting of the clergymen and lay
delegates from sunday Congregations of the Episcopal Church
in the State of Pennsylvania was read and it was agreed that the
consideration thereof should be postponed, until a future Meeting
of Vestry.
The Committee appointed to collect the papers of Dr. Kearsleys
Executors relative to the Estate belonging to Christ Church
Hospital, are authorized to commence a suit to obtain the
same if they shall find it necessary.

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  At a meeting of the corporation of the united Episcopal Churches
of Christ Church and St. Peters Church in the City of Philadelphia
at the Rectors House on Monday July 5, 1784:

Reverend Dr. White Rector

Church Warden:
Woodrop Sims

Vestry Men:
Benjamin Wynkoop Francis Gurney Robert Towers John Morris
William Adcock William Price and John Chaloner

The Committee appointed to rent the Parsonage House and lot,
presented to Vestry a lease for said House to the executed, renting
the same to William Smith and William Cox for seven years at two
hundred fifty pounds per annum from the 30 June last, the rent
payable in quarterly payments. It being read and approved of, the
Seal of the Corporation was affixed thereto.
Ordered that one hundred pounds per annum, out of the above sent be paid
to the rector, by the acting Church Warden, in four quarterly payments.
Whereas the rubrick hath given no special direction concerning the
time for using the service for the Churching of Women. The Vestry
therefore desire that the Ministers in future may not read the same
during divine Service on Sundays, but within on the weekly Prayer
Days or else on Sundays after the desisions of the Congregation.
The Church Warden is to furnish the Sexton of such Church with
a copy of the above Minute.
Mr. Claypoole was added to the Committee for putting windows
in the upper story of Christ Church.

At a meeting of the COrporation of the united Episcopal Churches of
Christ Church and St. Peters Church on the City of Philadelphia, at the
Rectors House on Thursday July 29, 1784:

The Reverend Dr. White Rector

Church Warden:
William Pollard

Vestry Men:
Gerardus Clarkson Matthew Clarkson Peter Dehaven Joseph Claypoole
Robert Towers George Bickham John Morris and Benjamin Wynkoop

The Committee of Christ Church Hospital brought before Vestry, a state
of the bad repairs of said Hospital of the insufficiency of the house to
accommodate the pensioners, also a state of the duns and as follows viz

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The Committee appointed by Vestry to the Management of Christ Church
Hospital think it incumbent on them, to lay before Vestry the following
information relative to the said Institution viz.
That the house made use of as an Hospital, is a small old Building
two stories high with garrets, has a kitchen, our which is a chamber;
the whole much out of repair.
That in the building eight pensioners are lodged in a manner rather
uncomfortable, arising from the smallness of inconvenience of the house
that besides the eight pensioners above mentioned, twelve others, part of
of the benefits of the Instiutions, in lodgings or rooms in different
parts of the city, the rents of which are apid out of the funds
belonging to the Hospital.
That the arrival expense for the support of those twenty pensioners
is as follows viz
For mainenance and fire wood for 20 women at 30/ ea per annum 360"-"-
For rent of out 120/per annum.....72"-"-
That your committee are of opinion that a much greater expense arises
from the manner in which the Pensioners are at present maintained,
tan would if a suitable Building was erected, whereun they might be
comfortably lodged and accommodated together, under the care of a precedent
That for the want of such a building it is not in the power of Vestry
or your Committee ot comply with the will of the testator, by which
he directs that the receiving in of poor sick and distressed persons and
supplying them with meat, drink, lodging and the assistance of
persons practising physick and surgery, the said corporations and their
successors shall proceed as high as possible may be in the managing
and conducting the same as is set forth in and by a lay or ordinace
founded on an act of general assembly of this province insisted an
act for the encouraging and establishing of an Hospital for the relief
of the sick poor of this province and for the reception and cure of lunatics
passed in the 4th year of the reign of the late King George the second.
That it appears to your COmmittee from the said will that a legacy
of eight hundred pounds Penn. currency in cash with ground
rents, amounting to about seventy six pounds per annum of where twenty
four pounds and 11 1/6 per annum from the death of the estator and fifty pounds
9/6 per annum from the death of his widow/ which happened in the

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Year 1770/ought long since to have been in the hands of the
Treasurer of the Hospital.
That those sums together with the money which a pasture lot
belonging to the Hospital and which by the will is ordererd to be sold,
would produce a sum more than sufficient to erect a suitable building
wherein all the pensioners, which the income of the houses belonging
to the insitution could support, might be comfortably and reputably
The following is the amount of the said sums viz
Pasture lot will sell for.....600"-"-
due on 76 per annum of grants.470"-"-
It appears from the account of
the testators Executive exhibited
the 7 Aug 1783 more than one
year after his death that there
was a balance belonging to the
Estate then remaining in her
hands about sufficient to discharge
the said legacy of 800~ if int.
is due thereon, say for 11 years
there will be....................528"-"-
Philadelphia July 28, 1784      Matthew Clarkson
               Peter Dehaven
               Robert Towers
               Joseph CLaypoole
The said committee also reported that the past tot left by Doctor
Kearsley to said Hospital was some time ago tot for a term of years
and that some time is yet unexpired and it their opinion that it will be
to the interest of the Hospital, that said tot should be sold
as soon as possible, as tots saying contiguous thereto, sell at their
time at a high price.
Vestry having considered the matter, concerned feebly with the Committee
and requested them to agree with the present holder of the lot, for the
unexplained time of the lease on the best terms they could and if any
proposals are made them for the purchase of said toll, they are to
acquaint Vestry therewith.
Vestry being informed, that Mr. Hachet one of the pensioners in the
Hospital, was not a suitable oject of that charity, the Committee
were desired to inquire into her situation and to report the same to
the next Vestry.

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  At a meeting of the Corporation of the United Episcopal Churches
of Christ Church and St. Peters Church in the City of Philadelphia at the
Rectors House on Thursday August 12, 1784:

The Reverend Dr. White Rector

Church Wardens:
William Pollard
Woodrop Sims

Vestry Men:
Joseph Claypoole Gerardus Clarkson Matthew Clarkson William Price
John David Peter Dehaven John Chaloner Adam Hubley Robert Towers
and John Morris

Resolved unanimously that the Committee for building St. Peters
Church wall, be authorized contract with Mr. William Gray to
complete the same immediately.
The Vestry earnestly desire the gentlemen who have the subscription
papers for the raising of money for the wall use, to do all in their
power to forward the subscriptions as soon as possible.
The committee for the care of Christ Church Hospital inform Vestry
that upon enquiry they are satisfied in respect to Mr. Hackets
being a suitable object of that charity. The committee further
report that they have understood that six of the Hospital
pensioners recieve 2/6 per week from the overseers of the poor, of which
they think Vestry should be acquainted.

At a meeting of the corporation of the United Episcopal Churches
of Christ Church and St. Peters Church in the City of Philadelphia
at the Rectors House on Thursday September 15, 1784:

The Reverend Dr. William White Rector

Church Warden:
Woodrop Sims

Vestry Men:
Peter Dehaven, John Chaloner, Robert Towers, Benjamin Wynkoop
William Adcock, John David, John Morris, Francis Gurney
Joseph Claypoole and George Bickham

Resolved that the different committees should meet as soon as possi-
ble, to compare their subscriptions texts with the Church Books to
discover those persons of the congregations who have not been waited on
for their subscriptions [unclear] building the wall and that they be
called on as soon as possible.
Mr. Adcock reported that the committee appointed to examine the accounts
of the treasurer of Christ Church Hospital had complied herewith and
found them right and a balance in his hands at Easter last amounting to

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one hundred and fifty five pounds and one half penny
the Church Warden is directed to have the bead work on the piers
of Christ Church completely repaired.

At a meeting of the corporation of the United Episcopal Churches
of Christ Church and St. Peters Church in the City of Philadelphia at
the Rectors House on Wednesday October 27, 1784:

The Reverend Dr. William White Rector

Church Warden:
Woodrop Sims

Vestry Men:
John Chalonerm, Joseph Claypoole, Gerardus Clarkson, Robert Towers
Matthew Clarkson, Joseph Bullock, Townsend White and Thomas

The Committee for the case of Christ Church Hospital laid before
Vestry, an agreement dated yesterday, made with Harry Meyer for a
lot of ground in Hickory Lane, sold to said Harry Meyer for seven
hundred and fifty pounds a peice. Which being read and approved of the
seal of the corporation was affixed hereto.

THe collection of Pew Money is desired to inform such persons, as are in arrears of Pew
Rent two years or upwards, that unless the same be speedily paid
off, it is the intention of Vestry to sent their settings to others; for
the purpose of accommodating the numerous applicants for views
and to discharge the monies due for buildling the wall around St.
Peters Church.
The Vestry being informed that many persons wish to see an
academy instructed in connection with these churches, the [unclear]
gentlemen are appointed a committee to consider of the expediency
appreciably there of and it they judge proper to digest and propose
a plan for the purpose: viz, the Rector, Mr. Clarkson, Mr. Chaloner,
Mr. Wynkoop and Dr. Clarkson.

At a meeting of the corporations of the united Episcopal Churches of
Christ Church and St. Peters Church in the City of Philadelphia at
the Recotors House on Monday November 8, 1784:

The Reverend Dr. William White Rector

Church Wardens:
William Pollard
Wooddrop Sims

Vestry Men:
Benjamin Wynkoop, Matthew Clarkson, John Chaloner, Robert Towers
Gerardus Clarkson, John David, John Morris and Townsend White

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The Committee appointed at the last meeting of Vestry to form a
plan, for the establishment of a school in this City, reported the
following, which was approved of viz.
The committee appointed at the last meeting of Vestry reprot; that the
design of instituting an academy of the protestant Episcopal Church
in this City, is in their opinion expedient of practicable; and for carrying it
into execution, they recommend that a subscription be encouraged by
the Vestry, and that all persons who shall on or before the first day of
January next, have [unclear] at least ten persons to the intended
Seminary be invited to meet in Christ Church on the day above mentioned
in the forenoon, immediately after divine service to enact fundimental
laws of elect visitors for the government of the sum. And
they further summoned, that it be declared to the subscribers as
essential to the intended Seminary. That it shall be under the
government of sixteen Persons; every one of whom shall either be a
Clergyman of some Church of the protestant Episcopal Communion
now, or here after being in this city, or within five mites thereof, or
he shall be qualified to be elected a Vestryman in one or more of the
said churches and have either subscribed the sum of at least ten pounds
to the said seminary or secured his education therein and left it with
an honorable certificate of his conduct adn proficiency. Signed
                  William White
                  Benjamin Wynkoop
                  Matthew Clarkson
                  John Chaloner
                  Gerardus Clarkson
Resolved, that the above mentioned committee be desired to take measure
to carry the plan into Execution and that the Church Wardens
Mr. Townsend and Mr. Hubley be added to the Committee.
Resolved; that as the above mentioned design is interesting to
the Episcopal Communion in general the committee are desired
to communicate their proceedings therein, to the Rector, Church
Wardens and Vestry men of St. Pauls Church.
Resolved; that the same committee be appointed to lease on ground
rent for twenty one years, that part of the Parsonage House and Lot
not be used to William Smith, under a covenant at the end of said term.

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That the buildings of brick or stone, shall be paid for by the
Vestry at the valuation of indifferent persons, or retained by the
lesees under the same ground rent, until paid for, at the option
of the Vestry.

At a meeting of the corporation of the United Episcopal Churches
of Christ Church and St. Peters Church, in the City of Philadelphia, at
the Rectors House, on Thursday December 9, 1784:

The Reverend Dr. William White, Rector

Church Warden:
Woodrop Sims

Vestry Men:
Joseph Claypoole, Francis Gurney, William Price, Robert Towers, Adam
Hubley, George Bickham, John Chaloner, Gerardus Clarkson, Matthew
Clarkson and Joseph Bullock

The Vestry requested the Rector to have charity summons preached in
the churches both forenoon and afternoon, on Sunday the 19th instant; for the
hour of the congregations of that notice be given thereof on Sunday
next in the churches and in the publick news papers.
The Vestry being of opinion, that it said be agreeable to the Congrega-
tion of St. Peters Church, to omit the voluntary usually played before
the reading of the first lesson; the Church Warden is desired to notify
the organist thereof.
The Church Warden is desired to return the thanks of Vestry, to
Mr. William Walton for teh Beir he made and presented for the
use of St. Peters Church.

At a meeting of the corporation of the United Episcopal Churches of Christ
Church and St. Peters Church, in the City of Philadelphia, at the Rectors House,
on Friday December 24, 1784:

The Reverend Dr. William White, Rector

Church Warden:
Wooddrop Sims

Vestry Men:
John Morris, Robert Towers, Adam Hubley, John David, Benjamin Wynkoop,
Matthew Clarkson, Gerardus Clarkson, Joseph Claypoole, George Bickham.

The Church Warden informed Vestry that the charitable collections on
Sunday last amounted to one hundred and fifty five pounds twelve shilling and
eight pence. That he had since received of Dr. White fifteen shillings and ten
pence making in the whole one hundred and fifty six pounds, eight shilings

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and six pence. The Rector and Church Wardens are desired to destribute the collec-
tion in the usual manner.
The committee appointed to lease on ground rent the lot of Ground back of
the Parsonage House report that they and Mr. Ball had proposed to open an
alley from Third Street into Second Street on conditions that each party should
enjoy a mutual priveledge of making use of said alley. The committee
are authorized to assure Mr. Ball that the Vestry will ratify an agree-
ment if made for the proposed improvement.

At a meeting of the corporation of the United Episcopal Churches of Christ CHurch
and St. Peters Church in the City of Philadelphia, at the Rectors House, on Monday
January 10, 1785:

The Reverend Dr. William White, Rector

Church Warden:
Wooddrop Sims

Vestry Men:
Gerardus Clarkson, William Hall, Robert Towers, John David, Benjamin
Wynkoop, George Bickham, Adam Hubley, John Morris, Joseph Bullock,
William Price, Townsend White, Joseph Claypoole, John Chaloner.

The Committee for promoting a subscriptions for the purpose of instituting
an academy of the protestant Episcopal Church informed Vestry that
they had used every means in their power to get subscriptions for said Pur-
pose and in consequence whereof the sum of
was subscribed on or before the first instant, on which day trustees were
elected and fundamental laws enacted agreeably to the proposal of
The Church Warden reported to Vestry, that on St. John day, charity Sermon
was preached in Christ CHurch at the request of the Ancient and Honorable Society
of Free Masons and that twenty two pounds being one third part of the amount
of the collection was paid to him by order of the Society for the poor of the church.
Whereupon resolved that the thanks of Vestry be given to the Ancient and
HOnorable Society of Free Masons for their said donations.
It being reported to Vestry that there has been lately a burial in St. Peters
CHurch which will requre vaulting to render the grave safe, the Vestry
went into the consideration of the propriety of permitting a vault in
either of the churches, whereupon resolved that such permission would
be inexpedient and ought not to be granted and that some near connex-
ion of the deceased be spoken to and the propriety stated of complete-
ing the grave in the usual way.
The Church Warden is deserved to advertize for a Clerk for St. Peters Church.

At a meeting of teh corporation of the United Episcopal Churches of Christ
Church and St. Peters Church, in the City of Philadelphia, at the Rectors House
on Monday January 17, 1785:

The Reverend Dr. Willilam White, Rector

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Church Wardens:
William Pollard
Wooddrop Sims

Vestry Men:
Robert Towers, Benjamin Wynkoop, Francis Gurney, John Morris, Joseph Claypoole,
George Bickham, Thomas Casdrop, Joseph Bullock, Gerardus Clarkson, John

It being represented that in consequence of the advertisement ordered at last
metting Mr. George had applied for the Clerkship of St. Peters Church
and had officiated on Friday and Sunday to the satisfaction of the congregation
the Vestry considered of the propriety of appointing the said Mr. George to
teh vacant Clerkship, whereupon resolved, that he said Mr. George be
appointed and received as Clerk, to St. Peters Church on the same terms as the
proceeding Clerks, which the Church Warden is desired to communicate to him.
It being represented that the gentleman who had deposited a corpes in St.
Peters Church wished to have liberty to place long stone across the
grave so as to keep the Earth some inches above the coffin.
Resolved that the same be allowed provided that there shall be no more
than the space of three inches between the bottom of the stone and the
Mr. Tower and Mr. Gurney are appointed a committee to ascertain the proper
sum to be paid for the space occupid.
The Church Warden is desired to settle with Mrs. Munnian for the time he officiated as
Clerk to St. Peters Church.

At a meeting of the Corporation of the United Episcopal Churches
of Christ Church and St. Peters Church in the City of Philadelphia, at
the Rectors House on Thursday March 24, 1785:

The Reverend Doctor William White, Rector

Church Warden:
William Pollard

Vestry Men:
George Bickham, William Price, John David, Thomas Casdrop, Robert
Towers, Peter Dehaven, William Hall, Joseph Bullock and Matthew

The Rector communicated to the Vestry certain fundamental principles
of an Ecclesiastical Constilection, agreed on at a convention, held in
this city on Tuesday May 25th last; which are as follows
Just, that the Episcopal Church in these states is thought to be
independant of all foreign authority ecclesiastical or civil.
Secondly, that it hath and ought to have in common with all other
religios societies full and exclusive powers to regulate the concerns of
it own communion.
Thirdly, that the doctrines of the gospel be maintained as now professed
by the Church of England; and uniformity of worship be continued, as
near as may be to the liturgy of the said church.

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  Fourthly, that the [unclear] of the Ministry be agreeable to the
usage which requisits the three orders of Bishops, Priests of Deacons,
that the rights and powers of the same respectively be ascertained;
and that they be exercised according to reasonable laws, to be duly
Fifthly, that to make canons or laws, there be no other authority
than that of a representative Body of the Clergy and Laity conjointly.
Sixthly, that no powers be delegated to a general ecclesiastical go-
vernment, except such as cannot conveniently be exercised by the
Clergy and Vestries in their respective Congregations.
The above report after having been considered by paragraphs was
adopted, and the Committee chosen in consequence thereof are as
   Reverend Doctor White      Dr. Gerardus Clarkson
   Reverend Doctor Magnus      Dr. Robert Shannon
   Reverend Robert Blackwell   Mr. John Chaloner
   Reverend Joseph Hutchins   Hon. James Read Esq
   Mattew Clarkson Esq      Richard Witting Esq
   Plunket Fluson Esq      W. Benjamin Johnson
The above is a true extract from the Minutes of the said meeting
               William White Chairman
the Rector further communicated certain fundamental principles
of an ecclesiastical constitution agreed on at a convention held in
the City of New York of the 6th and 7th of October last; which are as follows:
First, that there be a general Convention of the Episcopal
Church in the United States of America.
Second, that the Episcopal Church in each state, send Deputees
to the Convention, consisting of Clergy and Laity.
Third, that associated Congregations in two or more states, may
send deputies jointly.
Fourth, that the said Church shall maintain the doctrines of
the Gospel as now held by the Church of England, and shall
adhere to the Liturgy of the said Church as far as shall be
consistent with the American Revolution, and the Considerations of
the respective States.

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  Fifth. That in every state where there shall be a Bishop duly
consecrated and settled, he shall be considered as a member of the Con-
vention, ex officio.
Sixth. That the Clergy and Laity assembled in convention shall deli-
berate in one Body, but shall vote separately; and the concurrence
of both shall be necessary to give validity to every measure.
Seventh that the first meeting of the Convention shall be at
Philadelphia, the Tuesday before the feast of St. Michael next;
to which it is hoped, and earnestly desired, that the Episcopal
Churches in the respective States, will send their clerical and lay
Deputies, duly instructed and authorized to proceed on the necessary
business herein proposed for their deliberation.
               Signed by order of the Convention
                William Smith DD President
The Rector further communicated a recommendation of the Committee of
The Episcopal Church in this state, which is as follows;
Extract from the Minutes of the Committee of the Episcopal Church
February 7, 1785 Resolved;
   That these be sent to every Clergyman and congregation in the
State the account of the proceedings of this committee in concurrence
with sundry Clergymen and others, at a meeting in the City of New
York on the 6 and 7th of October last.
   That it be recommended that the Clergy in the State and
Deputies from the several Congregations, assemble in Christ
Church in this City, on Monday the 13 day of May next, at
Eleven o'clock in the forenoon; in order to organize the Episcopal
Church in this state agreeable to the intentions of the Body
assembled in New York as aforesaid; and
   That it be recommended to the Vestries to declare, at
some Congregational meeting, the object of the intended meeting
in May; and to propose to the COngregations to enable them to
send Deputies, duly authorized to the said meeting.
               a true extract
                Gerardus Clarkson
The above were taken into consideration and approved of; and the Vestry

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desired the Rector to cause the usual notice of the election of Church Wardens
and Vestry Men to be notified in both churches; and to maintain that
at the Congregational Meeting at Christ Church on Easter Monday,
there will be communicated sundry measures relative to the
forming a constitution of ecclesiastical government for the Epis-
copal church in the United States of America.

At a meeting of the members of the United Episcopal Churches
of Christ Church and St. Peters Church in the City of Philadelphia,
held at Christ Church immediately after divine service, on Easter
Monday March 29th, 1785 agreeably to charter and usage, notice
thereof being given in both churches.

The Rector

Church Warden:
William Pollard

Vestry Men:
Robert Towers, Adam Hubley, William
Price, Francis Gurney, Thomas Casdrop, John Morris Wililiam
Hall, Matthew Clarkson, JOhn David, Gerardus Clarkson

The Reverend Doctor White communicated to the Congregations met,
certain measures which have been taken, in order to form an
Episcopal Church Government in the United States of America;
(The same as are recorded in the minutes of the Vestry at their last
meeting) A motion was then made that the Congregations hereto
impower the Vestry to be chosen this day, to appoint deputies
duly authorized to other succeeding meetings from the above pur-
poses, to which the Congregation then met agreed.
Then the Congregation proceeded to the election of Vestry Men
for the ensuing year; when the following Gentlemen were duly
chosen viz
Townsend White      William Adcock
Peter Dehaven      George Bickham
Robert Towers      William Hall
Joseph Claypoole   Benjamin Wynkoop
Joseph Bullock      Francis Gurney
John David      Adam Hubley
Gerardus Clarkson   John Morris
Wooddrop Sims      William Price
William Pollard      Joseph Swift
         Samuel Powell
         Tench Coxe

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The Vestry then elected Joseph Swift and the Rector elected Woodrop Sims
Church Wardens.
The following Gentlemen were chosen Quest Men
For Christ Church:   For St. Peters:
Joseph Claypoole   Benjamin Wynkoop
Robert Towers      Francis Gurney
George Bickham      William Pice
William Pollard      John David

At a meeting of the corporation of the United Episcopal Churches of Christ
Church and St. Peters Church in the city of Philadelphia at the Rectors House on
Monday APril 3, 1785:

The Reverend Doctor William White Rector

Church Warden:
Joseph Swift

Vestry Men:
Joseph Bullock, Benjamin Wynkoop, John David, Robert Towers, Samuel Powell,
Francis Gurney, Peter Dehaven, Joseh Claypoole, Tench Coxe, William Hall,
and George Bickham

Mr. James Reynolds was elected Treasurer of Christ Church Hospital.
Mr. Whitehead was elected Clerk of Christ Church and Mr. George was elected Clerk
of St. Peters Church, each for teh ensuing year.
Mr. Stokes was elected Sexton of St. Peters Church and Mr. Diegel Sexton of
Christs Church, each for the ensuing year.
The salaries of the Clerks were fixt at thirty five pounds per annum each.
The salaries of the Sextons were fixt at twenty eight pounds each.
Resolved that the Clerks be desired to sing such tunes only as are plain and familiar
to the Congregations the singing of other tunes and frequent changing of tunes being
to the certain knowledge of this Vestry, generally disagreeable and inconvenient, and
that the Church Wardens be directed to notify them of the same.
Mr. Claypoole, Mr. Dehaven, Mr. Towers and Mr. Hall are appointed a
committee to superintend Christ Church Hospital.
Mr. Morris and Mr. David were appointed a Committee to collect the ground
rents due to the United Churches.
Mr. Towers, Mr. Wynkoop, and Mr. Pollard were appointed a committee to procure
from Mrs. W. Bond the papers relating to Christ Church Hospital.
Mr. Towers, Mr. Wynkoop and Mr. Pollard were appointed a Committee
to conduct the improvements of teh Parsonage lots.
Mr. Bullock and Mr. Coxe were appointed a Committee to settle the accounts
of Christ Church Hospital and of the Church Wardens.

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Resolved, that all persons who are in arrear for Pew rent for two years
or upwards be served with printed notices that unless the said arrears be
discharged on or before the first day of June next thier seats will be considered
as forfeited and rented to such persons as may apply for them.
Resolved, that the Church Wardens be directed to prepare Hay before the Vestry
at their next meeting a State of the Funds, revenues and debts of the Churches
for their better information.
Mr. Towers, Mr. Wynkoop, Mr. Gurney, Mr. Morris and Mr. David
were appointed a Committee to complete the wall of the St. Peter's Church Yard.
Resolved, that the Church Wardens be directed to pay the balance that
may be in their hands, after the salaries of the last half year are paid, towards
the wall of St. Peter's Church Yard.
Mr. Dehaven, Mr. Towers, Mr. David and Col. Gurney were appointed a
committee to examine into the condition of the Buildings of Christ and St. Peter's
Churches and of Christ Church Hospital, and to report the necessary repairs.

At a meeting of the Corporation of the United Episcopal Churches of Christ
Church and St. Peter's Church in the City of Philadelphia at the Rector's House on
Wednesday April 20, 1785:

The Reverend Doctor William White, Rector,

Church Warden:
Joseph Swift

Vestry Men:
Doctor Clarkson, Mr. Towers, Mr. Bickham, Mr. Claypoole, Mr. W. Price,
Mr. Hubley, Mr. Coxe, and Mr. Gurney

The Committee appointed to view the repairs necessary to be done at Christ
Church, St. Peter's Church and the Hospital report that the Piers which support
the Ballustrades on the roof of Christ Church, are very much impaired
and in great danger of falling down.
Mr. Roberts and Mr. Hicks are of opinion the expence os erected new piers
and putting up the ballustrades will amount to 60 pounds.
They further report that the foot of the collumns which support the galleries
in St. Peter's Church are dry rotten and settled two inches, the floor joists very much
decayed and broke in the middle and will not only injure the pews but endager the
galleries if not speedily repaired; the expense cannot be ascertained before
the work is done.
They also report, that the Hospital may be rebuildt 40 feet deep and three stories
high for 850 pounds. That there is 369.7.1 in the hands of the Treasurer. He is to
recieve 187.10 in a few weeks from Mr. Myres who purchased the lot on
Hickory Lane, exclusive of bricks sufficient for the building;
      369.7.1 in the Treasurer's hands,
       187.10 due from Mr. Myres;
       87.10 House rents due.
       60. in bricks
      327.10. Due 1 Apt nex for the purchase of the lot.
    1031.17.1 Mr. Towers, Mr. Dehaven }Committee on this
          Mr. Gurney, Mr. David

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Mr. Hubley and Mr. Coxe were appointed a Committee to effect the repairs
necessary in St. Peter's Church between the middle and north aisles.
Mr. Towers and Mr. Claypoole were appointed a committee to effect the
rebuilding of the piers at Christ Church and put the balustrades.
The committee appointed to superintend Christ Church Hospital, Me. Dehaven,
Mr. Claypoole, Mr. Towers and Mr. Hall were also appointed to rebuild the said
Hospital 40 feet deep and 3 stories high.
Mrs. Mason was added to the list of pensioners of Christ Church Hospital
The committee appointed to conduct the improvements of teh Parsonage Lott were
vested with all the powers of the committee of the last year.

At a meeting of the corporation of the United Episcopal Churches
of Christ Church and St. Peter's Church in the City of Philadelphia at the
Rector's House on Friday the May 20, 1785:

The Reverend Doctor White Rector

Church Wardens:
Joseph Swift
Woodrop Sims

Vestry Men:
George Bickham, William Price, John David, Benjamin Wynkoop,
Peter Dehaven, Robert Towers, Joseph Claypoole

Agreeably to powers given them at the Congregational Meeting, on
Easter Monday last, the Vestry proceeded to elect delegates to attend
the Ecclesiastical Meetings to be held in this City, when the following
gentlemen were chosen viz: Joseph Swift, Matthew Clarkson and Francis
Hopkinson, for Christ Church. Samuel Powell, Edward Shippin and Gerar-
dus Clarkson, for St. Peter's Church. The meeting will be on Monday the 23
instant in Christ Church at 11 o'clock AM.
The Church Warden is requested to notify the gentlemen of their appoint-
ment. Mr. Dehaven, Mr. Bickham and Mr. Hall were appointed to
settle with Mr. Dunlap for the rent of the School House.
The committee for transacting the business of Christ Church Hospital, have
reconsidered the plan of an infirmary, laid before Vestry at their last meeting
and find, if it is built 40 feet and up, it will extend six feet further back
than Mr. Clarkson's House, and darken his back parlor very considerably
but if built 34 feet deep, with the stairs carried up in a Piazza, they will
be as convenient, and the rooms equally large and commodious as a House 40
feet deep with an entry in the middle, and be of great advantage to Mr.
Clarksons House, with regard to light. Vestry approve of the above
alteration. The COmmittee recommend a kitchen to be built to the House
with the Vestry acceded to.

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At a meeting of the corporation of the United Churches of Christ
Church and St. Peter's Church in the City of Philadelphia, at the Rector's
House on Thursday July 21, 1785:

The Reverend Doctor White Rector

Church Warden:
Joseph Swift

Vestry Men:
Gerardus Clarkson, George Bickham, Benjamin Wynkoop, John David,
John Morris, William Price and Samuel Powell

Resolved, that the Church Wardens do immediately proceed to letting
the pews in both churches now occupied by persons who are a longer
time in arrears for their respective Pew Rents than is allowed by charter and
who have already been notified that in case of non payment the step now
determined on would be taken.
Resolved, that the Committee for repairing St. Peter's Church do cause
the aisles to be paved with bricks.
The Executors of Joseph Sims deceased apply to the Vestry for Liberty
to erect a marble tablet for the family in front of St. Peters Church,
to be placed in the middle compartment under the venetian window.
The Vestry agreed to grant the above request with a particular prohibition
to the tablet's entering into the wall and also to the wall being broken or in
any wise entered into except by the cramps necessary to fasten the same.

At a meeting of the corporation of the United Churches of Christ Church
and St. Peter's Church in the City of Philadelphia at the Rector's House on
Saturday August 14, 1785:

The Reverend William White Rector

Church Warden:
Joseph Swift

Vestry Men:
Joseph Claypoole, Gerardus Clarkson, William Adcock, John Morris,
Robert Towers, Francis Gurney, William Hall, Benjamin Wynkoop

Resolved that Mr. Sims family have leave to cut away the molding
of teh water table of the brick work in the front of St. Peter's Church, so
as to admit of the tablet proposed at the last meeting; It is further
resolved that after the said tablet is fixed the whole of the ground shall be
leveled and in future remain so.
The Vestry having been under the unexpected necessity of incurring
a very considerable debt in order to keep the Churches in sufficeitn repair
for the purpose of divine worship. Earnestly requested a congregational
meeting tomorrow morning 10 o'clock in Christ CHurch, in order to
take into consideration the means by which the said debt may be liquidated
or paid off.
Mr. Wynkoop, Mr. Towers and Mr. Swift are appointed a committee
to draw up a state of the expences accruing on account of the said
necessary repairs.
The Rector communicated to the Vestry a handsome present made

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to the Churches of cloths and napkins for the communion table of both
churches by Mrs. Elizabeth Ferguson.
Resolved that the Vestry have a grateful sense of this Act of Liberatlity
which the Rector is requested to communicate to the lady with their
acknowledgment for the same.

At a meeting of the Congregation of the United Churches of Christ Church
and St. Peter's Church in the City of Philadelphia at the Rector's House on
Saturday August 20, 1785:

The Reverend William White Rector

Church Warden:
Joseph Swift

Vestry Men:
Joseph Claypoole, Gerardus Clarkson, John Morris, Robert Towers, Benjamin
Wynkoop, Tench Coxe and William Adcock

Mr. Towers, Mr. Wynkoop and Mr. Swift who were appointed to draw
up a state of the expenses that will arise for the repairs of the
Churches for the Congregational Meeting on Monday the 16 instant
reported, that they had laid the same before the said Meeting which
was approved and is as follows.
Annual income of the United Churches stated at 1213.
Annual expences of the said churches...........1100.
       Balance for contingent expense 113.
Balance due for the windows of Christ Church and
   the wall of St. Peter's Church Burying Ground } 479.9.2
Necessary repairs of Christ Church estimated at ....... 244.12.6
   Ditto of St. Peter's ditto..................... 286.16.10
By which it appears that the sum of one thousand and ten pound eighteen
shillings. He is immediately wanted to defray the same?
Wherefore ordered that a subscription be set on foot by the Vestry to
raise the above sum, for the purpose aforesaid and that the foregoing
state be printed for the perusal of the congregations of both churches.
Whereupon Resolved that this City shall be divided into districts for the
convenience of taking subscriptions, and suitable persons name in each as

No 1 Kensignton:            No 3 North of Race Street:
Peter Dehaven               Jas Craig
John Rice               Peter Knight
Bejamin G. Eyre               William Hall
                  Joseph Claypoole
No 2 The remainder of Northern Liberties:   Peter Browne
Robert Towers
Emanual Eyre
Godfrey Twells
Jas Ask
Benjamin Davis

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No 4 North of Arch Street:   No 8 North of Spruce Street:
Isaac Hazlehurst      John Swanwick
Doctor Phile         Tench Coxe
Leeson Simmons         William Coxe
George Bringhurst      
George Bickham         No 9 North of Pine Street:
James Newport         Doctor Clarkson
            Clement Stocker
No 5 North of Market Street:   Captain Hawkins
William Adcock         Priestly Blakiston
John Willcocks         Joseph Sims
James Reynolds         William Watkins
Richard Footman         John David
Curtis Clay         
Joseph Reman         No 10 North of South Street:
            John Woods
No 6 North of Chestnut Street:   Thomas Cuthbert
Joseph Swift         Francis Gurney
Richard Bache         Adam Hubley
William Bevan         
Alex Fod         No 11 South of South Street
Daniel Rundle         Captain William Rice
Reynold Keen         John Duche
William Turner         Doctor Duffield
Thomas Murgatroyd      Joseph Duffield
            Joseph Blewer
No 7 North of Walnut Street:   John Morris
Abram Markoe         Thomas Casdrop
Francis Wade
John Sitgreaves
John Chaloner
William Pollard

Joseph Swift is appointed Treasurer of the said collection and he is
authorized to pay any of the moneys arising therefrom to the orders
of the Committees superintending the repairs and improvements.

At a meeting of the Corporation of the United Churches of Christ
Church and St. Peter's Church in the City of Philadelphia at the Rector's
House on Monday September 12, 1785:

The Reverend William White Rector

Church Wardens:
Joseph Swift
Woodrop Sims

Vestry Men:
Joseph Claypoole, John Morris, Robert Towers, Benjamin Wynkoop,
Peter Dehaven, Samuel Powell, William Pollard, Tench Coxe, Francis Gurney

Resolved, that Mr. Swift the acting Church Warden be authorized
to pay out of the funds of the United Churches such money as he may
find convenient and necessary towards the improvements and repairs lately
made and now carrying on.
Resolved, that Mr. Swift be authorized to employ Mr. William Young
to collect the Pew Money.
Resolved that all delinquents in the payment of Pew Money
for more than two years be again notified that they must pay the
same, and that the pews of such persons as shall not pay off their
arrearages on or before the first of December, shall be forthwith
let to the first applyers.

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Mr. John Lownes having applied to Vestry to receive payment of a
ground rent due to Christ Church Hospital, the matter was refered to
Mr. Swift an Mr. Coxe.
Resolved that teh charge for burying strangers which was formerly
30/ shall henceforth be 45/ for each person.
The Vestry took into consideration the propriety of laying off the vacancies
in the church aisles, into proper settings for poor members of the Church
in order to establish the right of membership therein, Mr. Towers and
Mr. Morris were appointed a committee to draw up the regulations
necessary for that end.

At a meeting of the Corporation of the United Churches of Christ
Church and St. Peter's Church in the City of Philadelphia at the
Rectors House on Friday November 18, 1785:

The Reverend William White Rector

Church Warden:
Joseph Swift

Vestry Men:
Robert Towers, Peter Dehaven, Samuel Powell, John Morris,
William Price, Tench Coxe, Gerardus Clarkson

It being represented by the Church Warden thatvery pressing
demands are made upon him for payment of bills incurred by
the repairs of the churches.
Resolved, that the gentlemen possessed of subscription papers be
requested to expedite them, and make return of the same to the Church
Warden with such sums of money as they shall have received.
Mr. Swift and Mr. Coxe reported that they had adjusted the account for
Ground Rent due to Christ Church Hospital with Mr. John
Lowns, and that they had received part of the money which remains
in the Hands of the Church Warden.
Mr. Towers and Mr. Morris reported that they had not been
able to complete the laying off the vacancies in the aisles into
settings for the poor members.
An application having been made by the present tenant of
the Parsonage House for permission to build a frame adjoin-
ing the same on the North side of teh twelve foot alley.
Mr. Towers and Mr. Dehaven were appointed as a committee to
settle the matter with him untill the said twelve foot alley shouted
duly be laid out and secured.

At a meeting of the corporation of the United Churches of Christ
Church and St. Peter's in the City of Philadelphia at the Rector's House
on Wednesday, December 21, 1785:

The Reverend William White, Rector

Church Warden:
Joseph Swift

Vestry Men:
Willilam Adcock, William Price, Joseph Claypoole, Jonathan David, Jonathan Morris,
Robert Towers, Tench Coxe, Samuel Powell

The Church Warden Reported that the money collected at both

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Churches last Sunday in consequence of the Charity Sermons
amounted with some private Donations to One Hundred Twenty
four pounds sixteen Shillings and eleven pence.
Resolved that there be a Charity Sermon for the benefit of the
poor of both Congregations preached annually in both Churches
and that the Rector with the Church Warden shall appoint the
day on which the same shall be preached.
The Committee for building Christ Church Hospital report that
the same is nearly finished and now ready to receive the pensioners
that as some regulations will be necessary for the good government
thereof they propose the following rules for the consideration of
1st All persons admitted, to conduct themselves in a peaceable and orderly
manner to avoid controversy and to cultivate a good understanding
with each other.
2nd to keep their rooms clean and decent and not intrude into each other's
apartment or change them without the approbation of the Committee.
3rd Each to be allowed 25 per month for their subsistence also firewood.
4th The sick to have a physician and to be attended by those that
are well.
5th The large back room on the first floor to be in common to eat
   work or sit in; the kitchen to be in common, the garret to be
   in common.
6th Any pensioner eviating from the rules to be excluded.
7th When it shall appear to the committee that any pensioner derives
   an income from some other source more than is necessary to
   find such pensioner in necessary clothing the committee shall
   lessen the allowance of such pensioner accordingly as shall
   appear to them to be reasonable and when any new pensioner shall
   be admitted, inquiry shall be made of their dependence on other
   funds or persons which shall be registered in the Book of the Committee
   the allowance proportioned accordingly.
Resolved that Mr. Swift and Mr. COxe be a committee to inquire into the
legacy bequeathed to the churches by the late Mrs. Venables and they are
hereby authorized to take the proper measures for obtaining the same.
Resolved that Messrs Robert Towers, Benjamin Wynkoop and William Pollard be
a committee to enquire after and take the proper steps for recovering the
legacy left to the late Dr. Kearsly and by him to the Vestry in trust for the
poor of the churches by the late Reverend Archibald Cummings.
Mrs. Rankin and Mrs. Reed are admitted Pensioners in Christ
Church Hospital.
Resolved that the Rector shall keep a regular list of all applicants
for admission into Christ Church Hospital and that no candidate for
admission into the same shall be elected whose name shall not have

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been exhibited to the Vestry at a previous meeting at least one
month before the time of election.

At a meeting of the Corporation of the United Churches of Christ
Church and St. Peter's Church in the City of Philadelphia at the Rector's
House on Monday March 13, 1786:

The Reverend William White Rector

Church Warden:
Joseph Swift

Vestry Men:
Robert Towers, John Morris, Joseph Claypoole, Francis Guerney,
Samuel Powell, Tench Coxe

The Church Warden reported that the demands upon the Churches
for the arrears due to different tradesmen for repairs of the Churches
are become extremely urgent and distressing. Whereupon Resolved that
the different gentlemen who hold subscriptions papers be earnestly
pressed to collect the sums subscribed and to further the subscription.
Resolved, that in consideration of William Smith's application,
an abatement of fifty pounds per annum be made him for 1 year
in his rent, to commence from the next quarter day provided it be understood
that this abatement shall in no wise effect his lease.
Mrs. Dons, Mrs. Timmons, Mr.s Cappuck, Mrs. Margary Johnsons,
Mrs. Monro and Mrs. Jones were mentioned as applicants for the vacancies
in Christ Church Hospital.

At a meeting of the Corporation of the United Churches of Christ
Church and St. Peter's Church in the City of Philadelphia at the Rector's House
on Thursday April 13, 1786:

The Reverend William White Rector

Church Warden:
Joseph Swift

Vestry Men:
John David, Francis Gurney, Robert Towers, Joseph Bullock, John Morris,
Tench Coxe, William Adcock

Mrs. Simmons, Mrs. Cappuck, and Mrs. Monro having been duly mentioned
at the last meeting as applicants for the vacancies in Christ Church
Hospital, were admitted to have an allowance of 12 pounds per annum. Mrs.
Timmons on account of her infirmity, to have her option whether she will
occupy a room in the Hospital or not.

Application was made to the boards by Mr. F. Gurney in behalf of Mr. Swan-
wicke, to grant him permission to alter the Pews on the North side of the Pul-
pit; so as by taking in a scmall part of the aisle, an additional pew may be made
which he purposes to do at his own expence. The Vestry agreed to it - pro-
vided Mr. Swanwick would find any person, who would make the like
alteration on the opposite side, so as to preserve the uniformity of the

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At a meeting of the Corporation of the United Churches of Christ's Church and
St. Peter's Church in the City of Philadelphia at the Rector's house on Monday
the April 24, 1786:

The Reverend Doctor William White Rector

Vestry Men:
Joseph Swift, Peter Dehaven, William
Adcock, John Swanwick, Joseph Claypoole, Doctor Gerardus Clarkson, John
Morris, Joseph Bullock, Robert Towers, Francis Gurney, Benjamin Wynkoop,
Tench Coxe, Adam Hubley, John David, George Bickham

Mr. James Reynolds was reappointed Treasurer of Christs' Church Hos-
pital for the ensuing year.
Mr. Whitehead was reelected Clerk of Christ Church.
Mr. George was .................of St. Peter's Church.
Mr. Jacob Diegle was reelected Sexton of Christ Church
Mr. George Stokes.....................of St. Peter's
Mr. Bullock and Mr. Adcock were appointed a Committee to settle the
accounts of the Treasurer of the Christ Church Hospital and Church
Wardens for the preceding year.
Mr. Towers, Mr. Claypoole, Mr. Hall and Mr. Dehaven were reappointed a com-
mittee for Christ Church Hospital for the next year.
The Rector having stated to the Vestry that there are two annual ground
rents arising to the poor purchased with 100 pounds left by Mr. W. Clymer of
this City formerly vizt one ground rent of two pistoles the other of se-
vin dollars on both which considerable arrears are due,
   That the Church Wardens be desired to take immedi-
ate measures for collecting the said arrears, and whereas it is further stat-
ed that it is uncertain to what time the rent has been settled on the
ground rent of two pistoles, Resolved that the Church Warden be im-
powered to settle the same to the best of his discretion and to give a final
discharge to the time of settlement, after recieving such sums as
he shall judge to be due.
Resolved that Doctor White, Mr. Powell, Mr. Coxe, and Mr. Swanwick be
appointed a committee to consider the mode in which deputies to
conventions shall be hereafter chosen, and to draw up instructions
for the government of them.
Resolved, that Mr. David and Mr. Morris be appointed a commit-
tee to collect the ground rents of Christ Church Hospital.
Resolved that Mr. Gurney, Mr. Wynkoop and Mr. Towers be appoint-
ed to examine into the state of the roof of St. Peter's Church and make
report thereon. Resolved that Mr. Towers and Mr. Bickham be appointed
a committee to contract with a proper person to make the necessary repairs to the
organ of Christ Church. Mr. Blake was appointed to collect the Pew

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money as heretofore

At a meeting of the corporation of the united churches of Christs Church
and St. Peter's Church, in the City of Philadelphia at the Rector's House on Thursday
the May 18, 1786:

The Reverend Doctor William White Rector

Church Warden:
Tench Coxe

Vestry Men:
Samuel Powell, Robert Towers, Joseph Claypoole, Gerardus Clarkson, Joseph Bul-
lock, William Hall, John Swanwick, Benjamin Wynkoop

The Committee appointed to consider the mode in which deputies to conventi-
ons shall hereafter be chosen, reported and recommended a plan, but doubts
being suggested about the power of the Vestry to choose such deputies it
was resolved that the said plan should be laid before the meeting of the
congregation to be held for this purpose at Christ Church at 10 o'clock in the morn-
ing of Monday 22nd instant.
An application was made by the Reverend Doctor Andrews for permission
to alter a pew No. in St. Peter's Church, which was agreed to, provid it is
agreeable to all the other occupants of the said pew.
Resolved that the Church warden, be empowered to pay such sums as may
be due for the repairs of the Churches out of the funds of the Church which
may be in his hands.

At a meeting of the Corporation of the united churches of Christ Church
and St. Peter's Church in the City of Philadelphia at Christ Church on Monday
the May 22, 1786:

The Reverend William White Rector

Church Warden:
Tench Coxe

Vestry Men:
Joseph Bullock, Benjamin Wynkoop, Robert Towers, George Bickham, John
Morris, Townsend White, John Swanwick, Peter Dehaven, William Hall,
John David, Joseph Claypoole

In consequence of the authority this day given by the congregational
meeting the following gentlemen were chosen deputies to attend
the state meeting of the protestant Episcopal Church for the present
year. Joseph Swift, Francis Hopkinson, and William Pollard for
Christ Church and Gerardus Clarkson, Tench Coxe and Samuel Powell
for St. Peter's Church.

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At a meeting of the corporation of the united Churches of Christ Church
and St. Peter's Church in the City of Philadelphia at the Rector's House on
Thursday June 29, 1786:

The Reverend Doctor William White Rector

Church Warden:
Tench Coxe
Joseph Swift

Vestry Men:
Francis Gurney, Gerardus Clarkson, Joseph Bullock, Townsend White: John Morris,
Benjamin Wynkoop, Robert Towers, Peter Dehaven, Joseph Claypoole, John
David, John Swanwick

The Rector laid before the Vestry a copy of two articles in the gene-
ral ecclesiastical constitution, formed by the general Conven-
tion of this year relating to the book of enrollment in 1785, being arti-
cle N.4 and article n.9 where upon it was unanimously resolved that
that the new Book of Common Payer be used as a proposed Book
until further order shall be taken either by the convention of this
state, or by a general convention agreeable to teh said 9th Article
of the Ecclesiasticel Constitution.

At a meeting of the Corporation of the united Churches of Christ Church
and St. Peter's Church in the City of Philadelphia at the Rector's house on Thursday
September 21, 1786:

The Reverend Doctor William White Rector

Church Wardens:
Tench Coxe
Joseph Swift

Vestry Men:
Joseph Claypool, Wooddrop Sims, Benjamin Wynkoop, John Swanwick,
John MOrris, Robert Towers, Adam Hubley

It being stated to the Vestry that the Rector of these Churches was elected
a Bishop for the protestatn episcopal church in the state of Penn-
sylvania. Upon motion it was resolved that this Vestry to con-
sent that the Rector shall proceed, if directed by the general con-
vention, in order to receive consecration.
It was also reported to the vestry from the state convention, that it had
been resolved therein that the sum of two hundred guineas should
be provided by the churches in this state to defray the expences of
the Bishop elect on his voyage to London and that the sum of one
hundred and sixty pounds was fixed as the proportion to be raised by
these United Churches. On motion, resolved, that Mr. Swift,
Mr. Towers, Mr. Swanwick and Mr. Coxe be a committee to devise the
most practicable and expeditious method to raise the above sum
of 160 pounds. On motion resolved that the Rector with Mr.

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Swift, Mr. Wynkoop, Mr. Towers, Mr. Coxe be a Committee to make out
a schedule of the property of the united Churches as well as the vari-
ous properties with which they have been entrusted for charitable purpos-
es by will or otherwise from time to time.

At a meeting of the corporation of the United Churches of Christ Church and
St. Peter's Church in the City of Philadelphia at the Rector's House on Saturday
September 30, 1786:

The Reverend Doctor William White Rector

Church Warden:
Tench Coxe

Vestry Men:
John David, Wooddrop Sims, George Bickham, John Morris, Joseph
Claypoole, Robert Towers, John Swanwick

The Rector stated that it is the desire of the corporation for the benefit
of widows and children of deceased Clergymen of the Protestant Episco-
pal Church, that they may have leave to use Christ Church for preaching
a charity sermon on Wednesday 4th October.
Resolved that the Church Warden be directed to provide use of the
new prayer books for the use of the singers in St. Peter's Church.
The Church Warden reported from the Committee on the schedule
that it was made up and that four copies would be transcribed (one
of which in the church books) for the use of the Vestry and the acting
Church Warden for the time being.
The Committee appointed to devise the most practicable and expediti-
ous methods to raise the sum of 160 pounds for the purpose of defraying the
expenses of the Bishop elect in his voyage to London, Reported,
that the Church Warden should be authorised to borrow from such
members of the congregation as shall incline to lend, any part of
the said sum of 160 pounds and to give certificates of the same binding the cor-
poration to apply so much of the money (belonging to the general
funds) due and to grow due from the Parsonage house and school house
estate as shall be sufficient to discharge the same.

At a meeting of the corporation of the United Churches of Christ
Church and St. Peter's Church in the City of Philadelphia on Tuesday
October 17, 1786 at the Rector's house:

The Reverend William White Rector

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Church Warden:
Tench Coxe

Vestry Men:
Robert Towers, Joseph Claypoole, William
Hall, Benjamin Wynkoop, Wooddrop Sims, Adam Hubly, Joseph Bullock,
George Bickham, Peter Dehaven, John Swanwick Vestry Men.

A form of a notification of the Reverend Doctor William White's being
about to depart for England for the purpose of receiving consecration
as Bishop for the protestant Episcopal Church in this state
was read, considered and approved - and was ordered to be read
on Sunday morning next in Christ Church and Sunday after-
noon next at St. Peter's Church it was as follows.
Whereas the most reverend the Archbishops of Canterbury and York among
other instances of their pious regard for the welfair of the
protestant Episcopal Church in these states, have required
the persons, who shall offer themselves in England to be consecrated
Bishops of the said Church, that their intentions of
so offering themselves be previously published in the Churches
where they respectively reside to the intent that if there be any
error in religion or viciousness of life, rendering them unmeet for
the holy office of Bishop, the same may be made known.
And whereas the Reverend William White D.D. and Rector of these
Churches hath duly nominated to the office of Bishop of the protestant
Episcopal Church in this state, by the said church in
Convention and is soon with permission of Almighty Gods, to proceed
to England, there to present himself for consecration.
Therefore the above is now notified to this Congregation who are
hereby solemnly called on to declare any impediment they
may know, on account of which the Reverend Doctor William
White ought not to be consecrated to the Holy office of Bishop.
The Church Warden was requested to wait upon the rector of
St. Paul's Church in this City with a copy of the said notification,
and request him to cause the same to be read on the same
day in that Church.
Mr. Wynkoop, Mr. Swanwick and Mr. Coxe were appointed a committee to
prepare the necessary credentials for the Reverend Doctor White on the
occasion. The Committee who were appointed to procure the money
to be raised by the Vestry of these united Churches for the purpose of
defraying the expences of the Bishop elect in his voyage to England
reported, that the money could not be raised by a loan from

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private persons. Whereupon resolved that the Church Warden be au-
thorized to borrow the same upon interest from the bank of north Ame-
rica and to give his note as Church Warden to such private persons as
can be procured to endorse it, which not shall be obligatory on the
corporation - and which may be used to borrow the said sum of
the bank. Mr. Towers, Mr. Claypoole, Mr. Hald, and the Church Warden are em-
powered to let the parsonage house to the best tenant that can be
procured and upon the best terms, with power to annul William G. Smith's
lease, if he consents.
The Vestry empower the Church Warden to employ any proper person whom
he might choose to collect the Pew money.
The Church Wardens, Mr. Powell and Mr. Wynkoop, were appointed as
a committee to draft an address to the Rector upon the occasion of
his going to England to receive consecration - to be signed by the
Church Wardens. The above address is to be reported to the Vestry,
who are to wait upon the Rector in a body to present the same.
The honorable the Court of common Pleas having awarded to this
corporation sundry papers relating to the Estates of Christ Church
Hospital bequeathed by the late Dr. Kearsley; The Church Warden
was directed to wait on Mrs. W. Bond in order to procure them.
Mr. Towers, Mr. Hall and Mr. Coxe were directed to apply to the honorable
the General Assembly by petition for the necessary powers to be given
to some proper persons to make sale of a certain lot in hickory lane
devised to Christ Church Hospital by the late Doctor Kearsley all his
Executors being dead. The Rector informed the Vestry that he had commu-
nicated to the Reverend Doctor Andrews their request that he would
do them the favor to officiate in the churches during the absence of the
Rector and that he had cheerfully undertaken the same as far as
his want of health would permit. Whereupon resolved unani-
mously that the Church Warden be requested to express to Doctor
Andrews the sense the Vestry entertain of his obliging kindness on
this occasion.

At a meeting of the corporation of the united Churches of Christ
Church and St. Peter's Church in the City of Philadelphia at the Rector's House

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on Monday October 23, 1786:

The Reverend William White Rector

Church Wardens:
Joseph Swift
Tench Coxe

Vestry Men:
Samuel Powell, Wooddrop Sims, Robert Towers, Joseph Claypoole, Peter
Dehaven, George Bickham, William Adcock, Gerardus Clarkson, John
David, John Morris, Benjamin Wynkoop, Adam Hubley, Joseph Bul-
lock, Francis Gurney

Mr. Powell from the Committee appointed to draught an address to the
Rector reported as follows
   We the Church Wardens and Vestry Men of the united
Churches of Christs Church and St. Peter's Church in the City of Philadelphia in
Vestry met, take this occasion of expressing the satisfaction we feel at
your being nominated to the sacred office of a Bishop.
Whilst we congratulate the Church in general upon the prospect
of a complete organization within itself, which the Independence
of the United States of America has rendered essentially necessary,
we particularly felicitate ourselves upon the irreproachable moral
character of the Person now chosen to fulfill the duties of that
eminent station, whose exemplary life, and soundness in the
Christian Faith we have no doubt will, in future, dignify an
exalted, as it has hitherto, adorned a more humble station
in the Church of Christ.
The perfect harmony which has ever subsisted between you and the
Churches under your care, has deservedly endeared you to them, and
will render them anxious for your safety in the Voyage you are
about to undertake. Our unceasing good wishes will accompany
you and we sincerely pray that it may please divine Providence
to restore you safe to your native land and to the Flock
committed to your charge.
Signed in, by order, and on behalf of the Vestry this twenty
third day of October 1786.
            Church Wardens:
            Joseph Swift
            Tench Coxe

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It was unanimously approved and the Church Wardens were ordered
to sign it, which they did accordingly. Mr. Swanwick from
the committee appointed to draught a certificate of the publica-
tion of Doctor White's election as Bishop, reported it as follows.
In Vestry of the United Churches of Christ Church and St. Peter's Church in the City of Philadelphia
   on the 23d day of October 1786:
We the Church Wardens and Vestrymen of the United Churches of Christ Church and St. Peter's
Church in the City of Philadelphia do hereby certify that the notification aforegoing
was publickly read immediately after divine service in Christ Church and
St. Peter's Church in this City on Sunday the twenty second instant and that no
objection was then or has since been made to our knowledge to the consecration
of the Reverend William White D.D. and Rector of these churches to the office of Bi-
shop in the Protestant Episcopal Church in this State to which he has been
elected by the unanimous suffrages of the Convention of the said Churches, and
we do further declare, that whilst we gratefully acknowlege the pious cau-
tion manifested by the Right Reverend the Arch Bishop and Bishops of the
Church of England in so carefully guarding the first appointments to the
Episcopacy in America. We congratulate the Protestant Episcopal
Church in this State on the election of the Reverend Doctor White to this
sacred office who during a period of fourteen years that he has officiated
as Rector or as Assistant Minister in the churches we represent has
uniformly supported the character of a Learned, Orthodox, Pious and
Zealous Minister of our Church: and he is in our opinion every
way qualified to fill the most important offices therein.
In witness whereof we have hereunto subscribed our names
William Adcock   Joseph Bullock      Joseph Swift    Church
Robert Towers      Francis Gurney      Tench Coxe   Wardens
Joseph Claypoole   William Hall      Benjamin Wynkoop
J. Swanwick      George Bickham      Samuel Powell
Adam Hubley      Wooddrop Sims      Peter Dehaven
                  John Morris
                  John David

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It was unanimously approved and the Church Wardens and Vestry Men signed
   The address to the Reverend Dr. White was read to him by Mr. Coxe by direction
of the Vestry to which he returned the following answer
      I request you to accept of my sincere and hearty thanks for
the affecting instance of your esteem now given me. Under my sense
of the difficulties of the station to which I am nominated I find great encouragement
in knowing that the appointment is satisfactory to the representatives
of the congregations with whom I have so long lived in
perfect harmony.
      The testimony given by this Vestry in favor of my past
life and conversation among them cannot but have arisen in a great measure
from their being disposed to think favorably of their ministers. Yet
in case of my return it will be an additional obligation on me to endeavour
to deserve their regard; and at any rate it will be an incentive
to those, who shall succeed me in the pastoral duties of these Churches.
      Give me leave, Gentlemen, to assure you that yourselves and the
congregations represented by you will be always near my heart; and that
during my absence shall not forget to offer up my prayers to the Throne
of Grace on your behalf: at the same time that I desire to recommend
myself to yours; as well for the prosperity of the important object
of my voyage, as for my due discharge of the duties which
it may be occasion of my assuming.
               William White
October 23, 1786

The Church Warden reported that he had furnished the Reverend
Mr. Blackwell and the rector of St. Paul's Church each with a copy of
the notification; who had assured him they should be duly read
conformably to the request of Vestry.
The Church Warden reported that he had drawn a promissary
note bearing date the [blank] day of October instant payable to the order

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of Messrs Wooddrop Sims and Jonathan Swanwick in two months for the purpose
of defraying the expences of the Bishop elect conformably to and under
the authority of a resolution of Vestry made on the 17th Instant and that
he had signed the same as Church Warden. The Church War-
den reported that he had employed Mr. Jacob Harvey to collect
the Pew rents under the authority given him by Vestry 17th
October Instant. Mr. Coxe from the Committee to draught a petition to
the assembly a power to sell the pasture ground of the late Doctor
Kearsley reported that the same was doen and would be presented
on the meeting of the house. The Church Warden reported
to the Vestry that he had communicated to Doctor Andrews
the resolution of Vestry of 17th Instant relating to him.

At a meeting of the Corporation of the United Churches of Christ Church and St. Peter's
Church in the City of Philadelphia at the Rector's House November 6, 1786:


Church Warden:
Mr. Swift, Mr. Coxe

Vestry Men:
William Hubley, Mr. Sims, Mr. Powell, Mr. Bullock,
Mr. Gurney, Mr. Tower, Mr. Morris, Mr. David

   It was resolved that the future meetings of the Vestry during the absence of the
Rector be held at Christ Church Hospital.
The Church Wardens were directed to displace Mr. Kurtz junior from the office
of organist in St. Peter's Church -- at the same time to express the stron-
gest sense of his fathers services and of his attachment to the Church.
They were also directed to employ another organist on the best terms in
their power. Mr. Powell, William Towers, and Mr. Sims were empower-
ed to put the organ of St. Peter's Church in Repair.

At a meeting of the congregations of the United Churches of Christ
Church and St. Peter's in Christ Church on Monday April 9, 1787
being Easter Monday the following Gentlemen were duly elected
Vestrymen for the ensuing year.
Benjamin Wynkoop   Robert Towers      Townsend White
Joseph Swift      Gerardus Clarkson   Samuel Powell

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Tench Coxe, John Morris, William Pollard, Peter Dehaven, Francis Gur-
ney, William Heall, John David, Leeson Simmons, John Swanwick
Adam Hubley, Woodrop Sims, George Bickham, William Adcock,
Joseph Claypoole.
Robert Towers, the congregations, Church Wardens, The Rectors Church Warden
was not chosen on account of the absence of the Rector.
Sidesmen for Christ Church, George Bickham, Peter Dehaven, Joseph
Claypoole, Leeson Simmons.
Sidesman for St. Peter's Church, John Morris, Benjamin Wynkoop, John
David, John Swanwick.

April 14, 1787
At a meeting of the Corporation of the United Churches of Christ and St. Peter's
at the Rector's House:


      The Rector

   Mr. Wyncoop      Mr. Claypoole
   Doctor Clarkson      Mr. David
   Mr. T. White      Mr. Bickham
   Mr. Hubley      Mr. Simmons
   Mr. Towers      Mr. Cox
   Mr. Morris      Mr. Powell
   Mr. Adcock

Tench Coxe was chosen the Rector's Church Warden which election
was not made as usual on Easter Monday on Account of the Rectors
[absence] at that time.

At a meeting of the Corporation of the United Churches of Christ and St. Peter's
at this Rector's House Present Monday May 7, 1787:



Vestry Men:
Mr. Towers Mr. Townsend White Mr. Wincoop, Mr. Dehaven Doctor
Clarkson Mr. Morris Mr. Claypoole Mr. Bickham Mr. Hall MrGurney

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The Vestry went unto a Consideration of the Appointing a Sexton for Christ
Church in the stead of the late Sexton Mr. Jacob Diegel and several applicants were
mentioned for the said office, after some conversation it was agreed to appoint a
committee to the report to the next meeting of the different candidates
whereupon Mr. Towers, Dr. Clarkson, and Mr. Hall and Mr. Gurney, were
appointed. The same committee are authorised to settle the fees for
ringing the bells on private occasions.
Was stated that the 15 Instant being the day, appointed for the meeting of
the convention of the church in this state, it is now proper to appoint
deputies to the same. Whereupon the Vestry resolved that there shall be three
deputies for each church and then proceeded to the election. Messsrs. Joseph Swift
Mr. Francis Hopkinson and William Pollard were chosen to represent Christ
Church and Doctor Clarkson Mr. Samuel Powell and W. Tench Coxe to represent St.
Peter's. On motion made and seconded it was unanimously resolved that the
thanks of the Vestry be given to the Reverend Doctor Andrews for officiating in the
United Churches during the absence of the Rector and to request his acceptance
of 30 Guineas as an acknowledgement of their satisfaction with his services
which sum the Church Wardens is desired to pay when the collection
shall enable him.
It appearing to the Vestry that small pillars are necessary between some of
the large pillars in Christ Church to support the galleries resolved
that the acting Church Warden have power to provide the same.

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At a meeting of the Vestry at the Rector's House on Monday Evening August
6, 1787:


The Right Reverend Dr. White Rector

Church Wardens:
Tench Coxe
Robert Towers

Vestry Men:
Mr. Claypoole, Mr. Simmons, Mr. Gurney, Mr. Wynkoop, Mr. Dehaven, Dr.
Clarkson, Mr. Morris, Mr. Sims, Mr. David, Mr. Bickham.

Mr. Towers, Mr. Simmons and Mr. Dehaven were appointed a committee
to have Christ Church Steeple painted, the same Committee are also
impowered to have a frame built adjoining the Parsonage House not expending
share on more than 20 pounds.
Mr. Joseph Dolby was chosen Sexton of Christ Church his salary to commence
from the last meeting of Vestry of the Committee appointed to settle the accounts
of the Treasury of Christ Church Hospital reported that they had examined
Mr. Reynolds accounted and found the same free of errors and that a balance of
4.12.10 was due from him.

At a meeting of the Vestry and on Tuesday evening September 28, 1787:

The Rector

Vestry Men:
Mr. Swift Mr. Morris Mr. Gurney Mr. Sims Mr. Claypoole Mr. Powel
Mr. Towers and Mr. Cox

The Rector stated to the Vestry on the application of Sundery Members of this
body in the names of them selves and others he had written to the Reverend Joseph
G. Bend now in New York to know whether he was inclined and at liberty to
except proposals if made for a settlement as Assistant Minister to be more
especially expected in that station to relieve the Rector from that weight of
Parochial Duty which he must find it difficult to attend too in consequence
of his duty as Bishop.
Thare was also laid before Vestry a letter from the Reverend Mr. Bend in answer to an
application of the Rectors, stating, the probility that he might be able to act as
Assistant Minister to the Churches whereupon resolved that the Rector be
authorised to treat with him on that subject provided it will be agreeable to
him to engage in that capacity for the sum of 175 pounds per annum
which is as much as the Vestry can undertake to offer in the present
situation of church funds.
On motion and seconded Resolved that the charge for Breaking Ground for
deceased members be two dollars.

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At a meeting of Vestry held at the Rector's House October 11, 1787:


The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
Dr. G. Clarkson Mr. R. Towers Mr. T. White Mr. Morris Mr. B. Wynkoop Mr. J. David
Mr. Jos. Swift Mr. Dehaven Mr. Swanwick Mr. W. Sims Mr. Gurney

The Right Reverend Dr. White repeated to the board that he had convened at New York
with the Reverend Mr. Bend who seemed disposed to accept of the offer of the Vestry provided
he could disengage himself from a previous engagment to go to the southward which
which he was in hopes to effect.
It was Resolved that Mr. Towers be desired to obtain copies of the Will of Mrs.
Venable and Mrs. Sulter and take such measures as in his judgement may be most fit
to obtain payment of the legacies therein bequeathed to this Vestry.
Mr. Towers repeated that he had obtained a law to be passed to enable the trustees to
dispose of the let left by the lateDr. Kearsley to this Vestry and thereupon it was
resolved that the committee of Christ Church Hospital see to have the deed executed
by the trustees appointed for the conveying of the said estate and the said act of
The Rector having mentioned to this Vestry the presents lately made to the church
by Mr. John Swanwick Messrs Woodrop and Joseph Sims of an Episcopal Chair a communion
Table Cloth and a Baptismal Font the chair by Mr. Swanwick and the cloth and
font by Messeurs Sims the same was accepted by this Vestry and their thanks
voted to their gentlemen for their attention to the church as manifested in their
Messers Joseph Swift and Mr. Swanwick were appointed a committee to obtain the deeds and paper
of an estate left by Dr. Kearsley to Christ Church Hospital from Mr. Bend the
executives of Mr. Kearsley a trial having taking place last May and Judgement for
the same been duly obtained.

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Monday Decemeber 31, 1787

the Right Reverend Dr. White Rector

Church Wardens:
Robert Towers
Tench Coxe

Vestry Men:
Mr. Dehaven Mr. David Mr. Morris Mr. Claypoole Dr. Clarkson Mr. Swift
Mr. Bickham Mr. Gurney Mr. Sims Mr. Simmons and Mr. Winkoop

The Rector stated that as there had been some informality in electing
the Reverend JG Bend Assistant Minister it would have been irregular to give
notice in the churches. Also that the Vestry were now noticed in due form
(Every Member having been served with a notice) that their meeting were for
Electing an Assistant Minister they then proceeded to the Election according to
the charter and laws of this corporation. When the Reverend Joseph G. Bend was
unanimously elected and confirmed Assistant Minister of the United
Churches of Christ Church and St. Peter's Church more especially to relieve
the rector of the weight of Parochial duty incumbent on him which he must
find it difficult to attend to, in consequence of his duty as Bishop, resolved
that his election be published in both churches on Sunday next immediately
after divine service.
At the same time resolved that the Reverend Joseph G. Bend salary should be at the
rate of two hundred pound per annum to commence the 25th September last.
Mr. Armorad was elected Clerk of St. Peter's Church with a salary of thirty
pounds a year.
Resolved that sundry ground rent deed purchased with Mrs. Clymers
money be put on record by the Church Warden.
Resolved that the Church Warden be directed to take legal measures to recover
the legacy of Mrs. Venables from Dr. Thomas Bond.

At a meeting of the Vestry of the United Churches of Christ Church and St.
Peter's Church held at the Rector's House Monday March 10, 1788:

The Right Reverend Doctor White

Vestry Men
Peter Dehaven      John Swanwick
Joseph Claypoole Francis Gurney
William Hall      George Bickham
John David      Leason Simmons
Gerardus Clarkson   John Morris
         Samuel Powell

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Church Wardens:
Robert Towers

Mr. Powell laid before the Vestry a letter from Mrs. Sarah Wistar dated
March and requesting payment of the principal and interest of a bond given by
the late Reverend Dr. Richard Peters Dr. John Morgan, Mr. John Wilcocks and him-
self dated
      For L
Mr. Towers, Mr. Swift and Mr. Swanwick are appointed a committee to wait upon
Mrs. Wister in regard to the above demand and to know what time she can
allow for the payment of his debt and to consider of ways and means for
raising the money for satisfying her demand.
Mr. Swift and Mr. Swanwick heretofore appointed a committee for enquiring
into and settling the affairs relative to the late Dr. Kearsley's Estate are
continued on that service, and Mr. Towers is added to that committee they
are requested to use their best exertions for settling this business, so as to be
able to repeat to the next meeting of Vestry.
Dr. Clarkson and Mr. Powel are appointed a committee to wait on Mrs.
Chew and to obtain information relative to a legacy left to the churches
by the late Mrs. Oswald.
A letter from Mr. Jonathan Gartly requesting an abatement of his present rent
for Christ Church School House was laid before the Vestry; whereupon
it was agreed that his rent from the expiration of the late year shall
befixed at thirty pounds specie till the fourth day of September next
Mr. Dehaven and Mr. Morris are appointed a committee to wait upon
Mrs. Morris the widow of the late Jonathan Morris Esq deceased, to request
payment of the bonds of her late husband to Mrs. Susannah
for fifty pounds each and by Mrs. assigned to the Vestry.
The same gentleman are requested to call on Mr. William Smith and to
urge him to the payment of his rent without delay.
Mr. Towers delivered to the Rector the following deeds received viz. a deed in
trust Samuel Read and wife to the Rector, Church Warden and Vestry Men
of the United Churches of Christ Church and St. Peter's Church in the city
of Philadelphia in the province of Pennsylvania and a counter part
of a deed Samuel Rhoad and wife to Anthony Martin and Ann his wife.
Which were mentioned in a former minute of Vestry to be delivered
to him for that purpose.
Mr. Towers Mr. Claypoole Mr. Simmons and Mr. Dehaven are appointed a committee
to inquire into cost of making the alterations in Christ Church agreeable to
a plan laid before the Vestry for removing the communion table
and reading desk and for making some new pews, and also to enquire
what will be the probable increase revenue from the said new pews
and to report at the next meeting of Vestry.

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At a meeting of the Vestry on March 22, 1788:


The Rector

Church Wardens:
Robert Towers
Tench Coxe

Vestry Men:
Joseph Swift      John Morris
Leeson Simmons      Joseph Claypoole
Benjamin Wynkoop
John David
G Clarkson

Mr. Powell being prevented from attending this meeting of
the Vestry by the death of a connexion informed the Vestry
by letter that Mrs. Oswalds legacy is 30 pounds, that Mr. Chew, the
Executor has not at this time any money belonging to his estate,
but that he will pay the money as soon as he has cash belong-
ing to the estate.
Mr. Towers and Mr. Swift reported that they had conversed with
Mrs. Wister and found her desposed to consent to receive half her
debt this spring and half in the fall, but not having yet determined
on the month probable means of providing the money the Vestry
referred the business to their next successors.
Mr. Towers and Mr. Swift reported that they had procured from William
Bond the title deeds relating to Dr. Kearsley's devise to Christ Church
Hospital and had delivered them to the Rector but that they had
not effected a settlement of the legacies which business appears to
deserve the early attention of the next Vestry.
The committee on the widow Towmans Bond's due from the estate
of John Morris Esq deceased reported that there was a want of effects
sufficient to discharge all his debts and advised that suit should be
brought whereupon Mr. Simmons and Mr. Coxe were requested to cause a
suit to be brought without delay, and to wait on Mr. Morris.
The Committee appointed to wait on Mr. G. Smith reported that
he paid all the arrears of rent due from him but 100 dollars which
he promised soon to pay.
The Committee appointed to consider the expense and of removing the
Communion Table erecting new pews in Christ Church reported that in
their opinion the same is advisable as their pews will produce a
fund sufficient to defray the expence and the church will receive
an addition to its revenue of 50 dollars per annum or thereabout.

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At a meeting of the Corporation of Christ Church and St. Peter's held at
Christ Church on Monday March 24, 1788 the following persons were
duly elected Vestry Men for said Churches.

Joseph Swift Peter Dehaven Robert Towers William Pollard William
Hall George Bickham Joseph Claypoole Leeson Simmons Francis
Hopkinson Joseph Donnadlson Tery Samuel Powell Gerardus Clarkson
Benjamin Wynkoop Francis Gurney Tench Coxe John Morris John
Swanwick Wooddrop Sims John David John Wilcocks.
After which Robert Towers was chosen accounting Church Warden
and Benjamin Wynkoop that Rectors Church Warden for the ensuing year
and the following persons were chosen Quest Men for Christ Church,
Peter Dehaven Joseph Claypoole Leeson Simmons George Bickham,
and for St. Peter's John Wilcocks John David John Morris and John Swanwick.

At a meeting of the Vestry and on Monday March 31, 1782:

The Rector

Church Wardens:
Mr. Towers
Mr. Wynkoop

Vestry Men:
Mr. Hopkinson, Mr. Morris, Mr. Donnaldson, Mr. David, Mr. Simmons,
Mr. Claypoole, Mr. T. Coxe, Mr. Bickham

Matthew Whitehead was unanimously elected Clerk of Christ Church
Mr. Dolby was chosen Sexton of Christ Church and Mr. Stokes Sexton of St.
Mr. James Reynolds was chosen treasurer of Christ Church Hospital
Mr. Hall, Mr. Simmons, Mr. Dehaven and Mr. Claypoole were
chosen a committee to Christ Church Hospital.
Mr. Hopkinson and Mr. Donnaldson were appointed a committee
to settle the arrears of the Treasurer of Christ Church Hospital
and of the Church Warden.
The Treasurer of Christ Church Hospital was authorized to appo-
int a Collector of the ground rents of that fund, and to allow him a
Comm[ission] not exceeding 2 1/2 per cent.
The salary of Mr. Whitehead was fixed at thirty pounds per annum,
and that of Mr. Ormored at the same.
Resolved that the clerk of Christ Church be authorized to receive
of all persons who apply one shilling for each search and two shilling and
six pence for every rectified copy of a registry of a Christening.
The salary of the Sexton of Christ Church is contained at 28 pounds per

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annum and that of St. Peter's Church at the same.
Mr. Simmons and Mr. Coxe reported, that they had applied to Mr.
John Morris to obtain the money due on the two bonds from
Mr. John Morris to Mrs. Sermoine which she said she could not pay
but advised a suit to be brought against herself as Executrix
and that they had therefore applied to John Wilcox Esq commerce
such for the same the committee were continued.
Mr. Towers, Mr. Swift, Mr. Swanwick and Mr. Hopkinson were
requested and authorized to confer with Mr. P. Bond respecting the
balance due from Kearsley's Estate to Christ Church Hospital
and make report.
The acting Church Warden Mr. Towers was requested to prosecute
the claim. Dr. Kearsley Bond from Mr. Venables legacy.
The subscriptions from pews that was arises from time to time were
appropriated to the payment of Mrs. Sarah Wisters Debt, till
it should discharge the same.

At a meeting of the Vestry of Christ Church and St. Peter's April 10, 1788:


The Rector

Vestry Men:
Mr. Simmons   Mr. Hopkinson   Mr. Pollard   Mr. Hall
Mr. Donnaldson   Mr. Wynkoop   Mr. Morris
Mr. Dehaven   Mr. Swift   Mr. Swanwick
Mr. Towers   Mr. Gurney   Mr. Bickham

The Committee appointed to confer with Mr. Bond respecting the
demands on the estate of the late Dr. Kearsley for Christ Church
Hospital made report whereupon Resolved:
That the same committee state the case to council and take
advise as to the amount of their legal and just right and how the shall
prosecute the same to effect.
Resolved that Mr. Towers, Mr. Simmons, Mr. Hopkinson Mr.
Claypoole, and Mr. Dehaven be a committee to plan an alteration
of the chancel reading desk in Christ Church and to carry the same
into effect.
Resolved that the Church Warden be authorised to pay Dr. Andrews

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the difference between 30 Guineas and the paper money paid him
for that sum at the time of payment.

At a meeting of the Vestry etc June 5, 1788:

The Rector

Church Warden:
Mr. Robert Towers

Vestry Men:
Mr. Hopkinson, Dr. Clarkson, Mr. Claypoole, Mr. Dehave, Mr. W. Sims,
Mr. Simmons, Mr. Coxe, Mr. Morris, Mr.

Hopkinson and Mr. Donnaldson, reported that they examined the Church Wardens
accounts and find them right and a balance due thereon to the Church of 9.19.10
they also reported that they had examined the accounts of the Treasurer of
Christ Church Hospital and found a balance due thereon of L 27.0.2 1/2 in specie
and L 22.3.6 in paper.
The Church Warden stated to the Vestry that Mr. John Britton had an offer to pay and
secure to the Vestry the sum of seventy five pounds on the assignment to him of
Mr. Sonmans two points for 50 pounds each and the interest thereon, and moreover to
pay over to the church and surplaces above the debt now due from said Britton
to the estate of John Morris deed the said debt being about 92... when the
same shall be recorded. Whereupon the Vestry determined to accept the same
and the bonds were assigned and committed to the Church Warden for deliv-
ery. Mr. Dehaven was authorized to adjust the matter with Mr. Britton.

At a meeting of the Vestry of Christ Church and St. Peter's Church JUly 31, 1788
      at the Rector's House:
   Right Reverend Doctor White   Gerardus Clarkson
   John Wilcocks         Robert Towers
   Benjamin Wynkoop      Francis Gurney and
   Mr. Claypoole         Mr. Swanwick
   Mr. Donnaldson

It being represented to this board by Mr. Church Warden that Mr. Whitesides had
made proposals for taking on an improving lease the parsonage house and lot for a
number of years. It was resolved that the Bishop, Mr. Towers and Mr. Donnaldson
be appointed a committee to negotiate with Mr. Whiteside, on this business and make
report of their proceedings to this board.

At a meeting of the Vestry and on Monday November 3, 1788:

The Rector

Church Warden:
Col. Gurney

Vestry Men:
Mr. David, Doctor Clarkson, Mr. Bickham, Mr. Claypoole, Mr. Powell, Mr. Swift, Mr. Wynkoop,
Mr. Cox and Mr. Towers

The Rector laid before the Vestry a plan of a free school for boys to be under the care of the
Trustees of the Episcopal Academy Intend to include when sufficient funds should
be raised a Sunday School as also a school for girls and confirming a proposition

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for Charity Sermons to be preached annually to assist on the support of same.
Whereupon resolved that the Vestry consent that the Rector and Assistant Ministers of these
United Churches may annually in the month of May Preach Sermons for the benefit of
the said Charity Schools, and in consideration that equal care should be extended by
the well disposed to both sexes, this Vestry earnestly recommend that the plan of the said
school be extended to Girls from the beginning and that the moneys arising from
the sermons above mentioned be applied towards supporting the whole.

At a meeting of the Vestry of Christ Church and St. Peter's at the Rector's
House December 4, 1788:

Right Reverend Doctor White   Mr. Dehaven
      Mr. Hopkinson   G. Clarkson
      Mr. Swift   Mr. Donnaldson
      Mr. David   Mr. Simmons and
      Mr. Towers   Mr. Wynkoop
      Mr. Claypoole

Collectors at the Churches for the poor amounts to 109.9.5 1/2 specie and
14/ paper.
Proposals for selling St. Peter's organ having been made to the Vestry.
   Resolved that a committee be appointed to enter into a treaty for that
purpose. The Committee appointed are the Church Wardens, Mr. Hopkinson
and Gerardus Clarkson.
Mr. W. Sim's letter was read respecting the window blinds, the Vestry are obliged to him
for his kind offer which they have thought necessary to decline.

At a meeting of the Vestry at the Rector's house January 22, 1789:

The Rector

Church Wardens:
Robert Towers
Benjamin Wynkoop

Vestry Men:
John Wilcocks
Peter Dehaven
   Joseph Claypoole, John Swanwick, Leeson Simmons, William Hall
Francis Hopkinson, Francis Gurney and George Bickham, a letter from John Gartley
was read paying the rent of the School house in his tenure to be lowered and it was agreed that
instead of 30 pounds a year the present rent of the school house it shall be 25 pounds a year to take
place from the 4th of last month.
Resolved that the thanks of the Vestry be given to Mr. Gastelowe for his generous gift
of a mahogeny Communion Table and the making of a font for Christ Church.
A design having been formed to remove the organ in St. Peter's church from the place
where it now stands to gallery to be built for it over the chancel and a drawing
or elevation of the organ so stated being laid before the Vestry. It was resolved that a
committee be appointed to examine the place proposed to see how it will affect the
view of the chancel, and also to procure an estimate of the expense that will attend
such removals and in general to make all necessary inquiries respecting this
business, and make report to the Vestry as soon as may be convenient.
Mr. Tower, Mr. Gurney, Mr. Wilcocks, and Mr. Wynkoop were appointed a

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Committee for the above purpose. A letter from the Reverend Mr. Bend was read
requesting some increase of his salary for reasons communicated in the said
letter, which was ordered to lye on the table for consideration till the next mee-

At a meeting of the Vestry at the Bishop's House January 31, 1789:

The Bishop

Church Wardens:
Robert Towers
Benjamin Wynkoop

Vestry Men:
John Wilcocks
Peter Dehaven
Leeson Simmons
Joseph Claypoole
Francis Hopkinson

   The Committee appointed at last meeting to make all necessary enquiries
respecting the proposed removal of the organ in St. Peter's Church, report that
they had carefully examined the place internal for the organ and ascertained
by actual measurement the height at which the floor of a gallery over the chancel
way be placed for the reception of the organ and find that it may be so elevated
as not to injure the view of the chancel, nor be other wise inconvenient. That the
playing of the organ there will not only be ornamental to the church but very
advantageous in as much as six good pews will be obtained in the space present
occupied by the organ.
For these reasons the committee recommend the revival of the said organ according
to the place proposed. And the said committee further report that they have
enquired into the expense that will be necessary to carry this plan into execution, and
find that the sum of 110 pounds or thereabouts will be sufficient to build the said
gallery, remove and put up the organ, finish the six pews in place where the
organ now stands, and find all necessary materials for the purposes aforesaid.
      Whereupon on motion resolved
   That the said organ be removed according to the plan presented. And
that Mr. Wynkoop, Mr. gurney, and Mr. Wilcocks be a committee for carrying
the said design into Execution. And it is further resolved, that Messrs Joseph
Sims and George Plumsted be requested to join with and assist the said
committee in this business.
Resolved that the monies necessary to this purpose shall be raised by sub-
scriptions on letting of pews in St. Peter's Church or otherwise so that the Church
Funds may not be answerable therefore.
   It being represented to the Vestry that the roof of St. Peter's CHurch was leaky
and out of Repair, and stood in great need of a new covering. And that is to the
subscriptions to be solicited for the removal of the organ, that of raising money for
new covering the roof of the church be added. Moneys may be received suff-
icient for both purposed.
It was resolved that the foregoing committee be authorized to procure subs-
criptions for repairing the roof of the said Church as well as for the removal
of the organ, and to contract with workmen and have the said roof repaired

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when a sufficient sum shall be so subscribed over and above what may be necessary
for removing the organ making the new pews etc.
   Resolved that Mr. Joseph Sims be the Treasurer of the aforesaid committee to
recieve and pay the monies raised for the above purpose, and to render an account
thereof to this Vestry as soon as the business shall be completed.

At a meeting of the corporation of Christ Church and St. Peter's in
Christ Church on Easter Monday the April 13, 1789 for the choice of
Warden and Vestry men, the following persons were duly elected.
Mr. Joseph Swift, Peter Dehaven, Robert Towers, George Bickham, William Hall,
Joseph Claypoole, Francis Hopkinson, Leeson Simmons, Joseph Donaldson, James Ash,
Samuel Powel, Francis Gurney, Wooddrop Sims, Tench Coxe, Benjamin Wynkoop,
Johnathon David, Thomas Cuthbert, Gerardus Clarkson, Johnathon Wilcocks, and Johnathon Swanwick.
   After which, Mr. Johnathon Wilcocks was appointed accounting Church
Warden, and Mr. Robert Towers the Rector's Church Warden.

At a meeting of teh Corporation of the United Episcopal Churches of Christ and St. Peter's
Church in the City of Philadelphia at the Rector's House April 16, 1789.

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Church Wardens:
Mr. Robert Towers
Mr. John Wilcocks

Vestry Men:
         Mr. Cuthbrt   Mr. Bickham
Mr. Dehaven      Mr. David
Dr. C. Clarkson      Mr. T. Coxe
Mr. Claypoole      Mr. Swanwick

Mr. Towers laid before the Vestry a letter from Mr. Joseph Dobbins to the Rector
Assistant Minister and acting Church Wardens. Copy of which is directed to be placed
at the foot of this minutes. The Vestry taking into consideration the terms proposed for the
gift, grant bargain Table of the said Joseph Dobbins contained in the following letter
unanimously agreed to accept the same as Trustees of Christ Church Hospital and do hereby
declare their full acceptance thereof and Mr. Wilcocks and Mr. Coxe are appointed a committee
to complete the formal settlement agreeable to teh terms prescribed by the donor and
grantor. One motion ordered that notice be given to the Vestry that it is intended on Monday
next to consider the propriety of a grant of money. It being proposed to encourage the
salary of the Reverend Mr. Bend. Sheri H. Hall on Wappoo four miles from Charleston South Carolina January 28, 1787
To our worthy Bishop M White to the Reverend Mr. Blackwill and my old friend Robert Towers.
      I am now sick but I believe not to die at this time and particular hope to live until I can settle my
affaris to my mind and as this is a beginning and you approve of my offer it may be a part done which I could wish was
finished. There is that lot in 5th STreet and that N 4 from Tehuy[unclear] with somewhere about five hundred pounds in
possession of my old friend John Drinker. THe whole I leave to teh use of Doctor Kearsley's Bounty to the poor dis-
tressed widows for a continual succession until time shall be no more paying forty TM dollars every three
months brought and delivered in my hands and not for me to run after it. The tikes of the lands are in that Hands
with my friend John Drinker who I have informed by letter and if you approve of my offer the conveyance may be
made but and executed the sonner the better. I expect you three to act a just part by me and if I receive that sum
every three months I shall be satisfied. I shall conclude as I am weary and you know my mind subscribe
         Your affectionate well wisher
                     Joseph Dobbins
N3 It is my request that the money in the hands of my friend
may not be taken from him while he gives sufficient security
and pays the Reterigh After my death the annuity ceases.

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At a meeting of the Corporation of the United Espicopal Churches of Christ Church and St. Peter's Church
in the city of Philadelphia at the Rector's House on April 20, 1789:

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Church Warden:
Mr. R. Towers

Vestry Men:
         Mr. J Swanwick      Mr. J. Claypoole
Dr. G. Clarkson      Mr. F. Gurney      Mr. J. David
Mr. F. Hopkinson   Mr. B. Wynkoop

Mr. James Reynolds was elected Treasurer of Christ Church Hospital for the ensuing years
Mr. Whitehead Clerk of Christ Church       Mr. Dolby Sexton fo Christ Church
Mr. Ormerad Do of St. Peter's Church      Mr. Stokes Do of St. Peter's Church
Mr. Wynkoop and Mr. Sims be a committee for the settling of Christ Church Hospital accounts
and the account of the accounting Church Warden. Mr. Claypoole Mr. Simmons Mr. Hall and Mr.
Dehaven are elected a committee for Christ Church Hospital. A paper was laid before the
Vestry as proper to be signed by teh Right Reverend Dr. White, The Reverend R. Blackwell and Mr. R. Towers, accepting
the untended grant of Joseph Dobbins of South Carolina whereupon the said gentlemen are requested to
execute the same and the committee for Christ Church Hospital to pay for teh use of said Mr. Dobbins to
the said Gentlemen the sum of forty dollars quarterly as stipulated and on the other hand to collect and credit
said Hospital for the sums arising from the property in the gift of Mr. Dobbins mentioned as given to
said Hospital. And the said Gentlemen are hereby assured that the said money shall be paid as
above directed. On motion it was agreed that a committee be appointed to confess of Mr. F. Gurney
Mr. Joseph Donaldson and Mr. R. Towers to enquire into and report the actual state of the funds of the
churches and charges therein to the next meeting and they are authorized to call to their assistance Mr.
Joseph Sims in framing said report. Agreed that the Vestry be called again on Thursday
Evening next and that the Rector be desired to order to be inserted in the notices that money is to be
disposed of.

At a meeting of the corporation of the United Episcopal Churches of Christ Church and St. Peter's Church
in the City of Philadelphia at the Rector's House April 23, 1789:

The Right Reverend Doctor White

Church Wardens:
Mr. R. Towers
MR. John Wilcocks

Vestry Men:
      Mr. Simmons   Mr. Hall
Mr. F. Gurney   Mr. Ash      Mr. Swanwick
Mr. Dehaven   Dr. G. Clarkson
Mr. Bickham   Mr. Claypoole
Mr. W. Sim

On motion directed that the Church Wardens prepare and present at the next meeting a State of the Debts,
due by the churches. The committee appointed to report a state of the Church Fund, delivered in the
following which was directed to be placed on the minutes.
   State of the funds of Christ and St. Peter's Churches 1789
Box Money......................200."."      Two Clerks Wages etc................70."."
Tombs...........................20."."      Sextons.............................50."."
                  Bellows Blowers.....................13.10."
                  Balance remaining for contingences..36.10."
          220."."                   220."."
Pew Rent arising from both Churches 836."."   Rector.............................400."."
Breaking the Ground.................160."."   One Assistant......................400."."
Deficiency............................4."."   One Assistant......................200."."
             1000."."                 1000."."

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State of the funds of Christ and St. Peter's Churches continued.
Parsonage House..........65."."   Rector......................100."."
Schoolhouse..............25."."   Balance......................20."."
Burial Fees..............30."."
         120."."             120."."
Contra Balance...........20."."   Deficiency 2nd Statement......4."."
            Balance in favor of Churches 16."."
          20."."             20."."
After which the salaries of the Assistant Ministers were taken into consideration and being pro-
posed and seconded that the salary of the Reverend Dr. Blackwell should be three hundred and fifty
pounds per annum as the funds on which 50 pounds additional granted him in 1783 are diminished
it was determined that Dr. Blackwell's salary should be three hundred and fifty pounds per
annum commencing the 25th September ensuing. The consideration of the Reverend W. Bend,
Letter of requesting an increase of this salary was returned; and being proposed
adn seconded that Mr. Bend's salary should be two hundred and seventy five pounds per annum; it was
resolved Mr. Bends Salary should be two hundred and Seventy five pounds per annum commencing
the 24th March last.

At a meeting of the corporation of the United Episcopal Churches of Christ Church and St. Peter's
Church in the City of Philadelphia at the Rector's House June 1, 1789:

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Church Wardens:
Mr. R. Powers
Mr. John Wilcocks

Vestry Men:
         Mr. J. David      Mr. Swanwick
Mr. Joseph Claypoole   Mr. Joseph Ash      Mr. G. Clarkson
Mr. F. Hopkinson   Mr. W. Sims
Mr. T. Coxe      Mr. Francis Gurney
Mr. T. Cuthbert

The Church Wardens directed to bring in a state of the demands against the churches not
being ready to report are requestedto be prepared against teh next meeting of Vestry.....
The appointment of Deputies to attend the convention of the Chrches in this state on teh 9th
Instant being proposed the following Gentlemen were chosen from each of the Congregations for
the above purpose. For Christ Church Mr. Hopkinson Mr. Joseph Swift and Mr. James
Reynolds. For St. Peter's Church Mr. Powell, Dr. G. Clarkson and Mr. Tench Coxe....
Mr. Coxe and Mr. Wilcocks reported their having transmitted to Mr. Joseph Dobbins of South
Carolina the acceptance of the Rector Assistant Minister adn Mr. Robert Towers/Church
Warden of said Dobbins gift, grant, bargain adn take of his Estate mentioned in his letter
dated as Trustees for Christ Church Hospital and having received teh fith deeds
deposited, in the hands of John Wilcocks (Church Warden) of said Estate from his attorney
Mr. John Drinker and that a formal conveyance is preparing for Mr. Dobbins Execution there of
to perfect his donation and cantract........Mr. Hopkins and Mr. Coxe were appointed a committee to
to the Executor or Executrix of Mr. Kearsley Executrix of her late husband Dr. Kearsley
for a balance due to Christ Church Hospital and if not paid when demanded immediately to
recover the debt by law.

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At a meeting of the Corporation of the United Episcopal Churches of Christ Church adn St.
Peter's Church in the city of Philadelphia at the Rector's House September 7, 1789:

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Church Warden:
Mr. John Wilcocks

Vestry Men:
      Dr. G. Clarkson      Mr. Joseph Claypoole
Mr. David   Mr. Cuthbert
Mr. Dehaven   Mr. Powell

The Church Warden presented a report of the debts due by the church which was read and directed to
be placed on the minutes to be considered at next meeting................

The Church Wardens directed the 23rd of April 1789 to bring in a state of the debt, due
from the Churches Do report due:
   To the Right Reverend Bishop White on account of Salary to Michaelmas 1789..478"3"10
   Ditto on account of Parsonage and Burial Fees................................34.10. 512.13.10
   To Doctor Blackwell to Michalmas 1789...............................................719.5.1
   To the Reverend Mr. Bend to ditto 1789..............................................149.10."
   To the Trustees of the College of Philadelphia unpaid by
               Doctor Peters.....19.115.19
   Interest from 16th June 1775 to June 16th 1789 is 14 years 97.7.2
               Exchange @ 7272...........154.12.11 1/2
                         367.19.1 1/2
   Paid by Mr. Adcock 25th January 1784......72.18.3
    paid by Mr. Sims 27 April 1785 ..........37.".10 }109.19.1...........258." 1/2
   Richard Peters Samuel Powell John Morgan and John Wilcocks
            to Sarah Wistar Dr.
         1774 April 14 to Their bond for ...... 215."."
         1789 August 28th to said to this day...198.5."
   1775 June 10 By cash Executor of Johnathan Brown.......12.18
   1777 21 By ditto       Jason Reynolds 13.1.6
   1782 January 10 By ditto        William Adcock...64.6.6
   1785 March 16 By ditto       Wooddrop Sims....38.14."
   1786 November 10 By ditto       Tench Coxe     12.18."
   1788 November 3 By ditto       Robert Towers 50."." 191.18."..........221.1/2.11

Mr. Coxe and Mr. Wilcocks presented the deeds for conveying Mr. Dobbins of South Carolinas gift of
his estate to the Rector Church Wardens and Vestry Men of the United Episcopal Churches of
Christ Church and St. Peter's Church in the City of Philadelphia for the use of Christ Church
Hospital which were read and approved and the above mentioned gentlemen continued a committee empowered
to affix the seal of the corporation to the conterpart of said deed and to transmit it to Mr.
Dobbins with the deed for his Execution for conveying said estaet as aforementioned.
Whereas a considerable deficiency appears in the collection of teh Pew Rents the Church Warden is in-
structed to call on Mr. Harvey the collector to know the reason of such deficiency and if it shall appear
that such deficiency shall have happended thro neglect of payment of the Pew holders that the collector
be ordered to inform them that unless all arrearages at present due on their respective settings
are discharged in two months from the date; their seats will be left to such persons as
as may apply for settings.

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At a meeting of the corporation of the United Episcopal Churches of Christ Church and
St. Peter's Church in Philadelphia at the Rector's House November 11, 1789:


The Right Reverend Dr. White

Church Warden:
Mr. R. Towers
Mr. John Wilcocks

Vestry Men:
         Mr. Swanwick
Mr. Joseph Swift   Mr. Simmons
Mr. Jes Claypoole   Mr. T. Gurney
Mr. Powell      Mr. David
Mr. W. Sims      Doctor G. Clarkson

Resolved that the committee for Christ Church Hospital authoised to transact the
business with Mr. Dobbins agreeable to his pleasure and that his annuity shall commence
from January 28, 1789 which is the date of his first letter upon the subject. The same
committee are requested to call upon Mr. Drinker for a real security to the value of
double teh money remaining in his hands. Resolved that Mr. R. Towers be added
to the committee who were empowered to commence a suit at law against the Executors of the
Estate of Dr. J. Kearsley Senior.... It being stated to the Vestry by the Rector that a
present consisting of Waltons Polyglot Bible 6 Notes folio and Doctor Castells Lexicon 2 Not
folio was made to Christ Church Library by the Reverend T. Preston Rector of Chivening in Kent.
Great Retain which books were produced to this Vestry. Resolved that the Rector be
requested to communicate the thanks of this body to the Reverend Mr. Preseton for this valuable
present.....Resolved that Matthew Whitehead the Clerk be directed to bring the
Minutes Books of Vestry to the Rectors on the days of meeting.......Mr. Sims reports
that the committee appointed to settle the accounts of the late Church Warden had examined
the same and find a balance due of twelve pounds four shillings and eleven pence
in the general accounts and three pounds six shillings and four pence from Mr. Clymer Charity
and that there is a balance due him from the communion account of 2/10/2. Mr. Sims
in behalf of the committee further reports that they had examined the accounts of the [unclear]
of Christ Church Hospital and find a balance due of 130 pounds of which is Thomas Bradford's
acceptance for 16.3.9 and 7.14.4 paper money. The Church Warden, are requested to
demand of Mr. John Field the Legacy of Mrs. Venables and it then cannot oftain payment
to take legal advice in what made to proceed for recovery thereof.

At a meeting of the Corporation of the united Episcopal Churches of Church and St. Peter's
Church in Philadelphia at the Rector's House December 19, 1789:

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Church Wardens:
Mr. Robert Towers
Mr. John Wilcocks

Vestry Men:
      Mr. Swift   Mr. David
Mr. Hopkinson   Mr. Claypoole
Mr. Dehaven   Mr. Powell

Mr. Claypoole in behalf of the Committee for Christ Church Hospital reported an in-
conveniece to Mr. Drinker to give real security for the amount of Mr. Dobbins gift
to that institution proposing to give his own and brother Mr. Henry Drickers' Bond for
the Debt aforementioned to said corporation and the committee are requested to have the same
executetd Mr. Towers being added to the Committee for this purpose. Mr. Hopkinson
reported that [unclear] relating to the claim against the Executors of the late Dr.
Kearsley were handed to Alex Wilcocks Esq to bring an action thereupon.

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At a meeting of the corporation of the united Episcopal Churches of Christ Church and
St. Peter's Church in Philadelphia at the Rector's House January 6, 1790:

The Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
      Mr. Rukham   Mr. Simmons
Dr. Clarkson   Mr. Gurney   Mr. Robert Towers
Mr. Tench Coxe   Mr. Claypoole   Mr. John Wilcocks

Mr. Claypoole reported Mr. John Drinker request to have the seal of the corporation of
Christ and St. Peter's Churches affixed to a receipt for amount of the money in his hands part of
Mr. Dobbins donation to Christ Church Hospital, the Church Wardens are appointed
to affix the seal of the corporation to discharge Mr. Drinker as above mentioned. .......
The Church Wardens reported their having agreed with Thomas Rick Esq for one
of the vaults in Christ Church yard agreeable to a Resolution of Vestry, fixing conditions
for such privileges. The Rector communicated a letter from Dr. Bard of New
York applying for the admission of Mr. Stout as a pensioner of Christ Church
Hospital the consideration of which application is refered to next Vestry.

At a meeting of the corporation of the united Episcopal Churches of Christ and St. Peter's
Churches in Philadelphia at the Rector's House March 22, 1790:

The Reverend Dr. White

Church Wardens:
Mr. Robert Towers
Mr. John Wilcocks

Vestry Men:
      Mr. Claypoole   Mr. Dehaven
Dr. Clarkson   Mr. David
Mr. Simmons   Mr. W. Sims

Resolved that there be granted to Thomas Riche Esq and family the exclusive right of
vault in Christ Church and being the middle of three vaults beginning at the north
east corner to be held by them in the same manner as other vaults in the churches and
church yards are held. The said Mr. Riche having paid for the right of the said
vault. Resolved farther that the Church Wardens are to deliver Mr. Riche a copy
of this minute with the feel of the corporation affixed thereunto. The committee of
Christ Church Hospital having leased the house and lot on the East side of fifth St
at 27 pounds per anum the said committee are appointed to affix the seal of the corporation
thereunto. THe committee Christ Church Hospital farther reported their settlements
with Mr. John Drinker for Mr. Dobbins donation agreeable to appointment of Vestry
of 19th December and their report is as follows and ordered to be placed on the minutes.
The Committee appointed to settle with John Drinker report that business is completed.
That they have obtained two bonds signed by John and Henry Drinker one for 250 pounds
and the other for 200 pounds payable in one year to this corporation with interest, also
9.13.7 in cash being the full balance of Mr. Joseph Dobbins Donation to Christ
Church Hospital which is paid Mr. James Reynolds Treasurer. Also received two
notes of William Hamilton Esq for forty three pounds for rent due to Mr. Dobbins
which notes they presented to Mr. Hamilton who has added 17 pounds as a donation to said
Hospital amounting in the whole to sixty pounds for which sum Mr. Hamilton has
given a bond to this corporation payable in one year with interest. That they have
settled with Paul Egling for the rent of a pasture lot and received nine pounds three
shillings and three pence being the full balance due from him which they have

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paid to James Reynolds Treasurer in whose hands are deposited all the bonds
about recited. Being stated to the Vestry that the convention of the Churches
in this state have required of this united Churches 6.~.~ as their quota to a
fund for incidental expences of the convention resolved that the Church Warden be au-
thorised to pay the said sum to the Secretary to the Cenvention. Resolved that Church
Wardens Mr. Sims and Mr. Coxe be appointed a committee to report at next meeting an ex-
act state of the different sums due from the churches and the arreancies due to them and
also to consider of a plan for the discharging of the debts. The Rector is desired to
summon the Vestry to meet on next Monday.

At an election held at Christ Church on Easter Monday April5, 1790 agreeably
to notice given in both churches yesterday and according to charter and usage the following
gentlemen were duly elected Vestry Men for the ensuing year. Joseph Swift Peter
DeHaven Robert Towers George Bickham William Hall Joseph Claypoole Frances
Hopkinson Leeson Simmons Joseph Donaldson James Ash Samuel Powell
Frances Gurney Woodrop Sims Tench Coxe Benjamin Wynkoop John David
Gerardus Clarkson John Wilcocks William Thomas and Thomas Cuthbert.

At a meeting of the corporation of the united Episcopal Churches of Christ Church and St.
Peter's Church in Philadelphia at the Rector's House April 5, 1790:

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
      George Bickham
Tench Coxe   Joseph Donaldson
Joseph Swift   Benjamin Wynkoop
Robert Towers   Gerardus Clarkson
John David   Thomas Cuthbert
Leeson Simmons   Woodrop Sims and John Wilcocks

John Wilcocks was elected accounting Church Warden and Robert Towers the Rector's
Church Warden.

Quest Men for Christ Church:
Joseph Claypoole
Leeson Simmons
Peter Dehaven
Joseph Donaldson

Quest Men for St. Peter's Church:
Thomas Cuthbert
John David
Benjamin Wynkoop
Woodrop Sims


At a meeting of the corporation of the United Episcopal Churches of Christ
Church and St. Peter's Church in Philadelphia at the Rector's House April 12, 1790:

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
         Thomas Cuthbert
Joseph Swift      Gerardus Clarkson
William Thomas      Joseph Claypoole
John David      Woodrop Sims

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Leeson Simmons

Church Warden:
Robert Towers
John Wilcocks

Mr. Jams Reynolds was elected Treasurer and Joseph Claypoole Robert Towers
Peter DeHaven William Hall and Leeson Simmons were chosen a committee for
Christ Church Hospital. Matthew Whitehead Clerk Joseph Dolby sexton fo
Christ Church. John Armrod Clerk George Stokes Sexton of St. Peter's Church.
Peter Curtz is appointed organist for both churches. Gerardus Clarkson and Woodrop
Sims are appointed to settle the late Church Wardens accounts and the accounts of
the Treasurer of Christ Church Hospital. The committee for stating the debts
against the church, arrearages due to them and reporting a plan for discharging the above
debts, not having found it convenient to report on said business are reappointed to that
duty. Robert Towers Joseph Swift and John Wilcocks are appointed a committee
to demand and recover Mr. Venables legacy fo Mr. John Field. Tench Coxe Francis
Hopkinson and Robert Towers are appointed and John Wilcocks added to conduct the
suit brought against the Executor of Mr. Kearsley fro a settlement of her accounts
and recovering Doctor Kearsley's devise in favor of Christ Church Hospital. The consider-
ation of Doctor Bards application to the Rector for Mr. Stout's receiving assistance
from the charity of Christ Church Hospital was taken up. The Rector Joseph
Swift and John Wilcocks are appointed to examine Doctor Kearley's Will and
report on the subject for the Vestry's future determination. The Rector and
Church Wardens are appointed to apply to council at New York for the recovery
of Mr. Cumings legacy lent on interest to Messrs         a
donation for the use of the poor of the congregations. Robert Towers and John
David are appointed to demand and recover a ground rent due by Lawrence Powell
a charity for the poor of the congregations.

At a meeting of the corporation of the united Episcopal Churches of Christ Church
and St. Peter's Church in Philadelphia at the Rector's House May 29, 1790:

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Church Wardens:
Leeson Simmons
John Wilcocks

Vestry Men:
         Peter DeHaven
Gerardus Clarkson   Joseph Donaldson
William Thomas      George Bickham
James Ash

The committee to whom was referred the consideration of Mr. Stouts receiving assis-
tance from Christ Church Hospital were of opinion she could not be assisted
otherwise than by a residence in the Hospital and the Rector has a consequence
written to Doctor Bard that Mr. Stout will have the preference of the
first vacancy that happens in the Hospital if she chooses to apply for it.
The several committees appointed the 12th April are continued and requested to forward

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forwarded the respective business alloted them. The Rector reported that
Miss Margaret Edwards offering him a can of one hundred pounds for the use
of the Churches which he communicated to John Wilcocks Church Warden then
agreed to accept the loan for amount of the churches and gave them joint bond
of         for said one hundred pounds which
the Vestry do assume as a debt for which the churches are accountable and the Church
Warden is directed to apply it in discharge of either the debt due to the college or Mrs.
Wister as can be done most for the benefit of the churches. The Rector acquainted
the Vestry of this convening them from his desire of having deputies appointed to attend
the convention of the churches in this state to meet on Tuesday the 1st instant and an
election being held the following were appointed

for Christ Church:
Francis Hopkinson
Joseph Swift
James Reynolds

for St. Peter's Church:
Gerardus Clarkson
Benjamin Chew Sr Esq
John Wilcocks

At a meeting fo the corporation of the united Episcopal Churches of Christ
Church and St. Peter's Church in Philadelphia at the Rector's House August 27, 1790:

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Church Wardens:
Robert Towers
John Wilcocks

Vestry Men:
         James Ash
Samuel Powell      Leeson Simmons
William Hall
Francis Gurney

The Rector informed the Vestry that he had summoned them at the instance of
sundry of the members who suggested the propriety of providing a pew for the President
of the United States, the same being taken into consideration, resolved that Robert
Towers Joseph Claypole and William Hall be a committee for that purpose.

At a meeting of the corporation of united Episcopal Churches of Christ
Church and St. Peter's Church in Philadelphia at the Rector's House November 26, 1797:

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Church Wardens:
Woodrop Sims
Robert Towers

Vestry Men:
         George Bickham
Francis Gurney      John David
Joseph Claypoole
Peter DeHaven

One motion resolved that a committee be appointed to consider of a plan now
proposed to erect sundry pews in the westermost isles in St. Peter's Church reducing
the width of the side isles and to carry the plan into execution if they shall
deem it necessary. Robert Towers Francis Gurney and Woodrop Sims were

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were appointed to above business. The committee appointed to provide the President
of the United States a pew in Christ Church report that they have obtained a double pew
in the middle isle of the said church, in this business they have promised the
several families who have been removed from their sittings that they are to be re-
instated, whenever the public use to which the said pew is now appropriated should
be discontinued or whenever the same can be done in consequence of the removal
of any pew holder in that time. The Rector and the Church Wardens are requested
to wait on the President after his arrival with the key of the said pew.
Robert Towers George Bickham Frances Gurney are appointed a committee to treat
for a lease on ground rent of the parsonage lot to report to the Vestry. A letter was
read from the Reverend Mr. Bend slating the deficency in the payment of his salary
resolved that the Church Warden be directed to take measures to compel those to
make direct payment who are in arrears for pew rent.

At a meeting of the corporation of the united Episcopal
Churches of Christ church and St. Peter's Church in Philadelphia at the Rector's
House January 20, 1791:

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Church Warden:
Robert Towers

Vestry Men:
         Francis Gurney
Joseph Claypoole   George Bickham
Thomas Cuthbert      Tench Coxe
James Ash      Joseph Donaldson

The committee appointed to treat for a lease on ground rent of the Parsonage
Lot of Christ Church reported sundry offers, after due consideration of which
it was resolved that the said committee be and they are hereby authorised and
empowered to fit the said lot at any rate not less than four pounds per foot
and they are particularly instructed that ample security be provided in the
contract for the regular payment of the rent charge either by the sufficiency
of the buildings to be forthwith erected or by other satisfactory means.
On motion resolved that the said committee prior to their receiving their ne-
gotiations for the above sale be instructed to obtain the opinion of
Benjamin Chew and Alexander Wilcocks Esq whether the parsonage
lot with the buildings thereon can be legally leased upon ground rent
forever. Resolved that Joseph Donaldson and James Ash be added to the
above committee and that any three of them be a quorum. Resolved that the
Church Wardens be authorised within the term of the charter to dispose of
from time to time such portions of the ground on the side of Christ
Church yeard as members of the church may be desirous of purchasing
provided the same do not exceed ten feet in the clear in the entirety
from North to South.

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We the subscribers appointed inspectors to an election for Vestry Men
for the united Churches of Christ Church and St. Peter's Church field Christ
on Easter Monday April 23, 1791 agreeable to notice given yesterday
in each Church and the usage and custom. The following persons were elected
Vestry men for the ensuing year, viz-
      for Christ Church
Joseph Swift Joseph Claypoole Joseph Donaldson James
Ash George Beckhaven Peter DeHaven Robert Towers Nicholas
Hicks Frances Hopkinson and Thomas Cumpston
      St. Peter's Church
Samuel Powell John Wilcocks John Daivd Frances Gurney
Woodrop Sims Thomas Cuthbert James Sawyer William
Bingham John Swanwick and John Wood
      Philadelphia April 25, 1791
       signed Peter Dehaven
         John Phillips

At a meeting of the corporation of the united Episcopal Churches
of Christ Church and St. Peter's Church in Philadelphia in Christ
Church April 25, 1791:

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
         Thomas Cuthbert
John Wilcocks      Peter DeHaven
William Bingham      Joseph Claypoole
Robert Towers      Joseph Donaldson
John David      Woodrop Sims

John Wilcocks was elected accounted Church Warden and
Robert Towers Rector's Church Warden.
      Quest Men for Christ Church
   Peter DeHaven      Joseph Donaldson
   Joseph Claypoole   George Bickham
      Quest Men for St. Peter's Church
   John David      John Swanwick
   Thomas Cuthbert      Woodrop Sims

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At a meeting of the corporation of the united Episcopal Churches
of Christ Church and St. Peter's Church at the Rector's House May 2,

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Church Warden:
John Wilcocks

Vestry Men:
         John Wood
Samuel Powell      Nicholas Hicks
Peter DeHaven      Robert Towers
Joseph Claypoole
Thomas Cumpston

Mr. James Reynolds was elected Treasurer of Christ Church Hospital
for the ensuing year. Mr Whitehead Clerk of Christ Church, Mr.
Dolby Sexton of Christ Church. Mr. Armerod Clerk of St. Peter's ditto
Mr. Stokes Sexton of St. Peter's ditto. Messrs. Towers, Claypoole De-
Haven, Hicks and Cumpston were elected a committee for Christ Church
Hospital. Messrs Swanwick and Mr. Sims are appointed a committee to
settle the late Church Wardens accounts, and also the accounts of the Treasurer
of Christ Church Hospital. The vestry being made acquainted that Mrs. Sal-
tar, Mr. Thomas Charlton and Mr. William Thomas, deceased and late mem-
bers of the congregations of the United Churches of Christ Church and St. Peter's
Church, having left bequests to the poor of said churches, the Church
Wardens are requested to obtain from the Registers office copies of their
respective wills, that measures be taken on conformity thereto. Mr.
Towers, Mr. Hopkinson and Mr. Ash are appointed a committee to pro-
cure the moneys due from the estate of Mr. Venables and Mr. Kearsley.
Mrs. Chevalier having applied for the use of the pew lately built for
her accommodation without rent in consequence of her removal from
the middle isle to make room for the President of the United States.
Resolved Mrs. Chevalier have leave to occupy the said Pew during her na-
tural life without rent, noting that her holding the same is not, to be consi-
dered as a freehold, being contrary to the charter of the churches, buton the
death of the said Mrs. Chevalier the pew is to revert into the hands of the
Church Warden for the time being. The committee reported a vacancy in
Christ Church Hospital. The Rector is requested to acquaint Dr. Bard at
New York, that Mrs. Stout will now be received as a pensioner in said
Hospital on her agreeing to remove and occupy aforementioned vacancy.
Mr. Gurney Mr. David and Mr. Wood are appointed a committee to
cause the roof of St. Peter's Church to be viewed and an estimate made
of the Expense of roofing it offered to the Vestry at the next meeting.

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At a meeting of the corporation of the united Episcopal Church-
es of Christ Church and St. Peter's Church in Philadelphia at the Rec-
tor's house Thursday June 9, 1791:

The Right Reverend Doctor White

Church Warden:
John Wilcocks

Vestry Men:
         John David
Francis Gurney      Thomas Cumpston
John Wood      Robert Towers
Woodrop Sims

The Church Warden having procured authenticated copies of the welsl fo Mrs.
Saltar, Mr. Thomas Charleton and Mr. William Thomas and they being read or-
dered, that the clauses of said wills giving bequests to the poor of the Church-
es, and for educating of poor children be copied from the respective wills in the
book of minutes of the corporation and are as follows.
Clause from Mrs. Sarah Salters Will August 13, 1785.
"item, I give and bequeath to the Vestry and Church Wardens of the Uni-
ted Episcopal Churches in this city the sum of ten pounds to be by them dis-
tributed among the poor at their discretion."
Clasue from Mr. Thomas Charleston's will dated Philadelphia December 19, 1788
I do will that my Executro do pay into the hands of the Reverend Bishop Wil-
liam White or has successors annually for three years after my decease, twenty
pounds for the benefit of the poor of Christ Church who ar communicants.
Clause from Mr. William Thomas's will dated Philadelphia July 2, 1789
I give bequeath and devise unto my wife Mary Thomas, my three story brick
house kitchen and lot of ground with all the appurtenances as spicefied in the sev-
eral deeds thereunto belonging, situate on the south side of Mulberry Street near
Front Street, for and during the term of her natural life and after the decease
of my wife aforesaid. I will bequeath and devise all the aforesaid houses and lots
of ground as in the several deeds thereunto belonging specified together with all
their oppurtenances the rights liberties and priviledges thereunto belonging
or in any wise appertaining unto the Bishop Wardens and Vestry Men of the
United Protestant Episcopal Churches of Christ and St. Peter's in the city
of Philadelphia and their successors for ever, on the several conditions here-
in after named. In the first place that they nor any of them shall not
change nor alter nor cause to be changed nor altered and part or parts
of the ground from the name of the testator. Secondly, that they receive
the yearly incomes thereof only on condition that they pay thirty pounds
yearly in two equal half year payments towards the tuition of the poor

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poor children of St. Peter's Church, and the residence thereof to be distributed be-
tween the poor that are in actual communion in St. Peter's Church and not else-
where (and to pay taxes if any there be) and to make such repairs and improve-
ments on the ground as they shall judge necessary. Lastly, But if the Bishop
Wardens and Vestry Men of the United Protestant Episcopal Churches of
Christ and St. Peter's aforesaid or a majority of them or any part of them when-
soever shall join or make any attempt to alter or change or cause to be changed
or altered the aforesaid desired premises or any part or parts thereof from
or the name of the Testator and in not duly applying the clear incomes thereof
to the purposes only herein named according to the tree intent and meaning hereof
(that from thenceforth) that all the houses and lots of ground together with
all their oppurtenances as specified in their several deeds respectively aforesaid,
shall cease and determine and become extinct forever, and shall revert and become
the property of my brother Benjamin Thomas aforesaid to his only proper
use and bejoof, his heirs and assigns forever, on condition that he pay the
one third part of the evaluation thereof unto his children aforenamed in
equal portions (that is to say) share and share alike. I will bequeath and
devise unto my wife Mary Thomas aforesaid my two brick houses and three
lots of ground situate in the district of South Wark as specified in thin
several deeds respectively together with all their oppurtenances to her
and her heirs and assigns forever, subject to the payment of the yearly
ground rent thereon accruing and after the decease of my wife Mary Thomas a-
foresaid the two houses and three lots of gorund aforesaid shall be subject to the
additional payment of the yearly sum of ten pounds per year of lehe money
aforesaid to be paid in two equal half yearly payments for ever be paid
to the Bishop Wardens and Vestry men at the United Protesteant Episco-
pal Churches of Christ Church and St. Peter's in the City of Philadelphia
and to their successors for everto be applied by them for the tuition of the
poor children of St. Peter's Church only.
   The committee apposisted to bring in an estimage of the
expence of roofing St. Peter's Church reported that comprehending the
expence of painting the church out and inside and white washing it
the whole night amount to 270 pounds, and the report being read is as fol-
   The committee appointed to examine the sate of the roof of St.
Peter's Church report " That they find it in a very decays state and
are of opinion that it ought to be new shinglede without loss of time, that
if it is not done in the course of this summer there is great reason to
believe that the sealing will be much injured if not destroyed. The
committee beg leave further to report that in their opinion it would be
adviseable to paint the church outside and in, and also to white wash the
same. The cost of the roof will be 100 pounds every thing included. Painting
outside and in 100 pounds. The white washing may cost from 10 pounds to 13 pounds, say
on the whole 270 pounds a sum the present funds of the Church can

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can by no means supply, afmitting the surplus money arising from
the pews in the loft and the new pews in the western isle to produce 100 pounds
there will be a deficiency of 170 pounds. The only elegible method which presents
itself to the committee to raise this sum by way of subscription therefore
Resolved that a committee be appointed subscriptions from the members
of Christ Church and St. Peter's Church to be applied for the sole purpose of roof-
ing painting and whitewashing St. Peter's Church and that a committee be
appointed to contract with suitable tradesmen so as to accomplish these necessa-
ry repairs, without lots of time." And the question being taken whether
a committee be appointed to solicit subscriptions of the members of the United
Congregations for defraying the expence of the above repair agreeably to the
report. It was unanimously determined in the affirmative, and the following
gentlemen are appointed a committee for the purpose of raising money by sub-
scription for defraying the expence thereof.
Mr. Joseph Donaldson Jr. Mr. Bickham Mr. Cumpston, Mr. Wood-
rop Sims, Mr. Gurney and Mr. David.
The several other members of Vestry present offered their services in as-
sisting the gentlemen of the committee for procuring subscriptions, and it is
expected the gentlemen of the Vesry that are now absent will also be active in
the above duty. The committee are futher instructed to agree with work
men for the repairs propose to receive the subscriptions and pay the accounts
of the repairs handing an account of their proceedings to the Vestry as usual in
like cases.
On motion for an election of deputies to the convention of the churches in this
state to meet on Tuesday the 21st instant at Christ Church.
The following gentlemen were appointed for Christ
   Christ Church      St. Peter's
   Mr. Robert Towers   Samuel Powell Esq
   Joseph Swift Esq   William Bingham Esq
   Mr. James Reynolds   Mr. Woodrop Sims
Mr. Towers and Mr. Ash are appointed to recover the ground rent due from Law-
rence Powell's estate part of Mr. Clymer's legacy.

At a meeting of the corporation of the United Episcopal Churches of
Christ Church and St. Peter's Church in Philadelphia at the Rector's house
June 27, 1791:

The Right Reverend Doctor White

Church Wardens:
John Wilcocks

Vestry Men:
      Joseph Claypoole
Woodrop Sims   Francis Gurney
John Swanwick   Peter DeHaven
John Mood   Robert Towers
John David

The Rector laid before the Vestry a letter from the Reverend Mr. Bend resigning

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his place as assistant Minister in these churches in consequence of his election
to the Rectory of St. Paul's Church in Baltimore Maryland. The Vestry in receiving
and accepting the resignation of Mr. Bend take the opportunity of declaring their
intire satisfaction with his services in their connection. The Rector desires that
his concurrence in the testimony now born may be recorded, and they unite in wish-
ing Mr. Bend every happiness spiritual and temporal in the station on which he
is now entering. The Recotr is requested to hand the above resolution to Mr. Bend
authenticated by the Church Warden. It being proposed that a committee be
appointed to examine the condition of the organ of St. Peter's Church, also to a-
gree with a proper person to officiate as organist. The same was agreed to and
the following gentlemen were chosen for the purposes above mentioned.
   Mr. Swanwick Mr. Gurney and Mr. W. Sims.

At a meeting of the corporation of the United Episcopal Churches
of Christ Church and St. Peter's in Philadelphia at the Rector's House Septem-
ber 8, 1791:

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Church Warden:
John Wilcocks

Vestry Men:
         John Wood
John David      Thomas Cumpston
Peter DeHaven      James Sawyer
Thomas Cuthbert      George Bickham
Joseph Claypoole   Francis Gurney

The Committee for leasing the parsonage house and lot of ground on the
west side of Delaware Second Street presented a lease and counter part of the same
by the Rector Church Wardens and Vestry Men of the United Episcopal
Churches of Christ Church and St. Peter's Church in the City of Philadelphia to
John Tromberger of said City Merchant for ninety nine years which was read
and approved of Resolved the Church Warden is appointed to see the due
execution of the lease aforementioned and to affix the seal of the corporation
thereunto in their behalf.

At a meeting of the corporation of the united Episcopal Churches
of Christ Church and St. Peter's in Philadelphia at the Rector's House November
8, 1791:

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Church Warden:
JOhn Wilcocks

Vestry Men:
         James Sawyer
Joseph Claypoole   John Woods
Peter DeHaven      Nicholas Hicks
Tomas Cumpston

The committee for Christ Church Hospital reported a proposal for
taking the lot of ground granted by Mr. Dobbins to said Hospital on
ground rent. Resolved that said committee are directed to advertize said
lot for sale and empowered to lease the same on ground rent for ever on
the best terms to be obtained. The Rector and Church Warden having reported
the circumstances of Messrs. Bradford's bond for the benefit of the poor
at the churches. Resolved they are empowered to settle the same by com-
promise if found necessary. Mr. Claypoole and Mr. Cumpston are

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are added to the committee recovering the money due from Mrs. Venable's
and Mr. Kearsley's Estates.

At a meeting of the corporation of the united Episcopal Churches
of Christ Church and St. Peter's Church in Philadelphia at the Rector's House
November 8, 1791:

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Church Warden:
JOhn Wilcocks

Vestry Men:
         James Sawyer
Joseph Claypoole   John Wood
Peter DeHaven      Nicholas Hicks
William Cumpston

The Committee for Christ Church Hospital reports a proposal for taking
the lot of ground granted by Mr. Dobbins to said Hospital on ground rent
Resolved that said committee are directed to advertize said lot for sale and em-
powered to lease the same ground rent for ever on the best terms to be obtain-
ed. The Rector and Church Warden having reported the circumstances of
Messers Bradford's Bond for the benefit of the poor of the churches. Re-
solved they are empowered to settle the same by compromise if found
necessary. Mr. Claypoole and Mr. Cumpston are added to the committee
for recovering the monies due from Mrs. Penables and Mrs. Kearsley's

At a meeting of the corporation of the United Episcopal Churches
of Christ Church and St. Peter's Church in Philadelphia at the Rector's house
February 27, 1782:

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Church Warden:
John Wilcocks

Vestry Men:
      Joseph Donaldson
John Wood   Joseph Claypoole
Woodrop Sims   John David
James SaWyer   Peter DeHaven
Francis Gurney   Thomas Cumpston
James Ash

The Committee for Christ Church Hospital who were empowered to lease the lot of
ground in fifth street granted to said hospital by Mr. Dobbins of South Carolina.
Reported their having agreed for the sale of the lot with Mr. George Bringhurst
of this city Coach maker for the annual rent of one hundred and forty nine and
one third Spanish milked dollars and produced leases for the same which were
read and referred to the examination of Mr. Alexander Wilcocks who approving
the same the Church Warden is appointed to see the due execution of the lease a-
forementioned and to affix the seal of the corporation thereunto and acknowledge the
same as the act and deed of the corporation. Resolved the Vestry at next
meeting propose to add a pensioner to the list of Christ Church Hospital.
The Committee for roofing and St. Peter's Church delivered in their account
of disbursements for that purpose. Amounting to ....... 475.l3.0.

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Amounting to ................................................... 475.3.0
And that they had received Sundry subscriptions amountint to ... 494.9.0
Leaving a balance in favor of the church and in hand
against further repairs of .........................} .......... 19.6.0
And for said purpose there are subscriptions uncollected
amounting to ...........................................} ....... 50.33
In the whole.................................................... $69.39

The Church Warden reported his having disposed of a vault at the North
West corner of Christ Church Yard to the Right Reverend Dr. William White and Robert
Morris Esq for the sum of eighty pounds, and that he had received the consider-
ation for the same on the 14th of April 1791, and further agreeable to a power ves-
ted in the Church Warden by minute of Vestry.
for disposing of ground on the North side of Christ Church yard for the pur-
pose of building of vaults, he had agreed with Joseph Donaldson Senior Esqure
for a piece of ground for said use bounded on the North by the steps loading into
Dr. William White's and Robert Morris's Esq Vault eleven feet in width and from
north to south as prescribed by minute of Vestry authorizing the disposing of said
grounds and that consideration money of the same amounts to fifty five
pounds. Mr. Joseph Donaldson Senior having built a vault thereon.
Resolved that the vault first above mentioned be granted and confirmed to the
Right Reverend Dr. William White and Robert Morris Esq as a burial place for
Their Families to be held in the same manner as other vaults in the churches and
church yards are held, the said Right REverend Dr. William White and Robert Morris
Esquire having paid teh sum of eighty pounds for the right of said vault.
Resolved further that the Church Wardens are to deliver to the Right Reverend
Doctor William White and Robert Morris Esquire, copy of this minute
with the seal of the corporation affixed thereunto.
Resolved that the vault record above mentioned be granted and con-
firmed to Joseph Donaldson Senior Joseph Donaldson Junior William Don-
aldson, Philip Nicklin and Jacob Spicer as a burial place for their fami-
lies to be held in the same manner as other vaults in the churches and
church yards ar ehelf. The said Joseph Donaldson having paid the
sum of fifty five pounds for the right of said vault. Resolved fur-
ther that the Church Wardens are to deliver to Joseph Donaldson Senior
Joseph Donaldson Junior William Donaldson Philip Nicklin and Jacob
Spicer Copy of this minute with seal of the corporation affixed

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At a ameeting of the corporation of the United Episcopal Church-
es of Christ Church and St. Peter's in Philadelphia at the Rector's House
on March 26, 1792:

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Church Warden:
John Wilcocks

Vestry Men:
         John Woods
Peter DeHaven      Thomas Cuthbert
Thomas Cumpston      Woodrop Sims
John David

Mr. Girlin being proposed to fill the vacancy in Christ Church Hospital
she was accordingly chosen. The Church Warden is requested to prepare a state
of the debts due by the churches and present same at the next meeting. Mr.
Cumpston is added to the committee for examining the treasurer of Christ Church
Hospital and the Church Wardens accounts.

We the Subscribers appointed inspectors to an election for
Vestry Men for the United Churches of Christ Church and St. Peter's
Church, held at Christ Church on Easter Monday April 9, 1792, agreea-
ble to notice given yesterday in each church and to usage and custom. The
following persons were elected Vestry Men for the ensuing year Viz
Joseph Swift, Joseph Claypoole, Joseph Donaldson Senior, James Ash
George Bickham, Peter DeHaven, Nicholas Hicks, Thomas Cumpston,
Samuel Powell, John David, Frances Gurney, Woodrop Sims, Thomas Cuth-
bert, James Sawyer, William Bingham, John Woodd, John Wilcocks, Jona-
than Gustelowe, John Perot, and Geoge Swift.
               Philadelphia April 9, 1792
               Signed Peter Dehaven
                   Thomas Tellyem

At a meeting of the corporation of the United Churches of Christ Church
and St. Peter's in Philadelphia at Christ Church. The April 9, 1792:

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
         Peter DeHaven
Joseph Donaldson   John David
Joseph Claypoole   Thomas Cumpston
Joseph Swift      Jonathan Gustelowe
George Swift      Woodrop Sims
         John Wilcocks

The Vestry chose Mr. John Wilcocks accounting Church Warden, and Mr.
Joseph Swift was elected Rector's Church Warden.
      Quest Men for Christ Church
Joseph Donaldson, William Cumpston, Jonathan Gustelowe, Peter DeHaven
      Quest Men for St. Peter's Church
Woodrop Sims, John David, Francis Gurney, Thomas Cuthbert

p. 67

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  At a meeting of the corporation of the United Episcopal Churches
of Christ Church and St. Peter's Church in Philadelphia at the Rector's
House. April 16, 1792"

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Church Wardens:
Thomas Cumpston
John Wilcocks

Vestry Men:
         Peter DeHaven
Samuel Powell      John Wood
Joseph Claypoole
John David

Mr. James Reynolds was elected treasurer and the following gentlemen ap-
pointed a committee for Christ Church Hospital. Peter DeHaven Joseph Claypoole
William Cumpston, Nicholas Hicks and Jonathan Gostelqwe.
Matthew Whitehead was chosen clerk of Christ Church
John Armerod ............... clerk of Saint Peter's Church
Joseph Dobby Sexton .............. of Christ Church
George Stokes Sexton ............. of St. Peter's Church
Messieurs Woodrop Sims and Thomas Cumston are appointed a Committee to
settle the accounts of the late Church Wardens. The Church Wardens
reports that he received of Benjamin Chew Senior Esquire on the 26th Decem-
ber 1791. 30 pounds a legacy left the churches by the late Mrs. Mary oswald
in Words following. " I give to the trustees of St. Peter's Church in
the City of Philadelphia the sum of thirty pounds for the use of the
said church as the Church Wardens and Vestry of the said Church
for the time shall direct and appoint."
Resolved the above 30 pounds be applied towards payment of the debt due
by the Churches to the College of Philadelphia. Mr. Claypoole and Mr.
Cumston are appointed a committee to bring the suit against Mrs. Bond
Executrix of Mr. Kearsley to a close.

At a meeting of the corporation of the United Episcopal Churches
of Christ Church and St. Peter's Church in Philadelphia at the Rec-
tor's House May 28, 1792:

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Church Warden:
John Wilcocks

Vestry Men:
      Peter DeHaven
Woodrop Sims   John Davis
George Swift   Jonathan Gostelowe
James Ash

On motion for an Election of deputies to the convention of the Church-
es in this state to meet on Tuesday June 6 at Christ Church.
The following gentlemen were chosen
Mr. Joseph Swift      Samuel Powell
   Joseph Claypoole   William Bingham
   James Reynolds      Woodrop Sims
On representation that the Clerk of Christ Church desired
an examination whether an increase of fees would be reasonable
for keeping the registry of Baptisms and Burials the same

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the same was submitted to the Rector, Mr. Ash and Mr. Wilcocks
to report thereon. An application being made to Rent the lot on Cher-
ry Street belonging to Christ Church Hospital the committee for the Hos-
pital are authoized to rent said lot for one year.

At a meeting of the corporation of the United Episcopal Churches
of Christ Church and St. Peter's Church in Philadelphia at the Rector's
House October 5, 1792:

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Church Warden:
John Wilcocks

Vestry Men:
         Peter DeHaven
Joseph Swift      Joseph Claypoole
Francis Gurney      Thomas Cumpston
John Woods      Jonathan Gostelowe
John David      James Sawyer

A proposal was laid before the Vestry for purchasing a ground rent of six
pound per annum from Dr. John Redman payable from a lot given to
Christ Church Hospital by Mr. Dobbins. Resolved that the commit-
tee of Christ Church Hospital be empowered to purchase the said ground
rent. The committee for Christ Church Hospital reported their agree-
ing with Daniel Knight Capenter for the rent of the lot on Cher-
ry Alley belonging to the Hospital for one year and for twenty dollars.
The Committee for adjusting the fees of the Clerk for requesting
Baptisms and Burials are continued. Moved and seconded that a
committee be appointed to effect the necessary repairs of the walls
and gates of Christ Church Yard and for which purpose Mr.
Joseph Swift, Mr. Cumpston, and Mr. Gostelowe were chosen.

At a meeting of the Corporation of the United Episcopal
churches of Christ Church and St. Peter's CHurch in the City of Phila-
delphia at the Rector's house February 8, 1793:

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Church Warden:
John Wilcocks

Vestry Men:
         Thomas Cumpston
Joseph Swift      James Sawyer
James Ash      Thomas Cuthbert
George Swift      John Wood
Jonathan Gostelowe   Peter DeHaven
Francis Gurney
Woodrop Sims

The Committee for Christ Church Hospital reported their ha-
ving purchased of Doctor Redman the ground rent late his property
on a lot belonging to said Hospital for seventy five pounds. The Committee

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for adjusting the fees for registering Baptisms and Burials are continuted.
The large arrearages of Pew money being represented by the Church Warden.
Resolved that a committee of Vestry for each of the Churches be ap-
pointed to assist the Church Warden in procuring the collection of
the debts due to the Churches for the above purpose, the following ap-
pointment took place. Thomas Cumpston Joseph Swift and Jonathan
Gostelowe for Christ Church Francis Gurney, Thomas Cuthbert and Woodrop
Sims for St. Peter's Church. The committee appointed for the purpose
affecting the repair of Christ Church Wall and gates, reported
on that subject, on which resolved they be instructed to open a sub-
scription for defraying the expence of the work and Mr. DeHa-
ven is added to said Committee.

We the subscribers appointed inspectors to in election for Vestrymen
for the United Churches of Christ Church and St. Peter's Church, held at Christ
Church on Easter Monday April 2, 1793 agreeable to notice given yesterday
in each church and usage and custom. The following persons were
elected Vestry Men for the ensuing year viz.
Joseph Swift, Peter DeHaven, Joseph Claypoole, Thomas Cumpston,
Joseph Donnaldson   Samuel Powell      James Ash      John David
George Bickham      Francis Gurney      Wooddrop Sims      James Sawyer
Thomas Cuthbert      William Bingham      John Woods      Jonathan Gostelowe
John Wilcocks      George Swift      William Allibone   George Oakley
            Signed Thomas Cuthbert and Joseph Turner

At a meeting of the Vestry Men of the United Episcopal Churches of
Christ Church and St. Peter's Church in Philadelphia at Christ Church April 2, 1793:

The Right Reverend Dr. White   Mr. Joseph Swift   Mr. Wilcocks
Mr. DeHaven   Mr. Claypoole   Mr. David      Mr. Gostelowe
Mr. Ash      Mr. Oakley   Mr. Sawyer      Mr. John Woods
The Vestry chose Thomas Cumpston accounting Church Warden and
Mr. John Wilcocks was elected Rector's Church Warden.
And the following Gentlemen were chosen Quest Men
   for Christ Church            for St. Peter's Church
Peter DeHaven      James Ash      John David      Thomas Cuthbert
Joseph Claypoole   Jonathon Gostelowe   James Sawyer      William Allibone
Thomas Cumpston               George Oakley

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At a meeting of the Corporation of the United Churches of Christ Church
and St. Peter's Church held at the Rector's House April 8, 1793.


The Right Reverend Dr. White, Rector

Vestry Men:
Mr. DeHaven, Mr. Wood, Mr. Swift
Mr. Claypoole, Mr. Bingham, Mr. David Mr. Sawyer, Mr. George Swift, Mr. Oakley
Mr. Gurney, Mr. Allibone, Mr. Wilcocks, Mr. Ash, Mr. Sims, and T. Cumpston

   Mr. James Reynolds was elected Treasurer and the following Gentlemen
were appointed a committee for Christ Church Hospital
Mr. DeHaven Mr. Claypoole Mr. Gostelowe and Thomas Cumpston
   Mr. Whitehead chosen Clerk of Christ Church
   Mr. Ormerod " Clerk of Saint Peter's Church
   Mr. Dolby " Sexton of Christ Church
   Mr. Stokes " ditto of St. Peter's Church
   Mr. Kurtz " Organist of Christ Church
   Mr. Hoffner " ditto of St. Peter's when the time of the present
   Organist expires
Messrs Woodrop Sims and Thomas Cumpston were appointed a committee
to settle the accounts of the late Church Warden.
Mr. Claypoole and Thomas Cumpston were appointed a Committee to continue
the suit against Mr. Bond executrix of Mrs. Kearsley.
The Rector Mr. Ash and Thomas Cumpston were appointed a Committee
to consider of the propriety of an increase of Fees for the Registry of
Baptisms and Burials.
Mr. Joseph Swift Mr. DeHaven Mr. Gostelowe and Thomas Cumpston
were appointed a Committee for effecting the repairs of the walls and gates
of Christ Church Yard.
Mr. Joseph Swift, Jonathan Gostelowe Mr. Gurney Mr. Cuthbert Mr. W. Sims
were appointed a committee to assist the Church Warden in collecting
the debts due to the churches.
   Mr. Wilcocks presented a pritned Abstract of the receipts and
expenditures of the several Funds belonging to the Churches with an
Estimate of the Debt due from the churches; Also calculations exhibiting
the probable means of future support.

At a meeting of the Corporation of the United Churches of Christ Church
and St. Peter's Church held at the Rector's House May 24, 1793.


The Right Reverend Dr. White, Rector

Vestry Men:
Mr. DeHaven Mr. Claypoole
Mr. Gurney Mr. Sawyer Mr. David Mr. Ash Mr. Oakley and T. Cumpston Church Warden

   The forme Committees were continued
The Committee on the increase of fees for Registering of Baptisms and Burials
are of opinion that the Clerk of Christ Church should deceive a fee of a quarter

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of a dollar for every search and when a certificate is required he should should
have five shillings including the search, and if a certificate is to be carried
before a magistrate or notary public them he is to receive one dollar includ-
ing every expense.
   The fees Registering of Baptisms and Burials to be one shilling which
each Clerk is to keep on opposite pages. The Rector undertakes the
Registry of Marriages, the Church Warden, the registry of Burials.
   The Vestry proceeded to elect Deputies to the convention of the
churches in this state to meet on Tuesday 28th Instant in Christ Church
when the following Gentlemen were chosen for Christ Church Mr. Joseph Swift
Mr. James Reynolds, Mr. Joseph Claypoole and for St. Peter's Chruch Mr. Powel
Mr. Bingham Mr. Gurney.
   Mr. Ash Mr. Claypoole and Thomas Cumpston were appointed a
Committee to settle with Mr. John Field for the legacy of Mr. Venables
on the best terms they can.
   The Church Warden reported his having received thirty pounds
from the Executors of Col. John Cox to be distributed among poor persons
of the United Churches at the discretion of the Church Warden.

   At a meeting of the Corporation of the United Episcopal Churches
of Christ Church and St. Peter's Church held at the Rector's House
July 11, 1793.

The Right Reverend Dr. White, Rector

Mr. Samuel Powel, Mr. Allibone
Mr. Oakley, Mr. Sawyer, Mr. Claypoole, Mr. Gurney and Thomas Cumpston
   The Church Warden presented and read to the Vestry a certain
Instrument conveying a right to Mr. Daniel Rundle and his Heirs
of a certian pieve of Ground on the north side of Christ Church
for a Burial place on which he has erected a Vault whereupon
Resolved that the same be agreed to after sundry alterations and
Amendments and the Church Warden is empowered to affix the
Seal of the Corporation thereto and enter the same on the minutes.
   Resolved that when application is made for Ground up-
on which Vaults are to be erected in the Church Yards or any of the
burial grounds, that the measurement shall include the steeple as
well as the walls thereof; but this resolution not to affect the
Right fo the Steps belonging to Vaults already erected.
   Whereas Daniel Rundle of the City of Philadelphia Mer-
chant, did in the month of March last make application to the
Rector, Church Wardens adn Vestrymen of the United Churches of
Christ Church and St. Peter's for the purchase of the Right of

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a Certain space of Ground for the purpose of erecting a vault
for himself family and connexions.
   And the said Church Wardens did grant unto him for that
purpose a certain space of ground that is to say fifteen feet east
and west including the vault walls and twelve feet ten inches north
and south also including the walls where at his own expense he has
erected a vault bounded on the east by unappropriated Ground, on
the west by the walls of the late Doctor John Coxe's Vault on the
north by the Church Yard wall and southward by unappropriated
ground. And whereas the said Daniel Rundle has paid the Church
Wardens the sum of Ninety Six pounds five shillings being the
full Consideration money for the ground so alloted. The receipt
Whereof is hereby acknowledged. Now this indenture witneseth
that in Consideration of the sum above mentioned we the Rector
Church Wardens and Vestrymen of the United Episcopal Churches
of Christ Church and St. Peter's Church. Do grant and convey unto
the said Daniel Rundle and his Heirs all the above described
Space of Ground now occupied and taken up by the vaults above
mentioned, erected at the cost and charge of him the said Daniel
Rundle. To have and to hold the said ground and vault in the same
manner as other vaults in the churches and church yards are
held for the proper use and behoof of him the said Daniel
Rundle and his heirs and of all such Persons as the said Daniel
Rundle shall by any writing under his signature. Choose to
nominate to be buried there and also the persons of any others
(not so nominated by the said Daniel Rundle) as Richard
Rundle Nephew of the said Daniel Rundle may under his
signature at any time hereafter nominate to be buried in the
same vault: And finially after the extinction and decrease of
all the persons so cominated as above, then the said Vault shall
remain and be appropriated solely for the use of the blood kin-
dred of the said Daniel Rundle to whom the right of sepulture
is hereby granted; Hereby however convenanting that the said
ground is granted for the express purpose and no other of a
burial vault, for the use and appropriation of him the
said Daniel Rundle and his Heirs. In Testimony

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Whereof we have hereunto set our hands and affixed the seal of
the Corporation in Philadelphia the twelfth day of July in the
Year of Our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety Three
Sealed and delivered in Presence of
Joseph Claypoole and Civel Cumpston    Signed
               Thomas Cumpston
               Church Warden

   At a meeting of the Corporation of the United Churches of
Christ Church and St. Peter's Church held at the Rector's House
December 6, 1793:


The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
Mr. Swift, Mr. Donnaldson Mr. DeHaven
Mr. Claypoole Mr. Sawyer Mr. Wood Mr. Gurney Mr. Oakley Mr. Wil-
cocks and Thomas Cumpston

   It was reported to the Vestry, that in consequence of the
death of Mr. Ann Styles formerly Ann Banks one Third part of
a House in Third Street devised to the Rector, Church Wardens and
Vestrymen of the United Churches, is become the property of said
Churches and the other two thirds to the Pennsylvania Hospital
and University of Pennsylvania The Church Wardens are app-
ointed a committee to confer with deputies who may be ap-
pointed by the Managers of the Hospital and the Trustees of the
   The Vestry requested the Right Reverend Dr. White to return
thanks to the Reverend Dr. Smith for his great Care and attention in
the management of the concerns of Christ Church Hospital with
Mr. JOseph Dobbins of Charleston.

At a meeting of the Corporation of the United Churches of Christ
Church and St. Peter's Church held at the Rector's Hosue
December 14, 1793.

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
Mr. Swift, Mr. Donnaldson, Mr. Bickham
Mr. Sawyer, Mr. Gurney, Mr. Oakley, and Thomas Cumpston
Mr. Ash

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The Right Reverend Dr. WHite communicated to the Vestry a note from Mrs.
Elizabeth Powel in the following words
   "Dear Sir
      Inclosed I send you the extract from the memoran-
dum delivered to one as the wishes of my dear departed friend.
                  Signed E.P.
Mr. Powel begs the Rector Church Warden and Vestrymen of the
United Churches of Christ CHurch and St. Peter's Church may
have paid to them in two annual installments of one thousand
dollars each
    December 14, 1793
It is the Resolve of Vestry that if Mr. Standley will come for-
ward before Easter next and pay into the Hands of the Church
Warden, the arrears of ground rent arising from a lot in
Shippen Street formerly the property of Lawrence Powel; then
the Church Warden shall direct the Sheriff to make a deed
to said Standley for said lot of ground; but in case of his non
acceptance or non compliance then the deed is to be made to the
Rector Church Wardens and Vestry Men of the United Churches of Christ
Church and St. Peter's Church.
   The Rector having laid before the Vestry the application
of Mr. James Abercombie for a certificate as required by the sixth
canon of the general convention. Resolved in conformity to the
said canon that publication be made in Saint Peter's Church
tomorrow morning of Mr. Abercombies intention to apply for
Holy Orders.
   The Rector laid before the Vestry a letter to him from
the Reverend Dr. William Smith on the subject of the Duties of
these churches. Resolved that Dr. Smith's offer to preach his
course of sermons is very acceptable to the Vestry and that
a Committee be appointed to confer with him on the other
parts of his letter resolved Mr. Swift Mr. Gurney and
Thomas Cumpston be the said committee.

At a meeting of the corporation of the United Churches of
Christ Church and St. Peter's Church held at the Rector's
House December 20, 1793.

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The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
Mr. DeHaven, Mr. Swift, Mr. Sawyer
Mr. Oakley Mr. Wood Mr. Ash Mr. Donnaldson and Thomas
   The committee appointed to confer with the Reverend Dr.
William Smith on a certain part of his letter offering his
Services to preach his course of sermons in the United Churches
Reported that they waited upon Dr. Smith and Explicitly de-
clared to him that the Vestry kindly accepted of his services
but they were sorry to inform him that it was not in their
power, to give him any expectation whatever of a compensation
owing to the state of their funds: when he declared that he
had no expectation of any enrolment and would cheerfully
perform his part of the Parochial duties as shall be agreed upon
between the Rector, Dr. Blackwell and himself and at the expiration
of the time of the Vestry should approve of the Services he
may have rendered and should show their regard by voting the
value of a tea cup it would be fully satisfactory.
   A motion was made for Mr. Barker to fill the office of a
Sexton for St. Peter's Church when he was unanimously chosen.
   The Vestry hereby direct the Church Warden to sign the
certificate in favor of Mr. Jason Abercrombie as requested by
the sixth canon of the General convention.

At a meeting of the Corporation of the United Churches of
Christ Church and St. Peter's Church held at the Rector's House
January 1, 1794.

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
Mr. Ash Mr. Claypoole Mr. Oakley
Mr. Sawyer Mr. Cuthbert Mr. Allibone Mr. DeHaven and
Thomas Cumpston
   The Committee appointed to recover a sum of money from
the Executors of Mrs. Margaret Kearsley. Reported that an offer
of 750 pounds was made by their consel in lieu of Principal and
interest of the legacy of 800 pounds to this corporation by the late

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Dr. Kearsley Resolved that the committee is hereby empowered
to treat in the best manner in their power and finally to conclude
the business as soon as possible.
   Mrs. Rachel Palmer was nominated to fill the vacancy in
Christ Church Hospital occasioned by the death of Mrs. Frazier.

At a meeting of the corporation of the United Churches of Christ
Church and St. Peter's Church held at the Rector's House
January 22, 1794.


The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
Mr. Ash Mr. DeHaven Mr. Cuthbert
Mr. Sawyer Mr. Allibone Mr. Oakley Mr. Gurney Mr. Swift Mr.
Donnaldson Mr. Wilcocks Mr. Claypoole and Thomas Cumpston

   The committee appointed to recover a legacy of eight hundred
pounds from Mrs. Williamina Bond and Phineas Bond
executors of the Will of Margaret Kearsley produced a bond
of indemnification which was read Resolved that the Church
Warden shall cause the seal of the Corporation to be affixed
to the said bond and delivered to the said Williamina and
Phineas upon their paying the said sum of eight hundred pound.
   A motion was made that a committee be appointed
to examine the burial ground and to prevent the opening of
any grave which has been lately dug Resolved that Mr.
DeHaven Mr. Donnaldson and Thomas Cumpston for Christ
Church and Mr. Wilcocks Mr. Allibone and Mr. Gurney for Saint
Peter's be the said committee
   The following person is put in nomination for admis-
sion as a pensioner of Christ Church Hospital
      Sarah Beasley
The Committee of Christ Church Hospital to make enqui-
ry respecting the above person as well as Mrs. Rachel Pal-
mer put in nomination on the 1st Instant.

p. 77

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At a meeting of the corporation of the United Churches of Christ
Church and St. Peter's Church held at the Rector's House
March 26, 1794

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
Mr. Gurney Mr. Ash Mr. Allibone Mr.
Oakley Mr. Sawyer Mr. Wood Mr. Claypoole and Thomas Cump-
   The Church Warden produced a report of the committee
appointed to meet the committees fo the University of Pennsylvania
and of the managers of the Pennsylvania Hospital which was
read advising a sale of a House in Third Street left by MR. Stroops

Resolved that Mr. Wilcocks Mr. Ash and Thomas Cumpston be a
committee to meet the gentlemen who may be appointed by
the other two institutions and they are hereby fully empowered final-
ly to dispose of the HOuse in Third Street left to the several
Institutions by Public Sale or otherwise according to the Judge-
ment of the joint committee.
   The above committee are to report what use is to be made
of the money in the hands of the Church Warden received of Mr.
Phineas Bond executor of Mrs. Kearsley.
   It being suggested to the Vestry that there is a bill before
the Honorable Hose of Assembly taking away the right of burying
the Dead within the limits of the City Resolved unanimously
that the two Church Wardens Mr. Gurney Mr. Allibone Mr. Ash
be a committee to consider of and report the most proper way
to bing before the House of the OBjections which the Vestry entertain
against the same.
   Resolved that the Clerks of both Churches shall not in
future give invitations to funerals in the Churches.
   Resolved that Rachel Palmer and Sarah Beazley are
hereby admitted as outpensioners of Christ Church Hospi-

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At a meeting of the Corporation of the United Churches of Christ
Church and St. Peter's Church held at the Rector's House
March 31, 1794.


The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
Mr. Allibone Mr. Cuthbert Mr. Claypoole
Mr. Oakley Mr. Gurney Mr. Sawyer and Thomas Cumpston

   The committee appointed to consider of and to report to the Vestry
the most proper way of presenting to the Honorable House of
Assembly the objections they have to a law being enacted
depriving our society of their Right to bury in their usual
places of interment presented a memorial which was read
and unanimously agreed to and the Church Warden was
directed to have two copies made and signed by the Rector and two
Church Wardens. Mr. Gurney and Mr. Allibone are requested
to present the same to the City members.
   The Vestry hereby direct the Church Warden to settle an account
presented by Godfrey Wetzell for repairing and tuneing the or-
gan of St. Peter's Church in the best manner he can.

   We the subscribers appointed inspectors to an Election
for Vestry Men for the United Churches of Christ Church and
St. Peter's Church, held at Christ Church on Easter Monday
April 21, 1784 agreeably to notice given yesterday in each Church
and usage and custom. The following person were elected Vestry
Men for the ensuing year Vizt.
Joseph Swift      Peter DeHaven      William Bingham      George Oakley
Joseph Claypoole   Thomas Cumpston      John Wood      William Allibone
JOseph Donnaldson   Francis Gurney      John Wilcocks      John Clark
James Ash      Thomas Cuthbert      Jonathan Gostelowe   Jonathan Donnaldson
George Bickham      James Sawyer      Nicholas Hicks      Joshua Sims

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At a meeting of the Vestrymen of the United Episcopal Churches
of Christ Church and St. Peter's Church held at Christ
Church on Easter Monday April 21, 1794 agreeably to notice
given in both churches yesterday and to ancient custom and usage.

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
Mr. Wilcocks Mr. Swift Mr.
Claypoole Mr. Gostelowe Mr. Sawyer Mr. Gurney Mr. Jonathan Clarkson
Mr. Oakley Mr. Sims and Thomas Cumpston

   Thomas Cumpston was chosen accounting Church Warden
by the Vestry and Mr. Wilcocks was elected Rectors Church Warden
and the following gentlemen were chosen Quest Men.
for Christ Church      for St. Peter's Church
Mr. James Ash         Mr. Gurney
Mr. Claypoole         Mr. Cuthbert
Mr. DeHaven         Mr. Sawyer
Mr. Joshua Donnadson Ser.   Mr. Oakley

At a meeting of the Corporation of the United Churches of Christ
Church and Saint Peter's Church held at the Rector's House the
April 28, 1794.

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
Mr. Gurney Mr. Wood Mr. Oakley Mr.
Gostelowe Mr. Jonathan Donnaldson Mr. Sims Mr. Clark Mr. Claypoole
Mr. Sawyer Mr. Cuthbert Mr. Allibone Mr. Wilcocks Mr. Swift
and Thomas Cumpston
   Mr. Reynolds was elected Treasurer of Christ Church Hos-
   pital and Mr. Claypoole Mr. Hicks Mr. DeHaven Mr.
   Gostelowe and Thomas Cumpston were appointed a Com-
   mittee for Christ Church Hospital.
Mr. Whitehead was elected Clerk of Christ Church
Mr. Dolby . . . Sexton of Ditto
Mr. Kurtz . . . Organist of Ditto

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   Mr. Ormrod was elected Clerk of St. Peter's Church
   Mr. Barker . . . Sexton of Ditto
   Mr. Hoffner . . . Organist of Ditto
   Mr. Swift and Mr. Gurney were appointed a Committee
to settle the a ccounts of the Church Warden for the last year.
Also to settle the accounts of the Treasurer of Christ Church
   Mr. Gurney Mr. Sims Mr. Swift Mr. Gostelowe Mr.
Cuthbert Mr. Wilcocks Mr. Ash were appointed a Committee
to assist the Church Warden in Collecting the debts due to
the Churches.
   Mr. Wilcocks Mr. Ash and Thomas Cumpston were appoint-
ed a Committee to report how the money received of Mr. Bond
and the money to be received from the sale of the House and lot
a third part of which was left to the poor of the United Churches
by the will of James Stoops shall for the present be disposed
   The question being moved in Vestry, what should govern
the ringing of the bells in demonstration of joy, Resolved that
when application approved of in writing by the Chief Magistrate
of the Union of by the Governor of the State or by the Chief
Magistrate of the City or by any persons authorized to act in
their names respectively: the Church Warden shall then give orders
for their being rung at the expense of the applicants.
   Resolved that the Church Warden shall permit the bells to be
muffled when ever our fellow citizens shall make application to
that effect and paying the custamary expenses thereof, _____ ______.
   The Church Warden is requested to get two hundred copies of the
Charter and ByeLaws printed for the use of Vestry.

At a meeting of the Corporation of the United Churches of Christ
Church and St. Peter's Church held at the Rector's House June 10, 1794.

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
Mr. Gurney, Mr. Wilcocks, Mr. Oakley
Mr. Sawyer, Mr. Claypoole, Mr. Sims, Mr. John Donaldson, Mr. Thomas Cuthbert

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Mr. Ash, Mr. Bickham, and Thomas Cumpston, _____________________
   The Rector presented an application from sundry Persons, members of
the United Churches on the subject of a choice of another Assistant Minister
after some conversation on the above subject, on motion ____________.
   Resolved that it be inserted in the notices for the next meeting of
Vestry that the choice of an Assistant Minister, will be the subject for the
Consideration of said meeting. Also the disposal of Money.
   The Rector is requested to cause a Vestry to be summoned to meet on
Monday next, ____________________________________________.
   Mr. Wilcocks, Mr. John Donaldson, and Thomas Cumpston are appointed
a committee to examine and report the state of the Church funds with
any improvement thereof for the information of Vestry.______________
   Mr. Ash and Thomas Cumpston are appointed a committee with full
powers to bring a writ of ejectment against godfrey Rapp and to get
possession of a House in Shippen Street upon a lot from which a ground rent is
payable to the United Churches, ______________________________
   Mr. Wilcocks and Thomas Cumpston are appointed a committee to enquire
respecting a legacy left to Christ Church by John Robert's Will dated the
2nd day of January 1730.

At a meeting of the corporation of the United Churches of Christ Church
and St. Peter's Church held at the Rector's House June 9, 1796.

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
Mr. Swift, Mr. Wilcocks, Mr. Sawyer,
Mr. Oakley, Mr. Clark, Mr. Claypoole, Mr. Sims, Mr. Gurney, Mr. John
Donaldson, Mr. Cuthbert, and Thomas Cumpston.
   The Vestry proceeded to the choice of an Assistant Minister agreealbe
to the notices delivered to each Vestry Men. The application being
read from a number of the Congregations of the United Churches for the
appointment Mr. Abercrombie as an Assistant Minister, allowing
him such salary as the Vestry may find over and above the present
appropriations. Resolved that Mr. Abercrombie be accepted as
an Assistatn Minister to the United Churches with an allowance of
one hundred and fifty pounds per annum to commence from 25 March last.

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The Rector also declared his concurrence. ______________________
   On motion resolved that the arrears due on pew rent and to the United
Churches be kept in a book separately and to be especially appropriated to
discharge the debts due from the churches, due on or before the 25 March last.
   Resolved that the Rector be requested to cause the Appointment
of Mr. Abercrombie to be notified in the Churches agreeable to the Rules
in such case provided.
   On motion resolved that an increase of five pounds per annum
be made to the salaries of the Clerks and Sextons commencing from the
25th March last.
   On motion resolved that in future the Ministers burial fees
shall be one dollar.
   The Vestry proceeded to elect deputies to the convention when the
following gentlemen were duly elected.
   for Christ Church      for St. Peter's
Mr. Reynolds          Mr. Wilcocks
Mr. Swift          Mr. Gurney
Mr. Claypoole          Mr. John Donaldson
The Vestry request that the Rector will be pleased to assist the Church
Warden in preparing the eleventh chapter of the rules and statutes
partially repealed in the year 1779 for publication for the use of Vestry.
   The Committee appointed to report what use is to be made at
present of the money received of Mr. Bond, the money received the Legacy
of Mrs. Venables, and the money to be received from the sale of a House
in Third Street, Report it as their opinion, that the said monies should be
Vested in bank stock.
   On motion resolved that the above report be adopted and the
committee are requested to put the same in execution.

At a meeting of the corporation of the United Episcopal Churches of
Christ Church and St. Peter's Church held at the Rector's House
September 5, 1794.

p. 83

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The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
Mr. Sims Mr. Gurney, Mr. Claypoole Mr. Oakley
Mr. Sawyer Mr. Gostelowe and Thomas Cumpston

   It was reported to Vestry that Mrs. Powell had paid to the Church Warden
one thousand dollars and had also given her note of hand for one thousand dollars
payable on the 1st of October which will be in the year 1795 for which the
Church Warden gave her a receipt in full for the gift which the late
Samuel Powell Esq requested his executix Mrs. Powell would present
to the Rector Church Warden and Vestrymen of the United Churches.
Resolved that Mr. Gurney Mr. Sims and Thomas Cumpston be a committee
to Vest the above two thousand dollars in a ground rent, the income to be
applied from year to year as the Vestry shall direct.
   The Church Warden reported that the committee appointed to purchase
Bankstock have not been able to effect a purchase; therefore resolved that
Mr. Venable's Legacy, Mr. Stoops's Legacy and the money left by Mr. Turner
be vested in ground rents to be applied to the purposes for which they
are specially appropriated and Mr. Gurney Mr. SIms and Thomas Cumpston
are hereby appointed a committee for that purpose.
   Resolved that money received of Mr. Bond being a legacy left
to this corporation by Doctor Kearsley be vested in ground rents, and
Mr. Gurney Mr. Sims and Thomas Cumpston are appointed a committee
for that purpose.

   At a meeting of the corporation of the United Episcopal Churches
of Christ Church and St. Peter's Church held at the Rector's House
December 29, 1794.

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
Mr. Swift Mr. Ash Mr. Hicks Mr. Bickham
Mr. Sawyer Mr. Oakley Mr. Claypoole Mr. Clark Mr. Sims Mr. Allibone

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Mr. Gurney and Thomas Cumpston,
   This Vestry Sympathising with the Lutheran Congregation in
their late calamity of the destruction of their Church by fire, empower
the Rectro and Church Wardens to make an offer to the said Congregation
of the use of Christ Church in the afternoons or in the evenings of
Sunday or partially in either of the said parts of the day, as shall be most
convenient to the said congregation, And further the Rector and Church
Wardens are empowered to make an offer in regard to any other days
in the week according to their descretion. Resolved that a copy of
the above be attested by the accounting Church Warden and Sent to the
Corporation of the Lutheran Church.
   Resolved that the Church Warden be requested to certify the Reverend
Mr. James Abercombie's Election agreeably to the 17 canon of the General
   Mr. Gurney and Mr. Allibone are appointed a Committee to consider
what alterations and whether any should be made in situation of the stoves in
St. Peter's Church.
   The Church Warden reported that a ground rent had been purchased
from William Bingham Esq Amount one hundred and forty dollars per
annum issuing from a lot situate at the corner of Fifth and Pine
Streets containing eighty five feet on Fifth and One hundred and twenty feet on
Pine Street, which ground rent was purchased with the money left to this
corporation by Samuel Powel Esq.
   The Church Warden further reports that two ground rents
amounting to fifty dollars and twelve cents issuing from two lots on the
northwest corner of Sixth and Lombard Streets, one hundred and twenty feet
on Sixth and forty five feet on Lombard Street, which was purchased with
part of the monies left to Christ Church Hospital.
   The Church Warden reported that he had received teh sixty pounds left to
the poor communicants of Christ Church by the Will of Mr. Thomas Charleston from

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his Executor Mr. Alexander Henry.

We the subscribers being appointed Judges of an Election held in Christ Church
on Easter Monday April 6, 1795 agreeable to notice given yesterday in both
churches and to charter and ancient usage, do ceritfy that the following
gentlemen are duly elected Vestry Men for the ensuing year.
Peter DeHaven, Joseph Donaldson, James Ash, Joseph Swift, Leeson Simmons,
Joseph Claypoole, Thomas Cumpston George Bickham, John Miller, John Perot,
William Hall Francis Gurney, William Allibone, Joseph Sims, William Bingham
John Donaldson, John Clement Stocker Thomas Cuthbert, William McKenzie
James Sawyer.
                  Signed Joseph Claypoole
                     Joseph Turner


At a meeting of Vestry Men of the United Episcopal Churches
of Christ Church and St. Peter's Church on Easter Monday April 6, 1795.

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
Mr. DeHaven Mr. Joseph Donaldson Mr.
Joseph Claypoole Mr. Leeson Simmons Mr. Johnathan Clement Stocker, Mr. Joseph
Sims, Mr. John Miller and Thomas cumpston.

The Vestry proceeded to the Election of teh acounting Church Warden
when Thomas Cumpston was duly elected and the Rector chose Mr. Joseph Swift
to be the Rector's Church Warden, and the following gentlemen were chosen Questmen
   for Christ Church   for St. Peter's
   Mr. DeHaven      Mr. Gurney
   Mr. Claypoole      Mr. Sims
   Mr. Donaldson      Mr. Stocker
   Mr. Simmons      Mr. Sawyer
   Thomas Cumpston      Mr. Cuthbert
   Mr. James Ash      Mr. Allibone

p. 86

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At a meeting of the Corporation of the United Episcopal Churches of
Christ Church and St. Peter's Church held the Rector's House April 13, 1795.


The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
Mr. Hall Mr. Stocker Mr. Joseph Donaldson
Mr. Swift Mr. Claypoole Mr. Miller Mr. Perot McKenzie Mr. Simmons
Mr. DeHaven Mr. Bingham Mr. Gurney Mr. Cuthbert Mr. Allibone
Mr. Bickham Mr. Sawyer Mr. Sims and Thomas Cumpston
   Mr. John Clark was elected Treasurer of Christ Church Hospital
and the following gentlemen are appointed Committee for Christ Church
Hospital Mr. Dehaven Mr. Claypoole Mr. Simmons Mr. Perot and Thomas
   Mr. Whitehead Elected Clerk of Christ Church
   Mr. Dolby . " . Sexton . ditto
   Mr. Kurtz . " . Organist ditto
   Mr. Ormrod . " . Clerk of St. Peter's Church
   Mr. Barker . " . Sexton . ditto
          Organist ditto
Mr. Allibone Mr. Sims and Mr. Miller were appointed a Committee
who are authorized to have the organ in St. Peter's Church examined
in order to ascertain what repairs may be necessary and to enquire respecting
an organist.
   Mr. Swift and Mr. Gurney are appointed a Committee to settle the Church
Warden's accounts, as well as the late Treasurer of Christ Church Hospital.
   Mr. Swift Mr. Allibone Mr. Joseph Donaldson and Mr. Stocker are
are appointed a committee to assist the Church Warden in collecting the
arrears of pew rent.
Mr. Claypoole Mr. Perot Mr. Simmons and Thomas Cumpston are appointed a committee
to prosecute the repairs of the Church Gates and Wall;

p. 87

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   On a reconsideration of the vote of 28 April 1794 respecting the ringing
of Christ Church Bells on occasions of public rejoicings, resolved that there
be an alteration of the determination on that subject, and that the following
Declaration be entered on the Vestry Books to be the Rule in future
of the Church Warden for the time being.
   Whereas it has been heretofore the practice to ring the bells of Christ
Church on the application of a individuals to the Church Warden stating
some occassion of public rejoicing, and where as the said practice is liable
to inconveniences and abuse. Therefore resolved, that no application
respecting the Premises is to be attended to by the Church Warden unless
transmitted to him from the president of the United States, or from the
Governor of the Commonwealth, or from the Mayor of the City, and
whenever a request in writing to have the bells rung shall be expressed
by, any, of the said authorities: Provision being made for the moment of
the ringer the Church Warden is to give an order for the ringing.
   Resolved that the Rector and Church Wardens be a committee
to wait on the proper officer in each of the enumerated departments, with
a copy of the above resolve of Vestry.
   The Church Warden reported that he had purchased three ground
rents amounting to thirty six pounds per annum for five hundred and forty
pounds issuing from three lots at and near the corner of Third and South Streets,
which together with the amount of two ground rents reported December
29, 1794 amounts to eight hundred and three pounds four shillings, seven
hundred and sixty two pounds ten shillings, thereof being the proper monies
belonging to Christ Church Hospital, left to that institution by the will

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of Dr. Kearsley the amount of the balance being 40.14.0 to be repaid by the
Committee of Christ Church Hospital.
   A motion was made that the salaries of the Reverend Dr. Blackwell and the
Reverend Mr. Abercrombie should be increased. Resolved that the Vestry will
meet on this day fortnight and that the Clerk be directed to mention in
the notices that the disposal of money will be taken into consideration.
   The Church Warden is requested to make an indorsement against the
next meeting of Vestry to put on the ground rent deeds expressing the

At a meeting of the Corporation of the United Episcopal Church
of Christ Church and St. Peter's Church held at the Rector's House
April 17, 1795.

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
Mr. Mackenzie Mr. Perot Mr. Claypoole
Mr. Simmons Mr. Sawyer Mr. DeHaven Mr. Miller Mr. John Donaldson
Mr. Bickham Mr. Gurney Mr. Hall and Thomas Cumpston.

The Indorsements to be put on the ground rent dees were read and
the Vestry directed the Chruch Warden to put the same on each deed and
to have them recorded in the margin of the record at the rolls office.
   Mr. Donaldson Mr. Perot and Thomas Cumpston were appointed
a committee to report a plan for raising a sum of money for the roofing
of the north side of Christ Church, the repairs of the church gates and
and to suggest any improvement in the Revenue as to them shall appear
necessary against the next meeting of Vestry.
   A motion was made that the salary of the Reverend Mr. Abercrombie
be increased to three hundred and fifty pounds per annum to commence from
25 March last which was agreed to.

p. 89

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At a meeting of the Corporation of the United Episcopal Churches of Christ
and St. Peter's Churches held at the Rector's House May 2, 1796.

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
Mr. Swift, Mr. DeHaven, Mr. Simmons, Mr. Sawyer
Mr. Miller, Mr. Perot Mr. Jonathan Donaldson, Mr. Sims, Mr. Mackenzie, Mr. Ash
Mr. Allibone Mr. Bikham and Thomas Cumpston.

   A certificate was produce proving that Samuel Hale Thompson/son of
Thomas Thomson mast maker of this city/ aged eleven years and six months
was by accident deprived of his left ear which certificate is in the following words
"I was sent from on the 3rd day of January 1795 to visit Samuel Hale Thompson
(son of Thomas Thompson Mast Maker of the District of Southwark Philadelphia)
aged eleven years and six months I found upon enquiry that he had been
riding in cart and by some accident had fallen out, the wheel of the cart
passed over his left Ear, two third of which was entirely seperated from the Head
the remaining part injured, an attempt was made to unite the park by future
but to no purpose; the inflamation running so high as to produce a sphacelation
and consequently separation of all the parts except the lobe, or that part
which is pierced for the purpose of wearing rings.
            signed William Annan M.D.
   "I certify that I visited the said Samuel Hale Thompson in Consultation
with Doctor Annan and that the above relation is true."
             signed B. Duffield M.D.
               John Turner Senr.
               John Turner Junr.
               John Strenbick
               William Marley

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Philadelphia Couny S } I have good reason to believe the above to be true
             Signed Jonathan Penrose
             one of the Justice of the Peace
   The Committee appointd to enquire respecting the state of the
Organ in St. Peter's Church reported that they caused the same
to be examined by a proper person who said that some of the pipes are
wanting, others have lost their voices and at present there is no person here
capable of repairing it; but that a man is expected shortly from Lancaster
who might be got to put it in a state of repairs. Resolved that the same
Committee be continued until they shall have an opportunity of conversing
with the expected artist and then to report an estimate of the expense
of repairing the same, Mr. Bickham is added to the above committee.
   It was moved and seconded to appoint Mr. Taylor organist of
St. Peter's Church at the same salary as the organist of Christ Church
which was agreed to.
   Mr. Perot Mr. Simmons and Mr. Bickham are appointed a committee
to make enquiry respecting a lot left to the United Churches by John Penn
Esqr the Younger situate near vine in 4th Street and to report the state
it is in and what improvement may be made of it.
   The Committee appointed to report a plan for the improvement
of the Revenue of the United Churches, Reported a plan which was read
and the consideration thereof deferred until next meeting of Vestry and
that the clerk be directed to insert in the notices that each Vestry Mans attendance
is particularly requested.
   Mr. Ash Mr. Perot Mr. Simmons Mr. Gurney Mr. Sims and Mr. Sawyer
are appointed a committee to raise a sum of money by subscription for
roofing the north side of Christ Church and repairs of the gates and walls

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At a meeting of the corporation of the United Episcopal Churches of
Christ Church and St. Peter's Church, held at the Rector's House May 27, 1795.


The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:

Mr. DeHaven Mr. Swift Mr. Claypoole Mr. Gurney
Mr. Sawyer Mr. Miller Mr. Stocker Mr. Mackenzie Mr. Simmons Mr. Jonathan Donaldson
Mr. Perot Mr. Cuthbert Mr. Allibone and Thomas Cumpston
   The Vestry proceeded to elect deputies to meet the state convention when
the following gentlemen were duly elected
   for Christ Church   for St. Peter's Church
    Mr. Swift       Mr. Gurney
    Mr. Claypoole    Mr. Jonathan Donaldson
    Mr. Simmons    Mr. Allibone
   A motion was made and seconded that the report of the committee
for the improvement of the Revenue of the United Churches should be read,
which was read accordingly and after some conversation it was moved and seconded
to postpone the consideration thereof in order to introduce the following
resolution viz; Resolved that the sum of three hundred pounds be raised
on the pews of the United Churches after the 25 September next and that the
report of the committee of the 2 May be recommitted for ascertaining the
proper ratio, which was negative.
   It was moved and seconded to postpone the further consideration of the report
of the committee of 2 May until September next.
   Mr. Ash Mr. DeHaven Mr. Simmons are appointed a committee to
recover a sum of money from the estate of Mr. Towers and Mr. John Britton
being the amount of Mr. Soumanes two bonds.

p. 92

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At a meeting of the corporation of the United Episcopal Churches
of Christ Church and St. Peter's Church held at the Rector's House
September 25, 1795.

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
Mr. Mackenzie, Mr. Miller, Mr. Jonathan Donaldson
Mr. Simmons, Mr. DeHaven, Mr. Sims, Mr. Stocker, and Thomas Cumpston
   On motion resolved that the clerk be directed to insert in the
notices that the raising of the Revenues is to be considered of at the
next meeting of Vestry which will be on Tuesday the 29 Instant.

At a meeting of the corporation of the United Episcopal Chuches of Christ
Church and St. Peter's Church held at the Rector's House September 29, 1795.

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
Mr. Stocker Mr. Joseph Donaldson Mr.
Mackenzie Mr. Joseph Claypoole Mr. Miller Mr. Perot Mr. Sawyer
Mr. DeHaven Mr. Allibone Mr. Swift Mr. Bickham Mr. Simmons
and Thomas Cumpston

   Resolved that the thanks of this Vestry be given to the right Reverend
Dr. Smith of Charleston SOuth Carolina for his kind services in
transacting their business with Mr. Dobbins of Charleston and if not
attended with too much trouble, they request him to continue his favors
in future The question was put whether the Pew Rents
should be raised, when it was unanimously decided in the affirmative.
   A motion was made and unanimously agreed to, that the pews in
the middle aisle in both churches shall in future be at 25 each seat, to
commence from 25 Instant September. Also that the seats in the Pews
on the north side of the south aisle, and on the south side of the north aisle
and the front pews in the galleries shall be 22/6 each seat. That the
sittings in the pews along the walls heretofore at 12/6 shall be at 18/9 each seat

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That those sittings now rated at 10/ shall in future be at 12/6 each seal
That those sittings now rated at 8/ shall be at 9/~
A motion was made and seconded that one of the bye laws respecting the appropri-
ation of money shall be altered at the next meeting of Vestry and that the
Clerk be directed to insert in the notices that such alteration is to be considered of

At a meeting of the corporation of the United Episcopal Churches
of Christ Church and St. Peter's Church held at the Rector's House December 2, 1795.

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
Mr. Perot Mr. Swift Mr. Stocker Mr. Jonathan
Donaldson Mr. Sawyer Mr. Simmons Mr. Claypoole Mr. Sims Mr. Allibone
Mr. DeHaven Mr. Miller Mr. Gurney Mr. Ash and Thomas Cumpston
   Resolved that the seventh chapter of the bye laws concerning the
revenues of the churches, be and it is hereby repealed; and that the following
be introduced instead thereof.
   It is hereby enacted that the rents revenues and income of the Estate
of the Corporation shall be in the disposal of the Rector, Church Warden and
Vestry Men to be applied in such manner as they shall think proper,
First, for the support of the Rector and the Assistant Ministers and
Officers of the said United Churches; and secondly in the necessary repairs of
the Churches, Churchyards, Parsonage Houses tha now do or hereafter
whall belong to the said corporation and to no other use are purpose whatsoever
Provided also that any legacy or bequest now given or that hereafter may be
given for any particular purpose are pious use in the said two congregations
be constantly appropriated to the particular use for which it is so given.
   Resolved that Mrs. Goddard and Mrs. Rose Morris are admitted pensioners
of Christ Church Hospital.

p. 94

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   A letter was read from Mr. John Ormrod resigning his office of Clerk of St.
Peter's Church whereupon resolved that the Vestry accept of Mr. Ormrod's
resignation with regret, having been fully satisfied with his attention and services
during the eight years he officiated in his late office.
   Mr. Allibone Mr. Miller Mr. Sims Mr. Stocker and Thomas Cumpston
are appointed a committee to advertize for a proper person to officiate as
Clerk in St. Peter's Church.
   We teh subscribers being appointed judges of an election held in Christ
Church on Easter Monday 28 March 1796 agreeable to notice given yesterday
in both churches and to charter and acient usage do certify that the following
gentlemen are duly elected Vestry Men for the ensuing year.
   for Christ Church   for St. Peter's
   Peter DeHaven      Francis Gurney
   Joseph Swift      William Allibone
   George Bickham      James Sawyer
   James Ash      Thomas Cuthbert
   Leeson Simmons      Joseph Sims
   Thomas Cumpston      George Oakley
   Joseph Donaldson   J. C. Stocker
   Samuel Wheeler      John Donaldson
   Joseph Claypoole   William Bingham
            Joseph Stride
            Joseph Huddle
      (Signed)Leeson Simmons
         George Bringhurst

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   At a meeting of the Vestry Men of the United Episcopal Churches of Christ
Church and St. Peter's Church held in Christ Church on Easter Monday March 28, 1796.

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
Mr. Claypoole Mr. DeHaven Mr. Simmons Mr.
Wheeler Mr. Gurney Mr. Sims Mr. Stride and Mr. Huddle

The Vestry proceeded to the Election of the accounting Church Warden, when
Thomas Cumpston was duly elected and the Rector chose Mr. Swift to be the Rector's
Church Warden.
The following Gentlemen were chosen Questmen
   for Christ Church   for St. Peter's Church
   Mr. DeHaven      Mr. Gurney
   Mr. Claypoole      Mr. Sims
   Mr. Joseph Donaldson   Mr. Stocker
   Mr. Simmons      Mr. Sawyer
   Mr. Ash         Mr. Cuthbert
   Mr. Bickham      Mr. Allibone

At a meeting of the corporation of the United Episcopal Churches
of Christ Church and St. Peter's Church held at the Rector's House
April 4, 1796.

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
Mr. Swift Mr. Stride Mr. Sims
Mr. Wheeler Mr. Huddle Mr. Simmons Mr. DeHaven Mr. Oakley
Mr. Allibone and Thomas Cumpston

   Mr. John Clark was elected Treasurer of Christ Church Hospital
and the following gentlemen were elected a committee for the manage-
ment of the concerns of Christ Church Hospital for the ensuing
year   Mr. Dehaven   Mr. Claypoole
   Mr. Simmons   Mr. Wheeler
   Thomas Cumpston

p. 96

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Mr. Whitehead was elected Clerk for Christ Church
Mr. Dobby ....."....".... Sexton for Do
Mr. Kurtz ....."....".... Organist for do
Mr. Cooke ....."....".... Clerk for St. Peter's Church
Mr. Barker ...."....".... Sexton for do
Mr. Taylor ...."....".... Organist for do
Mr. Swift and Mr. Gurney were appointed a Committee to settle the
Church Wardens accounts as well as the accounts of the Treasurer of Christ
Church Hospital.
Mr. DeHaven Mr. Ash Mr. Claypoole Mr. Joseph Donaldson were
appointed a Committee to prosecute the repairs of Christ Church Gates, and the
roofing of the Church and to solicit subscriptions for that purpose.
They are requested to have the steeple examined and to report what repairs may
be necessary.
Mr. Gurney Mr. Sims and Mr. Stoker are appointed a Committee to solicit
subscriptions for the repairs of the churches.
A petition from Mr. Whitehead (Clerk) and Mr. Dolby dfand Mr. Barker
(Sextons) praying an increase of their salaries was read.

At a meeting of the Corporation of the United Episcopal Churches
of Christ Church and St. Peter's Church held at the Rector's House May 11, 1796.

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
Mr. Stocker, Mr. Oakley Mr. Stride
Mr. Jonathan Donaldson Mr. Gurney Mr. Simmons Mr. Sims Mr. Ash Mr.
Wheeler and Thomas Cumpston.

p. 97

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  The Vestry proceeded to elect deputies to the state convention to be held in
this City on Tuesday the 24 Instant, when the following Gentlemen were unani-
mously elected. for Christ Church ...... for St. Peter's Church
            Mr. Swift________________ Mr. Gurney____________
            Mr. Claypoole____________ Mr. John Donaldson____
            Mr. Simmons______________ Mr. Allibone__________
Mr. Simmons is added to the Committee for repairing the steeple and they
are authorised to employ a carpenter to repair it immediately.___________
Mr. John Donaldson Mr. Sims and Thomas Cumpston are appointed
a Committee to examine the Church Funds and to report a state of them at
the next meeting of Vestry; they are also requested to consider the propriety
of preventing the interment of persons in either of the churches in future
and the propriety of raising the fee for breaking the ground for strangers.

At a meeting of the corporation of the United Episcopal Churches
of Christ Church and St. Peter's Church held at the Rector's House
July 6, 1796.

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
Mr. Claypoole Mr. Huddle, Mr. Oakley Mr. Sawyer
Mr. Gurney, Mr. Swift, Mr. Stocker, Mr. John Donnaldson, Mr. Sims Mr. Wheeler
and Thomas Cumpston.
The committee appointed to examine the Church Funds, Reported an
estimate whereupon resolved that the Report of the committee on the revenues
and ependitures of the United Churches of Christ Church and St. Peter's
Church be copied and each member furnished with a copy of the said report at
least one week before the next meeting of Vestry, that appropriation of the
surplus money is to be made.

p. 98

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  At a meeting of the Corporation of the United Episcopal Churches
of Christ Church and St. Peter's Church held at the Rector's House
July 18, 1796:

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
Mr. Claypoole Mr. Oakley Mr. Sawer, Mr.
Wheeler Mr. Simmons Mr. DeHaven Mr. John Donaldson Mr. Stride
Mr. Gurney Mr. Bickham and Thomas Cumpston
A motion was made that the fees for breaking the ground for
interment of strangers shall in future not exceed sixteen dollars, which
was agreed to. That for every tomb which may be built in either
of the burial grounds the sum of fifteen pounds shall be paid if it does
not exceed 6 feet by 3 and for every additional ground in the same proportion
which was agreed to.
That for every vault which may be built in either Burial Ground
17/6 per foot shall be paid for that priviledge, which was agreed to.
That 25/ per foot shall be paid for every vault which may be erected in Christ
Church Yard in Second Street, which was agreed to.
That for every person who may be intered in Christ Church Yard in Second
Street the sum of Twenty five pounds shall be paid, which was agreed to.
Resolved that in future no person shall be buried in either of the Churches.
It was moved and seconded that the apropriation of the surplus money
shall be postponed until it can be ascertained with more precision that
the surplus may be.
Resolved that a copy of the report of the committee on the revenues
and expenditures to be send to the Right Reverend Dr. White and the two Assistant
Ministers with a copy of the above resolve.

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At a meeting of the Corporation of the United Episcopal Church of
Christ Church and St. Peter's Church, held at the Rector's House October 20, 1796.

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
Mr. Swift, Mr. Huddle, Mr. Oakley Mr. Wheeler
Mr. Sawer, Mr. Simmons, Mr. Gurney, Mr. Sims, Mr. Claypoole, Mr. Allibone
Mr. Stocker and Thomas Cumpston

The Vestry were informed that in consequence of a verbal injunction
of the late Mrs. Rebecca Doz there has been put into the Rector's hands a
bond of the Reverend Dr. Magaw for one hundred pounds payable 22 July
1799 with interest of 6 percent per annum to be paid half yearly; which bond
is given in confidence that agreeably to a condition expressed by Mrs. Doz,
the Vestry will pay the interest to Mrs. Sinclair and Mrs.
Timmons during their lives; and after their death the donation now made
shall be for the use of Christ Church Hospital.
The Vestry declare that their acceptance of the bond in under the
condition recited; and desire the Rector to express the family of the deceased
the just sense they entertain of the liberality of the donation.
The Church Warden is to make allowance to Dr. Magaw during the
lives of Mrs. Sinclair and Mrs. Timmons and so long as the principal of the bond
is in his hands of the whole or any part of the interest which he may disburse
to them. _____ It was moved and seconded to appoint Mr. J. H. Schmidt
Organist for St. Peter's Church, and his salary to commence from the time
he began to play that organ, which was agreed to.
Mr. Allibone, Mr. Sims Mr. Gurney and Stocker are appointed a committee
to cause the organ in St. Peter's Church to be repaired.
The Church Warden reported that he had purchased a ground rent
of 27.6.0 arising from a lot in Spruce Street, fronting the public lot,
between Front and Second Streets; and he was desired to make an indorsement

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on the deed expressing that it belongs to the poor of the United Churches.
The Vestry were informed that a balance of about thirty nine pounds
was due from the United Churches to Christ Church Hospital for Bricks;
the Vestry directed that it should be settled and balanced by the sum of forty
pounds fourteen shillings which is due from the United Churches from
the funds of Christ Church Hospital as by minutes of Vestry 13th April
1795 will appear.
The Church Warden reported that he had received a note of hand
for fifty pounds payable in six months from Mr. Gostelowe being the
money paid to Mr. Towns by Mr. Britton on account of the assignment of Mrs.
Soumaine's two bonds as per minute of Vestry June 1788.
Resolved that the Vestry will at their next meeting appropriate
money and the clerk should be directed to insert in the notices that
money will be disposed of.

At a meeting of the corporation of the United Episcopal Churches
of Christ Church and St. Peter's Church, held at the Rector's House January 20, 1797.

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
Mr. Swift Mr. Bickham Mr. Stocker
Mr. Cuthbert Mr. Simmons Mr. Dehaven Mr. Stride Mr. Sims Mr. Oakley

The committee of Christ Church Hosptial are desired to make enquiry and
report to Vestry who are proper persons to fill up the vacancies at present in
that institution.
Application being made by the Amicable fire company to the Vestry
through Mr. DeHaven for the purpose of placing their Engine House on part
of Christ Church burying ground during the pleasure of Vestry, Mr. Claypoole
Mr. Simmons and Thomas Cumpston are appointed a committee to examine the wall
and the ground whether it would receive any injury thereby, and report at
the next meeting of Vestry.

p. 101

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  It was proposed and agreed that the Vestry meet this day week, and that the
Clerk give notice that money is then to be disposed of.

At a meeting of the corporation of the United Episcopal Churches of Christ
Church and St. Peter's Church held at the Rector's House February 3, 1797:

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
Mr. Wheeler, Mr. Ash Mr. Huddle, Mr. Oakley
Mr. Jonathan Donnaldson Mr. DeHaven, Mr. Sawer, Mr. Swift, Mr. Claypoole, Mr. Simmons
Mr. Sims and Thomas Cumpston

The Church Warden reported that he had frequently called upon Mr. Joseph
Turner one of the Executors of Mrs. Maria Henry for the payment of 300 pounds
which said Mr. Henry by will had bequeathed to Christ Church Hospital
without effect; that he had written a letter to Mr. Hugh Gaine of New York
(another executor) from whom he received an answer which was read
declaring that he had remitted monies to Mr. Joseph Turner to pay the legacies
in this city, whereupon the Vestry appointed Mr. Swift and Mr. Ash a
committee to recover the said legacy from Mr. Turner.
Mr. Donaldson and Mr. Ash are appointed a committee to recover a sum
of money from the Estate of Cornelius Bradford late of New York, left to the
poor of the United Churches by the will of the Reverend Mr. Cummings.
The Vestry authorize the Committee of Christ Church Hospital to
enquire which of the persons of a list given are the most proper objects to
be admitted into Christ Church Hospital and to report the names of such
Persons as they admit at the next meeting of Vestry.
The committee appointed to examine the proper place for the erection
of an Engine House. Reported that the most proper place was the south
west corner of Christ Church Burying Ground adjoining the building of Mr.
George Bringhurst, which report was adopted, and the same committee continued

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to see it erected a lease of ten years subject to five shillings for
that term and at the expiration of that period to repair the wall at the
expense of the said Amicable Fire Company if it shall be thought proper
to remove it..
            It was moved and seconded that there shall be paid
to the following gentlemen in consideration of the high price of every necessary
of life exclusive of their salaries for one year commencing from the 25
September 1796 and ending the 25 September 1797 the following sums.
   The Right Reverend Dr. White 225.0.0   Amount brought forward 470.0.0
   The Reverend Dr. Blackwell 112.0.0   Mr. Dolby .............. 10.0.0
   The Reverend Mr. Abercrombie 112.0.0   Mr. Barker ............. 10.0.0
      Mr. Whitehead .......... 10.0.0   Mr. Kurtz .............. 10.0.0
      Mr. Cook ................ 10.0.0   Mr. Schmidt ............ 10.0.0
                         470.0.0                     510.0.0
It was moved and seconded that a committee be appointed to enquire what may
be the expense of insuring the two churches from loss by fire and to make
a report at the next meeting of Vestry, Mr. Swift Mr. Jonathan Donnaldson
and Mr. Sims are appointed a committee for that purpose.

At a Vestry of the corporation of the United Episcopal Churches of
Christ Church and St. Peter's Church held at the Rector's House February 28, 1797.

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
Mr. Gurney, Mr. Swift, Mr. John Donnaldson,
Mr. Sims, Mr. Wheeler, Mr. Stride, Mr. Oakley Mr. DeHaven Mr. Huddle
Mr. Buckham, Mr. Simmons Mr. Cuthbert Mr. Stocker Mr. Joseph Donaldson
and Thomas Cumpston
An address to the President of the United States was read and
approved of, and Mr. Swift mr. Stocker and Thomas Cumpston were appointed
a committee to wait on the President with a copy thereof and to Ash when it will
be convenient for him to receive it.
The Committee of Christ Church Hospital reported that Mrs. Jolly Mrs. Sinclair
and Mrs. Gardiner are admitted pensioners of that institution agreeable to the power

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granted them by the Vestry the 3rd Instant.
Resolved that Mr. Sims and Thomas Cumpston be appointed a committee
to enquire into the circumstances attending the pew of the late Governor Penn
in St. Peter's Church.
Resolved that the Rector and two Church Wardens be a Committee to wait on
the President elect after he has entered on his office, to offer him the Pew in Christ
Church hitherto occupied by the President.
The Church Warden is requested to cause notices to be sent to every Vestryman
requesting his attendance at the Rector's House hald an hour before the time the
President may appoint for receiving the address of the Vestry.

At a meeting of the Corporation of the United Episcopal Churches of
Christ Church and St. Peter's Church held at the Rector's House March 22,

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
Mr. Swift, Mr. Gurney, Mr. Sawyer, Mr. Stride, Mr.
Claypoole, Mr. Wheeler, Mr. Sims and Mr. Simmons.

Application having been made to Vestry by the Reverend Mr. Jacob Duche for
the purpose of intering the corps of Mrs. Elizabeth Duche in St. Peter's
Church; and the same having been taken into consideration by the Vestry
and no determination having been come to; it was moved and seconded that
Vestry do now adjourn, and meet at the Rector's House to morrow morning
at 8 o'clock upon the business and that the Clerk be requested to summons the
Vestry to meet at that hour upon particular business
            March 23, 1797
Vestry met at the Rector's House
The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
Mr. Swift, Mr. Claypoole, Mr. Stride, Mr. Cuthbert
Mr. Sawyer, Mr. Huddle Mr. Oakley, Mr. Gurney, Mr. Allibone, Mr. Sims,
Mr. Stocker, Mr. Joseph Donaldson.
The question having been resumed in Vestry respecting the request for the

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interment of Mrs. Elizabeth Duche in St. Peter's Church, the
Vestrycame to a determination that their former resolution be strictly
adhered to, and that the Reverend Mr. Jacob Duche be furnished with a copy
of the resolution of Vestry on that business.

We the subscribers being appointed Judges of an Election held in
Christ Church on Easter Monday April 17, 1797 agreeable to notice given
yesterday in both churches and to charter and ancient usage, do certify
that the following gentlemen are duly elected Vestrymen for the
ensuing year.
   For Christ Church:         For St. Peter's Church
   Peter DeHaven            Francis Gurney
   Joseph Swift            William Allibone
   Joseph Claypoole         Joseph Sims
   George Bickham            Thomas Cuthbert
   Thomas Cumpston            William Bingham
   James Ash               George Oakley
   Samuel Wheeler            John Donnaldson
   Leeson Simmons            John C. Stocker
   William Hall            Joseph Stride
   John Morrell            Joseph Huddle Senior
         Signed{ George Oakley
               Daniel Smith

At a meeting of the Vestrymen of the United Episcopal Churches of Christ Church
and St. Peter's, held at Christ Church April 18, 1797.

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
Mr. Gurney, Mr. Oakley, Mr. Claypoole, Mr. Stride
Mr. Wheeler, Mr. Huddle, Mr. Sims, Mr. Morrell and Thomas Cumpston

The Vestry elected Thomas Cumpston accounting Church Warden, and the
Rector chose Mr. Swift the Rector's Church Warden.

p. 105

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At a meeting of the Corporation of the United Episcopal Churches of Christ Church
and St. Peter's, held at the Rector's House April 24, 1797.

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
Mr. Swift, Mr. DeHaven, Mr. Sims, Mr. Stride, Mr. Ash
Mr. Claypoole, Mr. Morrell, Mr. Gurney, Mr. Simmons, Mr. Stocker, Mr. Cuthbert, Mr.
Bickham, Mr. Jonathan Donnaldson, Mr. Wheeler, Mr. Oakley, and Thomas Cumpston

   Mr. John Clark was elected Treasurer of Christ Church Hospital, and
the following gentlemen were elected a committee for the management of the
concerns of the said Hospital.
   Mr. DeHaven      Thomas Cumpston      Mr. Wheeler
   Mr. Claypoole   Mr. Simmons
   Mr. Whitehead was elected Clerk for Christ Church
   Mr. Dolby .........."    Sexton for do
   Mr. Kurtz .........."    Organist " do
   Mr. Cooke .........."    Clerk for St. Peter's
   Mr. Barker ........."    Sexton for ... "
Mr. Gurney and Mr. Sims are appointed a committee to aid the Church
Warden in procuring an organist for St. Peter's Church, and the Church
Warden is requested to advertize for one.
   Mr. Swift and Mr. Gurney are appointed a Committee to settle the
Church Warden's Accounts as well as the Treasurer of Christ Chruch Hospital's
      Mr. Simmons and Mr. Morrell are appointed a committee to
cause the walls of Christ Church white washed and the paint to be cleaned.
   Application was made to Vestry for a liberty to erect a stone in front of
St. Peter's Church in memory of Mrs. Duche which was granted.
   At question was proposed by the Church Warden to the Vestry tending
to ascertain their sense in regard to the eighth chapter of the rules; to what
extent a deficiency in the payment of arrears is therein tolerated.

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   Resolved unanimously that it is the opinion of Vestry where any
person shall refuse or neglect to pay their pew rent after one years.
arrearage having accrued and after six months subsequent to the demand of
such arrearage, the Church Wardens have a right to let the Pew or sittings to
other persons.
      Resolved that from and after the 25th March last no pew rent shall
be received or collected from the Rector or Assistant Minister for the time being.
   A resolution was proposed to the following effect whereas the President's
Pew in Christ Church will only be occasionally occupied by the President of the
United States. Resolved that the Right Reverend Dr. White be requested to make
use of the same reserving the Right of Accomodating the President of the
United States at such times as he shall choose to attend, the further consider-
ation of which was postponed until the next meeting of Vestry.

At a meeting of the Corporation of the United Episcopal Churches of Christ Church
and St. Peter's Church, held at the Rector's House May 24, 1797.

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
Mr. Swift, Mr. Sims, Mr. Stocker, Mr. Stride, Mr.
Oakley, Mr. Dehaven and Thomas Cumpston

   The Vestry proceeded to elect deputies to represent the United Churches
in the State Convention to be held in this City on Tuesday the 13 June next
when the following gentlemen were unanimously elected.
   for Christ's Church      for St. Peter's Church
   Mr. Joseph Swift      Mr. Gurney
   Mr. Joseph Claypoole   Mr. Sims
   Mr. Leeson Simmons      Mr. Stocker
Mr. Sims and Mr. Stocker are appointed a committee to cause the gallery
in front of the organ in St. Peter's Church to be secured.

p. 107

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At a meeting of the Corporation of the United Episcopal Churches of Christ
Church and St. Peter's Church held at the Rector's House July 24, 1797.

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
Mr. Ash, Mr. Morrell, Mr. Wheeler, Mr. Stride, Mr. Oakley
Mr. Claypoole and Thomas Cumpston
   The Rector laid before Vestry a letter signed by Mr. Robert Ralston as Secretary
to a meeting of Sundry Citizens inviting the Vestry to appoint deputies to meet
persons deputed by other Religious denominations, for the purpose of applying
to the Corporation of the City for Liberty to erect chains nerar the places of Worship
as to prevent carriages passing during divine service.
   Mr. Wheeler and Thomas Cumpston are appointed a committee to meet
deputies from other Religious Societies and to Unite with them in their application
to the Corporation of the City or Legislature of the State for the above purpose.
   Doctor G. K. Jackson is appointed Organist of St. Church, his salary
to commence from the 25 March last.
   The Church Warden presented an account amounting to eight pounds five shillings
and three pence for repairing the caps and balls on the wall of St. Peter's Church
Yard due to the Estate of William Stiles deceased, which was directed to be paid.
   Mr. Oakley and Mr. Stride are appointed a committee to whom was referred
an account of Nicholas Pickles for putting up stoves in St. Peter's Church.
   The Church Warden is requested to examine the minutes of Vestry
respecting the agreement with the ringers about ringing of the bells.
   The Church Warden is requested to ascertain what is the customary
and authorized fees of the Sexton and to report at next meeting of Vestry.

We the subscribers being appointed judges of an election held in
Christ Church on Easter Monday April 9, 1798 Agreeable to notice given
yesterday in both churches, and to charter and ancient usage as certify
that the following gentlemen are duly elected Vestrymen for the ensuing
            Signed{ John Jarvis
                  Basil Wood

p. 108

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For Christ Church      For St. Peter's Church
Peter DeHaven         Francis Gurney
Joseph Swift         Joseph Sims
Joseph Claypoole      John C. Stocker
George Bickham         William Bingham
Thomas Cumpston         Thomas Cuthbert
James Ash            John Donnaldson
William Hall         Joseph Stride
Samuel Wheeler         George Oakley
John Morrell         Joseph Huddle
Leeson Simmons         Daniel Smith

At a meeting of the Vestrymen of the United Episcopal Churches of
Christ Church and St. Peter's held in Christ Church April 9, 1798.

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
Mr. Claypoole, Mr. Simmons, Mr. Wheeler
Mr. Stride and Mr. Huddle

   The Vestrymen Elected Thomas Cumpston Accounting Church
Warden, and the Rector chose Mr. Swift to be the Rector's Church Warden.

At a meeting of the Corporation of the United Episcopal Churches of
Christ Church and St. Peter's, held at the Rector's House April 16, 1798.

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
Mr. Swift, mr. Smith, Mr. DeHaven, Mr. Sims
Mr. Wheeler, Mr. Stocker, Mr. Stride, Mr. Huddle and Thomas Cumpston
   Mr. John Clark was elected Treasurer of Christ Church Hospital, and
the following gentlemen were elected a committee for the management of the
concerns of said Hospital for the ensuing year.
   Mr. DeHaven            Thomas Cumpston
   Mr. Joshua Claypoole   Mr. Wheeler
   Mr. Simmons

p. 109

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      Mr. Whitehead was elected Clerk of Christ Church
      Mr. John Cook ........... ditto of St. Peter's
      Mr. Dolby ............... Sexton of Christ Church
      Mr. Barker .............. ditto of St. Peter's
      Mr. Kurtz ............... Organist of Christ Church
      Mr. Taylor .............. ditto of St. Peter's

   It was moved and seconded that the additional salary Voted by the
Vestry to the Clergy and officers of the Churches for one year in consideration
of the advance prices of every necessary of life; and which ceased on the 25th
September 1797 shall be continued from that period for one year ending 25th
September 1799.
   Mr. Swift and Mr. Gurney are appointed a Committee to examine and
settle the Church Wardens accounts as well as the accounts of the Treasurer of
Christ Church Hospital.

   At a meeting of the corporation of the United Episcopal Churches of
Christ Church and St. Peter's Church in Philadelphia held at the
Rector's House May 25, 1798.

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
Mr. Gurney, Mr. Oakley, Mr. Claypoole, Mr. DeHaven
Mr. Swift, Mr. Simmons, Mr. Stocker, Mr. Smith, Mr. Wheeler and Thomas Cumpston

The Committee of Christ Church Hospital reported that there was a vacancy
in said Hospital resolved that Esther Langman is hereby admitted a pensioner
   The Vestry proceeded to elect deputies to the state convention when
the following gentlemen were duly elected.
      for Christ Church   for St. Peter's
      Mr. Swift         Mr. Gurney
      Mr. Claypoole      Mr. Stocker
      Mr. Simmons         Mr. Sims
Mr. Simmons and Mr. Smith are appointed a committee to examine the churches
and if any repairs are necessary to report the same at next meeting of Vestry.

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Also to enquire on what terms Christ Church can be insured from loss by
Fire, and to report at next meeting of Vestry.

   We the subscribers being appointed Judges of an Election held in
Christ Church on Easter Monday March 25, 1799 agreeably to notice given
yesterday in both Churches and to charter and ancient usage: certify that the
following gentlemen are duly elected Vestry Men for the ensuing year.
                     Signed Edward Lane and Daniel Knight

      Peter DeHaven      Francis Gurney
      Joseph Swift      Joseph Sims
      Joseph Claypoole   John C. Stocker
      George Bickham      Thomas Cuthbert
      Thomas Cumpston      George Oakley
      James Ash         Joseph Huddle
      William Hall      Daniel Smith
      Leeson Simmons      William Bingham
      Samuel Wheeler      John Donnaldson
      John Morrell      Thomas Burke

At meeting of the Vestry men and the United Episcopal Churches, held in
Christ Church March 25, 1799.

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
Mr. Claypoole, Mr. DeHaven, Mr. Huddle
Mr. Smith, Mr. Simmons, Mr. Oakley, Mr. Stocker, Mr. Burke

   The Vestry men elected Mr. Thomas Cumpston Accounting Church
Warden, and the Rector chose Mr. Joseph Swift to be the Rector's Chruch
   Questmen for Christ Church      Questmen for St. Peter's
   Mr. Cumpston               General Gurney
   Mr. Dehaven                  Mr. Sims
   Mr. Claypoole               Mr. Oakley
   Mr. Leeson Simmons            Mr. Huddle
   Mr. Bickham                  Mr. Burke
   Mr. Wheeler

p. 111

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  At a meeting of the Vestrymen of the United Episcopal Churches of Christ
Church and St. Peter's held at the Rector's House April 1, 1799.

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
Mr. Claypoole, Mr. Gurney, Mr. Oakley, Mr. Wheeler, Mr. Smith
Mr. Burke, Mr. DeHaven, Mr. John Donnaldson, Mr. Swift, Mr. Bickham, Mr. Stocker,
Mr. Cuthbert and Thomas Cumpston

   Mr. John Clark was elected Treasurer of Christ Church Hospital, and the following
gentlemen were elected a committee to manage the concerns of said Hopital for the ensuing
year. Mr. DeHaven, Mr. Claypoole, Mr. Wheeler, Mr. Simmons and Thomas Cumpston.
   Mr. Whitehead elected Clerk of Christ Church
   Mr. Dolby ........... Sexton of do
   Mr. Kurtz ........... Organist of do
   Mr. Cook ............ Clerk of St. Peter's
   Mr. Barker .......... Sexton of do
   Mr. Taylor .......... Organist of do
   Mr. Gurney and Mr. Swift are appointed a committee to examine and settle
the Church Warden's accounts as well as the accounts of the Treasurer of Christ
Church Hospital.
   The Vestry authorize the committee of Christ Church Hospital to enquire
which of the persons of a left given are the most proper objects to be admitted into Christ
Church Hospital, and to report the Names of such persons as they admit at the
next meeting of Vestry.
   A letter from the Reverend Mr. Abercrombie was read on the subject of his
salary which was referred to Mr. Swift, Mr. Gurney, and Thomas Cumpston
who are requested to report thereon at the next meeting of Vestry.
   It was moved and seconded that there shall be paid to the two Sextons
for their extraordinary service during the fever fifty dollars each.

p. 112

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   At a meeting of the Corporation of the United Episcopal Churches of
Christ Church and St. Peter's, held at the Rector's House May 17, 1799.

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
Mr. Gurney, Mr. Morrell, Mr. Smith, Mr. Wheeler
Mr. Burke, Mr. Swift, Mr. Oakley, Mr. DeHaven, Mr. Simmons and Thomas Cumpston

   The committee of Christ Church Hospital, reported that Mrs. Leah Jones and
Mrs. Mary Shrock are admitted pensioners of that institution agreeably to
the power granted to them by the Vestry at the last meeting.
   The Vestry proceeded to elect deputies to represent the United Churches
in the State Convention, to be held in this CIty on Tuesday 21 Instant, when the
following gentlemen were unanimously elected.
   for Christ Church      for St. Peter's
   Mr. Swift            Mr. Gurney
   Mr. Claypoole         Mr. Sims
   Mr. L. Simmons         Mr. Stocker

   Mr. DeHaven and Thomas Cumpston are appointed a committee to examine the
wall between Christ Church burial ground and the college, and to unite with a
committee of the Trustes of the University in having a permanent wall or fence erected.

At a meeting of the Corporation of the United Episcopal Churches of Christ
Church and St. Peter's, held at the Rector's House January 20, 1800.

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
Mr. DeHaven, Mr. Burke, Mr. Claypoole, Mr. Morrell
Mr. Swift, Mr. Simmons, Mr. Smith, Mr. Wheeler Mr. Oakley Mr. Bickham
and Thomas Cumpston
   The Committee of Christ Church Hospital reported the follwoing persons
are proper objects for admission into said Hospital; Mrs. Valois Mr. Ann McCall
Mrs. Judith Fox Mrs. Charity Lawrence which the Vestry agreed to.
   A motion was made and seconded that Mr. Wheeler and the Church Warden
be a committee to call on The Reverend Dr. Magaw for payment of his bond with
interest which may be due thereon. They are instructed to require a
sufficient real security, and Dr. Magaw should include to hold the money any

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   The Committee appointed to settle the Church Warden's account report
that they have carefully examined the accounts of Thomas Cumpston Accounting
Church Warden for four years last past, and ending at Easter 1799 find a balance due
to him, from the United Churches of twenty pounds eighteen shillings and seven pence.
   The same Committee report that they have carefully examined the accounts of
Mr. John Clark Treasurer of Christ Church Hospital and find a balance in his hands
of two hundred and sixty pounds twelve shillings and ten pence half penny.
   A letter was read from The Reverend Mr. Abercrombie mentioning his intention of
instructing youth in conjunction with The Reverend Dr. Andrews and requesting the permission
of Vestry to pursue his plan. The Vestry consent to the same provided it can be
managed without material interference with the duties to the United Churches.

   We the subscribers appointed Judges of an Election held in Christ Church on Easter
Monday April 14, 1800 agreeable to notice given yesterday in both churches and to
ancient custom and usage, certify that the following gentlemen are duly elected
Vestrymen for the ensuing year.               James Sawyer
                              Signed{ Daniel Knight
   Peter DeHaven      Francis Gurney
   Joseph Swift      Joseph Sims
   Joseph Claypoole   John C. Stocker
   Thomas Cumpston      Thomas Cuthbert
   George Bickham      George Oakley
   James Ash         Joseph Huddell
   William Hall      Daniel Smith
   Leeson Simmons      William Bingham
   Samuel Wheeler      Thomas Burke
   John Morrell      James Sawyer

   At a meeting of the Vestry Men of the United Episcopal Churches of
of Christ Church and St. Peter's held in Christ CHurch April 1800.

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
Mr. DeHaven, Mr. Simmons, Mr. Oakley
Mr. Swift, Mr. Claypoole, Mr. Stocker, Mr. Huddell, Mr. Burke
   The Vestrymen elected Thomas Cumpston Accounting Church Warden and
the Rector chose Mr. Joseph Swift, to be the Rector's Church Warden.

p. 114

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Questmen for Christ Church .....for St. Peter's
         Mr. DeHaven         Mr. Stocker
         Mr. Claypoole      Mr. Sims
         Mr. Ash            Mr. Oakley
         Mr. Cumpston      Mr. Sawyer
         Mr. Simmons         Mr. Burke
         Mr. Bickham         Mr. Huddell
         Mr. Wheeler

At a meeting of the Corporation of the United Episcopal Churches held
at the Rector's House April 21, 1800.

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
Mr. Burke, Mr. Oakley, Mr. Brickham, Mr. Smith
Mr. Simmons, Mr. Sims and Thomas Cumpston

   Mr. John Clark was appointed Treasurer of Christ Church Hospital, and the
following gentlemen were elected a committee for the management of the concerns
of said Hospital for the ensuing year, Mr. DeHaven, Mr. Claypoole Mr. Wheeler
Mr. Simmons and Thomas Cumpston.
   Mr. Whitehead Elected Clerk of Christ Church
   Mr. Dolby .................... Sexton of Do
   Mr. Kurtz .................... Orgaist of do
   Mr. Barker ................... Sexton of St. Peter's
   Mr. Taylor ................... Organist of Do
Mr. Swift and Mr. Gurney are appointed a committee to settle the Church Warden
Account, as well as the Treasurer of Christ Church Hospital Accounts.
   It was moved and seconded that the additional salary to the Clergy and Officiers
of the Churches should be paid from 25th November 1798 to 25th March last, which
was agreed to.
   Mr. Wheeler Mr. Simmons and Thomas Cumpston are appointed a committee
to receive a deed for a lot near coats burial ground, in the Northern Liberities
from the surviving trustees, who are said to be desirous of delivering it the corpora-
tion of the United Churches, and to report their proceedings at the next meeting of Vestry.
   Mr. Sims and Thomas Cumpston are appointed a committee to recover Mr. Cummings's
Legacy, from the Estate of Cornelius Bradford.

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At a meeting of the Corporation of the United Episcopal Churches, of Christ Church
and St. Peter's, held at the Rector's House June 6, 1800.

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
Mr. Wheeler, Mr. Burke, Mr. Oakley, Mr. Smith, Mr. Bickham
Mr. Claypoole, Mr. Sawyer, Mr. Stocker and Thomas Cumpston
   The Vestry proceeded to elect Deputies to meet the state convention on Tuesday the
10th Instant, when the following gentlemen were elected.
   for Christ Church   for St. Peter's
   Mr. Swift         Mr. Gurney
   Mr. Claypoole      Mr. Sims
   Mr. Simmons         Mr. Stocker

   The Committee appointed to receive from the surviving Trustees a deed for a lot
near Coats burial ground in the Northern Liberties. Report, that they have received
the original deed which is now in the hands of a conveyancer in order to draw another
by it to the Rector, Church Wardens and Vestrymen of the United Churches, and the
Committee are continued and desired to complete the business.

   We the subscribers appointed Judges of a Election, held in Christ Church
on Easter Monday April 6, 1801, agreeable to notice given yesterday in both Churches
and to ancient custom and usage; certify that the following Gentlemen were duly elected
Vestrymen for the ensuing year.            Thomas Pugh
                         Signed {   Henry Ash
   Christ Church         St. Peter's
   Peter DeHaven         Francis Gurney
   Joseph Swift         Joseph Sims
   Joseph Claypoole      John C. Stocker
   Thomas Cumpston         Thomas Cuthbert
   George Bickham         George Oakley
   Leeson Simmons         Joseph Huddell
   James Ash            Daniel Smith
   William Hall         William Bingham
   Samuel Wheeler         Thomas Burke
   John Morrell         James Sawyer

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At a meeting of the Vestrymen of the United Episcopal Churches
held in Christ Church April 6, 1801.

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
Mr. DeHaven, Mr. Oakley, Mr. Claypoole, Mr.
Simmons, Mr. Wheeler. The Vestrymen elected Thomas Cumpston Account-
ing Church Warden and the Rector chose Mr. Swift to be the Rector's Church
      Questmen for Christ Church for St. Peter's
      Mr. Swift               Mr. Gurney
      Mr. DeHaven               Mr. Stocker
      Mr. Claypoole            Mr. Oakley
      Mr. Cumpston            Mr. Huddell
      Mr. Ash                  Mr. Burke
      Mr. Buckham
      Mr. Wheeler
      Mr. Simmons

At a meeting of the Corporation of the Episcopal Churches of
Christ Church and St. Peter's, held at the Rector's House April 13, 1801.

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
Mr. Gurney, Mr. Dehaven, Mr. Simmons, Mr.
Swift, Mr. Bickham, Mr. Wheeler, Mr. Claypoole, Mr. Smith, Mr. Oakley and Mr. Sims.

   Mr. DeHaven Mr. Claypoole, Mr. Wheeler Mr. Simmons and Thomas Cumpston
are appointed committee for the managment of the concerns of Christ Church
   Mr. John Clark was chosen Treasurer of Christ Church
   Mr. Smith, Mr. Stocker, and Mr. Sims are a committee, to procure a Clerk
for St. Peter's Church, and to confer with Mr. Cumpston what compensation
ought to be made to Mr. Ormrod and report at next meeting of Vestry.
   The Rector will please to direct that the Clerk shall insert in the notices
for the next meeting of Vestry that money is to be disposed of.
   Mr. Wheeler Mr. Simmons and Mr. Cumpston are a committee to attend to the Ground
near coats Burial ground and to lease the same on the best terms.
   Mr. Cumpston and Joseph Sims are a committee to attend to Mr. Cornelius
Bradford's business.

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Mr. Whitehead chosen Clerk of Christ Church
Mr. Dolby ...........Sexton of ditto
Mr. Kurtz ...........Organist of ditto
Mr. Barker ..........Sexton of Saint
Mr. Taylor ..........Organist of ditto

   The additional salary to the Clergy and officers of the Churches was voted for the
year ending 25th March 1801.
   Mr. Simmons and Mr. DeHaven are a committee to enquire and report whether the ringers
are not required by existing contract to ring the bells on the 4th of July according
to the original agreement with them.
   Mr. Swift and Mr. Gurney are a committee to examine and settle the accounting Church
Wardens Accounts as well as the accounts of the Treasurer of Christ Church Hospital.

At a meeting of the Corporation of the United Episcopal Churches held at
the Rector's House May 27, 1801.

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
Mr. Gurney, Mr. Smith, Mr. Simmons, Mr. Sawyer
Mr. Burke, Mr. Wheeler, Mr. Oakley, and Thomas Cumpston
   The committee appointed to procure a Clerk for St. Peter's Church
are not prepared to report; they are continued.
   A motion was made and seconded that the Church Warden be authorized to
pay Mr. Ormrod for his service as Clerk for one year the sum of one hundred
   The Committee on the Lot near Coat's burial ground
is continued.
   The Committee on Cornelius Bradford's Legacy is continuted.
   The Committee appointed to enquire of the ringers are bound by existing contracts
to ring the bells on 4th July. Report, that they find them so required, the said
committee with the addition of General Gurney is continued, and desired to require
of the ringers that in future they ring on 4 July.
   A motion was made and seconded that Mr. DeHaven Mr. Wheeler and
Thomas Cumpston be a Committee to take into consideration the circumstances
of the Pew lately occupied by the President of the United States in consequence

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of the removal of the Federal Government to the City of Washington
and to enquire whether the whole or part of the Pew cannot be reserved
for a Rector's Pew.
         The same Committee are desired to enquire whether
it be proper to open a window on the North side of Christ Church on the terms
proposed by certain members of said church.
   The Vestry proceeded to Elect Deputies to the Convention when the follow
-ing Gentlemen were duly elected.
   for Christ Church ..... for St. Peter's
   Mr. Swift            Mr. Gurney
   Mr. Claypoole         Mr. Sims
   Mr. Simmons            Mr. Stocker

   It being reported to Vestry that there is a vacancy in Christ Church
Hospital, the Committee are authorized to admit such a person as they
may find worthy, and to report her name to the next Vestry.

At a meeting of the Corporation of the United Episcopal Churches
held at the Rector's House July 8, 1801.

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
Mr. Smith, Mr. Oakley, Mr. Gurney
Mr. Simmons, Mr. Claypoole, Mr. Wheeler, Mr. Huddell, Mr. Stocker, Mr. Sims
Mr. Buckham and Thomas Cumpston.
   The Church Warden read a proposal made by Alexander McAlister
offering four hundred dollars for the right of Vestry to a lot in Shippen
Street subject to a ground rent of sixty pounds per annum which formerly was
in the tenure of Lawrence Powell.
   General Gurney and Mr. Smith are appointed a committee to attend to this
business, and report their proceedings to Vestry.
   The Rector stated to the Vestry that he had called this meeting at
the instance of the accounting Church Warden, who stated, that he had desired
the same in consequence of the refusal of the ringer to ring the bells on the
4th of July. Mr. Dolby the head ringer appeared to whom the following
questions were put and answered.
Did you receive an order from the Church Warden on the 3rd July requiring you to
ring the bells on the 4th July.

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         Answer Yes
Why did you not ring them when so required?
   Answer, the ringers refused because they were not specially paid for their trouble.
who were the ringers who refused?      Answer, all of them except.
   William Maloy who was absent and Philip LInk who declined the attendance
   some time before. The names of the ringers present who refused are
   Richard Thornhill, John Pister, Caleb Offley, Samuel Rudolph and Charles
Had the ringers complied were you ready and willing to ring? Answer, I was
and urged them in the morning to a compliance.
   The Vestry proceeded in the consideration of the subject which was refered
to a Committee, consisting of General Gurney, Mr. Smith, Mr. Sims, Mr. Wheeler,
Mr. Claypoole and Mr.Simmons, who are to report at next meeting of Vestry
to meet on Saturday Morning, at 9 o'clock.
   The Church Warden laid before Vestry a letter which he received from
Governor McKean which was read and ordered to be entered on the Minutes and referred
to the foregoing Committee.
   I am astonished to hear, that any inhabitant of the State of Penn-
sylvania should be so disaffected to the Independence of our Country, and so
imprudent as to avow it, a Mr. Dolby the Head ringer of the bells in the Steeple
of Christ Church who I am told refuses peremptorily to suffer them to
be rung on this day. This conduct must be submitted to his Employers
and he or they be responsible for the consequences. I wish for the
reputation of a respectable portion of my follow citizens, that the
bells may be instantly rung.
                           I am Sir,
      Philadelphia July 4, 1801         Your obedient Humble Servant
   Thomas Cumpston Esquire         (Signed) Thomas M Kean
      Church Warden
Note. The foregoing letter was written on the back of paper on which was
written the Resolution of Vestry of 27th May last, and an order from the Church
Warden to the Head ringer of the Bells, Mr. Dolby dated 3rd July requiring him
to cause the Bells to be rung on the 4th July.

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   At a meeting of the Corporation of the United Episcopal Churches
held at the Rector's House July 11, 1801.

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
Mr. Stocker, Mr. Bickham, Mr. DeHaven
Mr. Simmons, Mr. Smith, Mr. Hall, Mr. Claypoole, Mr. Gurney, Mr. Burke,
Mr. Cuthbert, Mr. Sawyer, Mr. Wheeler and Thomas Cumpston.

   The committee appointed to enquire why Christ Church Bells were
not rung agreeable to the Resolution of Vestry and the special order of
the Church Warden of the 3rd Instant. Report, "That they have had an
interview with the greater part of the Bell Ringers who declared that until
April last they knew not of any existing contract by which they were
bound to ring the bells on the 4 July and having been in the Habit of
receiving pay for their services on that day, they did not consider themselves
bound to perform that duty until they were assured of the compensation which
which had been usually paid to them for the same.
   Your committee read to them the order of Vestry of the 5th July 1782
which directs Christ Church Bells to be rung annually on the 4 July
being the anniversary of American Independence, they were also shown
that the foregoing order had been renewed on the 27 May last; finally
they agreed that they would annually ring the bells on the 4 July
agreeably to the resolution of Vestry of the 5 JUly 1782 and 27 May
1801 and signed a promise to that effect.
   The Vestry adopted the above report after consideration of the subject
and directed the following declaration to be entered on their minutes.
   Whereas this Vestry made an order on the 5th day of July in the year
of our lord 1782 that the Bells of Christ Church should be rung on the 4th
day of July in every year; the same being the anniversary of American
Independence; but did not stipulate any pecuniary allowance on that
account, the appointment being declared to be in substitution of a
certain other day, specified in an ancient contract with the ringers,
the observance of the day last referred to having been suspended by the

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   And whereas in consequence of the omitting of the ringing of the Bells
on sundry late returns of the anniversary of the 4 July, this Vestry did
on the 27 day of May last renew the order of the 5th July 1782.
   And whereas it appears that Mr. Cumpston the Accounting Church Warden,
besides serving Mr. Joseph Dolby the Head Ringer with a copy of the aforesaid order in
May last, gave his own written order to the same effect on the 3rd of July and further,
pressed a compliance with the order on the morning of the 4th.
   And whereas, notwithstanding the said repeated orders and pressing instances,
the bells were not rung until towards noon of the said day;
   The Vestry, having taken the premises into consideration, Declare? that
they consider the delaying of the ringing of the Bells to so late a part of the day
as a conduct highly censureable on the part of the ringers, it being but reasonable,
that since they are relieved by the intervention of the revolution from the duty
of ringing on two days on which it had been the custom to ring, agreeably to the
earliest contract with the ringers, they should have ring on the anniversary
of American Independence, when required to do so by the Vestry, and when told that
it was in substitution for one of the two days above referred to. Nevertheless as
the ringers have expressed their sorrow for what has happened, and have promised
conformity in future to the regulations, it is determined, that no further measures
be taken relatively to the past omission.
   And here it is proper to mention in regard to the Head ringers Mr. Dolby, his
declaration made to the Vestry, that he was ready and willing to have done what had been
required of him on the day; and urged the other ringers to a compliance.
   While the Vestry discharge what they consider to be their duty in this
matter, they think it but just to Mr. Dolby and to the other ringers to
declare, that there does not appear to be any ground for teh imputation, that
their noncompliance arose from a reluctance to the celebration of the day.
   It has been made appear, that the ringers on several returns of the
anniversary, had received a gratuity from individuals, who were desirous
of having the service performed; but who probably did not know of the
provision made as above mentioned by the Vestry.

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  The with holding of the gratuity, and the expectation of obtaining it were evidently
the causes of the blameable noncompliance.
   The Vestry think this a fit opportunity of mentioning, that on the 15th day
of April 1795 they directed, "that no application for the Ringing of the
Bells, on occasions of Public Rejoicing, should be attended to be the Church
Warden, unless transmitted from the President of the United States, or from
the Governor of this Commonwealth, or from Mayor of the City; Provision
being made for the payment of the Ringers," while this corporation know, that
they were vested with an unqualified property in the Bells, the above regulation
appeared to them a suitable evidence of respect to the stations specified, and to
the wishes of their follow citizens; and at the same time they indulged the
hope, that the measure would guard against applications by persons who might
neither be judges of the fitness of the occasions, nor think themselves bound
by the Law of Decorum in the manner of application.
   Although, the Vestry think it unsuitable to their characters and to
their trust, to give specific answers to many misrepresentations which
have been made in print and in other ways; yet they judge it to be
expedient to desire the Church Warden to deliver a copy of this minute
to any respectable person who shall decently request it.
   The Committee to whom was referred the Governor's Letter. Report
the following Representation to be made to his excellency on the occasion.
   To his excellency THomas McKean Esquire Governor of the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania.
   The Vestry of the United Churches of Christ Church and
St. Peter's observe from your Excellency's Letter dated 4 July 1801
and directed to Thomas Cumpston Esquire Church Warden, that you seem to
heaveexpected from this Vestry, they being the Employers of the ringers
of the Bells of Christ Church, an inquiry into the cause of the
hesitation to ring the bells on the late Anniversary of American
Independence. The Vestry have made the expected inquiry and beg
leave to represent to your excellency that they can find no evidence in
support of the information which had been given to you, viz that Joseph Dolby
in disaffection to the Independence of these states preventorily refused to suffer
the bells to be rung on the said Day. Joseph Dolby has declared in the

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presence of the Vestry who know of no evidence to the contrary, that he was ready and willing
to have done the duty required of him, but was unable to effect it from want of the
concurrence of the subordinate ringers.
   In regard to the said ringers the Vestry have to observe, that although, in their opinion
the omission was unjustifiable on the ground of the existing contract between the
parties, yet it seems reasonable to expect, that a distinction should be made between an
unfounded pecuniary demand and a crime against the state, The nature of the
difference between the Vestry and the Ringers in this respect is set forth in a
minute accompanying the present represenation.
   The Vestry flatter themselves that there is no deviation from the respect
due on this occasion, when they freely present to your Excellency that they
see no ground of the species of responsibility laid on them in that part of your
letter in which it is intimated that the ringers or their employers were
to be answerable for the consequences of the not ringing of the bells.
   The paper in which the letter was written exhibited evidence of the
attention of the Vestry to the matter in question; But had their conduct
as much varied from the public sentiment, as they trust it will
appear to have been in union with it, as to the celebration of the day:
they know of no civil penalties which would have attached on that accounts
to the discressionary management of their property; and trust that
the Governor will think on a further consideration of the subject, that the
contrary opinion would be inconsistent with the tenure on which all
ecclesiastical and other corporate property is held.

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We the subscribers being appointed judges of an Election held in Christ Church
on Easter Monday April 19, 1802. Certify that the following Gentlemen were duly
elected Vestry Men for the ensuing year
   Peter DeHaven         Francis Gurney
   Joseph Swift         Joseph Sims
   Thomas Cumpston         Jonathan C. Stocker
   George Bickham         Thomas Cushbert
   Leeson Simmons         George Oakley
   James Ash            Joseph Huddle
   William Hall         Daniel Smith
   Samuel Wheeler         Thomas Bourke
   John Morrel            James Sawyer
   Joseph Claypoole      William Bingham
            Signed Jonathan Ashburner
                  John Jarvis
At a meeting of the Vestry Men held in Christ Church April 19, 1802:

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
Mr. DeHaven, Mr. Simmons, Mr. Claypoole
Mr. Wheeler and Mr. Cumpston
   The Vestry Men elected Thomas Cumpston accounting Church Warden
and the Rector chose Mr. Joseph Swift Church Warden.

At a meeting of the Corporation of the United Episcopal Churches of
Christ Church and St. Peter's held at the Rector's House April 26, 1802:

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
Mr. Smith, Mr. Swift, Mr. DeHaven, Mr. Gurney
Mr. Oakley, Mr. Simmons, Mr. Bourke, Mr. Claypoole, Mr. Wheeler, and T. Cumpston

   Mr. Wheeler Mr. Simmons, Mr. DeHaven Mr. Claypoole and Mr. Cumpston
were appointed a committee to manage the concerns of Christ Church Hospital.
   Mr. John Clark was elected Treasurer of Christ CHurch Hospital
The committee of Christ Church Hospital reported that they had let on lease on
seven years the lot near Coates's burial Ground at thirty dollars per annum to
John Jones guarranteed by his Brother Isaac Jones.
Mr. Whitehead was elected Clerk of Christ Church Mr. Govern Clerk of St. Peter's
Mr. Dolby .............. Sexton of do          Mr. Barker Sexton of do
Mr. Kurtz .............. Organist of do        Mr. Taylor Organist of do
Mr. Swift and Mr. Gurney were appointed a committee to examine and settle
the Accounting Church Warden Accounts; also the Accounts of the Treasurer of
Christ Church Hospital.
   A letter was read from the Reverend Mr. James Abercrombie requesting any aid
that the Vestry might have in their power to give him in addition to his salary.
   The letter was referred to Messers. Gurney Mr. Wheeler, Mr. Swift, Mr. Bickham
Mr. Sims and Mr. Stocker to Report thereon.

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At a meeting of the corporation of the United Episcopal Churches of Christ Church
and St. Peter's held at the Rector's House May 27, 1802:

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
Mr. Swift, Mr. Claypoole, Mr. Gurney, Mr. Sawyer, Mr. Oakley
Mr. Bickham Mr. DeHaven Mr. Sims Mr. Simmons Mr. Stocker, Mr. Ash and T. Cumpston

   The Church Warden reported that he had received fifty pounds a legacy left by
Miss Green; also fifty pounds left by Miss Syng for the benefit of Christ Church
Hospital and that he had received from the Executors of Mr. Peter Knight two
hundred pounds for the use of the United Churches.
   The Committee appointed to examine and settle the accounts of the Church Warden
reported that they had examined and settled the Church Wardens accounts to 25 March 1801
balance due from him of two hundred and thirty pounds nine shillings and eleven pence.
   They also reported that they had examined the accounts of the Treasurer
of Christ Church Hospital up to 25 March 1802 the balance due from him to
that institution was four hundred and eight pounds sixteen shillings and eight pence.
   The committee to whom was referred the letter of the Reverend mr. James Abercrombie
praying for an increase of salary reported "The facts therein stated are much
to be regretted, the more so as the friends of the Church are not in a situation to
afford Vestry the pleasing consideration which would arise from the ability
to contribute the necessary means of relief.
   In a conversation had with Mr. Abercrombie he was made sensible
of this fact but persuaded if he were permitted to open a subscription under
the sanction of the Vestry he would be able to find relief through the
generostiy of the Society." The delicacy of this subject will not permit
the committee to dod more than to report a state of facts, referring any
further consideration of it to the good sense of the Vestry.
   It was moved and seconded that the Church Warden should
purchase a ground rent or ground rents with the two hundred pounds
left to the churches by the Will of Peter Knight.
   Mr. Ash and the Church Warden are hereby authorized to attend
to a dot in Shippen Street, to convey a rigth or title thereto to the Heirs
of Lawrence Powell or to take such steps relative thereup as to them
may appear necessary.
   The committee of Christ Church Hospital are hereby authorized
to admit a Pensioner of Christ Church Hospital and to report at next
meeting of Vestry the name of the person so admitted.
   The Vestry proceeded to ballot for deputies to the stale convention when the
following gentlemen were elected.   for Christ Church      for St. Peter's Church
                           Mr. Swift            Mr. Gurney
                           Mr. Claypoole         Mr. Sims
                           Mr. Simmons            Mr. Stocker

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   The Committee of Vestry appointed on the 11 July last to wait on
his Excellency the Governor not having had an opportunity of making a
report owing to there having been no meeting of Vestry called before the
termination of the year for which the then Vestry Men were chosen; and
an opinion having been intimated by sundry Members of the Vestry at
the last meeting that it would be expedient to have from the Gentlemen
who composed the aforesaid committee, such a statement of the
discharge of the trust committed to them as might be entered on their minutes.
   The subscribers in consideration of the above inform the Vestry
that they delivered to the Governor the papers with which they were charged;
and that although some conversation ensued thereon, no answer verbal or
written was committed to them. They further inform the Vestry that in
consequence fof some things said in the conversation alluded to they were
induced, for their own satisfaction, to make further enquiry into the subject
of their message; the result of which inquiry was, their being the more
confirmed in their opinion of the correctness of the statement transmitted
by them. In particular they were satisfied that Joseph Dolby had not
acted otherwise than as stated by him to the Vestry and that he did not refure
to Ring the bells, but could not obtain the concurrence of the other ringers,
as appears by their certificate herewith presented.
                                 Signed      William White
                                          Thomas Cumpston
                                          Samuel Wheeler

At a meeting of the corporation of the United Episcopal Churches
of Christ Church and St. Peter's held at the Rector's House December 10, 1802.

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
Mr. Wheeler, Mr. Stocker, Mr. Morrell, Mr. Smith
Mr. Cuthbert, Mr. Sims, Mr. Sawyer, Mr. Burke, Mr. Oakley, Mr. Claypoole
Mr. Huddle, Mr. Simmons, Mr. Gurney, Mr. Bickham and Mr. Cumpston

   The Church Warden Reported that he had made some progress in
respecting Mr. Knight Legacy and he is requested to attend to the purchase
of Ground Rent with the two hundred pounds left by the Will of Peter Knight
to this corporation.
   The Committee Reported that the heirs of Lawrence Powell
had not yet paid any money so as to entitle them to the repossession
of a lot in Shippen Street and they are desired further to attend to it.

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   A letter from Joseph H. Flemming offering himself a candidate
for the office of Clerk of St. Peter's Church was read.
   Two letters from the Reverend Dr. Wharton to The Reverend Mr. Abercrombie respecting
the Moral Character of Mr. Wythe a Candidate for the office of Clerk were read.
   It was stated to the Vestry that Mr. John Ormrod applied by letter
for the office of Clerk of St. Peter's Church.
   The Vestry proceeded to Elect a Clerk, when Mr. Daniel Wythe was
duly elected.
   The Committee to whom was referred the business of Cornelius Bradford
Reported a letter they received from Mr. Harrison of New York enclosing the
Bond of Mr. Bradford; the said letter is referred to the same committee.

We the subscribers being appointed Judges of an Election held in
Christ Church on Easter Monday April 11, 1803 Certify that the following
Gentlemen were duly elected Vestry Men for the ensuing year.
   Peter DeHaven         Francis Gurney
   Joseph Swift         Joseph Sims
   Joseph Claypoole      Jonath C. Stocker
   Thomas Cumpston         Thomas Cuthbert
   George Bickham         George Oakley
   Leeson Simmons         Joseph Huddle
   James Ash            Daniel Smith
   William Hall         Thomas Burke
   Samuel Wheeler         Henry Hawkins
   John Morrell         Joseph Snowden
         Signed Jonathan Clark
               Thomas Cuthbert

At a meeting of the Vestry Men held in Christ Church April 11, 1803:

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
Mr. DeHaven, Joseph Claypoole, Francis Gurney
William Hall, Samuel Wheeler, Thomas Cuthbert, John Morrell, John C. Stocker
Daniel Smith Leeson Simmons and James Ash
   The Vestry Men elected Thomas Cumpston Accounting Church Warden and
the Rector chose Mr. Swift Church Warden.
Peter DeHaven Thomas Cumpston Questmen Samuel Wheeler George Bickham L. Simmons
Joseph Claypoole James Ash Francis Gurney Daniel Smith Jonathan C. Stocker
Thomas Cuthbert, Joseph Huddle, Thomas Burke

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At a meeting of the Corporation of the United Episcopal Churches of
Christ Church and St. Peter's held at the Rector's House April 18, 1803:

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
Mr. Claypoole, Mr. DeHaven, Mr. Snowden
Mr. Cuthbert, Mr. Huddle, Mr. Sims, Mr. Hawkins, Mr. Gurney, Mr. Wheeler
Mr. Bickham, Mr. Stocker, Mr. Burke, Mr. Oakley, Mr. Simmons, and Mr. Cumpston

   Mr. DeHaven Mr. Claypoole Mr. Cumpston, Mr. Simmons, and Mr. Wheeler
were appointed a committee to manage the concerns of Christ Church Hospital
and John Clark was elected Treasurer of said Hospital.
Mr. Whitehead was elected Clerk of Christ Church
Mr. Dolby           "    Sexton of ditto
Mr. Kurtz          "    Organist of ditto
Mr. Wythe          "     Clerk of St. Peter's
Mr. Barker          "    Sexton of ditto
Mr. Taylor          "    Organist of ditto
Mr. Gurney and Mr. Morrell were appointed a committee to examine and
adjust the Church Warden Accounts and the Accounts of the Treasurer of
Christ Church Hospital.
   The Church Warden Reported that the Widow of Lawrence Powell
would pay all the arrears of Ground Rent arising from a lot in Shippen
Street amounting to seventy nine pounds two shillings and six pence if the
Vestry will grant her a lease subject to the former ground rent (viz) nine
dollars per annum. Mr. Ash and the Church Warden were appointed
a Committee with full powers to adjust the above business.
   The Vestry authorized the Committee of Christ Church Hospital
to admit three persons on the books of said institution out of a list
furnished them and to report the names of the persons so admitted at the
next meeting of Vestry.
   Mr. Sims and the Church Warden are appointed a committee to
attend to the legacy of Mr. Cummings.
   It was moved and seconded that the additional allowance heretofore
voted to the Clergy and shall be continued for one year which was agreed to.
   The Church Warden reported that he had purchased two ground
rents with the money left by the Will of Peter Knight, one in Fourth streets
between 2nd and George Streets, 25 feet front fro twenty five dollars per annum, the other
in Second at the corner of Shippen Streets yielding six pounds fifteen shillings
and five pence per annum.

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At a meeting of the Corporation of the United Episcopal Cchurches of Christ
Church and St. Peter's Church held at the Rector's House June 2, 1803:

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
Mr. Gurney, Mr. Snowden, Mr. Oakley, Mr. Stocker
Mr. Simmons, Mr. Bickham, Mr. Cuthbert, Mr. Hall, and Mr. Cumpston
   The Committee to whom was referred a letter from several members
of St. Peter's Church on the Subject of letting the Pews reported as follows
   The Committee on the Petition of Sundry Members of St. Peter's
Church dated 20 April 1802. Report that they have carefully considered
the same and are of opinion that it would not tend to the Promotion of Religion,
nor be agreeable to reason or benefit the Church as is stated in said Petition,
to make the alterations requested by the petitioners in the renting of the Pews etc;
but on the contrary they conceive, when such vacancy occur, or are
altogether given up, the plan adopted by the Church Warden under the
direction of Vestry in disposing them is best calculated to give general
satisfaction to the congregation and most beneficial to the interest
of said church.      Signed Jonathan Clement Stocker, Joseph Snowden and William Hall
   The committee to whom was referred and the proposition of the Widow
of Lawrence Powell, Report that they have granted to her Daughter (who
is married to James Meade) and her husband a lease of the lot in
Shippen Street subject to the yearly rent of nine dollars per annum
commencing from the 1 May last. The Church Warden Reported that
he had received from said Meade Seventy nine pounds two shillings and
six pence being Arrears of Ground Rent to 1 May last.
   The Vestry proceeded to Ballot for Deputies to the State Convention
when the following gentlemen were duly elected
   for Christ Church      for St. Peter's Church
   Mr. Claypoole         Mr. Gurney
   Mr. Simmons            Mr. Sims
   Mr. Hall            Mr. Stocker

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We the subscribers being appointed Judges of an Election held in
Christ Church on Easter Monday April 2, 1804 Certify that the following
Gentlemen were duly elected Vestry Men for the ensuing year.
   Peter DeHaven         Francis Gurney
   Joseph Claypoole      Joseph Sims
   Thomas Cumpston         John C. Stocker
   George Bickham         Thomas Cuthbert
   Leeson Simmons         George Oakley
   James Ash            Joseph Huddle
   William Hall         Daniel Smith
   Samuel Wheeler         Thomas Burke
   John Morrell         Henry Hawkins
   William Tilghman      Joseph Snowden
               Andrew Hannis
               Johnathan W. Morrell

At a meeting of the Vestry Men held in Christ Church April 2, 1804.

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
Mr. DeHaven, Mr. Claypoole, Mr. Tilghman
Mr. Ash, Mr. Morrell, Mr. Simmons, Mr. Oakley, Mr. Wheeler, Mr. Hall
and Mr. Gurney
   The Vestry elected Thomas Cumpston accounting Church Warden
and the Rector chose Mr. DeHaven Church Warden.

At a meeting of the Corporation of the United Episcopal Churches
of Christ Church and St. Peter's Church held at the Rector's House
April 9, 1804.

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
Mr. Claypoole, Mr. Snowden, Mr. Simmons
Mr. Hawkins, Mr. Oakley, Mr. DeHaven, Mr. Tilghman, Mr. Wheeler
Mr. Ash Mr. Cuthbert, Mr. Sims, and Mr. Cumpston.
   Mr. DeHaven, Mr. Claypoole, Mr. Wheeler, Mr. Cumpston and Mr. Ash
were appointed a committee to manage the concerns of Christ Church Hospital.
   Mr. Jacob Clark was elected Treasurer of Christ Church Hospital
Mr. Whitehead was elected Clerk of Christ Church
Mr. Dolby          "    Sexton of ditto
Mr. Kurtz          "    Organist of ditto
Mr. Wythe          "    Clerk of St. Peter's
Mr. Barker          "    Sexton of ditto
Mr. Taylor          "    Organist of ditto

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   Mr. Gurney and Mr. Morrell were appointed a committee to settle
the Church Wardens Accounts as well as the Accounts of the Treasurer of
Christ Church Hospital.
   It was moved and seconded that the Additional Salary to the Clergy
and Officers of the Churches heretofore Voted, shall be paid to them for the past
year which was unanimously agreed to.
   Mr. Wheeler Mr. Simmons and Mr. Cumpston were appointed a
committee to superintend the painting of Christ Church and other necessary
repairs; having a regard as they proceed, to the state of the funds of the
   A letter was read from Mr. Gugh Roberts requesting permission
of the Vestry to open a Window to give light to a staircase to a hous
with he intends building on a lot adjoining the church lot in
Church Alley, whereupon resolved that Mr. Roberts be permitted
to open the contemplated window, to remain open during the pleasure
of Vestry.
   The Committee of Christ Church Hospital are authorized
to admit a pensioner into the Hospital and to report her name at the next
meeting of Vestry.

At a meeting of the Corporation of the United Episcopal Churches of
Christ Church and St. Peter's Church held at the Rector's House May 26, 1804.

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
Mr. Ash, Mr. Bickham, Mr. Wheeler, Mr. Burke
Mr. Simmons, Mr. DeHaven and Mr. Cumpston

   The Committee of Christ Church Hospital reported that they had
admitted Mrs. Jennings relict of Alderman Jennings a Pensioner
of Christ Church Hospital.
   The Vestry proceeded to ballot for Deputies to the state Convention
when the following Gentlemen were duly elected.
   for Christ Church      for St. Peter's
   Mr. Claypoole         Mr. Gurney
   Mr. Simmons            Mr. Sims
   Mr. W. Tilghman         Mr. Stocker

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At a meeting of the corporation of the United Episcopal Churches of
Christ Church and St. Peter's Church held at the Rector's House December 20, 1804.

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
Mr. DeHaven, Mr. Stoke, Mr. Simmons
Mr. Ash, Mr. Smith Mr. Gurney, Mr. Wheeler, Mr. Burke, Mr. Oakley
Mr. Tilghman, Mr. Bickham, and Mr. Cumpston

   Mr. Smith and Mr. Stocker were appointed a committee to make
a Temporary provision for the business of a Sexton during the po-
sition of Mr. Barker and to cause any repairs to the doors of the Pews
and to the front of the organ gallery to be made.
   Representation has been made to the Right Reverent Dr. White
by Mrs. Rivardi that a number of young ladies, her scholary are desirous
of attending divine worship in St. Peter's Church, but having no Pew
are prevented from so doing; therefore permission is hereby given to
Mr. Rivardi to occupy Pew No. 116 in the gallery of said Church which
pew was appropriated to the late proprietary family, until the Church
Warden for the time being shall resume the right of said pew.
   Mr. Tilghman and the Church Warden are appointed a
Committee to correspond with Mr. Jones and to do every thing necessary,
relative to the will of the late Mr. Dobbins.
   The Church Warden made the following communications to
Vestry viz a letter written by the Reverend D. E. Dunlap of Columbia in
South Carolina addressed to the Vestry and Warden of Christ Church
and St. Peter's Church. Philadelphia.
            I herewith inclose you an authenticated copy
of the last will and testament of the late Mr. Joseph Dobbins by which you
will find from the relationship existing between you and the valuable
institution for which you are in trust, that you are interested.
   For your information and satisfaction I beg leave to state that
Mr. Dobbins during his last illness and for some time before had his home in
my family - was much afflicted with the gravel and generally for
eighteen months of his life last spent was pressed with most of those
infirmities which visit persons of his years (being in his seventy second year)
   Under this burden he departed this life on the 29 of May last; the
day after was his funeral which was decent and respectable, and on the

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next morning I called in a few of my neighbours (some of whom were present
with me when he died and in whose presence, I, as soon as he departed called
for his keys, locked his trunks and sealed up the keys) and after submitting
the seals which covered the keys to their inspection and they pronouncing them
safe, we then broke them, took out the keys, opened one of his trunks, in which
his two little servant girls who attended him, said their master kept his papers
this we did with a view to see if any and what disposition he had made
of his Property. We searched but a little time amongst his papers,
till we found a will which appeared to be duly executed and of which the
inclosed is a copy. On meeting with this and after reading it, it was thought
proper to stop here, put all back in the trunk, lock and seal up the same and that I should
address a letter to Thomas Jones Esquire of Charleston, South Carolina, he being the
Executor named in the Will who lived nearest to this place and give him such
information in the case as might be necessary - this was forthwith done
and I suggested the propriety of proceeding to take an inventory of such papers and
other property as Mr. Dobbins was in possession of at his death - this suggestion
however was not thought necessary by those whom I consulted considering the situation
of things, and as in all probability I would be soon relieved from my charge at
the instance and under the direction of those authorized by the Will to do so.
   In my letter to Mr. Jones before mentioned I requested him to make such
communications to the concerned in Philadelphia as he might think proper.
   By return of the mail from Charleston I was favoured with an answer
from Mr. Jones acknowledging the receipt of my letter and requesting of me to
forward to him a copy of Mr. Dobbins's will so that he might understand
the Tenor of the same and determine whether it would be convenient for him
to undertake at his advanced age the duties therein enjoined upon him as
Executor - calling in my said Neighbours and communicating to them the
contents of Mr. Jones's letter, We in the presence of each other opened the
said trunk, took out Mr. Dobbins Will which I copied and forwarded said
copy to Mr. Jones by post, locked said Trunk in presence of said neighbours
and gave the key in safe keeping to one of them - In two weeks afterwards
I received from Mr. Jones a letter covering legal advice to him of which the
following is a copy, Viz,
Charleston 19 June 1804
   Dear Sir,
Your favour of the 8 instant covering a copy of the late
Mr. Dobbins's Will came to hand in due time, and would have been sooner replied to,

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but that I thought best to get legal advice thereon in order to make my determination.
   Enclosed you have a copy of the opinion given me by Henry Bailey Esquire by which
you will see that the Vestry and Wardens nominated in the Will, cannot be Executors,
that therefore the Burden and Responsibility would fall upon me alone and that
I cannot be relieved therefrom but by permission of the Court of Equity on
Application of the parties in Philadelphia. This circumstance with the
insurmountable inconvenience that it would be to me to do the business in the
District to which it belongs and the consideration that it will be in the power
of the Institution that is to be benefited to authorize agents that will be as fully
competent has determined me to decline the undertaking.
   I take the Liberty however to remark that as the lot has happened to fall
upon you, to take care of the Property till there is some legal authority to take
the charge I think it would be prudent and advisable to have the will proven and
deposited in the proper place which I suppose would be with the Ordinary
and as you will have continued opportunities by the post, that you would
communicate to the concern in Philadelphia, the situation of the business
sending also an authenticated copy of the will. _ This being done I have
no doubt that you will soon be relieved from your charge.
                           I am with esteem, yours respectfully
The Reverend Mr. Dunlap                        Thomas Jones
                     Charleston 18 June 1804
Dear Sir,
   I have attentively perused the last Will and Testament of the
late Joseph Dobbins and thereupon make such remarks as may be useful
to you in executing the office of an Executor.
   The Will appears to be duly executed and with an Exception here-
after mentioned is to be carried literally into Execution, the codicil being
taken as part of the will. _ With the lands the Executor has nothing to do,
but Mr. and Mrs. Dunlap will immediately take possession thereof subject to
the payment of debts in case the residuary bequests fall short.
   The Vestry and Wardens of Christ Church and St. Peter's of
Philadelphia as such cannot be Executors, consequently Mr. Jones
alone is legally nominated. _ I feel satisfied on this point; and it is time
enough to examine authorities and be better satisfied when the matter is
made a question. _ on application to John Hopkins Esquire Ordinary
for Richland District he will receive proof of the Will and grant a Dedimus

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potestatem, directed to persons to receive your qualification, which being done,
he will issue his Warrant to appraise the personal estate. _ The Inventory and
appraisements must then have your subscription and an account of the Bank Stock
and Notes or other securities of debts due.
   The Dividends of the Bank Stock must from time to time be remitted
to the authorized agent of the Vestry and Church Wardens above mentioned, or such
other persons as administer the funds of the poor and distressed widows and unless
those persons shall be disposed to apply to our Court of Equity and have the stock sold out.
   There is a defect in the attempt to emancipate the girl Matilda
the same not being conformable to the requisites of late Act of our Legislature
without which no Negroe can be set free; However if her Testamentary Guardians
apply to the Court of Equity it is probably that Court would make such an order
as will Indemnify you for carrying the Intentions of the Testator into effect,
I would Advise you not to do it without tho' I presume you have the power.
   As a will in writing duly made cannot be repealed by a verbal
request, the Gift of Clothes to the poor man must fail _ But if they are
of no great value the giving them up might be required _ as the widows
cannot be opposed to the concealment of nakedness and because that to require
an account of the Clothes (being those of a man and useless to the ladies) would
be against conscience.
                  I am respectfully
your obedient Humble Servant
Henry Bailey
Hence Gentlemen
            In pursuance of Mr. Jones' advice in his letter
aforesaid addressed to me; I forthwith lodged Mr. Dobbins's will in
the Ordinary's office of this District and requested him to have the same
proven as soon as possible and let me have an authenticated copy
thereof to forward to Philadelphia without loss of time. Such copy
the Ordinary has this day favoured me with and as before mentioned is
herewith sent. _ I lament that Mr. Jones does not find it convenient
to act as Executor both on my own account as well as that of the
concerned in Philadelphia. Whether Mr. Bailey is correct in
his opinion that the Vestry and Wardens above mentioned as such
cannot be Executors is not for me to say but will remain with
you to determine. Be this matter as it may I hope measures
will speedily be taken to relieve me of the charge of taking care of the

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Papers and other things as Mr. Dobbins died possessed of at my house.
   I am also certain that he held sundry notes of hand perhaps
to the amount of five and twenty hundred or three thousand dollars
several of which the old gentleman had put in suit before he died,
others he had not. Yesterday I received a message from one of the persons
whom Mr. Dobbins had sued on a note of eight or nine hundred dollars
begging that the suit against him might not be revived for that he would
certainly pay off his note early in the ensuing fall. Hence there
is great necessity for something to be done in order that such applicants
may in due time know to whom they are to make payment and from whom
they can severally receive their obligations. Please write me by
the earliest post. I am gentlemen, tho' I have not the pleasure of a personal
acquaintance with any of you, yours with great regard
Columbia South Carolina August 13, 1804 D.E. Dunlap

The Reverend Mr. D.E. Dunlap
Reverend Sir Philadelphia 3rd September 1804
Your letter of 13 August last covering an
authenticated copy of the Will of the late Mr. Joseph Dobbins came
to my Hands this day. It is my duty to inform you Sir that a
Vestry will shortly be called, who will direct what may be
proper to do relative to said will. I am Reverend Sir, your obedient Humble Servant
Thomas Cumpston Church Warden
of the United Episcopal Churches of Christ Church and St. Peters, Philadelphia

Copy of the Will
In the name of God, Amen. I Joseph Dobbins of Columbia
in the State of South Carolina being of sound mind and memory
thanks be to God, do make and ordain this my last will and
Testament. It is my Will that all my just debts be paid as soon
as possible they being of no magnitude. Item I do order that
my servant girl Matilda about eleven years of age (a Mulatto)
be set free at my decease. Item I also wish and order that all
my Estate real and personal considering of one one hundred and seventy
six shares in the bank of South Carolina together with other
property amounting to six thousand dollars or thereabouts be

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given to the poor and distressed widows supported by the Bounty
of Doctor Kearsley in Christ Church Hospital, and I do hereby
nominate and appoint my trusty friend Thomas Jones (President
of the Bank of South Carolina) my Executor to this my last
Will and Testament in conjunction with the Vestry and Wardens
of Christ and St. Peter's Churches of the City of Philadelphia
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal
this nineteenth day of July on thousand eight hundred
and three            signed    Joseph Dobbins.
Witness, Hugh Grant, Jason Pearle, Jesse Perry.
   Sworn to 7 August 1804 before Simon Taylor, ordinary Richland
District. A copy thereof signed by S. Taylor dated 13 August 1804.
                  Copy of Codicil
I Joseph Dobbins within mentioned being of sound mind and
memory do declare this to be an addition or codicil to my
Will within mentioned that is to say, I give to my friend The Reverend
John Foster my silver quart Tankard marked M.F.
   I give devise and bequeath to the Reverend David E. Dunlap
and his wife Mrs. Susanna Dunlap and to their Heirs and assigns
for ever all those three lots of lands in the town of Columbia
known in the plan of the said town by numbers seventy
seventy one and seventy two on Taylor's Street which I purchased
of Thomas H. Wade notwithstanding any thing to the contrary
thereof within mentioned, also all the remainder of my silver
plate (after taking out the above mentioned tankard.)
   It is also my will, I do hereby nominate constitute and
appoint my friends The Reverend David E. Dunlap and his wife Mrs.
Susanna P. Dunlap guardians to the within mentioned girl
Matilda and also guardian to the Negroe Girl Amey (who I
have before set free) until they arrive to the age of eighteen years,
or days of marriage either that may first happen. In witness
whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this eleventh day
of April one thousand eight hundred and four. Signed Joseph Dobbins
   R. Waring
   R. Henderson   Sworn to 10 August 1804 before Simon Taylor who furnished a copy
   Daniel Wade      13 August 1804

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              Copy of a letter from T. Cumpston to T. Jones Esq
Sir Philadelphia 10 November 1804
   On the 3 September last a letter was received from the Reverend Davis
E. Dunlap of Columbia addressed to the Wardens and Vestry of Christ
and St. Peter's Churches Philadelphia, the receipt of which
I acknowledged the same day and informed him that a Vestry
would be soon called who would direct what would be proper
to do relative to the Will of the late Mr. Dobbins.
   Owing to the dispersed State of our Citizens a Vestry has
not yet been called, but I have seen in the public papers the
death of the Reverend Mr. Dunlap announced as having happened
on the 10 of September.
   Situated as we are at a distance from the Place where the will
is to operate and deeply interested therein, it would be very pleasing
to the Vestry here if they could prevail on you Sir to act as the
Executor and thus further the interest of our charitable institution.
   I apprehend there will be very little trouble in the business
and that might be done by a person under your direction and as to
responsibility that may be provided for by the Vestry who are a
corporate body indemnifying you. I hope Sir you will
pardon the Freedom I have taken with you in the cause of Humanity
and if you cannot prevail on yourself to accept the trust, perhaps
you may devise some other means by which the property may
be secured. I am Sir your Humble Servant Thomas Cumpston

Copy of a letter from Thomas Jones Esq to Thomas Cumpston
Mr. Thomas Cumpston Charleston 4 December 1804
I have to acknowledge the receipt of your letter
of the 10th which came to my hands on the 27th of last month and am sorry
to find thereby that no steps had yet been taken by the institution who are
to be benefited by the Will of the late Mr. Dobbins, to secure the property
devised by said will.
   The death of Mr. Dunlap has been an unfortunate
circumstance, as I believe he was fully acquainted with the affairs
of Mr. Dobbins, and that every thing in his knowledge would have been
revealed, and due care taken of what he had in charge. As things
are now situated, and it seems to be the wish of the Trustees, that I should

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undertake the Administration here, I have consented in my mind to do,
provided it can be done without my personal attendance at the
ordinary's Court at Columbia, which for various reasons it will
be out of my power to comply with. For the present I have wrote
to a friend on the spot to enquire and inform me as soon as he can,
whether Mr. Dobbin's Will has been proved and deposited with
the Ordinary, as I had advised Mr. Dunlap to have done, and if so
whether the ordinary will issue a power under which I may
be qualified at this place. If this will be done your Trustees
must be content that the after business, as far as will be required
up there, to be done by a substitute, and consent and agree that all
the forms prescribed by the laws of this State, for returning Inventory
and annual accounts of receipts and disbursements to the Ordinary
shall be dispensed with by them so far, as not to be a bar to the charge of
legal commissions on the business to be done.
   I have requested my friend at Columbia, in case he should
not find the will on record, to make enquiry of the Representatives of
Mr. Dunlap for it, as also to get what information he can of the property
and effects of Mr. Dobbins, in whose care etc. it may at this time be.
   When I get information on the subject you will hear further
from me and in the mean time will continue to take such further
measures as may be in my power at the distance I am from the Property,
as will appear to me most likely to secure it. I am Sir Your Obedient Servant
Thomas Jones
   The Committee of Christ Church Hospital reported that they
had admitted Sarah Parker as a Pensioner. The said committee
are authorized to admit four pensioners into the Hospital and to
report their names to Vestry.
   Mr. Smith is added to the Committee to examine the
accounts of the Church Warden, as well as the account of the
Treasurer of Christ Church Hospital.

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At a meeting of the corporation of the United Episcopal Churches
of Christ Church and St. Peter's Church held at the Rector's House March 11, 1805:

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
Mr. Stocker, Mr. Smith, Mr. Gurney Mr. Morrell
Mr. Claypoole Mr. Wheeler Mr. Oakley Mr. Hawkins Mr. Snowden
Mr. Bickham Mr. Simmons and Mr. Cumpston.
      The Committee appointed to make a temporary
provision for the business of a Sexton during the indisposition of
Mr. Barker reported that they ahd employed Mr. Harding to
perform that duty.
   Mr. Smith and Mr. Stocker were appointed a committe
to cause the pews and organ gallery in St. Peter's Church to be
repaired, are also instructed to cause the wall or fence of the
Burial Ground to be repaired, and any other repairs having
a regard to the state of our funds.
   The committee of Christ Church Hospital reported
that they had admitted Mrs. Pauling Mrs. Vandegrift Mrs. Mary
Breese and Mrs. Elizabeth Wolcott, Pensioners of said Hospital.
   The Committee appointed to settle the Church Warden's
Accounts as well as the accounts of the Tresurer of Christ Church
Hospital are continued.

We the subscribers being appointed judges of an election held in
Christ Church on Easter Monday April 15, 1805, Certify that the following
Gentlemen were duly elected Vestry Men for the ensuing year.
   Peter DeHaven                     Francis Gurney
   Joseph Claypoole                  Joseph Sims
   Thomas Cumpston                     Jonathan C. Stocker
   George Bickham                     Thomas Cuthbert
   Leeson Simmons                     George Oakley
   James Ash                        Joseph Huddle
   William Hall                     Daniel Smith
   Samuel Wheeler                     Thomas Burke
   John Morrell                     Henry Hawkins
   William Tilahman signed Peter Browne   Joseph Snowden
At a meeting of the Vestry Men held in Christ Church 15 April 1805. Present
   The Right Reverend Dr. White, Mr. DeHaven Mr. Simmons Mr. Sims, Mr. Hall, Mr. Hawkins, [unclear]
   The Vestry elected Mr. Cumpston Accounting Church Warden and the
Rector chose Mr. DeHaven Church Warden.

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At a meeting of the Corporation of the United Churches of Christ
Church and St. Peter's Church held at the Rector's House April 22, 1805:

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
Mr. Sims, Mr. DeHaven, Mr. Hall, Mr. Stocker
Mr. Oakley, Mr. Claypoole, Mr. Snowden, Mr. Simmons, Mr. Gurney
Mr. Smith, Mr. Burke Mr. Ash, Mr. Wheeler, Mr. Bickham, Mr. Cumpston
   The Vestry elected Mr. DeHaven Mr. Claypoole, Mr. Ash Mr. Wheeler and
Mr. Cumpston a Committee to manage the concerns of Christ Church Hospital.
   Mr. Barker's Letter resigning the office of Sexton was read and the
resignation accepted.
   Mr. White Head elected Clerk of Christ Church
   Mr. Dolby      "      Sexton       "
   Mr. Kurtz      "      Organist   "
   Mr. Wythe      "      Clerk of St. Peter's
   Mr.          "      Sexton       "
   Mr. Tayloer      "      Organist
Mr. Jacob Clark was elected Treasurer of Christ Church Hospital.
   It was moved and seconded that Mr. Stocker and Mr. Smith be a Committee
to select a proper person to officiate as Sexton for St. Peter's Church
and to report at the next meeting of Vestry.
   An application of Thomas Broom for the office of Sexton was read.
Mr. Gurney Mr. Smith and Mr. Morrell were appointed a Committee
to settle the Church Wardens accounts as well as the accounts of the
Treasurer of Christ Church Hospital.
   It was moved and seconded that the additional salary to the Clergy
and officers of the churches heretofore voted shall be paid to them for the
past year which was agreed to.
   The Committee appointed to settle the Church Wardens accounts
reported that they had attended to that duty and find a balance in his hands
of thirty pounds six shillings and seven pence on the 25 March 1804
and that the sum of two hundred nine pounds, nine shillings
and five pence was in the hands of the Treasurer of Christ Church
Hospital on the 6 March 1805.
   It was moved and seconded that the Church Warden shall pay in
consideration of the age and infirmities of Mr. Barker, over and above
his salary the sum of forty dollars.

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   The Church Warden stated that the committee had not received
any communication from Mr. Jones of Charleston relative to the bequest
of Mr. Dobbins since his letter of 4 December 1804 and their acknowledgements
of it; they are requested to write to him again and express the desire of Vestry
to hear from him.
   The Committee of Christ Church Hospital are authorized to
admit a pensioner of said Hospital and to report her name at the next
meeting of Vestry.

At a meeting of the Corporation of the United Episcopal Churches
of Christ Church and St. Peter's, held at the Rector's House June 5, 1805:

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
Mr. Stocker, Mr. Hawkins, Mr. Oakley Mr. Snowden
Mr. Wheeler, Mr. DeHaven, Mr. Gurney, Mr. Cushbert Mr. Tilghman
Mr. Burke, Mr. Smith and Mr. Cumpston.
   The Vestry proceeded to elect Deputies to the State convention
when the following gentlemen were duly elected.
   For Christ Church         For St. Peter's
   Mr. Tilghman            Mr. Gurney
   Mr. Wheeler               Mr. Sims
   Mr. Simmons               Mr. Stockton
A letter from Thomas Jones Esquire, President of the Bank of Charleston
to the Church Warden was read dated 3 April 1805.
   The Committee of Christ Church Hospital are authorized
to admit two pensioners and to report their names at next meeting
of Vestry.

   We the subscribers appointed Judges of an Election held in Christ Church
on Easter Monday April 7, 1806 do certify that the following gentlemen wre duly
elected Vestry Men for the ensuing year.
   Peter DeHaven         Francis Gurney
   Thomas Cumpston         Joseph Sims
   George Bickham         John C. Stocker
   Leeson Simmons         Thomas Cuthbert
   James Ash            George oakley
   Samuel Wheeler         Joseph Huddle
   John Morrell         Henry Hawkins
   William Tilghman      Daniel Smith
   Peter Browne         Joseph Snowden
   Ephrain Clarke         Thomas Burk      Signed and [unclear]
                                       Thomas Pugh

p. 143

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At a meeting of the Vestry Men held in Christ Church April 7, 1806:

The Right Reverend Doctor White

Vestry Men:
Mr. DeHaven Mr. Tilghman Mr. Simmons
Mr. Browne and Mr. Cumpston
   The Vestry Men elected Mr. Cumpston accounting Church Warden and the
Rector chose Mr. DeHaven Church Warden.

   At a meeting of the corporation of the United Episcopal Churches of Christ
Church and St. Peter's Church held at the Rector's House April 14, 1806:

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
Mr. Gurney Mr. Tilghman Mr. Oakley Mr. Smith
Mr. DeHaven Mr. Browne Mr. Clarke Mr. Huddell Mr. Cuthbert Mr. Bickham
Mr. Burk, Mr. Ash Mr. Snowden and Mr. Cumpston.
   The Vestry elected Messrs. DeHaven Cumpston Wheeler Browne and Simmons
a committee to manage the concerns of Christ Church Hospital.
Mr. Jacob Clarke was appointed Treasurer of Christ Church Hospital
.............Mr. Whitehead Clerk of Christ Church
.............Mr. Dolby . Sexton of do
.............Mr. Kurtz . Organist of do
.............Mr. . Clerk of St. Peter's Church
.............Mr. Harding Sexton of . ditto
.............Mr. Taylor Organist . ditto
   Mr. Wythe is continued Clerk of St. Peter's Church unless a Committee to be appointed
at this meeting shall think to recommend another to Vestry.
   Messrs. Stocker and Smith are appointed a Committee to report a suitable person
as Clerk of St. Peter's Church if the same shall be thought expedient.
   Messrs. Gurney Smith and Morrell are appointed a committee to examine and
settle the Church Wardens accounts as well as the accounts of the Treasurer of Christ Church
   Messrs. Tilghman and Cumpston are appointed a committee to attend to the
legacy of Mr. Dobbins.
   It was moved and seconded to allow the additional salary to the clergy and
officers of the Churches for the last year which was agreed to.
   A letter from Thomas Jones Esqr. President of the Bank of South Carolina to the committee
appointed to attend to the legacy of Mr. Dobbins dated 19 August 1805 was read the Committee
reported a power of attorney to be sent to Messrs. William Johnson and    Dessarue to enable
them or either of them to receive a transfer of the stock left by the will of Mr. Dobbins
from Mr. Jones and to grant him a release.
   The committee are desired to cause the seal of the corporation to be
affixed to the aforementioned Power of Attorney.
   The Committee of Christ Church Hospital reported that they had
admitted Mr. Berryman a pensioner of said Hospital.
   Messrs. Wheeler Cumpston Stocker and Smith were appointed a committee
to consider the best mode for repairing St. Peter's Church Organ and gallery
and to report to Vestry at their next meeting.

p. 144

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   At a meeting of the corporation of the United Episcopal Churches of
Christ Church and St. Peter's held at the Rector's House April 26, 1806:

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
Mr. Morrell Mr. Clarke Mr. Stocker Mr. Oakley
Mr. Simmons Mr. Bickham and Thomas Cumpston
   An abstract of Mary Andrews will dated 10 June 1757 and filled in the
probate office 2 April 1761 was read whereby it appears that ten pounds per annum
was bequeathed by her arising form Messuages and Tenements in front on Walnut
and Water Streets to be distributed at Christmas in every year to such poor and
necessitous families who shall not be upon the poor roll or supported at the public
charge of the inhabitants of the City of Philadelphia. Messrs Stocker and
Clarke are appointed a committee to recover the arrears and to report at
the next meeting of Vestry.
   The committee appointed to repair the organ in St. Peter's Church
are continued.

   At a meeting of the corporation of the United Episcopal Churches of Christ
Church and St. Peter's Church held at the Rector's House May 30, 1806.

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
Mr. Snowden, Mr. Hawkins, Mr. Stocker, Mr. Wheeler
Mr. Morrell Mr. DeHaven Mr. Brown Mr. Simmons, Mr. Gurney and T. Cumpston
   The committee appointed to recover Mrs. Mary Andrews legacy reported
that they had made progress and they are continued.
   The Committee appointed to repair the organ of St. Peter's Church is continued
as well as the Committee for repairs of the front of said organ.
   The committee appointed to attend to Mr. Dobbins legacy reported that
they had affixed the seal of the corporation to the power of Attorney appointing
William Johnson Jr. Esquire associate Judge of the Supreme Court of the United States
South Carolina and Henry William Dessare to receive from T. Jones Esquire a transfer
of bank stock and to grant him a release.
   A plan for building two houses 34 feet by seventeen on the lot granted by
Mr. Dobbins was presented and on motion it was resolved that it be referred to the
committee of Christ Church Hospital to judge of the expediency and to report to
the next meeting of Vestry.
   The Vestry proceeded to ballot for deputies to the state convention when
the following gentlemen were elected.
   for Christ Church         for St. Peter's Church
   Mr. Tilghman            Mr. Gurney
   Mr. Simmons               Mr. Sims
   Mr. Browne               Mr. Stocker
   Messrs. Browne, Wheeler, Simmons, Gurney, and Snowden are appointed a
committee to consider of the ways and means of building another church and to
reprot at the next meeting of Vestry.

p. 145

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   At a meeting of the corporation of the United Episcopal Churches of Christ Church
and St. Peter's Church held at the Rector's House August 27, 1806:

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
Mr. Clarke, Mr. Stocker, Mr. Wheeler, Mr. Simmons
Mr. Oakley, Mr. Burke, Mr. Smith, Mr. Bickham and Mr. Cumpston
   The Committee appointed to recover a legacy left by the will of Mary Andrews
report that they have made progress in that business and are continued.
   The Committee appointed to repair the Organ of St. Peter's Church is continued
   The Committee appointed on Mr. Dobbins Legacy is continued
   The Committee appointed to build two houses is continued
   The Committee appointed to consider of the ways and means of building
another church is continued.

   At a meeting of the corporation of the United Episcopal Churches of Christ
Church and St. Peter's Church held at the Rector's House September 15, 1806.

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
Mr. Browne, Mr. Cuthbert, Mr. Snowden
Mr. DeHaven, Mr. Simmns, Mr. Burke, Mr. Stocker and Mr. Cumpston
   The Committee appointed to recover a legacy left by Mary Andres
made the following reports.
   The Committee appointed on the 26th April 1806 to obtain the arrearages
of the legacy due from the late Mary Andrews Estate as per will dated 10 June 1757.
Report, that the said will was proved in the recorders office on the 2nd day of
April Anno Domini 1761 the time of her death is unknown to the committee but from
the time the legacy of 10 pounds per annum commenced and which was made payable on the
25 December in each and every year by William Peters his heirs and assigns it does not
appear to your committee that any part thereof has ever been received by the Rector
and Church Wardens from William Peters as ordered by the will. That on application
to James C. Fisher Esquire the present possessor of the premises he agreed that so ong as
he had held the same in his own right and as assignee of Peter Blight (the previous
proprietor to him) that that legacy due thereon should be paid, and which your
committee after taking legal advice concluded to recommend to the Vestry to accept
the same and which will make the amount due from 4 April 1797 to the 25 December
1805 the sum of two hundred and thirty two dollars and eighty nine cents.
   Resolved that Mr. Stocker and Mr. Clark be a committee to use legal measures
with the heirs of the late William Peters to obtain from them the arrears due from the late
Mary Andrews Estate of ten pounds per annum as ordered by her will from the 2nd day of
April 1761 to the first day of April 1797.
   Resolved that the sum $232.89/100 being the amount due from James C. Fisher
and from the assignee's of Peter Blight to the 25 December 1805 be received by the Rector
and Church Wardens to be applied as ordered by the said will of Mary Andrews
and that a receipt for the same be given by them by affixing their common seal.
   Resolved that the sum of twenty five dollars be paid James Smith Esquire
Attorney at law for his services in drawing the necessary papers and his attention
to the aforesaid business.                Signed Jonathan Clement Stocker
   The committees appointed at last meeting are continued.

p. 146

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   At a meeting of the corporation of the United Episcopal churches of Christ
Church and St. Peter's held at the Rector's House October 8, 1806:

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
Mr. Clark, Mr. DeHaven, Mr. Sims, Mr. Hawkins
Mr. Oakley, Mr. Simmons, Mr. Gurney, Mr. Cuthbert, Mr. Browne, Mr. Morrell, Mr. Smith
Mr. Stocker, Mr. Bickham, Mr. Snowden and Mr. Cumpston
   It was moved and seconded that Messrs. Gurney, Browne, and Cumpston
be a committee to report a bye law providing against irregularities which may
happen in either of the churches.
   The committee appointed to consider of the ways and means of building
another church report that they have endeavoured to learn the disposition of their
follow citizens respecting the building another church, and the committee are
disposed to believe that funds sufficient might be raised to effect this desirable
purpose of a subscription were opened under the direction of this Vestry conditioned
that the church so to be built is to be incorporated with Christ Church and St. Peter's
and that no money shall be called for until a sum sufficient for the purposed
be subscribed.                  Signed Peter Browne Leeson Simmons
                                 Francis Gurney Joseph Snowden

   At a meeting of the corporation of United Episcopal Churches held at the
Rector's House October 10, 1806.

The Right REverend Doctor White

Vestry Men:
Mr. Wheeler, Mr. Clarke, Mr. Oakley, Mr. Snowden
Mr. Simmons, Mr. Bickham, Mr. Burk, Mr. Gurney, Mr. Browne, and Mr. Cumpston

   The Committee appointed to report a bye law produced the following
which was read and enacted.
   Whereas difficulties have arisen and may here after arise in regard to
the rights of persons holding settings in the same pew and whereas the
the usage has been for every such persons to possess a common right with others
but not an exclusive right in any setting the claimants taking their places
according to their respective coming into church except so far as courtesy may
have produced a different arrangements. And whereas it is expedient
that the said usage should now be made a bye law of these churches.
   Bell enacted that were more than one person have right to settings
in the same pew no particular part or portion of the pew shall be considered
as belonging exclusively to any or either of them; and that in case of difficulty
or dispute the accounting Church Warden for the time being shall adjust the
rights of the respective claimants and if the Church Warden should see
cause he shall call the Vestry and lay the subject before them; and if
either of the parties after the case shall have been submitted to the Vestry shall
refuse to abide by their decision such party shall be considered as no longer
holding any sitting in either of the churches.
   Resolved that were any fastening is affixed to any Pew other than the
button in common use, the Church Warden shall give directions to have it removed.
   Messrs. Gurney Browne and Simmons are appointed a committee to
report a proper site for a church.

p. 147

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   At a meeting of the Corporation of the United Episcopal Churches of
Christ Church and St. Peter's held at the Rector's House December 9, 1806:

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
Mr. Smith, Mr. Snowden, Mr. Gurney, Mr. Ash
Mr. Oakley, Mr. DeHaven, Mr. Simmons, Mr. Wheeler, Mr. Clark, Mr. Bickham, Mr. Browne
Mr. Tilghman and Mr. Cumpston
   The committee appointed by Vestry 10 October 1806 to enquire for and
report a proper site for a church report that they have used their best endeavors
to accomplish the object of their appointment and they submit drafts of the several
lots which have fallen within their notice from which Vestry will be enabled to
on that, which shall appear most advisable when the dimensions of the building
shall be decided upon. If (as is the wish of some) the choice shall be in favor of
Christ Church Burial Ground the general expense will of course be lessened all
which is submitted.                        Signed Peter Browne
                                          Leeson Simmons
                                          Francis Gurney
   Whereas it appears proper to express an idea of the dimensions of the
most desirable for the church intended to ber built before a correct idea can be
formed of the necessary size of the lot or site most desirable for the purpose Resolved
that it is the opinion of Vestry that the church contemplated to be built be as near
as may be found convenient of the following dimensions viz sixty feet by ninety feet.
   Resolved that the Church Warden be requested to make out ten subscrip-
tion papers expressing the desire of Vestry to build another church to be united with
Christ Church and St. Peter's in the City of Philadelphia and stating that no money
will be called for until there is a certainty that enough can be raised by subscription
to effect the purpose, that the choice of pews to be taken in proportion to the sum subscribed.
   Resolved that Mr. Gurney Mr. Snowden Mr. Browne Mr. Wheeler and Mr. Cumpston
be a committee to prepare a draft or drafts of a church sixty feet by ninety feet
with proper estimates of the necessary materials and workmanship and to report
the same to Vestry.
   A motion was made to allow Mr. Jones five hundred dollars including his
legal commissions for his trouble in collecting and paying the money left by the will
of Mr. Dobbins the committee are requested to write to Messrs. Johnson and Dessasure
requesting them to give and execute to Mr. Jones on behalf of this corporation an
indemnity against outstanding debts due from the Estate of Mr. Dobbins and
authorise them to say that corporation will indemnify Messrs. Johnson and DeSaussure.
   On motion resolved that the committee be requested to write to Messrs.
Johnson and DeSaussure respecting the liberation of three slaves mentioned in
the will of Mr. Dobbins to authorize them to give security to the state of South
Carolina or to send them to this city.
   The following persons were admitted pensioners of christ Church Hospital
         Ann McFee         Ann Churchill
         Mary Scotten         Burns
             Browne         Elizabeth Fordham admitted conditionally
if the committee shall find she belongs to the church and comes within the meaning
of Doctor Kearsley Will         See Fordham's certificate Pugh's Letter

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   The committee of Christ Church Hospital are requested to procure proper
estimates for rebuilding or repairing the house at the corner of Market and Front

   At a meeting of the corporation of the United Episcopal Churches of
Christ Church and St. Peter's held at the Rector's House December 29, 1806:

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
Mr. Tilghman Mr. Morrell Mr. Wheeler Mr. Cuthbert
Mr. Simmons Mr. Smith Mr. Brown Mr. Gurney Mr. Oakley Mr. Sims Mr. Bickham
Mr. Burke and Mr. Cumpston.
   The Vestry authorised the Church Warden to reply to Mr. Pughes letter and
to make such terms with him as he shall deem proper.
   A motion was made and seconded that a committee be appointed
sto treat with Mrs. Muhlenberg respecting the purchase of a lot in Seventh Street
Seventy nine feet front by one hundred and ten feet deep on the best terms in their
power; and to complete the purchase if they think proper Messrs. Gurney Brown
and Bickham were accordingly appointed.

   At a meeting of the corporation of the United Episcopal Churches of
Christ Church and St. Peter's held at the Rector's House January 2, 1807:

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
Mr. Gurney, Mr. Snowden Mr. Stocker
Mr. Wheeler Mr. Clarke Mr. Morrell Mr. Smith Mr. Sims Mr. Brown Mr. Oakley
Mr. Burke Mr. Hawkins Mr. Ash Mr. Tilghman Mr. Bickham and Mr. Cumpston

   A letter was read from George Sheaff addressed to Messrs. Gurney
Bickham and Brown a committee of Vestry stating that Mrs. Muhlenberg
agreed to the proposition of the committee granting a refusal of the lot in Seventh
Street for six weeks at the price of eight thousand five hundred dollars and that
she also agreed to give credit for the purchase money for six months without interest.
   A motion was made and seconded that two members be added to the
committee appointed to treat for a lot in Seventh Street. They are authorised to try
if they can find any other lot more desirable than the one in Seventh Streets
having a regard to our means of building a church and to report at next meeting
of Vestry Messrs. Sims and Snowden are added to the above committee.

   At a meeting of the corporation of the United Episcopal Churches of
Christ Church and St. Peter's at the Rector's House January 30, 1807:

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
Mr. Tilghman Mr. Hawkins Mr. Wheeler
Mr. Burke Mr. Sims Mr. Gurney Mr. Snowden Mr. Brown Mr. Oakley Mr. DeHaven
Mr. Simmons Mr. Bickham Mr. Clark Mr. Morrell and Thomas Cumpston
   The Committee appointed at last meeting to find a proper site for
the erection of a Church. Report that they have not been able to find
any lot so suitable as the lot in Seventh Street the property of
Mrs. Muhlenberg.

p. 149

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   The gentlemen appointed to collect subscriptions for building a church
reported that they had received subscriptions for upwards of seventeen thousand
dollars and that they expected a further sum would be collected.
   Resolved that a committee be appointed to purchase teh lot in Seventh
Street and Messrs. Gurney Browne and Cumpston were accordingly appointed.
   It was stated to Vestry that many persons had expressed a desire that a
steeple should be built with the contemplated church adn their willingness to contri-
bute for that purpose. Therefore in order to show the disposition of Vestry to meet the
wishes of the friendly disposed be it resolved that it meets the approbation of
Vestry that a steeple should be erected with the church to be built provided the
necessary sum can be raised by subscription, and that the Church Warden be
requested to prepare a paper expressive of this resolution with his signature
on which the subscriptions are to be taken.
   The committee appointed to attend to the legacy of Mr. Dobbins reported
that they had received two thousand and two hundred dollars from Messrs. Johnson
and DeSaussure being two years dividend on bank shares which they received
from Mr. Thomas Jones President of the Bank of Charlestown and which sum the
committee paid to Mr. Jacob Clarke Treasurer of Christ Church Hospital.

   At a meeting of the corporation of the United Episcopal Churches of
Christ Church and St. Peter's Church held at the Rector's House February 16, 1807:

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
Mr. Smith MR. Tilghman Mr. Worrell
Mr. Wheeler Mr. DeHaven Mr. Clarke Mr. Simmons Mr. Oakley Mr. Huddell Mr. Burke
Mr. Gurney Mr. Stocker Mr. Ash Mr. Cuthbert Mr. Snowden and T. Cumpston

   Messrs. Sims, Browne, Wheeler, Morrell, Gurney, and Hawkins were
appointed a building committee who are authorised to procure plans and
estimates for building the church and to report the same to Vestry
Resolved that the above committee be instructed to request the assistance
of Mr. Poyntell and Mr. Paul Beck.
   A letter was received from Mr. Latrobe offering his professional
service in building a church in lieu of his subscription which was referred
to the building committee the Church Warden is requested to thank him for his life.
   A motion was made and seconded that a Treasurer be appointed
to receive teh money subscribed for building a church as it may be
collected the Vestry accordingly appointed Thomas Cumpston.

p. 150

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   At a meeting of the coporation of the United Episcopal Churches
of Christ Church and St. Peter's held at the Rector's House March 23, 1807:

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
Mr. Smith Mr. Hawkins Mr. Stocker
Mr. Bickham Mr. Browne, Mr. Morrell Mr. Simmons Mr. Wheeler Mr. Gurney
Mr. Clarke Mr. DeHaven Mr. Huddell Mr. Oakley Mr. Burke and T. Cumpston
   The committee appointed to examine the Church Wardens Accounts
for the year commencing at Easter 1804 and ending at Easter 1805 Report
that they have carefully examined said accounts and find them just
and true and that a balance of Seventy pounds four shilling and three
pence remained in his hands which balance was carried to the next year
beginning at Easter 1805 and ending at Easter 1806. The accounts of this year
we also examined and found them right and that a balance remained in the
Church Wardens hands at Easter 1806 of seventy seven pounds one shilling
                                          Signed Francis Gurney
                                                Daniel Smith
   The committee appointed to procure plans and estimates for building
a church report a plan marked [unclear] which they conceive a proper one, the
expense of building which, so as to cover the building with roof windows and
doors, but without any inside work will amount to eleven thousand five
hundred and sixty dollars which with four thousand dollars contemplated
to be paid for in part for the lot will make the sum of fifteen thousand
five hundred and sixty dollars which sum will be necessary to be
collected as soon as practicable. Signed Peter Brown Samuel Wheeler
                           John Morrell Henry Hawkins F. Gurney
   A motion was made and seconded that the plan reported by
the committee be adopted which was unanimously agreed to.
   A motion was made and seconded that the Church Warden be
empowered to employ a collector to call on the persons who have subscribed
for their subscriptions.
   A motion was made and unanimously agreed to that the Rector
be requested to give a name to the contemplated Church which he accord-
ingly named Saint James's.

   Wee the subscribers appointed Judges an Election held in
Christ Church Easter Monday March 30, 1807 Certify that the following
gentlemen were duly elected Vestry Men for the ensuing year.
   Peter DeHaven      Francis Gurney
   Thomas Cumpston      Joseph Sims
   George Bickham      John C. Stocker
   Leeson Simmons      Thomas Cuthbert
   James Ash         George Oakley
   Samuel Wheeler      Joseph Huddell
   John Morrell      Daniel Smith
   William Tilghman   Thomas Burke
   Peter Browne      Henry Hawkins      Signed Andrew Hannis
   Ephraim Clarke      Joseph Snowden      Alphonso C. Treland

p. 151

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   At a meeting of the Vestry Men of the United Episcopal Churches of
Christ Church and St. Peter's held at the Rector's House March 30, 1807:

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
Mr. Tilghman Mr. Wheeler, Mr. Gurney
Mr. Burke Mr. Snowden Mr. Simmons Mr. Clarke Mr. Oakley Mr. DeHaven
and Thomas Cumpston
   The Vestry men elected Thomas Cumpston Church Warden and the
Rector chose Mr. DeHaven Church Warden.
   Mr. Whitehead was elected Clerk of Christ Church
   Mr. Dolby      . . .    Sexton of do
   Mr. Kurtz      . . .    Organist do
   Mr. Daniel Whythe . . .    Clerk of St. Peter's
   Mr. Hill      . . .    Sexton do
   Mr. Taylor       . . .    Organist do
   The appointment of Clerk and Sexton for St. Peter's Church was deferred until
the next meeting of Vestry.
   Mr. Gurney Mr. Smith and Mr. Morrell are appointed a committee to
settle the Church Wardens accounts as well as the accounts of the Treasurer
of Christ Church Hospital.
   It was moved and seconded to allow the additional salary to the
Clergy and officers of the churches for the last year which was agreed to.
   Messrs. Browne, Wheeler, Morrell, Gurney, Sims and Hawkins are
appointed a building committee to cause to be erected a church to be
called St. James's Church. They are requested to call on Mr. Poyntell and
Mr. Beck for their assistance.
   Mr. Wythe is continued clerk of St. Peter's Church unless a committee
to be appointed at this meeting shall think proper to recommend another
to Vestry Mr. Stocker and Mr. Smith are appionted a committee.

   At a meeting of the corporation of the United Episcopal Churches of
Christ Church and St. Peter's held at the Rector's House April 6, 1807:

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
Mr. Smith, Mr. Ash, Mr. Wheeler, Mr. Gurney
Mr. Burke, Mr. DeHaven, Mr. Brown, Mr. Clarke, Mr. Oakley, Mr. Huddell, Mr. Cuthbert, and Mr. Cumpston
   Mr. Jacob Clarke was appointed Treasurer of Christ Church Hospital.
   Messrs. Cumpston DeHaven Wheeler Browne and Ephraim Clarke are appoin-
ted a committee to manage the concerns of Christ Church Hospital.
   A motion was made and seconded that Mr. Hugh Hill be appointed
Sexton of St. Peter's Church which was agreed to.
   Mr. Wythe is continued a Clerk of St. Peter's Church unless a committee
to be appointed at this meeting shall think proper to recommend another
to Vestry. Mr. Stocker and Mr. Smith are appointed a committee to report
a suitable person as Clerk for St. Peter's Church if the same shall be
thought expedient.

p. 152

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   At a meeting of the corporation of the United Episcopal Churches of
Christ Church and St. Peter's held at the Rector's House May 25, 1807:

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
Mr. Simmons, Mr. Bickham, Mr. Oakley, Mr. Wheeler
Mr. Burke, Mr. Stocker, Mr. Smith, Mr. Hawkins, Mr. Gurney, Mr. Snowden and Thomas Cumpston
   The Vestry proceeded to ballot for deputies to the state convention when
the following gentlemen were elected
      for Christ Church      for St. Peter's Church
      Mr. Tilghman         Mr. Gurney
      Mr. Simmons            Mr. Sims
      Mr. Browne            Mr. Stocker
   The Church Warden is authorised to cause the seal of the corporation
to be affixed to a mortgage for four thousand dollars on a lot in Seventh Street
purchased from Mr. Muhlenberg for building St. James Church.
   The Church Warden is authorised to present to the Clerk and Sextons
of the Churches some black cloth belonging to said churches.

   At a meeting of the Corporation of the United Episcopal Churches of
Christ CHurch and St. Peter's held at the Rector's House December 24, 1807:

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
Mr. Tilghman, Mr. Gurney, Mr. DeHaven
Mr. Smith, Mr. Wheeler, Hawkins, Mr. Simmons Mr. Oakley Mr. Stocker, Mr. Clarke
Mr. Burke, Mr. Bickham and Thomas Cumpston
   The Church Warden reported that he caused the seal of the corporation to
be affixed to a mortgage for four thousand dollars payable to Mrs. Muhlenberg.
   It was moved and seconded that Mr. John Ormrod be appointed
Clerk of Christ Church when he was duly elected.
   The different committees for obtaining subscriptions for building
St. James's Church are requested to exert themselves in obtaining
subscriptions from persons who have not already subscribed.

   At a meeting of the corporation of the United Episcopal Churches of
Christ Church and St. Peter's held at the Rector's House March 30, 1808:

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
Mr. Morrell, Mr. Tilghman, Mr. Stocker
Mr. Snowden, Mr. Oakley, Mr. Simmons, Mr. Clarke, Mr. Hawkins and Thomas Cumpston
   The Committee of Christ Church Hospital are appointed a committee
to name two or more persons to meet persons appointed by the inspectors
of the prison in order to fix a value on a lot of Ground one hundred
and seven feet by three hundred and ninety six feet on Spruce Street
between Schuylkill Fourth and Fifth Street adjoining and on the North
of a lot given by Joseph Dobbins for the benefit of Christ Church Hospital
and if the price which may be fixed on should in their opinion be
reasonable then in that case they are authorised to purchase it.

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   Mr. Stocker Mr. Snowden and Mr. Smith are appointed a committee to judge
of the propriety of granting permission to the Hope Fire Company to fix a Fire
Ladder against the wall of St. Peter's Church Burial Ground.

   At an election held in Christ Church on Easter Monday April 18, 1808
for Vestry men the following gentlemen were elected:
   Peter DeHaven         Francis Gurney
   Thomas Cumpston         Joseph Sims
   George Bickham         John C. Stocker
   Leeson Simmons         Thomas Cuthbert
   James Ash            George Oakley
   Samuel Wheeler         Joseph Huddell
   William Tilghman      Daniel Smith
   John Morrell         Thomas Burke
   Peter Browne         Henry Hawkins
   Ephraim Clarke         Joseph Snowden
               Signed Alphonso C. Ireland
                     Robert B. Sellers
At a meeting of the Vestry Men held in Christ Church April 18, 1808

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
   Joseph Sims John C. Stocker Daniel Smith Samuel Wheeler Joseph Snowden
Henry Hawkins George Oakley Leeson Simmons and Thomas Cumpston
   The above gentlemen proceeded to choose a Church Warden when Thomas Cumpston
was elected and the Rector chose Mr. DeHaven Church Warden.
   Mr. Sims and Mr. Smith were appointed a committee to confer with the
Committee of St. Paul's Church relative in the purchase of a house adjioning
St. James church the property of thel late John Keble and to report at next
meeting of Vestry.

   At a meeting of the corporation of the United Episcopal Churches of
Christ Church and St. Peter's held at the Rector's House April 25, 1808:

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
Mr. Browne Mr. Wheeler Mr. Oakley Mr. Burke
Mr. DeHaven Mr. Sims Mr. Ash Mr. Snowden Mr. Clarke and Thomas Cumpston
   Mr. Ornod was elected Clerk of Christ Church
   Mr. Dolby . . . . Sexton of do
   Mr. Kurtz . . . . Organist of ditto
   Mr. Wythe . . . . Clerk of St. Peter's
   Mr. Hill . . . . Sexton of ditto
   Mr. Taylor . . . Organist of ditto
   It was moved and seconded to allow the additional salary to the Clergy
and officers of the Churches for the last year which was agreed to.

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   Mr. DeHaven Mr. Cumpston Mr. Wheeler Mr. Browne and Mr. Clarke were
appointed a committee to manage the concerns of Christ Church Hospital.
   Mr. Jacob Clarke was appointed Treasurer of Christ Church Hospital.
   Messrs. Gurney Smith and Morrell were appointed a committee to
settle the accounts of the Church Warden as well as the accounts of the
Treasurer of Christ Church Hospital.
   The Committee appointed to treat for Mr. Kebles lot reported in part
and they are continued.
   Messrs. Gurney Browne and Cumpston are appointed a committee
to meet persons of any other religious societies relative to their property
being taxed. They are empowered to call on some gentleman of the law
for his opinion to aid them in performing their duty.
   It was moved and seconded that the building committee be instructed
to proceed in completing Saint James Church so far as five thousand dollars
   Messrs. Browne Wheeler Morrell Gurney Hawkins Sims and Cumpston
are appointed a building committee.
   Mr. Stocker and Mr. Smith are appointed a committee to examine
and settle the accounts of the Treasurer of St. James's Church.
   The committee of Christ Church Hospital are authorised to admit
three pensioners of said Hospital and to report their names at the next
meeting of Vestry.

   At a meeting of the corporation of the United Episcopal Churches of
Christ Church and St. Peter's held at the Rector's House June 8, 1808:

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
Mr. Tilghman Mr. Simmons Mr. Ashe
Mr. Sims Mr. Clarke Mr. Oakley Mr. Gurney and Thomas Cumpston
   The committee appointed by this Vestry to meet persons representing
other religious societies relative to their property being taxed report that
a petition was agreed to and that five hundred copies thereof was printed
and distributed thro the state to obtain signatures thereto and to pre-
sent the same to the next legislature.
   It was moved and seconded that the building committee shall
cause the cellar doors of St. James's Church to be opened and the cellars
let on the best terms in their power which was agreed to.
   The Vestry proceeded to ballot for deputies to the state convention
when the following gentlemen were duly elected.
   for Christ Church         for St. Peter's
   William Tilghman         Francis Gurney
   Leeson Simmons            Joseph Sims
   Peter Browne            John C. Stocker

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   At an election held in Christ Church on Easter Monday April 3,
1809 for Vestry Men the following gentlemen were elected:
   Peter DeHaven      Francis Gurney
   Thomas Cumpston      Joseph Sims
   George Bickham      John C. Stocker
   Leeson Simmons      Thomas Cuthbert
   William Tilghman   George Oakley
   James Ashe         Joseph Huddell
   Samuel Wheeler      Daniel Smith
   John Morrell      Thomas Burke
   Peter Browne      Henry Hawkins
   Ephraim Clarke      Joseph Snowden
                  Signed Alphonso C. Ireland
                           J. Ormrod
   At a meeting of the Vestry Men held in Christ Church April 3, 1809

   Mr. Tilghman Mr. Wheeler Mr. Clarke Mr. Browne Mr. Morrell and
Mr. Simmons

   The above gentlemen proceeded to chose a Church Warden when Thomas
Cumpston was elected and the Rector chose Mr. DeHaven Church Warden.

   At a meeting of the corporation of the United Episcopal Churches of
Christ Church and St. Peter's held at the Rector's House April 10, 1809:

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
Mr. Tilghman Mr. Wheeler Mr. Oakley
Mr. Simmons Mr. Gurney Mr. Sims Mr. Hawkins Mr. Snowden Mr. Browne and Thomas Cumpston
      Mr. Ormrod was elected Clerk of Christ Church
      Mr. Dolby . . . . . Sexton of . ditto
      Mr. Kurtz . . . . . Organist of ditto
      Mr. Wythe . . . . . Clerk of St. Peter's
      Mr. Hill . . . . . Sexton of . ditto
      Mr. Taylor . . . . Organist of . ditto
   It was moved and seconded to allow the addition salary to the
Clergy and officiers of the Churches for the last year which was agreed to.
   Messrs. Cumpston DeHaven Wheeler Browne and Clerk were appointed
a committee to manage the concerns of Christ Church Hospital.
   Mr. Jacob Clarke was appointed Treasurer of Christ Church Hospital.
   Mr. Stocker and Mr. Smith were appionted a committee to examine and
settle the accounts of the Treasurer of St. James's Church.
   Messrs. Gurney Smith and Morrell were appointed a committee to
examine and settle the accounts of the Church Warden as well as the
accounts of the Treasurer of Christ Church Hospital.
   Messrs. Browne, Wheeler, Morrell, Gurney Hawkins Sims and
Thomas Cumpston were appointed a building committee.

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   A letter from Mr. Moses Taylor offering his services as Clerk of
St. James's Church was read.
   The committee of Christ Church Hospital reported that they had
admitted Sarah Cox, Rebecca Pickering and Ann Clause Pensioners of said

   At a meeting of the Corporation of the United Episcopal Churches of
Christ Church and St. Peter's held at the Rector's House April 24, 1809:

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
Mr. Browne Mr. Morrell Mr. Clarke Mr. Oakley
Mr. Wheeler Mr. Burke Mr. Bickham Mr. Snowden Mr. Simmons and Thomas Cumpston

   The Church Warden stated that the Reverend Dr. Andrews complained to
him that he had deprived of his pew in Christ Church and praying that he
may be allowed something for that deprivation to be applied impart to procure
him a few in St. James's Church whereupon resolved that a committee be
appointed to enquire into the fact and to do justive to Dr. Andrews.
   Messrs. Browne Bickham and Clarke were appointed a committee
for that purpose.

   At a meeting of the corporation of the United Episcopal Churches
of Christ Church and St. Peter's held at the Rector's House April 28, 1809:

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
Mr. Morrell Mr. Ash Mr. Snowden Mr. Smith
Mr. Stocker Mr. Gurney Mr. Clarke Mr. Hawkins Mr. Sims Mr. Bickham Mr. De-
Haven and Thomas Cumpston
   A motion was made and seconded that St. James's church be
opened for consecration on Monday next at the usual hour, which was
carried in the Affirmative whereupon resolved that the following
be presented to the Bishop.
   At a meeting of the Vestry of the United Episcopal Churches of
Christ Church and St. Peter's in the City of Philadelphia April 28, 1809:

   The Vestry having under the protection of Almighty God and by
contributions of sundry members of the said churches and other well
disposed persons erected a church to be called St. James's Church and to be in
Parochial Union with the said two United Churches it is hereby requested
by the said Vestry of the Right Reverend William White Bishop of the
Protestant Episcopal Church in the commonwealth of Pennsylvania to
consecrate the said St. James's Church agreeable to the form of conse-
cration established by the Bishops and by the Clerical and lay
deputies of this church in general convention.
   Done in Vestry on the day and in the year aforesaid.
                                 Thomas Cumpston Church Warden

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   Agreeable to the foregoing request the Bishop has appointed Monday
the first day of May for the consecration of St. James Church.
   A letter from Charles Hollick to the Vestry was read offering his services
as Sexton of St. James's Church.
   The Rector is requested to cause the following notice to be given from
the desk on Monday in St. James's Church.
   The Vestry request a meeting of those who have, and those who wish
to subscribe with the view of becoming Pew holders in St. James's Church
at said church on the fifteenth day of May at ten o'clock in the forenoon for
the purpose of receiving such a statement as may be laid before them from the
committee appointed to superintend the said building.
   The Vestry authorized the building committee to cause a wall to be
erected from the church to the north extent of the let and a wall on the alley
south of the steeple and to raise the steeple to the height intended for stone and brick

   At a meeting of the corporation of the United Episcopal Churches of
Christ Church and St. Peter's held at the Rector's House May 24, 1809:

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
Mr. Tilghman Mr. DeHaven Mr. Sims Mr. Morrell
Mr. Browne Mr. Burke Mr. Oakley Mr. Ash Mr. Simmons Mr. Cuthbert Mr. Gurney
Mr. Smith and Mr. Cumpston
   The Vestry proceeded to elect deputies to the state convention to meet on
Tuesday the 30 instant whom the following gentlemen were elected.
   for Christ Church      for St. Peter's Church
   Mr. Tilghman         Mr. Gurney
   Mr. Simmons            Mr. Sims
   Mr. Browne            Mr. Stocker
   It was moved and seconded that a committee be appointed to consider
what difficulties may probably occur relative to the letting of the pews in St. James's
Church which was agreed to and they are requested to report at the next
meeting of Vestry what difficulties there may be and their opinion as to the mode
of removing those difficulties.
   It was moved and seconded that the following gentlemen subscribes
to St. James Church be added to the members of Vestry to aid them in
collecting subscriptions for building St. James's Church which was agreed
to Viz Mr. Samuel Bradford Mr. Freeman Mr. W. Cwen Mr. Knight Mr. Pratt
Mr. Beck Mr. Sawer Mr. J. Richards Mr. Joseph Clarke and Mr. George Bringhurst.
   Whereas it has been represented to Vestry that Mary Richardson
was a proper object for admission into Christ Church Hospital. Her
case was referred to the committee of said Hospital.

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   At a meeting of the corporation of the United Episcopal Churches
of Christ Church and St. Peter's held at the Rector's House January 5, 1810:

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
Mr. Browne Mr. Hawkins Mr. Simmons
Mr. Oakley Mr. Smith Mr. Wheeler Mr. Stocker Mr. Tilghman Mr. Gurney
Mr. Clarke and Mr. Cumpson
   It was proposed in consequence of the building St. James's Church
that an application should be made to the legislature for the following
changes in the charter: That the stile in future be "The United Churches
of Christ Church, St. Peter's Church and St. James's Church in the City
of Philadelphia" and that the number of Vestry Men consist of twenty four.
The Vestry further propose to have it provided in the charter that the bye
laws shall not be repugnant to the laws of the state of Pennsylvania or of
the United States, instead of their not being contrary to the laws of Great
Britain and the Province of Pennsylvania and that the annual
income be six thousand dollars.
   It was moved and seconded that the congregation be called together
to meet in Christ Church on Friday next at 12 o'clock to propose to them the
above alteration in the charter and that notice should be given from the
desks on Sunday next requesting such meeting.
   The receipt from the bell placed in the steeple of St. James's Church
was read and ordered to be entered on the minutes of vizt received Philadelphia
November 14, 1809 of the union and hand in hand fire companies a bell
formerly known as the academy bell (the same being their joint property)
for the purpose of hanging in the tower of St. James's Church and to be rung
as an alarm bell in time of fire or other alarm and also to be used
as a church bell for that church, the same being committee to us by the
the said companies for the above mentioned uses and to be returned to
them on their joint demand injuries resulting from the use there of or
otherwise which are not imputable to negligence to be borne by the said
companies.                     Thomas Cumpston Church Warden
                     of the United Episcopal Churches in the City of Philadelphia
   A report of the committee appointed to settle the accounts of the
Treasurer of Christ Church Hospital was read stating that they found a bal-
ance in his hands of four thousand one hundred and eighty dollars and
fifty one cents after deducting a commission of $492.47.
   It was moved and seconded that the following resolution be entered
on the minutes which was agreed to vizt.
   Resolved that Mr. Jacob Clarke Treasurer of Christ Church Hospital
be allowed the sum of four hundred and ninety-two dollars and
forty seven cents which it appears he has paid and allowed to Mr.
Joseph Claypoole for his services in collecting the rents and dues of
Christ Church Hospital.

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   It was moved and seconded that the Church Warden be authorised to
sell three certificates of debt due from the United States and for that purpose
his is authorised to affix the seal of the corporation to a power of Attorney,
to effect the sale which was agreed to.

   At a meeting of the corporation of the United Episcopal Churches of
Christ Church and St. Peter's held at the Rector's House January 17, 1810:

The Right Reverend Dr. White Rector

Church Warden:
Thomas Cumpston

Vestry Men:
Mr. Tilghman Mr. Gurney Mr. Wheeler Mr. Simmons Mr. Burke Mr. Hawkings
Mr. Smith Mr. Bickham Mr. Cuthbert Mr. Stocker Mr. Morrell and Mr. Clarke

   The Church Warden read the minutes of the business entered into
in Christ Church on Friday 12 instant which was ordered to be entered
on the minutes of Vestry vizt.
   At a meeting of the United Congregations held in Christ Church
January 12, 1810 a petition to the legislature was proposed to them praying
for certain alterations in the charter so as to incorporate St. James's Church
with the other two churches.
   It was moved and seconded that the said petition be adopted
and sent to the legislature which was agree to.
   The petition to the legislature was as follows.
   To the honorable the Senate and House of Representatives of the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
                     The Petition of the Rector Church Wardens
and Vestry Men of the United Episcopal Churches of Christ Church and St.
Peter's Church in the City of Philadelphia respectfully showeth.
   That on the 24 day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand
seven hundred and sixty four a charter was granted by the late proprietaries
of Pennsylvania to divers members of the Episcopal Church of England residing
in the City of Philadelphia who were incorporated by the name of "The
Rector Church Wardens and Vestry Men of the United Episcopal Churches of Christ's
Church and St. Peter's Church in the City of Philadelphia in the Province of
   That in consequence of the increase of the members of the said churches
there were many who could not be accommodated with convenient seats. They
therefore at a very considerable expense have lately built another church in the
said city called by the name of St. James's Church. It is the wish of the memebrs
of these three churches to be united under one charter to be made as confortable
as conveniently may be to the old charter above mentioned.
   They therefore pray your honor that an act may be passed enlarging
and altering the old charter in the particular matters herein after enumerated
and in on others, that is to say.

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1st.   The name of the corporation to be, the Rector Church Wardens and Vestry Men
of Christ Church St. Peter's Church and St. James's Church in the City of Philadelphia
2nd.   The rules bye laws and ordinances shall not be repugnant to the
laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania or the United States.
3rd.    At teh next election for Vestry Men and forever thereafter the Vestry of
the three United Churches shall consist of twenty four persons members of the
said churches or one of them and no others, except that until and at the
Election for Vestry Men to be held on Easter Monday in the year of our Lord
1813 and no longer the members of the church of St. James's who shall have
paid for a Pew or sitting in the said church previous to the time of holding
any Election of Vestry Men of the said United Churches shall have a right to
vote at such election for the said Vestry Men altho it shall not appear by the
Vestry Books that the person or persons so voting have paid three successive
years preceeding the time of such election for a pew or sitting in either of the
said churches.
4th.   The annual income of the property of the corporation not to exceed
six thousand dollars exclusive of the monies arising from the letting of the pew
belonging to the said churches or either of them and also exclusive of the monies
arising from opening the ground for burials in the church yards belonging to
the said churches or either of them. And your petitioners further pray that
in all other respects the old charter may be confirmed.
   It was moved and seconded that a committee be appointed to write letters
inclosing the petition to the Legislature and to further the business as much as
possible when Mr. Tilghman Mr. Bickham and Mr. Cumpston were appointed.
   It was moved and seconded that the Church Warden be desired to request
that the right Reverend Dr. White would favor the Vestry with a copy of the Sermon
he delivered at St. James's Church when he consecrated it which was agreed to.

   At an election held in Christ Church on Easter Monday April 23, 1810
for Vestry Men the following gentlemen were elected:
   Peter DeHaven      Francis Gurney      Peter Browne
   Thomas Cumpston      John C. Stocker      Joseph Sims
   William Tilghman   Joseph Huddell      Thomas W. Even
   George Bickham      George Oakley      James Melnor
   Samuel Wheeler      Daniel Smith      R.E. Hobart
   Ephraim Clarke      Thomas Burke      Hugh DeHaven
   Leeson Simmons      Henry Hawkins      John Harland
   John Morrell      Thomas Cuthbert
   William Murdock                  Signed A. Bunghurst
                                 Alphonso Ireland

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   At a meeting of the Vestry Men held in Christ Church April 23, 1810:

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
Mr. Gurney Mr. McEuen Mr. Morrell Mr.
Milnor Mr. Wheeler Mr. Hobert Mr. P. DeHaven Mr. H. DeHaven and Mr. Tilghman
   The above gentlemen proceeded to choose a Church Warden when Mr. Cumpston
was elected and the Rector appointed Mr. P. DeHaven Church Warden.

   At a meeting of the corporation of the United Episcopal Churches of
Christ Church St. Peter's Church and S. James's Church held at the Rector's House
April 30, 1810:

The Right Reverend Dr. White Rector

Church Warden:
Thomas Cumpston
Peter DeHaven

Vestry Men:
   Mr. Murdock Mr. Clarke Mr. Wheeler Mr. H. DeHaven Mr. Harland Mr.
Hobart Mr. Simmons Mr. Tilghman Mr. Browne Mr. Bickham Mr. Milnor
Mr. McEuen Mr. Burke Mr. Smith and Mr. Gurney
      Mr. Ormrod was elected Clerk of Christ Church
      Mr. Dolby   .   .   .   Sexton of ditto
      Mr. Kurtz   .   .   .   Organist of ditto
      Mr. Wythe   .   .   .   Clerk of St. Peter's Church
      Mr. Hill   .   .   .   Sexton of . ditto
      Mr. Taylor   .   .   .   Organist of . ditto
      Mr. Moses Taylor    .   Clerk of St. James's Church
      Mr. Hollick   .   .   .   Sexton of . ditto
      Mr. Ball   .   .   .   Organist . ditto
   Messrs. P. DeHaven Cumpston Brown Wheeler and Clarke were
appointed a committee to manage the concerns of Christ Church Hospital
   Mr. Jacob Clarke was appointed Treasurer of Christ Church Hospital
   Messrs. Stocker and Smith were appointed a committee to settle the
accounts of the Treasurer of St. James's Church.
   Messrs. Gurney Smith and Morrell were appointed a committee to
settle the accounts of the Church Warden as well as the accounts of the
Treasurer of Christ Church Hospital.
   The committee of Christ Church Hospital reported that they had
admitted Mrs. Alice Munroe a pensioner of said Hospital.
   Messrs. Milnor and Cumpston are appointed a committee to
attend to the printing of the Bishop's Sermon Preached at the consecra-
tion of St. James's Church.
   Whereas serious difficulties have arisen from the want of
punctuality in the collection of the pew rents resolved that the pew
rent be collected in Christ Church on Monday and Tuesday the 14"215

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of May between the hours of 10 and 2 in St. Peter's Church on Monday
and Tuesday the 21st and 22nd of May and in St. James's Church on Monday
and Tuesday the 20th and 29th of May between the same hours at which
times and places the congregations are requested to pay their respective
pew rents which was adopted and Messrs. Bickham and Wheeler for
Christ Church Messrs. Gurney and Smith for St. Peter's Church and
Messrs. Milnor and Mr. Cuen for St. James's church were appointed
committee to aid the Church Warden in the collections.
   The Vestry directed that a copy of the above resolution be printed
and delivered to each person holding a pew or sitting in either of the churches.
   It was moved and seconded that the additional salary be paid
to the Clergy and officers of the churches for the last year ending 25 March.
   Whereas difficulties have arisen in regard to the rights of interment.
   Resolved that all persons whose names have been entered on the
Church Books for a pew or sitting three years before their death and who have
paid three successive years pew rent shall have the benefit of the ground
for interment. Persons under age and living with their father or mother
having a right to the ground shall be considered as members but if a son
having arrived to 24 years of age and whose name has not been entered
on the church books and who has not paid pew rent three successive years
shall be considered as a stranger and a female of whatever age residing
with her father or mother shall be considered as a member and any
son residing with his father and mother between the age of 21 and 24
years shall be considered as a member. This resolution was committed
to Messrs. Tilghman Mr. Cuen and Gurney who a requested to report at
next meeting of Vestry.

   At a meeting of the corporation of the United Episcopal Churches of
Christ Church St. Peter's Church and St. James's Church held at the Rector's
House June 5, 1810:

The Right Reverend Dr. White Rector

Church Warden:
Thomas Cumpston

Vestry Men:
Mr. Wheeler Mr. Hobart Mr. H. DeHaven Mr. Harland Mr. Simmons
Mr. Bickham Mr. Hawkins Mr. Clarke Mr. Morrell Mr. Stocker Mr. Smith
Mr. M. Cuen Mr. Browne
   The Committee to whom was referred to consider the subject of
interments in the Church Ground reported the following regulations which
were adopted.
1st.   All persons whose names have been entered in the Church Books for a
pew or seat three years before the death and who have paid three successive years
pew tent next preceeding their death shall have the benefit of involvement as
memebrs of the church.

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2nd.   Persons of both sexes under the age of 21 years being the children of Parents
who are members or who if dead were members at the same time of their death shall
have the benefit of interment as members.
3rd.   Unmarried women of whatever age residing with their parents who
are members shall have the benefit of interment as members.
4th.   Widows of member continuing to pay the pew rent shall be considered
as members; but if through distressed circumstances they should be unable
to pay the Church Wardens at their direction may direct their interment as
5th.   The sons of members when they have attained the age of eighteen
years may have their names entered in the Church Books so as to entitle
them three years afterwards to enjoy all the privileges as members.
6th.   All of her persons shall be considered as strangers.
                                    Signed Thomas Cumpston
                                          Thomas McEuen
                                          Francis Gurney
   Mr. Stocker Mr. Smith and Mr. Hawkins are appointed a committee
to repair the organ in St. Peter's Church and if necessary to collect the
money for defraying the expense thereof.
   The Vestry procedded to elect deputies to the state convention
when the following gentlemen were elected.
    Christ Church      St. Peter's      St. James
    Mr. Tilghman      Mr. Gurney      Mr. Milnor
    Mr. Browne         Mr. Sims      Mr. McEuen
    Mr. Simmons         Mr. Stocker      Mr. Harland
   The following gentelmen are appointed a committee for building St.
James's Church, Mr. Browne Mr. Wheeler Mr. Gurney Mr. Sims Mr. Hawkins
Mr. Milnor Mr. McEuen and Mr. Harland.
   Messrs. Morrell Bickham and Clarke were appointed a committee
to make certain alterations in Christ Church and to collect money
if necessary to defray the expense thereof.

   At a meeting of the corporation of the United Episcopal Churches
of Christ Church and St. James's Church held at the
Rector House August 6, 1810:

The Right Reverend Dr. White Rector

Church Warden:
Thomas Cumpston

Vestry Men:
Messrs. Tilghman Cuthbert Wheeler Clarke Hobart Murdock Milnor
Bickham Stocker H. DeHaven Hawkins Browne Smith and Burke
   The Committee of Christ Church Hospital reported that they had
purchased a lot of ground twenty feet front on Cherry Street running South
about ninety one feet for which they have paid two thousand and ten dollars.

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   That they had purchased a house and lot adjoining the above lot
twenty feet front on Cherry Street and extending south about eghty three
fet for which they are to pay two thousand two hundred dollars subject
to a ground rent of 50/per annum.
   They further reported that they had purchased a lot at the South
end of the last described lot containing twenty eight feet north and south and
forty feet east and west with the right of passage along a cartway leading
from Cherry Street to a court at the back end of Arch Street lots for which they
are to pay twelve hundred dollars. The Vestry approved the afore-
mentioned purchases and confirmed the same.
   The Right Reverend Dr. White informed Vestry that the Reverend Dr.
Blackwell had expressed his determination to declne his place as
Assistant Minister in the United Churches when ever a suitable person
can be obtained in his room. It was further expressed that the cause of
his resignation was occasional indisposition; but that he was
willing to continue to officiate to allow sufficient time to chose
another Minister. Whereupon Resolved that the Right Reverend Dr.
White be requested to express to Dr. Blackwell teh regret with which
the Vestry have received the foregoing intimation and more
particularly for the cause which has induced it and that he at the
same time communicate respectfully to Dr. Blackwell the sense of
Vestry of the services rendered by him in the discharge of the duties of
his office and acquaint him with the resolution of Vestry to take early
measures for releasing him from his station by the election of a successsor.
   The following bye-law was enacted whereas the alteration in
the number of Vestry Men by the late act of assembly for altering the
charter makes it necessary to make some alteration in the eleventh
chapter of the bye-laws concerning the election of the Rector and Assistant
Ministers. Be it enacted that instead of the number of fourteen Vestry
Men to be counsenting and voting for the appointment of a Rector, the
number of Vestry Men so consenting and voting shall in future be at
least sixteen and instead of ten Vestry Men to be consenting and voting to
to the election of an Assistant Minister the number so consenting and voting
shall be at least twelve (besides the vote and consent of the Rector).
   The committee appionted to attend to the printing of the
Bishops Sermon delivered at the consecration of St. James's Church
reported that they had performed that duty.

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   At a meeting of the corporation of the United Episcopal Churches of
Christ Church St. Peter's Church and St. James's Church held at the Rector's House
September 18, 1810:

The Right Reverend Dr. White Rector

Church Warden:
Thomas Cumpston

Vestry Men:
Mr. Hobart Mr. Clarke Mr. Wheeler Mr. McEuen Mr. Stocker Mr. Bickham
Mr. Gurney Mr. Morrell Mr. H. DeHaven Mr. Simmons and Mr. Sims
   The Vestry determined that the Pew rent shall in future be collected
in the churches every half year and appointed Monday and Tuesday the 1st and 2nd of October next
to collect in Christ Church between the hours of 10 in the morning and 2 o'clock
in the afternoon; and in St. Peter's on Monday and Tuesday the 8th and 9th of October
between the hours of ten o'clock in the morning and two o'clock in the afternoon
and in St. James's church on Monday and Tuesday the 15th and 16th of October
within the same hours. The Right Reverend Dr. White is requested to cause
notice to be given in the three churches of the intention of Vestry
Mr. Morrell and Mr. Wheeler for Christ Church Mr. Gurney and Mr. Smith
for St. Peter's Church and Mr. Milnod and mr. McEuen for St. James's Church
are appointed a committee to aid the Church Warden in the collection.
   The Right Reverend Dr. White read a letter he wrote to the Reverend Dr.
Blackwell and Dr. Blackwell's answer thereto both which are to be entered
on the minutes of Vestry viz The Right Reverend Dr. White to Dr. Blackwell
Reverend and Dear Sir,                           August 7, 1810
         Last evening agreeable to your desire I informed the
Vestry of your intended resignaion which produced the request expressed
in the inclosed minutes here follows the copy of the minutes of Vestry of 6 Aug 1810.
      In performing the duty this laid on me by the Vestry I participate
in the respectfull and affectionate sentiments which they have expressed
and I further take the opportunity of mentioning that during whatsoever
may remain to me of life, I shall reflect with satisfaction on the harmony
which has subsisted between us and the friently intercourse in which we
have trod through so long a space of time, and that of our United Parochial
Ministry. With my best wishes and my prayers for your happiness.
                  I remain Reverend and Dear Sir Your Humble Servant
                                          William White

                  Doctor Blackwell's answer
Right Reverend and Dear Sir,
            When I took back on the long and happy connection
that has for so many years subsisted between us as Ministers of the United
Churches; the many kind attentions you have shown me and the affectionate
behaviour I have always experienced from you; you may be assured that I
am very sensibly affected at the desolution of a connection so happily begun

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and continued so long with such uninterrupted harmony and good will.
   I am fully persuaded that nothing will interrupt the friendly
understanding that now subsists between us but that as we pass down
the value of years our brotherly affection will know no change but in its
increase and that as we draw nearer the close of life our hopes of
happiness will become brighter and brighter.
   Mr. Dear Sir, You will please to express to the Vestry the satisfaction
I feel at the kind and friendly notice they have taken of my past
services and assure them that they were always performed with a williing
heart a sincere mind and an ardent desire that the might be useful
and acceptable to the congregation.
   It is my earnest prayer that heir labors in promoting the
interest and wellfare of the united churches may be crowned with
full success my best wishes shll ever attend them.
   Right Reverend and Dear Sir with the highest esteem and veneration
for your many amiable and Christian virtures and with the sincerest
wishes for your long life health and happiness.
8th August 1810         I am your affectionate friend and brother
Right Reverend William White DD         Robert Blackwell
Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Churches
in the State of Pennsylvania
   Mr. Gurney Mr. Wheeler and Mr. McEuen are appointed a committee
to fix the fees which the Sextons and Clerks should receive at every
funeral for their services and to report the same to Vestry.
   THe different committees who have not reported are continued.
   At a meeting of the corporation of the United Episcopal Churches
of Christ Church St. Peter's Church and St. James's Church held at the Rector's
House December 12, 1810:

The Right Reverend Dr. White Rector

Church Warden:
Thomas Cumpston

Vestry Men:
Mr. Tilghman Mr. Hobart Mr. Simmons Mr. Burke Mr. H. DeHaven
Mr. Bickham Mr. Oakley and Mr. Murdock
   The committee to whom was refferred the fees which the Clerks
and Sextons should charge at Funerals reported that the following
fees should in future be allowed.
   For ringing the bell 6t/100 if not rung no charge to be made
   The Sextons fees when there is no invitation two dollars
      ditto for a grave one dollar and fifty cents
      ditto for a child's grave under 12 years of age one dollar
   Fees for invitations if there are notes to be delivered not exceeding
   25 shall be two dollars.

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   If the number of notes to be delivered shall be above 25 and not
exceeding fifty teh fee shall be three dollars and for every additional fifty
they shall charge an additional dollar.
   Verbal invitations not exceeding two squares shall be two dollars
and for every additional square they shall charge fifty cents.
   The fees for a Clerk attending a funeral shall be one dollar and fifty cents
   The Rectors fee shall be one dollar and fifty cents all which was
agreed to                           signed   Thomas Cumpston
                                       Francis Gurney
                                       Samuel Wheeler
                                       Thomas McEuen
   It was moved and seconded that an allowance should be made
to Mr. Ormrod for his extra trouble in collecting the pew money in the churches
for the two last half years ending 25 Sept. last the sum of one hundred dollars

   At a meeting of the corporation of the United Episcopal Churches of
Christ Church St. Petetr's Church and St. James's Church held at the Rector's
House February 8, 1811:

The Right Reverend Dr. White Rector

Church Warden:
Thomas Cumpston

Vestry Men:
Mr. Tilghman Mr. Simmons Mr. Harland Mr. Cuthbert Mr. Hawkins
Mr. H. DeHaven Mr. Oakley Mr. Gurney Mr. Stocker Mr. Morrell Mr. Milnor
Mr. Hobart and Mr. Smith
   The Church Warden reported that he had lent the reading desk
formerly belonging to St. James's Church to the Revered Dr. Andrews for the use of
the Universtiy which he is bound to return when the Vestry shall require it
   The Church Warden read a letter addressed to him by S. W. Fisher
and Dr. Thomas Parke Executors of the Will of Sarah Rhoads requesting the Vestry
to exonerate the estate of the late Samuel Rhoads from a lien which the
Vestry have on Samuel Rhoads's property in Spruce Street between front and
Seconde Streets on their paying the arrearages now due. They wish to know on
what terms the Vestry will agree to exonerate that estate from all claim which
the Vestryhave on it Resolved that Mr. Stocker and Mr. Milnor be a committee
to require from there gentelemen teh payment of the arrearages now due and to
propose to them, either to deliver to the said committee a ground rent of
twenty seven pounds six shillings well secured or money equal to twenty seven
pound six shillings at par or sixteen 2/3 years purchase.
   It was moved and seconded that two gentlemen shoudl be added
to the committee of Christ Church Hospital when Mr. Smith and Mr. Milnor were appointed.
   It was moved and seconded that a committee be appointed to take such
measures as in their discretion will be necessary to supply the place of the Reverend
Dr. Blackwell when the Right Reverend Dr. White Mr. Hobart Mr. Gurney and
Mr. Cumpston were appointed who are to report their proceedings to Vestry.

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   It was moved and seconded tha a committee be appointed to
devise some plan to relieve the accounting Church Warden from some duties
which are burdensome and troublesome to him when the following gentlemen
were appointed in conjunction with the Church Warden vizt Mr. Morrell
Mr. Stocker and Mr. H. DeHaven.

   At a meeting of the corporation of the United Episcopal Churches of
Christ Church St. Peter's Church and St. James's Church held at the Rector's
House March 22, 1811:

The Right Reverend Dr. White Rector

Church Warden:
Thomas Cumpston

Vestry Men:
Mr. Gurney Mr. Milnor Mr. P. DeHaven Mr. Simmons Mr. H. DeHaven Mr.
Oakley Mr. Clarke Mr. Stocker Mr. Hobart Mr. Morrell Mr. Smith Mr. Burke
Mr. Bickham Mr. Tilghman Mr. Murdock Mr. Cuthbert and Mr. Hawkins
   The committee appionted on the letter of Messrs S. W. Fisher and Doctor
Thomas Parke reported that they had attended to that business and
that the above gentlemen have acceded to the terms proposed by Vestry
and that they expected it would shortly be finally settled.
   A letter from Samuel Carls to the Church Warden complaining
of the Reverend Dr. Abercrombie having married one of his apprentices a boy
of 19 years of age without the masters consent and a letter from the
Reverend Dr. Abercrombie on the same subject were read whereupon it was
moved and seconded that they should be committed when Mr. Milnor
Mr. Hobart and Mr. Clark were appointed who are requested to report
at the next meeting of Vestry.
   A letter from the Reverend Dr. Blackwell was read.
   The committee appointed on the subject of an Assistant Minister
to supply the place of the Reverend Dr. Blackwell report that the Reverend Jackson
Kemper a young gentlemen lately ordained appears to the committee to
be very much approved by the members of the congregations generally
the committee accordingly report this matter in order that if the Vestry should
judge with them the general inclination to be in favor of Mr. Kemper the proper
measures should be taken towards the setting of this gentleman as an
Assistant Minister in these churches.      Signed Thomas Cumpston
                                       R. E. Hobart
                                       Francis Gurney
   The Vestry on considering the report of the committee continue them
in relation to the same subject authorising them to correspond with Mr. Kemper
and to inform him of the approbation of his character and qualifications
expressed by a considerable portion of the members of these congregations
which induces the wish of the Vestry that if it should suit the views and
the inclination of Mr. Kemper such further opportunity may be afforded
as will render him more generally known to the churches which
they represent.

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   It was moved and seconded that the pew rents should be collected
in the churches when Mr. Morrell and Mr. Clark were appointed to aid
the Church Warden for Christ Church to meet April 1st and 2nd.
      Mr. Gurney and Mr. Smith for St. Peter's   3rd and 4th
      Mr. Hobart and Mr. McEuen for St. James's   5th and 6 from
ten to two o'clock.

   At an election held in Christ Church on Easter Monday the April 15,
1811 for Vestry Men the following gentlemen were elected.
   Peter DeHaven      Francis Gurney      Joseph Sims
   William Tilghman   Daniel Smith      Thomas McEuen
   George Bickham      John C. Stocker      James Milnor
   Ephraim Clark      George Oakley      R. E. Hobart
   Samuel Wheeler      Thomas Burke      William Poyntell
   John Morrell      Henry Hawkins      John Markland
   Leeson Simmons      Thomas Cuthbert      Paul Beck
   At a meeting of the Vestry Men held in Christ Church April 15, 1810

The Right Reverend Dr. White

Vestry Men:
Mr. Smith Mr. Tilghman Mr. Gurney
Mr. Wheeler Mr. DeHaven Mr. Cuthbert Mr. Milnor Mr. Hobart Mr. Simmons
and Mr. Beck
   The Vestry Men proceeded to elect a Church Warden when Mr. Thomas
Cumpston was elected and the Rector chose Mr. DeHaven Church Warden.

   At a meeting of the corporation of the United Episcopal Churches of
Christ Church St. Peter's Church and St. James's Church held at teh Rector's
House April 22, 1811:

The Right Reverend Dr. White Rector

Church Warden:
Thomas Cumpston

Vestry Men:
Mr. Wheeler Mr. Gurney Mr. Milnor Mr. Beck Mr. Smith Mr. Markland
Mr. Hawkins Mr. Simmons Mr. Burke Mr. Harland and Mr. McEuen
   Mr. Ormrod was elected Clerk of Christ Church
   Mr. Dolby   .   .   . Sexton of . ditto
   Mr. Kurtz   .   .   . Organist of . ditto
            .   .   . Clerk of St. Peter's Church
   Mr. Hill   .   .   . Sexton of . ditto
   Mr. Taylor   .   .   . Organist . . ditto
   Mr. M. Taylor   .   . Clerk of St. James's Church
   Mr. Hollick   .   .   . Sexton of . ditto
   Mr. Ball   .   .   . Organist . ditto

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   Messrs. Cumpston DeHaven Wheeler Clarke Smith and Harland
were appointed a committee to manage the concerns of Christ Church Hospital.
   Mr. Jacob Clark was appointed Treasurer of Christ Church Hospital
   It was moved and seconded that the committee appointed on the
letter of Samuel Carls should be continued which was agreed to.
   Messrs. Gurney Smith and Morrell were appointed a committee
to settle the accounts of the Church Warden as well as the accounts of the
Treasurer of Christ Church Hospital.
   Mr. Stocker and Mr. Milnor are continued a committee on the
request of Samuel W. Fisher and Dr. Thomas Parke.
   Mr. Stocker and Mr. Smith are appointed a committee to examine
and settle the accounts of the Treasurer of St. James's Church.
   It was moved and seconded that the additional salary should
be paid to the Clergy and officers of the churches for the last year which was
agreed to.
   Mr. Tilghman and Mr. Milnor were appointed a committee to
recover the amount of a bond due from the estate of Cornelius Bradford
left by the will of Mr. Cummings.
   The committee appointed to settle the Church Wardens accounts
reported that they had examined his accounts to Easter 1810 and find
a balance due to him of one pound eight shililngs and two pence and
that 19.4.2 has been received being rent for grounds belonging to St. John's
Church in the Northern Liberties.      Signed Francis Gurney
                                    Dan Smith
   It was moved and seconded that the Vestry should collect the
arrears of Pew rent and that the Church Warden be requested to furnish
the books necessary for that purpose as soon as convenient which was agreed to.
   It was moved and seconded that one gentleman from each church
should be appointed to assist the Church Warden in some of his duties which
was agreed to when Mr. Clark for Christ Church Mr. Smith for St. Peter's Church
and Mr. Harland for St. James's Church were appointed.

   At a meeting of the corporation of the United Episcopal Churches of
Christ Church St. Peter's Church and St. James's Church held at the Rector's
House May 13, 1811:

The Right Reverend Dr. White Rector

Church Warden:
Thomas Cumpston

Vestry Men:
Mr. McEuen Mr. Hobart Mr. Smith Mr. Hawkins Mr. Mark and Mr. Sims
Mr. Simmons Mr. Stocker Mr. Burke Mr. Tilghman Mr. Morrell Mr. Clark Mr. Cuthbert
   The committee appionted to correspond with the Reverend Mr. Kemper
report that they have performed that duty and that in consequence of
the letters which passed between them, mr. Kemper has been about a

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fortnight in this city and has officiated two Sundays in the forenoon and
afternoon in the United Churches and this has been with the general
acceptance of the Congregations as far as the committee are informed they
have thought it proper to request the Rector to call a meetign of the Vestry
at this time in reference with that subject.
   It was moved and seconded that a meeting of Vestry shall be called
to met tomorrow at the Rector's House at eleven o'clock and that the clock
be directed to insect in the notices that the choice of an Assistant Minister
will be the subject for the consideration of said meeting also the disposal
of money which was agreed to.
   The Vestry proceeded to elect Deputies to the state convention
when the following gentlemen were elected.
   for Christ Church   for St. Peter's Church   for St. James's Church
   Mr. Tilghman      Mr. Gurney            Mr. Milnor
   Mr. Simmons         Mr. Sims            Mr. McEuen
   Mr. Morrell         Mr. Stocker            Mr. Harland

   At a meeting of the corporation of the United Episcopal Churches of
Christ Church St. Peter's Church and St. James's Church held at the Rector's
House May 14, 1811: Present:
   The Right Reverend Dr. White Rector

   Church Warden:
   Thomas Cumpston

Vestry Men:
   Mr. Milnor Mr. Hobart Mr. Smith Mr. Burke Mr. Stocker Mr. Simmons
Mr. DeHaven Mr. Harland Mr. Huddell Mr. Cuthbert Mr. Poyntete Mr. Morrell
Mr. Hawkins Mr. Gurney Mr. Markland Mr. Tilghman Mr. Wheeler Mr. Smith and Mr. McEuen
   The Committee on the letters of Mr. Samuel Carls and the Reverend Mr. Abercrombie
reported as follows. The Committee to whom was referred the letters
of Samuel Carls and the Reverend Dr. Abercrombie on the subject of a marriage
ceremony performed by the latter between the alleged apprentice of the
former and Eliza Parrell respectively report that although it is
much to be regretted that the fact complained of should have occurred
yet it does not appear to your committee that so far as any security against
improper marriages can be obtained by enquires made of the Parties Dr.
Abercrombie had every reason to believe the case in question to be free from
difficulty but he was deceived both by the young man and by a woman of
decent appearance who attended as the relative and friend of the party.
   The occurrence of this case has confirmed the committee in the belief
that is equally due to the respectability of our church, the feeling of improper
connections that that which arises from the mere word and assurance of parties
wholly unknown to the Clergyman applied to, should be provided but

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they apprehend that the most efficient plan for the purpose does not
come within the allowed powers of Vestry.
   The committee however conceive that the evil will be in some
measure remidied by having it understood as the sense of Vestry that no
marriage should be celebrated by any Minister of our churches without
a knowledge of the parties applying or some of the persons who attend
them, this being known to be a permanent regulation will relieve our
Ministers from all responsibility and blame in refusing the performance of
the Ceremony without satisfactory evidence of its propriety and furnish a
considerable security against imposition such as have hitherto been practised.
   The committee therefore propose to Vestry the adoptioon of the following
resolutions. Resolved that the case detailed by Samuel Carls in his
letter to Vestry is not one in which it is proper for Vestry to interfere in as
much as it appears that Dr. Abercrombie was deceived by the representation
both of the parties and the person who accompanied them.
   Resolved as the sense of Vestry that it would be proper hereafter
for the Ministers of our church not to comply with the request of parties to
perform the marriage ceremony unless the Minister applied to have a
knowledge of the parties or of one of them, or of some person vouching in
their behalf for the regularity and propriety of the proposed connection
and that a conformity to this suggestion be respectfully requested on the
part of the said Ministers.            Signed James Milnor
                              Eephram Clark
                              R. E. Hobart
   The Vestry adopted the foregoing report and the Church Warden is
requested to furnish the Rector with a copy of the two resolutions for
each of the Assistant Ministers.
   Resolved that the Reverend Mr. Jackson Kemper be appointed as an
Assistant Minister to the United Churches with a permanent Salary of
three hundred and fifty pounds per annum and such additional allowance
as the Vestry may from time to time vote for the other Assistant Ministers
said allowance being at present three hundred dollars per annum to
commence from 14 May 1811. This Resolution was unanimously
agreed. The Rector also concurred in the appointment.
   The Church Warden is authorised to make such allowance to
the Reverend Mr. Kemper for his past services as may be thought reasonable.
   Resolved that the Rector be requested to cause the appointment of
Mr. Kemper to be notified and the churches agreeable to the rule in such
case provided.
   The Vestry request that the Church Warden will present their thanks
to the Reverend Dr. Blackwell for his past services and at the same time
[unclear] their hope that not withstanding his resignation he will

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occasionally favor them with his sermons when the Rector or either of
the Assistant Ministers may request it.

   At a meeting of the corporation of the United Episcopal Churches of
Christ Church St. Peter's Church and St. James's Church held at the Rector's
House October 23, 1811. Present:
   The Right Reverend Dr. White Rector
   Church Warden:
   Thomas Cumpston

   Vestry Men:
   Mr. Tilghman Mr. Smith Mr. Morrell Mr. Gurney Mr. Markland and Mr. Sims
Mr. Hawkins Mr. Wheeler Mr. Clark Mr. Milnor Mr. Simmons Mr. Burke
and Mr. Stocker
   The Church Warden reported that he had paid the Reverend Mr. Kemper
one hundred dollars to defray the expense of his visit to the City of New York.
   An application was made through the Rector to Vestry by
Horace Binney and William Meredith Esquires fro permission to collect
as much money as will purchase a new organ for St. Peter's Church the
present organ exclusive of the case to be allowed them to aid inpowering
a new one, and the Vestry to be in no wise accountable for the expense
thereof. Resolved that the application be complied with.
   The Committee on the Treasurer of St. James's Church accounts
reported that they had examined his accounts up to May 8, 1811 and
that a balance due to the church of one thousand and fifty five dollars
and twenty nine cents was in his hands.      Signed Daniel Smith
                                       John C. Stocker
   A letter from the Reverend Dr. Abercrombie to Vestry praying for
an increase of salary was read and referred to Mr. Markland Mr. Gurney
and Mr. Cumpston a committee to report thereon at the next meeting of Vestry.

   At a meeting of the corporation of the United Episcopal churches of
Christ Church St. Peter's Church and St. James's Church held at the Rector's
House December 27, 1811. Present:
   The Right Reverend Dr. White Rector
   Thomas Cumpston Church Warden

   Vestry Men:
   Mr. Tilghman Mr. Morrell Mr. Harland Mr. Gurney Mr. Smith Mr. Sims
Mr. Markalnd and Mr. Oakley Mr. Simmons Mr. Hawkins Mr. Wheeler and Mr. Clark
   A letter from the Reverend Dr. Abercrombie to the Right Reverend Dr. White
requesting that a letter which he wrote to Vestry praying an increase
of salary should be withdrawn and delivered to the gentleman who pre-
sented it which this Vestry agreed to and the letter was delivered accordingly

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   Whereas the minds of sundry members of our congregations have
been considerably agitated on account of a recommendation relative
to the posture which should be observed when the Psalms are sung; and
whereas there is no rubric or canon of the general convention of the subject.
Resolved unanimously that the Rector be requested to provide that there
shall be no alteration of posture recommended to the members of the congre-
gations in this particular, until the same shall be determined by the proper

   At a meeting of the corporation of the United Episcopal Churches
of Christ Church St. Peter's Church and St. James's Church held at the Rector's
House March 16, 1812. Present:
   The Right Reverend Dr. White Rector
   Thomas Cumpston Church Warden
   Vestry Men:
   Mr. Beck Mr. Markland Mr. Simmons Mr. Tilghman Mr. Clark
Mr. Wheeler Mr. Oakley Mr. Smith Mr. Morrell and Mr. Sims
   A letter was read from Mr. William West to Mr. Cumpston relative
to a bond given by Mr. John Wilcocks (Church Warden) to Miss Margaret
Edwards fro one hundred pounds, Mr. Sims and Mr. Cumpston were
appointed a committee to settle the business with Mr. West.
   A letter was read from the Reverend Dr. Blackwell to Vestry relative
to a letter written to the Vestry by the Reverend Dr. Abercrombie which was
afterwards withdrawn this matter was referred to Mr. Tilghman Mr. Smith
and Mr. Gurney who are requested to report at next meeting of Vestry.
   The Vestry directed that a statement exhibited by the Church
Warden of the funds of the churches should be entered on the
minutes of Vestry.
                           Pew rents    Whole Revenue   Contingent Expd
April 12, 1892 to April 7 1803      1181.7.3    2744.9.2      80.0.0
April 18, 1803 to March 1804      1213.11.11    2898.3.6      346.11.9
April 11, 1804 to April 10, 1805   1325.12.6    2298.10.7      478.19.6
April 17, 1805 to March 24, 1806   982.14.3    1913.1.11      308.0.0
May 15, 1806 to March 22, 1807      1434.13.9    2279.14.1      229.8.3
April 20, 1807 to April 2, 1808      1218.19.6    2158._.10      236.0.0
April 28, 1808 to April 14, 1809   925.18.0    1936.4.10      225.13.7
                           9375.18.7    18,089.8.3      2019.5.7
                              Average Contingent Exp   252.8.2
   divide 9375.18.7 by 8 gives the average one year pew rent   1171.17.4
   divide 18089.8.3 by 8 gives the average of one year revenue   2261.3.5

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Dr. The Revenue of the United Church...................................175
Tot ash 1 years salary to the Rector 100.0.0   Average of the whole revenue of
"   Right Reverend Dr. White.........625.0.0   the churches except the Pew rents of
"   Reverend Dr. Abercrombie.........462.10.0   St. James's Church as per statement 2261.3.5
"   Reverend Mr. Kemper..............462.10.0
"   2 clerks at 451 1 at 55L.........145.0.0
"   3 Sextons at 43L.................129.0.0
"   3 organist at 35L................105.0.0
"   3 bellows blowers................25.10.0
Average of cont. exp. per statements 252.8.2   Balance against the churches    45.14.9
                           2306.18.2                           2306.18.2
   The United Churches owe the following debts                            Dollars
   To the Reverend Dr. Blackwell                                     1200.-
   On the 25 Instant there will be due to Dr. White                      1733.33
                         to the Reverend Dr. Abercrombie             308.33
                         to the Reverend Mr. Kemper                   137.24
   To Mr. Muhlenburg . . 4000._
      1 year interest . 240._    .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   . 4240._
   On the Treasurers note 2000._
       4 years interest 480._   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   . 2480._
      16 March 1812                                             10,098.90

   At a meeting of the corporation of the United Episcopal Churches of
Christ Church St. Peter's Church and St. James's Church held at the Rector's
House March 23, 1812. Present:
      The Right Reverend Dr. White Rector
      Thomas Cumpston Church Warden
   Vestry Men:
   Mr. Gurney Mr. Hawkins Mr. Clark Mr. Markland Mr. Smith Mr. Burke
Mr. Oakley Mr. Wheeler Mr. Sims Mr. Huddle Mr. Tilghman Mr. Morrell
Mr. Stocker and Mr. Simmons
   The Committee appointed to settle the accounts of the Treasurer
of Christ Church Hospital report that they have examined the accounts of
Mr. Jacob Clark the Treasurer and find a balance in his hands due the
said institution of three thousand and four hundred and eighteen dollars
and ninety one cents.         Signed Francis Gurney
      March 23, 1819               John Morrell
   The Vestry directed the Church Warden to affix the seal of the
Corporation to a power of attorney authorizing Henry William Desasure
Son of Henry William Dessasure to manage the property left to Christ
Church Hospital by the will of Joseph Dobbins of Charlestown.
   The committee to whom was referred the letter of the Reverend Dr.
Blackwell relative to two letters of the Reverend Dr. Abercrombie.

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Report that they have examined the minutes of Vestry by which it
appears that on the 3rd day of February 1797 the Vestry made a resolution
that there should be paid to the following gentlemen in consideration
of the high price of every necessary of life (exclusive of their salaries) for
one year commencing the 25 September 1796 and ending 25 September 1797
the following sums vizt.
      The Right Reverend Dr. White   .   .   .   .   .   .   225.0.0
      The Right Dr. Blackwell   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   112.10.0
      The Reverend Dr. Abercrombie   .   .   .   .   .   .   112.10.0
      Mr. Whitehead   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .    10.0.0
      Mr. Cooke   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .    10.0.0
      Mr. Dolby   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .    10.0.0
      Mr. Barkes   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .    10.0.0
      Mr. Kurtz   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .    10.0.0
      Mr. Schmidt   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .    10.0.0
   And these payments have been continued by an annual
resolution of Vestry from the 25 September 1797 to the present time.
These are all the proceedings of the Vestry relative to the points which
Dr. Blackwell requests to be investigated and from them it appears
that the addition of one hundred and twelve pounds ten shillings to the
Dr. Salary was the legal act of the Vestry. If the committee might be
permitted to offer their opinion with respect to what had been said by
Dr. Abercrombie on the subject of Dr. Blackwell's salary it would be that
he has had conversation with some individual members whom he has
mistaken for a committee of the Vestry and has been led into an error
concerning the acts of the Vestry.    The truth of the matter having
been thus explained the committee cannot help expressing their anxious
hope that the good sense and Christian Spirit of Drs. Blackwell and
Abercrombie will put an end to an unpleasant controversy and produce
a restoration of that harmony so desirable between Ministries of the
same church.                      Signed William Tilghman
                                 Francis Gurney
March 23, 1812                        Daniel Smith
The Vestry adopted the foregoing report and the Church Warden was
requested to furnish each of the gentlemen with a copy of it.
   The Church Warden reported that Mr. Thomas had proposed to
give up a certain house in Arch Street one of the three in which she has
a life estate and which at his death would belong to the poor of St. Peter's
Church the Vestry requested the Church Warden to inform Mrs. Thomas
that they accepted of it with thanks.

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   At an election held in Christ Church on Easter Monday March 30,
1812 the following gentlemen were elected Vestry Men for the ensuing
year vizt.
   Peter DeHaven      Francis Gurney      Joseph Sims
   Thomas Cumpston      Daniel Smith      James Milnor
   William Tilghman   Johnathan Stocker   Thomas McEuen
   Ephram Clarke      Henry Hawkins      John Harland
   Samuel Wheeler      George Oakley      Hugh DeHaven
   John Morrell      Thomas Cuthbert      Thomas Hale
   Leeson Simmons      Joseph Huddell      John Markland
   Jonathan Ashburner   Thomas Burke      Daniel Knight

   At a meeting of the Vestry Men held in Christ Church March 30, 1812
   The Right Reverend Dr. White
   Vestry Men:
Mr. Smith Mr. Gurney Mr. Hawkins
Mr. Clarke Mr. Oakley Mr. Milnor Mr. H. DeHaven Mr. Markland Mr. Hale
Mr. Huddlee Mr. Burke Mr. Tilghman Mr. Simmons and Mr. Ashburner
   The Vestry Men elected Mr. Cumpston Church Warden and the Rector
chose Mr. DeHaven Church Warden.
   At a meeting of the corporation of the United Episcopal Churches
of Christ Church, St. Peter's Church and St. James's Church held at
the Rector's House April 6, 1812,
   The Right Reverend Dr. White Rector
   Thomas Cumpston Church Warden
Mr. Clark Mr. Smith Mr. Wheeler Mr. Gurney Mr. Oakley
Mr. Hale Mr. Stocker Mr. Simmons Mr. H. DeHaven Mr. Burke
Mr. Markland Mr. Sims Mr. Huddle and Mr. Ashburner
   Mr. Jacob Clark was appointed Treasurer of Christ Church
   Mr. Cumpston Mr. Smith Mr. Clark Mr. H. DeHaven and
Mr. Markland were appointed a committee to manage the
concerns of Christ Church Hospital.
   Mr. Gurney Mr. Stocker and mr. Morrell were appointed
a committee to settle the accounts of the Church Warden as
well as the accounts of the Treasurer of Christ Church Hospital.
   Mr. Stocker and Mr. Smith were appointed a committee
to settle the accounts of the Treasurer of St. James's Church.
   It was moved and seconded that the additional salary

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be paid to the Clergy and officers of the Church for the last
year, which was agreed to.
   Mr. Ormrod was elected   Clerk of Christ Church
   Mr. Dolby            Sexton of ditto
   Mr. Kurtz            Organist of ditto
   Mr. Crumpton         Clerk of St. Peter's Church
   Mr. Hill            Sexton of ditto
   Mr. Taylor            Organist of ditto
   Mr. Moses Taylor      Clerk of St. James's Church
   Mr. Hollick            Sexton of ditto
   Mr. Ball            Organist of ditto
   A motion was made and seconded that a committee
of six be appointed to be composed of two members
from each of the United Churches to take a view
of the estate which now forms the funds of Christ
Church Hospital, and report at next meeting of
Vestry a plan or set of rules for conducting the business
of this valuable institution in a way best calculated
to secure its funds to the benevolent intention of its
donors. The following gentlemen were appointed a
committee; Mr. Cumpston, Mr. Tilghman, Mr. Gurney
Mr. Stocker, Mr. Milnor and Mr. Markland.
   The same gentlemen were also appointed a
committee to take a view of the pecuniary situation
of the United Churches and to report to Vestry.
   Mr. Clark, Mr. Morrell, Mr. Smith, Mr. Gurney
Mr. DeHaven and Mr. Markland were appointed a
committee to aid the Church Warden in collecting the
Pew Rent.
   Mr. DeHaven, Mr. Hawkins and Mr. Clark were
appointed a committee to report to Vestry a form of
publication of the charters, by-laws and any regulations
of permanent effect now in use.
   Mr. Clark Mr. Smith and Mr. Markland were
appointed a committee to aid the Church Warden in certain
duties of his office.
   The Vestry proceeded to elect deputies to the
state convention when the following gentlemen were

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elected: for Christ Church      St. Peter's      St. James'
       Mr. Tilghman         Mr. Gurney      Mr. Milnor
       Mr. Simmons         Mr. Stocker      Mr. McEuen
       Mr. Morrell         Mr. Sims      Mr. Markland

   At a meeting of the corporation of the United
Episcopal Churches of Christ Church St. Peter's Church and St.
James' Church held at the Rector's House April 24, 1812.
   The Right Reverend Dr. White Rector
   Thomas Cumpston Church Warden
   Mr. Tilghman Mr. H. DeHaven Mr. Wheeler Mr. Gurney
Mr. Smith Mr. Morrell Mr. Knight Mr. Oakley Mr. Ashburner
Mr. Burke Mr. Simmons Mr. Markland Mr. Stocker Mr.
McEuen Mr. Hale Mr. Hawkins
   The Rector informed Vestry that a number of the members
of these Churches were desirous of forming a society for the ad-
vancement of Christianity in this state, and request that notices
should be given from the desks of the Churches on Sunday
next of a meeting to be held at St. James' Church on Monday
evening next at half past seven o'clock to afford to any
members of these churches an opportunity of joining in the
establishment of so laudable an institution, which was
agreed to.
   On motion resolved that the Pew rents shall be collected
in the churches, on Monday next in Christ Church, and Tuesday
the 28th in St. Peter's Church and Wednesday the 29th in St. James'
Church between the hours of 10 and 2 o'clock of each day in
order to give time to those who had no opportunity of complying
with the former requisition of Vestry.
   It was moved and seconded that the Church Warden
be requested to carry the by-laws into execution relative
to the forfeiture of Pews or sittings of delinquents, agreeable
to the law now in fores, which was agreed to.
      On motion resolved that Mr. McEuen should be appointed
in lieu of Mr. Milnor on the committee to take a view of the estate
of Christ Church Hospital, and on the committee on the pecuniary
situation of the United Churches which was agreed to.

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   At a meeting of the corporation of the United
Episcopal Churches of Christ Church St. Peter's Church and St.
James' Church, held at the Rector's House July 20, 1812.
   The Right Reverend Dr. White Rector
   Thomas Cumpston, Church Warden
Mr. Tilghman Mr. Wheeler Mr. Clark Mr. Markland Mr.
Hawkins Mr. Oakley Mr. Ashburner Mr. Hale Mr. Simmons
Mr. H. DeHaven Mr. Knight Mr. McEuen and Mr. Milnor
   A letter from William Meredith Esq to this Church
Warden was read relative to Mr. Kemper's Journey as a
Missionary to the Western part of this state for a time
not exceeding three months commencing in August next
the Vestry agreed that he should have leave to do so.
   A letter addressed to the Right Reverend Dr. White by Mr.
James Stokes praying that the Vestry would grant him
six feet of ground in breadth north and south by twenty five
feet east and west at the back of the House formerly occupied
by Dr. Kearsley on a lease or on a ground rent for ever.
This matter is referred to Mr. DeHaven Mr. Simmons and
Mr. McEuen who are requested to report at next meeting of
Vestry. The Right of passage across Mr. Thomas Bradford's lot
from Letitia Court is also referred to the same committee.
   The committee appointed to take a view of the
estate belonging to Christ Church Hospital reported as follows.
   The committee to whom was referred the subject
of Christ Church Hospital beg leave to submit the following
rules for the future regulation of that institution.
   That two books be provided one to remain in the
possession of the committee and the other under the direction
of this Vestry.
   These books shall contain a correct copy of the
wills of Dr. Kearsley and Mr. Dobbins and of such others
persons as may hereafter make bequests to the institution;
also a record of all the houses, lots, ground rents and
incomes which now do, or hereafter may, belong to the estate.
   That the committee directed by the Will of Dr. Kearsley
to be appointed on the first Monday after Easter annually
shall consist of five members and be chosen by ballot so

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that each church shall have at least one.
   That as often as there shall be a sufficient accumulation
of the funds beyond the annual expenditures, the surplus shall
be vested in good ground rents or any other funds which
may be directed by Vestry.
   That the Treasurer be chosen by ballot and give
Bond in the sum of five thousand dollars with sufficent
security for the faithful performances of the duties and trusts
assigned him, he shall keep a fair account and rental
of the estate subject to the inspection of a committee of
Vestry, collect the incomes of the institution as they become
due, and open an account for each item of the estate, pay
all orders drawn by the committees, and whenever the balance
in his hands shall exceed five hundred dolloars for the space
of two months or longer, open an interest account and
credit the institution with the same at the rate of four
per cent and for all sums that he may advance he shall
charge an interest of five per cent. It is not presumed any
charge will be made for services.
   Resolved that the committee of Christ Church Hospital
be requested to procure a box and books direct the necessary
entries to be made and generally to see the foregoing rules
carried into operation and report to Vestry as soon as the same
shall have been completed.
                     Signed Thomas Cumpston
May 11, 1812            on behalf of the Committee
   The above report was adopted by Vestry.
   The same committee reported relative to an increase of
salary to the Clergy and officers of the churches when the Vestry
directed that it be inserted in the notices for summoning the
next Vestry, that money will be disposed of.
   The committees of Christ Church Hospital reported that
they had admitted Mary boyd and Mary Martin pensioners
of said Hospital.
   The Committee appointed on the charter by-laws
and rules reported, which report was read, and the further
consideration thereof deferred until next meeting of Vestry.
   It was moved and seconded that a committee be
appointed to examine the state of the Steeple of Christ Church

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and the Bells thereof and to report at next meeting
of Vestry. Mr. Clark, Mr. Hawkings, Mr. Wheeler, Mr. Knight
and Mr. Markland were the Committee.
   The Committee of Christ Church Hospital are
authorised to admit one pensioner and to report the
name at next meeting of Vestry.

   At a meeting of the corporation of the United
Episcopal Churches of Christ Church St. Peter's Church
and St. James' Church held at the Rector's House
September 21, 1812.
      The Right Reverend Dr. White Rector
      Mr. Thomas Cumpston, Church Warden
   Mr. Smith, Mr. Knight Mr. Hawkins Mr. Clark Mr.
DeHaven Mr. Markland Mr. Cuthbert Mr. Wheeler Mr.
Sims Mr. Burke Mr. Simmons Mr. Milnor Mr. Stocker
   The Committee on the letter of Mr. Stokes requesting a
lease for six feet of ground in the rear of the House formerly
occupied by Dr. Kearsley reported that it is inexpedient to
make any alteration in the property and that the request
of Mr. Stokes cannot be granted.
   The Vestry adopted the above Report.
   The Committee on Mr. Bradford's lot, not being
prepared to report, are continued.
   The Committee of Christ Church Hospital reported
that they had admitted Mrs. Reeves a pensioner of said
   The Committee on the Steeple and Bells reported
in part and are continued.
   The Report of the Committee on the Increase of
Salary was adopted as follows:
   The Committee appointed to take a view of the pecuniary
situation of the United Churches, have attended to that
duty and are of opinion that those pews in either of the
Churches now rated at 12/6 each seat should be at the
rate of two dollars per seat. The Pews in the North and
South Aisle of St. Peter's Church and St. James' Church

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adjoining the Pews in the middle aisle now at two dollars and
fifty cents per seat should in future be the same price as the
pews of the same description are in Christ Church, say,
Three dollars per seat. This increased price to take place
from and after the 25 instant September.
   The Committee having examined the Church Funds
offer the following resolution viz Resolved that from
and after 25 September 1812 the salary of the Clergy and
officers of the Churches shall be as follows for one year.
   The Right Reverend Dr. White's permanent salary 1333.33
                         additional salary 1066.67 $2400.
   The Reverend Dr. Abercrombie permanent salary 933.33
                        additional salary 666.67 1600
   The Reverend Dr. Kemper's permanent salary 933.33
                      additional salary 666.67 1600
   Mr. Ormrod               $120
   serving notices additional    40   $160
   Mr. Crumpston            93.33
               additional    40._   133.33
   Mr. Taylor                     133.33
   3 Organists permanent Salary each
               25 is $200
      additional 15.....120   320
   3 Sextons permanent 33 $264
          additional 15 $120   384      1130.66
   Supposed revenue of the three churches to be $8000
      Deduct the above salaries . . . . . . . 6730.66
      will leave for contingencies this sum    $1269.34
   This report was signed by order of the committee by
                              Thomas Cumpston

   At a meeting of the Corporation of the United Epis-
copal Churches of Christ Church St. Peter's Church and St.
James' Church held at the Rector's House November 25, 1812
   The Right Reverend Dr. White, Rector

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      Mr. Thomas Cumpston, Church Warden
Mr. Smith Mr. Tilghman Mr. Hale Mr. Simmons mr. De
Haven Mr. Hawkings Mr. Huddle Mr. Wheeler Mr. Ashburner
Mr. Knight and Mr. McEuen
   The Vestry directed that the Church Warden
shall cause the Seal of the Corporation to be affixed to an
Assignment on a Bond for two hundred pounds payable
by Henry and John Drinker which Bond is the property
of Christ Church Hospital.
   Mr. DeHaven and Mr. Hale are appointed a
Committee to procure payment of a Bond for two hundred
and fifty pounds payable by John Thomas and John Drinker.
   Mr. Sims and Mr. Cumpston are continued a
Committee to attend to the Will of Margaret Edwads.
   The Committee on the Bye Laws made a report
which was adopted by Vestry and the Vestry resolved
that the Constitution and canons established by the
General Convention, and by the convention of this state,
of the Episcopal Churches in the United States be annexed
to, printed and published with the Charter Bye Laws and
resolutions of the Vestry of the United Churches for the
use of the members thereof, the price paid by the members
to be twenty five cents.
   Resolved that from and after the first of January
next the stated meeting of Vestry shall be on the
Second Monday after Easter Sunday and on the
first Wednesday in the months of June September
and December.
   The committee on the Bye Laws are continued
and they are requested to attend the printing of
the Canons, Bye Laws etc.

   At a meeting of the Corporation of the United
Episcopal Churches of Christ Church, St. Peter's Church
and St. James' Church held at the Rector's House
March 26, 1813.

      The Right Reverend Dr. White, Rector
      Mr. Thomas Cumpston Church Warden
   Mr. Milnor, Mr. Hawkins, Mr. Cuthbert, Mr. H. DeHaven
Mr. Simmons Mr. Clark Mr. Ashburner Mr. Stocker,

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Mr. Hale, Mr. Knight Mr. Markland Mr. Smith Mr. Wheeler
Mr. Gurney and Mr. Tilghman.
   On motion resolved that the Pew Money shall be collected
in the churches and the Rector is requested to cause notices thereof
to be given in the three Churches, the following gentlemen
were appointed a Committee for that purpose.
   Christ Church   St. Peter's      St. James'
   Mr. Clark      Mr. Gurney      Mr. H. DeHaven
   Mr. Ashburner   Mr. Smith      Mr. Markland
   The Committee appointed to recover the money due on a
Bond of John Drinker and John Thomas reported that they
had attended to that duty and recommend that the bond
should be put in suit, which was agreed to.
   A letter from the Honorable William Tilghman, James Milnor
and William Meredith Esquire, a committee of the Society for advancing
Christianity in Pennsylvania was read soliciting the use of the
Library owned by the Vestry for students in Divinity educated
under patronage of the Society and permission to deposit
in the Library room of the Vestry such books as said Society
may purchase for the like purpose under such regulations as
the Vestry may think proper to prescribe.   
   On motion resolved that the request of the Society be granted.
   Mr. Tilghman and Mr. Milnor were appointed a committee
to form such regulations as may be thought proper.
   It was moved and seconded that a committee should
be appointed to confer with Mr. Binney and Mr. Meredith
relative to the erection of an organ in St. Peter's Church, when
Mr. Gurney Mr. Stocker and Mr. Smith were appointed a
committee who are requested to report at next meeting
of Vestry.   
   The committee on the Bye Laws reported that they
had caused five hundred copies of the Bye Laws, resolutions
of Vestry, Canons of the General and State Convention, to be
printed which are now ready for distribution.
   Mr. Tilghman Mr. Milnor and Mr. Cumpston were
appointed a committee to consider of a mods by which the
Duties of the Accounting Church Warden may be lessened
and to report at next meeting of Vestry.
   The Committee on the Steeple and reported
as follows: To the Vestry of the United Episcopal Churches in Philadelphia.

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   The committee appointed to examine Christ Church Steeple, the
Bells of said Steeple, the burial ground, gates etc.
Report that on examination of the Bells, they found the
gudgeons and Boxes much worn; they therefore had them taken
out and replaced.
   That they found the burial Ground gates out of order
and have had them repaired the gate in the north part of the
church yard owing to its being much rusted is now repairing.
   That they have examined the steeple and are of opinion
that it requires a new brace in place of an old one much
decayed above the eight windows and that various small
repairs are requisite in and about the Steeple to keep the
rain out and preserve it from decaying.
   Thus far was agreed to by Vestry.
   The Committee are further of opinion that the Steeple
as also the outside of the Church generally require to be
repainted. The committee are strongly desirous to impress upon
the Vestry the absolute necessity of repainting the Steeple this Spring
or in the approaching Summer. Some of the timbers in places
exhibit scarcely a vestige of ever having been painted.
   The Committee deem it their duty to state that they
found the Steeple extremely dirty and they have reason
to believe that in consequence thereof its floors have sustained
   They have examined the wall around the Church and
found the capping (which is for the most part of wood) much
decayed whereby the wall is exposed to injury from the weather.
They therefore recommend that the wooden capping be entirety
removed and that its place be supplied by a capping of stone.
   The consideration of the above was postponed for the
present and the committee are requested to ascertain the
expense and to report at next meeting of Vestry.
   The Committee beg leave to suggest the propriety of
erecting a Privy for Christ Church. This was rejected.
   They also beg leave to suggest the propriety of raising
the prive for ringing the bells on occasions of rejoicing as
also for muffling them so that a portion of the money
may be appropriated to keep the Bells in order.
   Resolved that the Sum to be paid in future shall
be twenty dollars four dollars of which to be appropriated to
defray the expense of gudgeons, ropes etc. Agreed to.
   Your Committee further beg leave to suggest the

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propriety of entrusting the care of the Steeple as well as the other
objects of their appointment to a standing committee, Mr. Clark
and Mr. Knight were appointed a committee for that purpose.
   At a meeting of the corporation of the United Episcopal
Churches of Christ Church St. Peter's Church and St. James' Church
held at the Rector's House April 10, 1813.
      The Right Reverend Dr. White, Rector
      Mr. Thomas Cumpston, Church Warden
   Mr. Tilghman, Mr. Sims, Mr. Markland, Mr. Hawkins, Mr.
Cuthbert, Mr. Stocker, Mr. Smith, Mr. Clark, Mr. Ashburner
Mr. Knight, Mr. Hale, Mr. DeHaven, Mr. Burke, Mr. Simmons,
Mr. Milnor, Mr. Gurney, and Mr. Wheeler
   The Committee appointed to consider of a mode by which
the duties of the Accounting Church Warden may be lessened,
beg leave to offer the following Reported
   Whereas the duties of the Church Wardens have become too
burthensome in consequence of the increase of the congregations and
the addition of St. James' Church.
   Be it enacted by the Rector Church Wardens and Vestry Men
of the United Episcopal Churches of Christ Church, St. Peter's Church,
and St. James' Church in the City of Philadelphia, that there
shall be one person appointed by the Vestry for each church annually
on the same day on which the Church Wardens are appointed to be
called "Assistants to the Church Wardens," whose duty it shall
be to let the Pews or sittings, to issue orders for the interment
of the dead, to receive the Box and Communion Money each
respectively for the Church for which he was appointed and
to perform such other services as the Vestry may from time to
time direct. The Money to be received by each Assistant shall
be paid quarter yearly to the Accounting Church Warden who shall
give a receipt for the same, that is to say, on the 25 March June
September and December in each year.
                        /Signed/   William Tilghman
                                 James Milnor
                                 Thomas Cumpston
The above report was adopted.
   A letter of Mr. Ormrod praying for an increase of his
commissions for collecting the Pew Rent was read when the
Church Warden was directed to allow him ten per cent for the
last years collections ending 25 March last.

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   The committee appointed to confer with Messrs. Meredith
and Binney relative to the organ in St. Peter's Church
Reported as follows:
   The Committee to whom was referred the letter of
Messers. Meredith and Binney addressed to Dr. White relative
to an organ for St. Peter's Church report that they
have had a conference with these gentlemen, have
viewed the organ of St. Paul's Church in order to know
the space it occupies as well as to form some opinion
of its powers.
   The Committee are of opinion that with very
little alteration the organ loft of St. Peter's Church will
be rendered sufficiently large to contain an organ of
greater powers than are wanted to fill St. Peter's
Church; the committee are further of opinion that all
the materials of the old organ should be placed at the disposal
of these gentlemen who will use their discretion as to teh olf
case. 4th proposition "Is it possible to calculate on any
pecuniary aid from the church in its corporate character in
case the requisite amount of donations cannot be obtained?"
   This is a proper and important question. The organ of St.
Paul's cost more han five thousand dollars, from this it
may be reasonable inferred that an organ for St. Peter's Church
tho' somewhat smaller will cost at least four thousand dollars
exclusive of any allowance which may be had for the materials
of the old organ.
   It would have given satisfaction if the gentlemen
had gone so far as to have ascertained the cost of such an
organ as they judge most suitable for this church, it would
serve as a data to induce the members of the congregation to
contribute their proportions, and if it shall be found that
a sufficient sum cannot be raised by voluntary subscriptions
it will rest with the Vestry to devise means to supply
the deficiency, it is therefore to be hoped that the gentlemen
will proceed with this business of their undertaking.
   Resolved that the Church Warden inform Messrs. Meredith
and Binney that they have leave to dispose of all the material
of the old organ in St. Peter's Church and apply the proceeds
towards the erection of a new one with leave also to lower
the back part of the floor of the organ left on a level with the
front part of it, and to express the anxiety of the members of

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St. Peter's Church, to see this business accomplished with as little
delay as possible.
   The foregoing resolution was adopted by Vestry.

   At an election held in Christ Church on Easter
Monday April 19, 1813 the following gentlemen were elected
Vestry Men for the ensuing year.
   Thomas Cumpston      Francis Gurney      Thomas McEuen
   Wililam Tilghman   Daniel Smith      John Harland
   Ephraim Clark      John C. Stocker      Hugh DeHaven
   John Ashburner      Henry Hawkins      Thomas Hale
   Caleb P. Wayne      George Oakley      John Markland
   William Murdock      Thomas Cuthbert      Daniel Knight
   Lewis Neill         Jospeh Huddle      Richard Dale
   Henry Kuhl         Thomas Burke      Charles N. Bancker

   At a meeting of the Vestrymen held in Christ Church
April 19, 1813.    Present:
            The Right Reverend Dr. White, Rector
   Francis Gurney, Daniel Smith, Ephraim Clark, Richard
Dale, John Harland, Hugh DeHaven, Charles N. Bancker,
John Markland, Caleb P. Wayne, Daniel Knight, Lewis
Neill, Henry Kuhl and Thomas Hale.
   The Vestry Men elected Mr. Cumpston Accounting Church
Warden, and the Rector chose Mr. Tilghman Church Warden.
Mr. Clark was appointed Assistant to the Church Warden for Christ Church
Mr. D. Smith   "      Assistant         "         for St. Peter's
Mr. DeHaven      "         "            "         for St. James'

   At a meeting of the corporation of the United Episcopal
Churches of Christ Church St. Peter's Church and St. James'
Church held at the Rector's House April 26, 1813.
      The Right Reverend Dr. White, Rector
      Mr. Thomas Cumpston, Church Warden
   Mr. Tilghman, Mr. Hawkins, Mr. Gurney, Mr. Clark,
Mr. Stocker, Mr. Neil, Mr. Bancker, Mr. Hale, Mr. Wayne,
Mr. Markland, Mr. Knight, Mr. Cuthbert, Mr. Dale, Mr.
Smith, Mr. Murdock, Mr. Ashburner, Mr. Kuhl, Mr. Burks,

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Mr. DeHaven, Mr. Oakley, Mr. Huddle, Mr. Harland.
   The Vestry proceeded to ballot for a committee of Christ
Church Hospital and a Treasurer for said Institution when
Messrs. Hawkins, DeHaven, Cumpston, Clark and Dale were
elected a Committee and Mr. Paul Beck was elected Treasurer.
   They also balloted for deputies to the state convention
when the following gentlemen were elected.
   for Christ Church   for St. Peter's      for St. James'
   Mr. Cumpston      Mr. Gurney         Mr. McEuen
   Mr. Clark         Mr. Stocker         Mr. Markland
   Mr. Mudock         Mr. Smith         Mr. Dale
   The Church Warden was authorised to pay to Mr. Palmer
one year in advance for the use of t he organ in St. James'
   Mr. Ormrod was elected   Clerk for Christ Church
   Mr. Dolby            Sexton of ditto
   Mr. Kurtz            Organist of ditto
   Mr. Hill            Sexton of St. Peter's Church
   Mr. Taylor            Organist of ditto
   Mr. Moses Taylor      Clerk of St. James' Church
   Mr. Hollick            Sexton of ditto
   Messrs. Gurney, Neill and Bancker were appointed a
committee to settle the accounts of the Church Warden as
well as the accounts of the Treasurer of Christ Church Hospital.
   Mr. Tilghman and Mr. Cumpston were appointed a
committee to attend to the legacy of Mr. Joseph Dobbins.
   Mr. McEuen, Mr. DeHaven and Mr. Kuhl were
appointed a committee to attend to the controversy with Mr.
Thomas Bradford respecting the right of a passage.
   Mr. Tilghman and Mr. Cumpston were appointed a
committee to make regulations relative to the books
which may be deposited in the Church Library.
   It was moved and seconded that the additional
salary shall be paid to the Clergy and Officers of the
Churches for the last year ending 25 March 1813 which
was agreed to.
   Mr. Smith and Mr. Stocker were appointed a
committee to procure a Clerk for St. Peter's Church.
   It was moved and seconded that the late Treasurer be
requested to deliver the Books and papers belonging to Christ
Church Hospital together with any monies in his hands to
Paul beck taking his receipts therefore; and the Church Warden
is requested in the name of the Vestry to thank Mr. Jacob Clark
for his services as Treasurer of said institution.

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   At a meeting of the corporation of the United
Episcopal Churches of Christ Church, St. Peter's Church, and St.
James' Church held at this Rector's House June 2, 1813:

The Right Reverend Dr. White, Rector

Church Warden:
Mr. Thomas Cumpston

Vestry Men:
Mr. Markland, Mr. McEuen, Mr. Clark, Mr. Kuhl, Mr. De
Haven, Mr. Stocker, Mr. Bancker, Mr. Neill, Mr. Murdoch
   The committee appointed to settle the late treasurers
Accounts reported that they had examined the Account and
compared it with the Vouchers which they found correct, and
that the balance in his hands was five thousand and three hundred
and six dollars, and two cents.
   The committee on the controversy with Mr. Bradford
reported as follows. That by a deed of release dated the 10th
day of September 1759 between Cornelius Bradford and John
Kearsley both of the City of Philadelphia, the said Cornelius
Bradford released to the said John Kearsley the southern most
moiety of a certain lot on piece of ground situate in the said City on
the east side of a thirty six feet wide lane or passage extending
from High Street to Black Horse Alley in breadth twenty six feet
and in depth eighty one feet together with all his right to a certain
three feet wide alley so far as the same runs across the western most
end of the said John Kearsley's lot and the eastern most part of the
office erected thereon. And the said John Kearsley released to the
said Cornelius Bradford the northern most moiety of the said
twenty six feet lot excepting from the eastern most and there of the
width of seven feet across the same which they agree shall be held in
common and remain undivided for the use of their front street lots
and houses. And by virtue of a certain instrument of writing
dated the first day of December 1766 the said John Kearsley became
seized of or confirmed in his title to a certain house and lot
situate on the west side of Front Street in breadth seventeen feet
nine inches and in depth one hundred feet and also of one full
equal and undivided third part of the above described twenty
six feet wide lot together with the free privilege of the above
mentioned three feet wide passage from the said Front Street lot
across the western most end of the lot thereto next adjoining
heretofore in the occupancy of William Les into the last described
lot (excepting the southern most moiety of the house and office
erected on the western most end of the said first described lot).
And Thomas Yard and Sarah his wife for the consideration
therein mentioned by their deed poll (endorsed on the said

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Instrument of writing) dated teh ninth day of May 1767 released
to the said John Kearsley all their right title and interest to the
above decribed two lots of ground and three feet wide alley with
the appurtenances as in and by the above recited instruments
will more fully appear. And the said John Kearsley by
his last will and testament in writing dated the twenty ninth
day of April 1769 devised the said lots of ground and the
two houses then thereon erected with the appurtenances
together with the certain other property in the said last
will and testament mentioned to the Rector Church Wardens
and Vestry Men of the United Episcopal Churches of Christ
Church and St. Peter's Church in the City of Philadelphia
and province of Pennsylvania in trust that they the said
Rector etc will establish with the proceeds of the said property
an infirmary or Hospital for the support of ten or more
ancient women belonging to the said churches. Your
committees have no reason to believe that the said John
Kearsley or the corporation have granted to any person the
right of this corporation to either the seven feet or the three feet
wide passages, but as they can not at present be rendered much
to the advantage of the institution, they recommend that a
committee be authorized to propose to Thomas Bradford
the present occupant and proprietor of the lots from which
the said passages have been taken to release to him the
right of the corporation to the said passages on condition
that he grant to the corporation the free use and priviledge of
a passage through a certain three feet wide alley running
north of their House in Letitia Court. They therefore
offer the annexed resolution.
   Resolved that a committee be appointed who are
hereby authorized and empowered to propose to Mr. Thomas
Bradford the present occupant and proprietor of the lot
from which the two said passages have been taken to release
to him the right of the corporation to the said passages, on
condition that he grant to the corporation the free use and
privilege of a passage through a certain three feet wide
alley running north of their House in Letitia Court.

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All which is respectfully submitted
                           Hugh DeHaven
Pihladelphia 2 June 1813   Signed   Thomas McEuen
                           Henry Kuhl
   The foregoing report was adopted and the same committee
   A letter from Mr. Beck was read relative to the
improvement of the funds of Christ Church Hospital when
Mr. Clark Mr. Smith and Mr. McEuen were appointed a
committee to aid the Treasurer in selling some small ground
rents belonging to Christ Church Hospital, and vesting
the proceeds in larger ground rents not subject to be

   At a special meeting of the corporation of the
United Episcopal Churches, held at the Rector's House
July 19, 1813:

The Right Reverend Dr. White, Rector

Church Warden:
Mr. Tilghman

Vestry Men:
Mr. Stocker Mr. Burks Mr. Ashburner Mr. Knight
Mr. DeHaven Mr. McEuen Mr. Kuhl Mr. Smith Mr.
Hale Mr. Wayne Mr. Bancker Mr. Murdoch Mr. Markland
Mr. Dale Mr. Neill
   The Rector informed the Vestry that the meeting
was called at the request of several of the Vestry who will
explain its object. When a communication was made to
the Vestry, that the Reverend Mr. Kemper had received a call from
the Vestry of the Churches in Baltimore to officiate in the place
of the Reverend Dr. Beasly resigned. And that as the salary,
perquisites and there received is more considerable than here,
it is submitted to Vestry whether any and what inducements
can be offered the Reverend Mr. Kemper to remain.
   The following resolution was then offered with a
view to appropriate it or any part thereof to the general
increase of the salaries of the clergy in such manner as
might be afterwards determined on.
   Resolved that the Pew Rents be increased fifty percent

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upon their present rates, which being seconded was on motion
agreed to be postponed for further consideration to Monday the
26th instant and that the Vestry when they do adjourn, adjourn to
that day at the usual hour.
   Ordered that the Clerk be requested to state in his
notices to the Vestry for the meeting of that evening.
That the Pew Rents are proposed to be raised and monies
appropriated and that the notices be issued early after
this meeting.
   The following resolution was then offered and carried.
   Resolved that the Bishop in the name of the Vestry,
will please to request the Reverend Jackson Kemper to defer
his definition reply to the Vestry of the Churches in Baltimore
until after the meeting of this Vestry on Monday the 26 instant.
   A communication respecting an organ for St. Peter's
Church by Horace Binney Esquire was laid before the
Vestry, the consideration of which was postponed until the
next meeting.
   The Vestry then adjourned.

   At a meeting of the corporation of the United
Episcopal Churches of Christ Church St. Peter's Church
and St. James' Church held at the Rector's House
July 26, 1813:

The Right Reverend Dr. White, Rector

Church Warden:
Mr. Thomas Cumpston

Vestry Men:
Mr. Tilghman Mr. Neill Mr. Stocker Mr. Hals Mr. Dale
Mr. Hawkins Mr. Knight Mr. DeHaven Mr. Clark Mr.
Wayne Mr. Huddle Mr. Ashburner Mr. Oakley Mr. Smith
Mr. McEuen Mr. Murdock and Mr. Kuhl
   The Committee appointed to make such rules and
regulations relative to the books in the Church Library
reported as follows
   Rules for the use and preservation of the books
belonging to the Rector Church Wardens and Vestry Men of
the United Churches of Christ Church St. Peter's Church and St.
James' Church in the City of Piladelphia and those belonging
to the Society of the Protestant Episcopal Churches for the
Advancement of Christianity in Pennsylvania, viz

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1st.   There shall be a separate catalogue of the Books belonging
      to the United Churches, and those belonging to the society.
2nd.   The Rector and Vestry Men of the United Churches and all students
      of Divinity recommended by them, the Clergy of the said
      United Churches, Members of the Board of Trustees of the
      said Society and all students of Divinity recommended
      by the said Board shall have free access to the Library.
3rd.   A blank book shall be provided and kept in the
      Library room, in which each person who takes out a
      Book shall write his name, the title of the book, the
      time when taken out and also the time when returned.
4th.   If any book is lost or materially injured, the person
      losing or injuring it, shall replace it by a new book of
      equal quality; and in default of its being replaced by such
      person, it shall be replaced by the Rector Church Wardens and
      Vestry Men of the United Churches if the loss or injury shall have
      happened by their means or by means of any person recommended
      by them, or it shall be replaced by the said Board of Trustees
      if the loss or injury shall have happened by their means or
      by means of any person recommended by them.
5th.   Additional rules shall be made hereafter when they shall
      be found necessary by consent of both parties.
6th.   The Books belonging to the United Churches and to the Society
      shall be kept together as long as both parties please and no
A copy of a proposed article of agreement between William Meredith
and Horace BInney Esquire on the one part and Mr. John Lowe
Organ Builder on the other part was read to the Vestry for their
sanction. The Vestry unanimously resolved that a respectful
answer should be made to those gentlemen informing them
that the funds of the Churches will not permit their being
a party to that agreement.
   The Rector reported that he had complied with the
with of Vestry by writing to the Reverend Mr. Kemper relative to his
invitation to Baltimore. The answer of Mr. Kemper was
read from which it appears that he had declined the invitation.
   Mr. Dale who made the motion last Vestry to raise the
Pew Rents in the United Churches fifty per cent, withdrew
his motion by consent.

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   A motion was made as follows, Resolved that it is
expedient that the Pew Rents in the three churches be
raised, which was carried.
   Resolved that from and after the 25 September
next twenty five percent be added to the present rental
of each of the Pews in the three churches which was carried.
   Resolved that it shall be inserted in the next notices
of Vestry that the sum of four hundred dollars is proposed
as a further additional salary to the Rector and each of
the Assistant Ministers.
   Resolved that the Pew Rent which may grow
due after the 25 September next and shall remain unpaid
after the periods appointed for the payment thereof in
the different churches, shall be collected under the
directions of the Assistants to the Church Warden, and
that they be authorized to allow to the person or persons
collecting the same for their services a commission not
exceeding ten per cent which commission shall be
paid by the occupiers of Pews or sittings who are
delinquent. This resolution was agreed to.

   At a meeting of the corporation of the United
Episcopal Churches of Christ Church, St. Peter's Church
and St. James' Church held at the Rector's House
September 1, 1813:

The Right Reverend Dr. White, Rector

Church Warden:
Mr. Thomas Cumpston

Vestry Men:
   Mr. Neill Mr. Dale, Mr. Smith, Mr. Kuhl, Mr.
DeHaven, Mr. McEuen, Mr. Ashburner, Mr. Knight,
Mr. Markland, Mr. Hale, Mr. Oakley, Mr. Clark,
Mr. Murdock, Mr. Wayne
   The committee appointed to attend to the capping
of the wall of Christ Church lot in Second Street reported
that it can be capped with Chester Stone at seventy five
cents per foot. The same committee are continued
and requested to cause the wall on the north side of
the Church to be raised and then capped with the aforesaid

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Stone and also to cap the south and west walls.
   Resolved that a further additional salary shall be
paid from and after the 25 September 1813 to the Rector and
Assistant Ministers of four hundred dollars each per annum
for one year, which was agreed to.

   At a meeting of the corporation of the United
Episcopal Churches of Christ Church St. Peter's Church and
St. James' Church held at the Rector's House December 1, 1813:

The Right Reverend Dr. White, Rector

Church Warden:
Mr. Thomas Cumpston

Vestry Men:
   Mr. Tilghman Mr. Bancker Mr. Gurney Mr. Harland
Mr. Wayne Mr. Ashburner Mr. Hale Mr. Hawkins Mr.
Knight Mr. Markland Mr. DeHaven Mr. Oakley
Mr. Burke Mr. Huddle Mr. Clark Mr. Dale Mr. Smith
Mr. Murdock Mr. McEuen
   A remonstrance and a letter from Mr. Rayner
Taylor, Organist was read.   
   A memorial from sundry persons, members of
the United Churches, relative to reconsidering the Resolution
entered into 26 July last as to the increase of Pew Rent
in said Churches, when the following gentlemen were
appointed a committee to examine and report at next
meeting of Vestry. Mr. Clark Mr. Neill Mr. Gurney,
Mr. Smith, Mr. DeHaven and Mr. Knight with the Church
   It was moved and seconded that a committee be ap-
pointed to examine and Report the State of the debt due
from St. James' Church and the names of discharging it,
whereupon Mr. Tilghman Mr. McEuen and Mr. Cumpston were
   It was moved and seconded that Mr. Cole be appointed
Clerk of St. Peter's Church whose Salary is to commence from 25th
September last, which was carried.
   Mr. McEuen Mr. Dale and Mr. Markland were appointed
a committee to procure an organist for St. James' Church who
are requested to take order thereon.

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   It was moved and seconded that a committee of three be
appointed relative to the collection of money for the building of
an organ for St. Peter's Church when Mr. Gurney Mr. SMith and
Mr. Hawkins were appointed.
   It was moved and seconded that a committee be ap-
pointed to examine whether this Vestry have power by any
existing Bye Law to appropriate any money arising from
Pew Rent to discharge any debt due for building St. James'
Church and to report at next meeting of Vestry. Mr.
Tilghman Mr. McEuen and Mr. Cumpston were appointed.

   At a meeting of the corporation of the United
Episcopal Churches of Christ Church St. Peter's Church and St.
James' Church held at the Rector's House January 18, 1814:

The Right Reverend Dr. White, Rector

Church Warden:
Mr. William Tilghman

Vestry Men:
   Mr. McEuen Mr. DeHaven Mr. Burke Mr. Neill Mr.
Murdock Mr. Oakley Mr. Clark Mr. Markland Mr. Ashburner
Mr. Hale Mr. Wayne Mr. Knight Mr. Hawkins Mr. Dale
Mr. Smith and Mr. Kuhl
   Mr. Kuhl was appointed Secretary
   The minutes of the last meeting were read.
   The Rector informed Vestry that it is expected that
the Reverend Mr. Kemper will be ordained a Priest on Sunday
next. Whereupon Resolved that the following Testimonial
be furnished committee of the Church n this state; and that
it be signed by the members present, viz.
   We the Rector Church Wardens and Vestry Men of the
United Episcopal Churches of Christ Church St. Peter's Church
and St. James' Church certify that the Reverend Jackson
Kemper has lived piously soberly and honestly, for these
three years last past; and hath not, so far as we know or
believe taught or held, anything contrary to the doctrines or
discipline of the Protestant Episcopal Church.
   Witness our hands in Vestry this eighteenth day of January
in the year of our lord one thousand eight hundred and fourteen.

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   It was moved and seconded that a committee be appointed
to report at the next meeting the expense of a plan of the pews
of the United Episcopal Churches in the City of Philadelphia,
which motion being agreed to, Messrs. Wayne and Hale were
appointed a committee for that purpose.
   The Committee appointed last meeting to procure an
organist for St. James' Church reported in part that they
had engaged Mr. George Pfeiffer.
   Ordered that the notices for the next meeting of
Vestry specify that money is to be disposed of.
   The several committees heretofore appointed and who
have not reported, were continued.      Adjourned.

   At a meeting of the corporation of the United
Episcopal Churches of Christ Church St. Peter's Church and
St. James' Church held at the Rector's House March 21,

The Right Reverend Dr. White, Rector

Church Warden:
Mr. Thomas Cumpston

Vestry Men:
   Mr. Gurney Mr. Knight Mr. Clark Mr. Hawkings Mr.
Dale Mr. Hale Mr. Neill Mr. McEuen Mr. Murdock Mr.
Kuhl Mr. DeHaven Mr. Burke Mr. Markland
   The committee appointed to examine the accounts
of the Church Warden Report that they have examined
his accounts, and find a balance due to him at Easter 1811
of two hundred and seventy seven dollars and seventy eight cents,
and that a balance was due to him at Easter 1812 of one
thousand and twenty six dollars and eighty cents.
   The committee to whom was referred the memorial of
certain members of the United Churches relative to the increase
of the Pew Rent recommended to Vestry a suspension thereof
from the present.
   The Vestry took the question on the above Report of
the committee and rejected it.
   The committee appointed to examine whether any
money arising from Pew Rent can be applied to the discharge
of the debts due from St. James' Church reported as follows:
   The committee to whom it was referred, to examine
whether the Vestry have power to appropriate any money

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arising from Pew Rent to discharge any debt due for building
St. James' Church respectfully Report that by the first
section of the Act of Assembly "for enlarging and altering the
charter of the Rector Church Wardens and Vestry Men of the
United Episcopal Churches of Christ Church and St. Peter's
Church in the City of Philadelphia and for other purposes
therein mentioned" it is enacted, that the "rents and
revenues of the corporation shall be applied to the
maintenance and support of the Rector Ministers and
Officers of the said three United Churches and the necessary
repairs of the said Churches and their Church Yards and
parsonage Houses and other houses which do now or
hereafter shall belong to the said United Churches and
to no other use or purpose whatever." The Committee
are therefore of opinion that the money arising from
Pew Rent cannot be applied to discharge debts due for the
building of St. James' Church       Signed William Tilghman
                                 Thomas Cumpston
                                 Thomas McEuen
   The Committee appointed to recover the money from
Mr. Henry Drinker and Mr. John Thomas Reported that
the money will be paid so soon as an Assistant shall be
made by Vestry to Mr. Drinker whereupon the Church
Warden was directed to cause the Seal of the Corporation
to be affixed to such Assignment.

   At an election held in Christ Church on Easter
Monday April 11, 1814 agreeably to notive, charter, and
Ancient usage and custom, the following gentlemen were
elected Vestry Men for the ensuing year:
   Thomas Cumpston      Francis Gurney      Thomas McEuen
   William Tilghman   Daniel Smith      John Harland
   Ephraim Clark      Henry Hawkins      Hugh DeHaven
   Caleb P. Wayne      Joseph Sims         Thomas Hale
   John Ashburner      George Oakley      John Markland
   Henry Kuhl         Joseph Huddell      Daniel Knight
   Lewis Neill         Thomas Burke      Richard Dale
   William Murdock      John B. Wallace      Charles N. Bancker

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   The Vestry Men elected Mr. Cumpston Accounting Church Warden
and the Rector chose Mr. Tilghman Church Warden
Mr. Clark was appointed Assistant Church Warden for Christ Church
Mr. Smith      "      Assistant      "      for St. Peter's Church
Mr. DeHaven      "      Assistant      "      for St. James' Church

   At a meeting of "The Rector Church Wardens and
Vestry Men of the United Churches of Christ Church St. Peter's
Church and St. James' Church in the City of Philadelphia"
at the Rector's House on Monday April 18, 1814:

The Right Reverend Dr. White, Rector

Church Warden:
Mr. William Tilghman

Vestry Men:
   Mr. Knight Mr. Clark Mr. Hawkins, Mr. Dale Mr. Wayne
Mr. Ashburner, Mr. DeHaven, Mr. McEuen, Mr. Markland,
Mr. Murdock, Mr. Neill, Mr. Burke, Mr. Huddle, Mr. Gurney,
Mr. Sims, Mr. Oakley, Mr. Hale, Mr. Wallace.
   The Vestry proceeded to ballot for a committee of Christ
Church Hospital and a Treasurer for said institution, when
Mr. Hawkins, Dehaven, Cumpston, Clark and Dale were
elected a committee, and Mr. Paul Beck was elected Treasurer.
   They also balloted for deputies to the state convention
when the following gentlemen were elected.
   for Christ Church   St. Peter's Church   for St. James' Church
   Messrs. Cumpston   Messrs. Gurney      Messrs. McEuen
         Clark            Wallace            Markland
         Murdock            Smith            Dale
   Mr. Ormrod was elected Clerk for Christ Church
   Mr. Dolby      "      Sexton for ditto
   Mr. Kurtz            Organist for ditto
   Mr. Moses Taylor      Clerk for St. James' Church
   Mr. Elijah Bowen      Sexton for ditto
   Mr. George Peiffer      Organist for ditto
   Mr. Cole            Clerk for St. Peter's Church
      The Election of Sexton for St. Peter's Church was postponed
until a future meeting.
   Paul Beck the Treasurer of Christ Church Hospital
rendered his accounts fro the last year together with a letter

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which was read.
   Messrs. Gurney Neill and Bancker were appointed
a committee to settle the Accounts of the Church Warden, as
well as the Accounts of the Treasurer of Christ Church Hospital.
   Mr. Tilghman and Mr. Cumpston were appionted a
Committee to attend to the Legacy of Mr. Joseph Dobbins.
   Mr. DeHaven and Mr. Wallace were appointed a
Committee to attend to the right of a Passage over certain
lots in the possession of Mr. Thomas Bradford.
   The committee appointed to cause the Wall of Christ
Church to be capped made a Report which was read.
Resolved that the same gentlemen be a committe for carrying
the object of the above Resolution into effect.
   Messrs. Gurney, Hawkins and Smith were appointed
a committee for the purpose of having St. Peter's Church
painted and whitewashed. Mr. Clark, Mr. Wayne and Mr.
Murdock were appointed a committee to have Christ Church
whitewashed and painted on the outside. Resolved that
the above committees be authorized to make any necessary
repairs to the said Churches. The Vestry determined that
notices should be again given in the churches that a committee
of the Vestry will attend in the Churches for the purpose of
receiving the Pew Rents. The Committees heretofore appointed
for that purpose are continued.
   A circular letter was read from a committee of
the Managers of the Philadelphia Bible Society to the
Bishop communicating a resolution of the Managers that
application be made to each congregation in the City for a
collection in their respective churches for the benefit of the
said Society. Which letter was referred to the Rector and Mr.
Tilghman to consider and Report threon.
   Resolved that the Committee heretofore appointed to
attend to the building of St. Peter's Church Organ be continued
whereupon that committee made Report which was read.
   It was moved and seconded that the additional and
futher additional salary shall be paid to the Clergy and
Officers fo the Churches to the 25 March last which was
agreed to.
   Ordered that the salaries of the Organists of each

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Church be one hundred and fifty dollars per annum to commence
on 25 December last and to be payable quarterly.
   It was moved and seconded that the committee appointed
to settle the Church Warden's accounts be requested to state in
their report the several Items of revenue of the Churches and
the Expenses thereof.
   It was moved and seconded that a committee be
appointed to take into consideration the debt still remaining due for
the building of St. James' Church and the means of discharging the
same and make report to the Vestry which was agreed to Messrs.
Wayne DeHaven and Wallace were appointed the committee.
   Messrs. DeHaven, Markland and Knight were appointed
a committee to have St. James' Church white washed.

   At a meeting of the Corporation of the United
Episcopal Churches of Christ Church St. Peter's Church and St.
James' Church, held at the Rector's House June 1, 1814:

The Right Reverend Dr. White, Rector

Church Warden:
Mr. Thomas Cumpston

Vestry Men:
   Mr. Hawkins, Mr. Dale, Mr. Markland, Mr. Ashburner,
Mr. Huddle, Mr. Knight, Mr. Neill, Mr. Wayne, Mr. Wallace,
Mr. DeHaven, Mr. Gurney, Mr. Oakley, Mr. Murdock, Mr. Clark
Mr. Smith and Mr. McEuen
   The committee appointed to settle the accounts of the
Treasurer of Christ Church Hospital Reported that there was a
balance in his hands of nine thousand one hundred and thirteen
dollars and thirty nine cents.
   The same committee Reported that they had examined
the Accounts and vouchers of Thomas Cumpston Accounting
Church Warden for the year ending at Easter 1813 and find a
balance in his hands of Seventeen hundred and thirty five dollars
and twenty eight cents.
   A committee was appointed on teh following
Resolution viz Resolved that a committee be appointed
whose duty it shall be to revise the existing Bye Laws, regulations
resolves etc of Vestry, and to report whether any and if any,
what additions, omissions, alterations or amendments, may
or can be made with the propriety. Messrs Wayne, Wallace and McEuen
were appointed.

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   A motion was made and seconded that a committee be
appointed to consider the practicability of increasing the Funds
of the Corporation, and to suggest the ways and means to effect
so desirable an object, and to report their opinion thereon in
writing, when Messrs. Wayne Wallace and McEuen were appointed.
   Resolved, that a committee be appointed to designate
the places where the Vaults shall be erected in Christ Church
and St. Peter's Church burial grounds, this was referred to
the Assistants to the Church Warden, Messrs. Clark, Smith and
   The committee, appointed to devise ways and means
to disburse the balance due on account of erecting St. James'
Church, met, and after deliberating on the subject, were of
opinion, that before offering a specific mode of liquidating
it they would respectfully suggest to Vestry the propriety
of appointing another committee, whose duty it shall be
1.   To examine the accounts of the Treasurer of the Building Committee
2.   To ascertain the amount of subscriptions which were obtained
   for erecting said church, what portion of the subscriptions
   remains unpaid, and whether it is probably any part thereof
   can now be collected.
3.   To enquire what was the actual expenditures for the Ground
   and the Church, and what sum remains due on Account thereof.
4.   When said committee obtain the information above stated,
   that they shall communicate it to the Committee that
   they may be enabled to act in the business confided to
      The above was referred to the same committee,
Messrs. Wallace, Wayne, and DeHaven.
      Resolved that Messrs. McEuen and Cumpston be
appointed a committee to confer with Mr. Beck relative to
the disposition of the money in his hands as Treasurer of
Christ Church Hospital and to return him thanks for his
attention to the interest of that institution.
      The committee, appointed upon the subject of the
right of passage claimed by this corporation over certain lots
of ground now in the occupation of Mr. Thomas Bradford,
Report, that it appears from the report of a former com-
mittee of the Vestry, and from the documents upon which that

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Report was founded, that John Kearsley and Mr. Cornelius Brad-
ford being of them owners of property in Front Street below
Market Street and being also tenants in common of a lot of
ground on the East side of Letitia Court containing in front
26 feet by 81 feet in depth, on the 10th day of September 1759
agreed to make partition of the last mentioned lot between
them. And it was thereupon agreed between them that the
southernmost half of the said lot containing thirteen feet front
by eighty one feet deep should belong to Mr. Kearsley in severalty
in fes, and that the northernmost half should belong to Mr.
Bradford in fes, excepting seven feet of the easterly end or rear
of the Northern half where a certain Wall and pump then stood,
which seven feet they agreed should be held by them and their
Heirs in common and undivided for the use and service of
their Front Street messages and lots of ground respectively
and their next adjacent parts, and the dwellers therein and
their domestics for ever. It further appears that tehre was
a right of passage through a three feet wide alley or way
from Dr. Kearsley's front street lot across the rear of Mr.
Bradford's front street lot to this seven feet wide piece
of ground, and thereby communicating with the Letitia
Court lot.
   It does not appear that the right to this seven feet
of ground, or to this right of passage have ever been released
or given up by the corporation. But it does appear that the
exercise of those rights have been intermitted for some years
and the gates which communicated with the ground in
question have been for some years fastened up.
   Your committee have conferred with Mr. Thomas
Bradford Jr., who in this represented his Father Mr. Thomas
Bradford the elder, and have stated to him the desired of the
Vestry to have the gates opened and to resume the exercise of
their aforesaid rights. But altho' they exhibited to him the
documents establishing their rights, and altho' he did not deny
that they had been dearly vested in this Corporation, and did
not pretend that they had ever been released or given up
by the Corporation, yet he gave your committee to understand
that those rights were not now acknowledged by his Father
or by the other persons interested in the property, now in his

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Father's occupation, and that if the Vestry would exercise
those rights, they must enforce them by process of law.
   Your committee are not aware of any legal impediment
to the establishment of their aforesaid rights, and however
unpleasant it may be to a charitable or religious society
to engage in legal controversy it seems to be their duty to
do so rather than yield up without opposition property
which has been intrusted to them for charitable uses, and
which they have engaged to apply to such uses. The
committee therefore recommend to the Vestry the
adoption of the following Resolution, viz.
   Resolved that a committee be appointed to take
the necessary steps to establish the right of this corporation
to an undivided moiety of the seven feet of ground in the
rear of the Letitia Court lot assigned as above stated to
Cornelius Bradford in severalty and also to the right of
passage across the back end of Mr. Bradford's front street
lot.                     Signed   Hugh DeHaven
                              J.B. Wallace
   The report of the committee was adopted and the
same committee continued.

   At a meeting of the corporation of the United
Episcopal Churches of Christ Church, St. Peter's Church and St.
James' Church held at the Rector's House August 3, 1814:

The Right Reverend Dr. White, Rector

Church Warden:
Mr. Thomas Cumpston

Vestry Men:
   Mr. Tilghman, Mr. Wallace, Mr. DeHaven, Mr.
Ashburner, Mr. Knight, Mr. Markland, Mr. Burks,
Mr. Smith, and Mr. Murdock.
   The following certificate was read and signed
   "We the Rector Church Wardens and Vestry Men of the
United Churches of Christ Church, St. Peter's Church and St.
James' Church of the City of Philadelphia do hereby certify
that James Milnor Esquire, a member of the said Churches,
has lived piously, soberly and honestly for three years
last past; and he has not so far as we know and believe

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written taught or held any thing contrary to the Doctrine,
Discipline or worship of the Protestant Episcopal Church
Witness our hands this third day of August 1814.
         John Ashburner      Thomas Cumpston Church Warden
         John Markland      William Tilghman Church Warden
         Thomas Burks      Daniel Smith
         Daniel Knight      William Murdock
         John B. Wallace      Hugh DeHaven
   On motion Resolved that the Reverend Mr. Kemper be permitted
to go on a Mission to the Western part of this state, to be absent
about two or three months, on condition that Mr. Milnor will
supply his places during his absence, which was agreed to.

   At a meeting of the corporation of the United
Episcopal Churches of Christ Church St. Peter's Church and
St. James' Church held at the Rector's House September 7, 1814:

The Right Reverend Dr. White, Rector

Church Warden:
Mr. Thomas Cumpston

Vestry Men:
   Mr. Smith, Mr. Hawkins, Mr. Hale, Mr. Murdock, Mr.
Knight, Mr. Dale, Mr. DeHaven, Mr. Markland, Mr. Burks
and Mr. Huddle
   The committees appointed 1 June last not being
prepared to report are continued.

   At a meeting of the Corporation of the Unied Epis-
copal Churches of Christ Church St. Peter's Church and St. James'
Church held at the Rector's House December 7, 1814:

The Right Reverend Dr. White, Rector

Church Wardens:
Mr. William Tilghman
Mr. Thomas Cumpston

Vestry Men:
   Mr. Gurney, Mr. Bancker, Mr. Hawkings, Mr. Markland
Mr. Dale, Mr. DeHaven, Mr. Smith, Mr. Harland, Mr.
Knight, Mr. Ashburner, Mr. Hale, Mr. Wayne, Mr. Sims,
Mr. Neill, Mr. Clark, Mr. Murdock, Mr. Wallace.
   The committee appionted to examine the Church
Warden's accounts reported the following resolution.
   Resolved that a committee of the Vestry be appointed

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whose duty it shall be to examine all the accounts of the United
Churches and to report the state of the same, and whose duty
it shall also be to devise and Report at as early a period as
may be convenient a correct an satisfactory method of keeping
the accounts of the said Churches, which was adopted, and Mr.
Bancker, Mr. Gurney, Mr. Neill, Mr. Wallace and Mr. Hale
were appointed a committee who are requested to report
the yearly receipts of the Income of the Churches at next meeting
of Vestry.
   The following Resolution was proposed; but it was post-
poned until the next meeting of Vestry.
   Resolved that it is expedient at this time to elect
an Assistant Minister to these churches.
   A letter from Thomas Evendine proposing himself as
Organist for St. Peter's Church was read.
   Mr. Tilghman Mr. Wallace and Mr. Smith were
appointed a committee to attend to the Will of William
   Mr. Smith and Mr. Wallace were appointed a committee
in conjunction with the committee of St. Peter's Church for
building an organ to procure an organist with a salary
not exceeding one hundred and fifty dollars per annum.
The letter of Thomas Evendine was referred to said committee.
   A motion was made and seconded that when the
Vestry do adjourn, they will adjourn to this day two weeks, and
it is directed that it be inserted in the notices that money
will be disposed of.
   The committees of accounts reported the state of the
Wardens' Accounts which report is ordered to be filed, viz.
   The committee appointed to examine the accounts of
the Warden of the United Churches for the two last years and
to report the state of the same with an estimate of the present
Revenue of the said churches do accordingly report.
   That since their last report they have proceeded to
examination of the period commencing at the close of that
Report and terminating on the 25 September last. That
they find stated by the Warden a balance in his favour of
four hundred and thirty six dollars and forty one cents;
but it also appears that there is not stated in his account
to the credit of the Churches any money received by him since

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the 25 March last the amount of which receipts may be estimated
from the accompanying documents obtained from the Assistant
Wardens. That your committee find several items of charges
stated some of which are not chargeable to the United Churches
and others can not be admitted without a special resolution of
the Vestry authorising the same. The former consists of
several small sums amounting to forty five dollars and seventy
two cents paid on account of William Thomas's Estate; the
latter consist of two charges, the one a payment of four hundred
and nine dollars and sixty two cents to Samuel Wheeler, the other
a payment of ninety three dollars and four cents to Captain William
Davis both on account of the building of Samuel James's Church.
The opinion of your committee on these latter payments is
founded on the report of the Committee on the subject of the
debt due by Samuel James's Church.
   It has not been practicable for your committee to investigate
satisfactorily the charges for repairs done to the different churches,
owing to the informal manner in which some of the accounts
are stated, which informality affects also the examination of the
general accounts of the Warden. Under these circumstances
your committee would recommend to your consideration the
propriety of appointing a committee whose duty it should be to
go into a general examination of the accounts of the United
Churches, and to accompany the report on the same by a plan
of a correct and satisfactory method of keeping the accounts in
order that a clear and comprehensive view of the state and
application of the finances of the Churches may be obtained
hereafter with facility.
   They further recommend that it be requested of the
committees of repairs, that they respectively furnish to the
Vestry or to the committee who may be appointed as above
recommended, an account with proper Vouchers of the monies
expended on the repairs of each Church agreeably to the Resolution
authorising the same.
   Your committee therefore offer the following Resolutions
respectfully submitting them to your consideration.
   Resolved that a committee of the Vestry be appointed
whose duty it shall be to examine all the accounts of the United
Churches and to report the state of the same; and whose duty it
shall also be to devise and report at as early a period as may be

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convenient a correct and satisfactory method of keeping the
accounts of the said churches. Also
   Resolved, that the committees of Repairs be respectively
requested to report a correct account with the proper Vouchers
of the monies expended on the repairs of the three Churches
agreeably to the Resolutions authorising the same, and that
they furnish the committee named in the preceding resolution
with the said report in order to facilitate the examination
of the general account of the Warden.
                     Philadelphia 7 December 1814

   At a meeting of the corporation of the United
Episcopal Churches of Christ Church St. Peter's Church and St.
James' Church held at the Rector's House December 21, 1814:

The Right Reverend Dr. William White, Rector

Church Wardens:
Mr. Thomas Cumpston
Mr. William Tilghman

Vestry Men:
   Mr. Bancker, Mr. Hale, Mr. Neill, Mr. Smith, Mr.
DeHaven, Mr. Markland, Mr. Hawkins, Mr. Clark, Mr. Kuhl,
Mr. Murdock, Mr. Wayne, Mr. Ashburner, Mr. Gurney,
Mr. Dale, Mr. Wallace, Mr. Knight, Mr. Huddle, Mr. Sims
and Mr. Burks.
   The Committee appointed to devise means for
discharging the debt due on St. James' Church report that they
have collected from several individuals a Mass of Papers
relating to the subscriptions and for erecting the building but
are unable to gather from them either the precise amount
subscribed, the sums paid for the amount of subscriptions
not collected. The Church Warden furnished sundry papers
which were in his possession that had relation to the subject
and it appears that since the payment of the money to Christ
Church Hospital, there remains only due $4000 on account
of the ground.
   The Committee have received in formation that about
one thousand dollars was bequeathed to this corporation by
a Mr. Paul Webb late of Norris Town which legacy may

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with strict propriety they think be applied to aid in extinguishing
the debt remaining due. In addition to this your committee
propose that an annual, semi-annual or quarterly collections
be made for the express purpose of discharging the residue.
In the mean time the rent of the cellar under the church
will be more than sufficient it is presumed to discharge the
annual interest. With this view of the subject the committee
offer the following Resolutions.
   Resolved that a collection be made on the
in each and every year the proceeds of which shall be expressly
appropriated toward the payment of the debt due on account
of erecting St. James' Church, until said debt is completely
   Resolved that the legacy of the late Paul Webb be applied
to the same object.
   Resolved that a committee of   Members be
appointed to carry these resolutions into effect, which committee
shall have the Superintendence of this fund, and who shall
report to Vestry their proceedings thereon and the state of said
fund on the first Wednesday in December in each and every
year and at such other times as Vestry may direct.
                        C. P. Wayne
                        H. DeHaven } Committee
                        J. B. Wallace
      Ordered to lie on the table.
   The committee on the subject of the accounts of the United
Churches their annual revenues and expenditures report in part.
   That on as accurate an investigation as they believe the nature
of the subject is capable of receiving, they ascertain the Revenue
of the Churches to arise from the following sources, and to
be of the following amount viz.
      The Revenue of the Churches aries from
   1. Pew Rents
   2. Box Money on weekly collections in the churches
   3. Annual ground rents
   4. Ground for interments and fees thereupon
1st. The Pew Rents arising from sittings now actually let
independent of vacant seats, amount in the several churches

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to the following Sums, viz
            Christ Church      2623.38
            St. Peter's Church   2725.78
            St. James' Church   2727.93      8077.09
2. The Box Money is not capable of exact ascer-
   tanment, but your committee think may
   be safely estimated at   .   .   .   .   1000. _
3. The Ground Rents amount annually to   .   578.93
4. The ground for internment and fees thereupon
   including Vaults, Tombs etc. This item is
   not capable of exact ascertainment, but
   may be estimated . . . . . . . . . . . . 1000. _

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   It being at all times necessary that the Vestry should be
possessed of an accurate view of the finances of the church, and
there appearing to be considerable arrearages of Pew Rents and
ground Rent due the amount of which your committee are
not sufficiently informed of to report with accuracy; and the
close of the year being a convenient period to which accounts
and statements may be brought up for the purpose of
obtaining such a view they recommend the adoption of the
following resolutions, Viz.
1.   Resolved that the Assistant Church Warden be
   requested to call upon the several collectors, Clerks and
   Sextons before the close of the year for a settlement of their
   respective Accounts for monies collected by them or in any
   way received for the churches, and that the said Assistants
   pay over whatever may be thus received to the Accountant
   Church Warden. This Resolution was adopted.
2.   Resolved that the said Assistants be requested to lay
   before the Vestry at their next meeting a particular statment
   of the Arrearages due for Pew Rent in their respective churches
   up to 25 September last, with an estimate of the amount
   which in their opinion will be lost and what will be
   collected.                        Adopted.
3.   Resolved that the Accountant Church Warden be requested
   to lay before the Vestry at the same time a particular State-
   ment of the Arrearages due on the several Ground rents
   belonging to the Churches, specifying the amount due
   on each up to the last day of payment and the time
   to which each is paid up. And that he be further
   requested to lay before them at that time a statement
   of his accounts from the date in the last settlement
   to the close of the year.            Adopted.
4.   Resolved that the Committee of repairs of the several
   Churches be requested to close their accounts if practicable
   before the termination of the year, or if not to report to the
   Vestry at the next meeting the amount outstanding against
   the Churches.                     Adopted.
5.   Resolved that for the above purpose of receiving the above
   statements the Vestry when it adjourns will adjourn to
   meet again on Wednesday the eleventh day of January
      There are two items in the Treasurer's Accounts,

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which the Committee who examined them did not feel
themselves authorised to allow without the direction of
Vestry; not because the money charged had not been
paid, but because they were not properly payable out
of the general Funds of the church, and no specific ap-
propriation of funds out of which it would be lawful to
pay them had been made. The first item $503.66
paid on account of the building of St. James's Church.
By the Charter of the Churches "The Rents and Revenues of
the Corporation" are appropriated to certain specific objects
and may not be applied to the building of new churches,
of course this Item of $503.66 cannot be paid out of those
rents and revenues" But this objection does not apply to
the box money, nor to the ground rent of one hundred and
forty dollars issuing out of the lot at the corner of Fifth
and Pine Street, the first being mere voluntary donations
from the persons attending the service of the church,
the other having been bequeathed to the churches for the
express purpose of being appropriated to any objects the
Vestry might think proper. These funds therefore may
be applied to this or any other object, and as no specific
Appropriation of them has been made for many years, an
appropriation of them may now be made for so many years
back as will be sufficient not merely, to cover this sum
of 503.66 but also a further debt amounting to the sum
of $2720 also incurred in the building of St. James' Church
for the payment of which provision should be made.
   The Committee therefore recommend the adoption of
No. 6 the following resolution, viz. Resolved that
   the Box money and the ground rent of $140 per
   annum issuing out of the lot on Pine and Fifth Streets
   for so many years back as will amount to the sums
   of $503.66 and $2720 be now specifically appropriated
   to the payment of the two debts of those amounts
   incurred in the building of St. James' Church and
   that the Accountant Church Warden be requested to
   charge in his books the payment of those debts
   to those particular funds.
The consideration of the foregoing resolution was postponed.
      The second item disallowed by the Committee

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is $457.72 chargeable to the Estate of William Thomas. There are
receipts arising under the bequests of Mr. Thomas's Will, to which that
item may be properly charged and your committee recommend it
to be so done. They therefore submit the following resolution, viz.
   Resolved that the sum of $45.72 of the receipts from the
bequests under Mr. Thomas's Will be appropriated to discharge
that amount of expense incurred in consequences thereof and that the
accounting Church Warden pay the said expense out of that fund
and charge it accordingly.
   Your committee not being able to report at this meeting
upon all the matters referred to them, beg leave to submit the
foregoing as their report in part, and pray further time to
complete the objects of their appointment.   C. N. Bancker
                                 Thoams Hale
                           Signed   John B. Wallace
                                 Lewis Neill
   The Committee to whom it was referred to examine
the last Will and Testament of William Thomas deceased and make
report to the Vestry what are their rights and their duties under
the said last Will and Testament beg leave to Report,
   That the said William Thomas be his last Will and Testament
dated 2 July 1789 devised to "the Bishop Wardens and Vestry Men of the
United Protestant Episcopal Churches of Christ Church and St.
Peter's Church in the City of Philadelphia and their successors
for ever" after the decease of his wife Mary Thomas, two three
story brick houses and kitchens with the lots appurtenant
thereto situated on the west side of Fifth Street between Mulberry
and Sasafras Streets. Also a three story brick house and
kitchen with the lot appurtenant thereto situate on the south
side of Mullberry Street near Front Stret on the following
conditions, viz.
   That the said Bishop Wardens and Vestry Men should
not alter or change any part or parts of the ground from the name
of the Testator, that they should keep the premises in good repair
and pay the Taxes thereon, and make such improvements thereon
as they should think necessary.
   That they should pay 30 pounds yearly in two equal half
yearly payments towards the tuition of the poor children of St.
Peter's Church, and distribute the residue of the net Income
arising from the rents and profits of the premises among the

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poor who are in actual communion in St. Peter's Church
and not elsewhere. And the said William Thomas also
devised to the said Bishop Wardens and Vestrymen after
the death of his said wife the annual sum of ten pounds
payable in two equal half yearly payments issuing out of
and charged upon two brick houses and three lots of ground
situate in the district of Southwark; which said yearly
sun of ten pounds is to be applied by the said Bishop
Wardens and Vestry Men to the tuition of the poor Children
of St. Peter's Church only.
   And the committee beg leave further to report that
inasmuch as the income arising from the said devises is
not to be appropriated as the general funds of the United
Churches are, but are to be applied to a specifc use,
a seperate account of the receipts and Expenditure thereof
should be kept in order that it may always appear that
the trust has been performed according to the will of the
Testaor. They therefore recommend the adoption of the
following resolution, viz,
   Resolved, that the Accounting Church Warden
keep a separate account of the monies received under the
devises of William Thomas's Will, that there out of his pay all
taxes and repairs upon the property bequeathed by the said
Will, that he pay 30 pounds of the annual income thereof in
two equal half yearly, payments and also the rent charge
of 10 pounds issuing of the Southwark property towards the
tuition of the poor children of St. Peter's Church and
that he distribute the residue of the net Income arising
from the Rents and profits of the premises among the poor
who are in actual communion in St. Peter's Church and not
elsewhere, and that at the first meeting of this Vestry in
every year, he lay before them a particular statement of
the said Receipts and expenditures that it may, always
appear that the Trust has been duly performed.
   All which is respectfully submitted.
                     Signed   William Tilghman
December 21, 1814               Daniel Smith
                           I. B. Wallace
   It was moved and seconded that the Church Warden be
requested to inform the Vestry at the next meeting what
are the receipts and payments arising from the Estate of

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William Thomas.
   The following resolution postponed at the last meeting of
Vestry was adopted, Viz, Resolved that it is expedient at this
time to elect an Assistant Minister to these Churches. Resolved
that a salary of $933.33 be appropriated for the payment of
an additional Assistant Minister for one your from 25th
December 1814.
   The Reverend William Milnor was duly elected and the Rector
declared his approbation.
   Mr. Wayne Mr. Gurney and Mr. Dale were a
Committee appointed to wait on him and to inform him thereof.
   In case of the committee reported the acceptance
by Mr. Milnor to the Rector, He is requested to cause his
Election to be notified from the Desks in the different
churches on Sunday next.

   As a meeting of the corporation of the United
Episcopal Churches of Christ Church St. Peter's Church and St.
James' Church held at the Rector's House January 11, 1815.

The Right Reverend Dr. White, Rector

Church Warden:
Mr. Thomas Cumpston

Vestry Men:
   Mr. Dale, Mr. Neill, Mr. Bancker, Mr. Murdock, Mr. Wayne,
Mr. Markland, Mr. DeHaven, Mr. Knight, Mr. Oakley, Mr. Gurney,
Mr. Hale, Mr. Smith, Mr. Hawkins, Mr. Sims, Mr. Wallace.
   The Resolution of 21 December last relative to the preaching of a
Sermon to raise funds for the payment of debts due from St.
James's Church was postponed for the present.
   The Resolution relative to Paul Webbs Legacy was adopted.
   The Resolution relative to the appointement of a committee
on Paul Webb's business was postponed at present.
   The Church Warden exhibited his account to the close of
the year 1814 stating a balance then in his hands of four thousand
two hundred and fifty dollars, and eighteen cents due to the
United Churches.
   It was moved and seconded that the accounts of the
Church Warden and Assistant Church Wardens be referred to the
committee of accounts which was agreed to.
   The 6th Resolution of 21 December last was adopted.

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   The several applications for the office of Sexton for St. Peter's
Church were referred to a committee, consisting of Messrs.
Gurney, Smith, and Hawkins.
   The application for raising the salary of Clerk fo St.
Peter's Church was referred to the same committee.
   The Resolution relative to the property devised
by William Thomas's Will was adopted.
   The Committee of Christ Church Hospital reported
that they had admitted Mr. Barnes Mr. Neacock and
Mrs. James Chevalier as pensioners of said institution.
   The application of Mr. Dolby and Mr. Bowen for
an increase of Salary was referred to Mr. Clark, Mr.
Wayne and Mr. DeHaven.
   Mr. Wallace and Mr. Cumpston were appointed
a committee to ascertain upon what terms a piece of ground
adjoining Christ Church burial ground can be purchased from
Godfry Twells's heirs.
   Resolved that when Vestry do adjourn, they will
adjourn to Wednesday the 8 February next.

   At a meeting of the Corporation fo the United
Episcopal Churches of Christ Church, St. Peter's Church, and St.
James' Church held at the Rector's House February 8, 1815.

The Right Reverend Dr. William White, Rector

Church Wardens:
Mr. William Tilghman
Mr. Thomas Cumpston

Vestry Men:
   Mr. Wallace, Mr. Wayne, Mr. Bancker, Mr. Neill, Mr.
Dale, Mr. DeHaven, Mr. Hale, Mr. Murdock, Mr. Markland,
Mr. Knight, Mr. Ashburner, Mr. Clark

   The Report of the Committee of accounts was read and
the several resolutions from No. 1 to 9 adopted as follows.
   The Committe appointed upon the accounts and
revenues of the church beg leave to report.
   That the schedule herewith exhibited marked A
contains a statement of accounts of the Church up to the
31 December last, by which it appears that the cash in
hand on that day amounted to $5042.51.
1.   Resolved that all the Pew rents Box Money, Ground
   fees and arising from the Churches severally be received

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   by the Assistant Wardens of these Churches respectively. That
   they do quarterly account with the accounting Church Warden, and
   pay over the same to him; that to enable them to collect the
   pew rents the more easily, they be authorized to have them collected
   in their respective churches; and that for this purpose they shall
   within ten days before 25 March and 25 Sept in each and every
   year have the necessary Books made out and appoint a time
   in which they will meet in their respective churches for the
   purpose of receiving the Pew Rent then due.
2.   Resolved that the said Assistants have a sufficient number
   of notices printed and that they cause one of them to be delivered
   to each pewholder and each person holding seats in the said churches
   informing him when they will meet in their respective Churches
   for the purpose of receiving the pew rents adn stating the amount due.
    That the following be the form of the notice
    Sir,      A committee of Vestry of the United Churches
   will attend at Christ Church on the    of , at St. Peter's
   Church on the of , and at St. James' Church on the
      of , between the hours of 10 and 2 o'clock for the
   purpose of receiving the pew rents becoming due on the 25th
   Instant. You are requested to call and pay the amount
   due by you for the Pew or seat you hold in      Church.
   By a resolution of Vestry the Assistant Warden is directed
   to employ a collector to call on such as do not then pay,
   who in addition to the Pew Rent will be charged with the
   commission payable to the collector.
         Half years rent due by you on $
         Arrears of former Years . . . . . . . .
                        Assistant Warden of Church.
3.   Resolved that each of the said Assistant Wardens do furnish
   the Accounting Warden with the Amount of the book so
   made out in his Church who shall open an account with him
   accordingly, and credit him with all monies he shall receive
   from him within the then half year when the said Account
   shall be closed and the balance stated.
4.   That the Assistant Wardens render an account of their
   receipts and payments to the Vestry semi-annually at the stated
   meetings in June and December and oftener if required, and
   shall at the same time report the amount of pew rents

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   and other funds in arrear in their respective Churches.
5.      That the Sextons do account monthly with the Assistant
   Wardens of their respective Churches, and the Assistants
   when they make their semi-annual Reports to the Vestry be
   required to state whether the Sextons have so done.
6.      That no monies be paid by the Assistants but by the
   Accounting Warden only.
7.      That the Accounting Warden keep a regular Set of
   books, a Day Book and Ledger commencing on 25th
   March next to be opened under the inspection of a
   Committee of Vestry; and that at the first meeting of
   Vestry on each and every year, he render a particular
   statement of his account for the preceding year.
8.    That all monies paid to or collected by the Church Warden
   be by him deposited in one of the banks of this City in his
   name as Church Warden; and that no monies be paid
   by him except by a check on the said Bank; which
   check together with his Bank Book shall be exhibited
   by him on the settlement of his accounts.
9.      That hereafter the Warden instead of settling his
   Accounts of the communion and general charity collections
   with a committee of Vestry, do render his said Accounts
   thereof to the Rector specifying the persons to whom the
   same hath been distributed and how much to each, which
   Accounts the Rector is requested to examine and if he find them
   correct, that he so make report to the Vestry.
      All which is respectfully submitted.
      Signed Francis Gurney, C. N. Bancker, Lewis Neill,
            Thomas Hale, John B. Wallace.
      The Committee for raising the Salary of Clerk of St.
   Peter's Church is continued
      The Committee on the purchase of a piece of Ground
   from the heirs of Godfrey Twells reported that the size of
   the lot is 52 feet north and south and 128 feet east and west
   for which the family asked four hundred dollars per annum.
      The Vestry declined the acceptance of the lot at the
   above prices and the committee are authorized to enquire fur-
   ther relative to a lot for an additional burial ground.
      Resolved, that a committee be appointed to enquire
   on what terms the three churches may be insured from

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loss by fire. Mr. Hale and Mr. Smith were appointed the
      Mr. Clark, Mr. Knight and Mr. Hawkins were appointed
a committee to attend to the repairs of the gudgsons and of the
Bells of Christ Church.
   The committee appointed to procure an additional
Burial Ground are authorized to cause it to be inserted in the
next notices for summoning a Vesry "that money is to be disposed

         At a meeting of the Corporation of the United
Episcopal Churches of Christ Church, St. Peter's Church, and St. James'
Church held at the Rector's House February 24, 1815.

The Right Reverend Dr. White, Rector

Church Warden:
Mr. Thomas Cumpston

Vestry Men:
   Mr. Markland, Mr. DeHaven, Mr. Ashburner, Mr. Wallace,
Mr. Knight, Mr. Sims, Mr. Hale, Mr. Neill, and Mr. Dale.
   On motion made and seconded, it was resolved that it
is expedient to pay the debt due on St. James' Church as soon
as circumstances permit.
   A motion was made and seconded that a committee
be appointed to enquire whether the state of the Church funds
will justify the payment of $4000 with the interest due thereon
to Mrs. Muhlenberg, being a mortgage on the lot on which
St. James' Church is built, and whether Mr. Muhlenberg
will receive it in such manner as the Vestry may be able to
pay it. Mr. SIms and Mr. DeHaven were appointed the Committee.
   On motion resolved that the following plan be
adopted for the management of Mr. William Thomas's Legacy
agreeably to his will.
      A plan for the management of the Legacy of Mr.
   William Thomas.
1st.   That at the first meeting of Vesting in every year there be
      appointed a committee consisting of the Assistant Church
      Warden of St. Peter's Church and two other members of the
      same; to be called "The Committee on the Legacy of Mr. Thomas."
2nd.   That the committee be empowered to rent the Houses
      bequeathed by Mr. Thomas; to receive the rents, as also
      the ground rents bequeathed by him, to repair the houses,

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      to pay the taxes and all other reasonable demands;
      and in short to transact all matters which concern the
      presentation of the property, and the application of its
      proceeds to the purposes appointed by the Will.
3rd      That the yearly ground rent of 10 pounds, and 30 pounds of the
      rents of the houses be continually disbursed by the com-
      mittee for the schooling of poor children as directed by
      the will of Mr. Thomas.
4th      That the residue of the rents be a fund in the hands
      of the committee for the relief of poor communicants of
      St. Peter's Church; not to be distributed among stated
      pensioners, but for relief from time to time as the
      exigencies of different cases may require.
5th      that the Church Warden of the United Churches furnish
      the committee with a list of those communicants who   
      receiving their respective shares of the Communion money,
      are members of St. Peter's Church.
6th      That the committee confer from time to time with the
      Rector for information of the circumstances of the claimants
      of this bounty so far as they may be known to him.
7th      That the Accounts of the committee be settled annually
      by a committee of Vestry; to be appointed at the first meeting
      after Easter.

      At a meeting of the Corporation of the United
Episcopal Churches of Christ Church, St. Peter's Church, St.
James' Church, held at the Rector's House March 16, 1815.

The Right Reverend Dr. White, Rector

Church Wardens:
Mr. William Tilghman
Mr. Thomas Cumpston

Vestry Men:
   Mr. Walalce, Mr. Bancker, Mr. Daley, Mr. Neill, Mr. De
Haven, Mr. Wayne, Mr. Gurney, Mr. Ashburner, Mr. Markland,
Mr. Hale, Mr. Hawkins, Mr. Oakley, Mr. Burke, Mr. Mc
Euen and Mr. Smith
   Mr. Wallace, Mr. Neill, and Mr. Hale were appointed
a committee to settle the accounts of the Church Warden for
the year commencing at Easter 1814 and ending at Easter 1815.
   It was agreed that our next meeting shall be on Saturday
Evening the 18th Instant at 6 o'clock.

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   At a meeting of the corporation of the United Episcopal
Churches of Christ Church, St. Peter's Church and St. James' Church
held at the Rector's House March 18, 1815.

The Right Reverend Dr. White, Rector

Church Wardens:
Mr. William Tilghman
Mr. Thomas Cumpston

Vestry Men:
   Mr. Wallace, Mr. Hale, Mr. Bancker, Mr. Markland, Mr.
McEuen, Mr DeHaven, Mr. Wayne, Mr. Ashburner, Mr. Knight,
Mr. Gurney, Mr. Oakley, Mr. Sims, Mr. Clark, Mr. Smith, Mr. Neill and
Mr. Hawkins.
   The Committee appointed to settle the Church Wardens'
Accounts reported in part that the balance in the hands of the
Church Warden is two thousand seven hundred and eleven dollars
and sixty five cents.
   After Mr. Cumpston had withdrawn, a letter from
him to the Vestry dated 18 March 1815 was read. On motion
Resolved that the letter of Mr. Cumpston be referred to a
committee consisting of the committee of accounts together
with Messrs. Hawkins, MrEuen and Tilghman.
   The committee of Christ Church Hospital reported
that they had admitted Miss Dolby as a Pensioner.
   The Committee appointed to wait on Mrs. Muhlenberg
relative to the payment of the mortgage due to her reported, that
she is willing to receive the money on the 1st of April next.

   At a meeting of the Corporation of the United
Episcopal Churches of Christ Church, St. Peter's Church, and St. James'
Church held at the Rector's House March 25, 1815.

The Right Reverend Dr. White, Rector

Church Wardens:
Mr. Tilghman
Mr. Cumpston

Vestry Men:
   Mr. Hale, Mr. Markland, Mr. Dale, Mr. DeHaven, Mr.
Bancker, Mr. Neill, Mr. Gurney, Mr. Ashburner, Mr. Oakley,
Mr. Sims, Mr. Clark, Mr. Wayne, Mr. McEuen, Mr. Smith,
Mr. Hawkins, Mr. Murdock, Mr. Wallace and Mr. Kuhl
   The committee fo Accounts reported as follows:
   The Committee appointed on the 18th instant to examine the
accounts of Thomas Cumpston, Accounting Church Warden fro the
present year report, that they have examined the same

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accordingly commencing at Easter 1814 and ending this day.
   They find all the payments charged, duly supported by
proper vouchers, and that according to the account as stated
there is a balance in the hands of the Church Warden due
to the Churches of Twenty seven hundred and eleven dollars
sixty five cents. There was one item on the debit side
of the Account respecting the propriety of a part of which
your Committee had some doubt, viz, $600 a part of
seven hundred and twenty dollars charged on the 28 November
1814 as six years interest on Mr. Cumpston's note to the
Treasurer of Christ Church Hospital for two thousand
dollars given on the 28th November 1808 payable one year
after date with interest. The one years interest your
committee thought was clearly chargeable to the Churches;
but the remaining five years they did not. They expressed
this opinion to Mr. Cumpston and had intended to take the
sense of the Vestry upon it; but his has been rendered
unnecessary by Mr. Cumpston's voluntary payment of the
amount in a check payable to the order of one of this
committee, which check together with Mr. Cumpston's
letter enclosing it, is herewith handed to the Vestry.
   All which is respectfully submitted
                     Signed Johnathan B. Wallace
Philadelphia March 25th, 1815      Thomas Hale
                           Lewis Neill
J. B. Wallace Esquire
      Dear Sir,
               Having conversed with some of
my Intimate Friends last evening, I am induced to
send to you as Chairman of the Committee of accounts
a Check for Six hundred dollars.
      I do it voluntarily, not that I believe I ought
to pay it, or that I could in any way be compelled to pay
it.            I am, Dear Sir
                  Your Humble Servant
   24 March 1815         Thomas Cumpston
      Ordered that the check inclosed in Mr. Cumpston's letter
remain in Mr. Wallace's hands until the next election of
an accounting Church Warden.
      The Committee on Mr. Cumpston's letter reported,
which letter and report were ordered to be entered

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on the minutes and are as follows.
   To the Rector Church Warden and Vestry Men of the United
   Episcopal Churches of Christ Church, St. Peter's Church,
   and St. James's Church.

               It is with no small degree of pain
that after discharging the duties of Church Warden to the extent
of my abilities for twenty two yours, I am now constrained
to call on Vestry to do me an Act of Justice. Various
groundless reports originating in ignorance or malice have been
industriously circulated manifestly with a view of injuring my
reputation. It is stated by some that the Accounts of the Church
Warden do not exhibit the whole of the money received from
Easter to Easter in every year _ to rebut this charge I refer to
the Certificate of the Committee who settled the Accounts in
every year and an examination of the Accounts will show
at one view that this Report is totally unfounded. Another
Class say that there are many thousands of dollars brought
into view which implies that these thousands of dollars
were hid by me. Another set of them say that the mist
is clearing away from their eyes, and they begin to see; thus
implying that they were in the dark until now. It will
be recollected by many of the old members of the Vestry that
for several years I have been desirous to resign my office
as Warden.
   It is remarkable that while these unfounded rumours
are afloat owing to something said by some Vestrymen, let
that something be what it may, the impression it has made
on the minds of those to whom they told it is as injurious
to my character as they were capable of making it.
   Having been in the service of the United Churches
under the direction of the Vestry and to whom alone I am
amenable, I ask of them not as a favour, but as a matter of
right, that they will do me that justice to which I am entitled.
As to the made I must leave that to the judgement of
Vestry, more especially as there are some things past on the
minutes of Vestry which ought in my opinion to be done away
or something entered on the Minutes of Vestry to rebut them.
   Trusting that in support of truth the Vestry will do the needful
      I am, Gentlemen respectfully   Your table Servant
March 18, 1815            Signed      Thomas Cumpston

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   The Committee to whom was referred the Letter fo Mr.
Thomas Cumpston the 18th Instant beg leave to report
   That Mr. Cumpston was elected one of the Church Wardens
of the United Churches of Christ Church and St. Peter's Church
at Easter 1793 and that from that time to the present
he has been annually re-elected and been the Accounting Church
Warden of those Churches and also of St. James' Church
since its erection and union with the other two.
   That he has acted in the said office during the
whole of that time without having made any charge
or claiming any compensation for his services altho'
the duties of his office have at all times been laborious
and particularly so until the appointment of Assistant
Wardens. That as far as your Committee know or believe,
he has fully accounted for all monies at any time received
by him on account of the said Churches; for though from
the manner of entering the Accounts, they do not exhibit
a correct view of the balance as it stood at certain periods,
yet it has never been doubted by any of the Vestry but that
all monies received for the Churches had been duly credited;
and that too within the proper period or year within which
they were received; the inaccuracy in the stating of the accounts
above alluded to being on the Debit and not on the Credit-side.
Under these circumstances it is much to be regretted that
unfounded reports injurious to Mr. Cumpston should have
obtained circulation, and your Committee doubt not that
the Vestry will do whatever may be in their power to
correct them.
   For this purpose they recommend the adoption of
the following Resolution, viz
   Resolved as the sense of this Vestry that Mr.
Cumpston has not to their knowledge or belief at any time
made an improper use of the monies of the Church, but
that he had duly credited all monies which came to his
hands and has accounted for the same.
   Signed William Tilghman, Henry Hawkins, Thomas McEuen,
25 March 1815. Lewis Neill, Thomas Hale, John B. Wallace.
   The question being taken upon the said resolution it
was unanimously adopted.
   The Committee of Christ Church Hospital reported that
Mrs. Martha Ellis had been admitted a Pensioner of said Hospital.

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   At an Election holden in Christ Church on Easter Monday
March 27, 1815, agreeably to charter and ancient usage, the following
named Gentlemen were elected Vestry Men of the United Churches of
Christ Church St. Peter's Church, and St. James' Church for the
ensuing year; viz
   William Tilghman   Francis Gurney      Thomas McEuen
   Ephraim Clark      Daniel Smith      John Harland
   Caleb P. Wayne      Henry Hawkins      Hugh DeHaven
   John Ashburner      Joseph Sims         Thomas Hale
   Henry Kuhl         George Oakley      John Markland
   Lewis Neill         Joseph Huddle Jr.   Daniel Knight
   William Murdock      Thomas Burke      Richard Dale, &
   Henry Pratt         John B. Wallace      Charles N. Bancker
   And at a Meeting of the Rector and Vestrymen then so elected,
holden at Christ Church in the evening of the same day, the
Rector chose the Honable William Tilghman to be his Church
   Upon Motion it was resolved that the accounting Church
Warden, and the Assistant Wardens be elected by ballot.
A Ballot being accordingly taken it appeared that
John B. Wallace was chosen Accounting Church Warden
Lewis Neill   Assistant Warden for Christ Church
Daniel Smith   Assistant " for St. Peter's Church &
Hugh DeHaven   Assistant " for St. James' Church

   At a meeting of the Rector Church Wardens, and
Vestry Men of the United Churches of Christ Church, St.
Peter's Church and St. James' Church in the City of Phila-
delphia, held at the Rector's House on Monday April 3, 1815.

The Right Reverend Dr. White, Rector

Church Warden:
Mr. Tilghman
William Wallace

Vestry Men:
   Messrs. McEuen, Murdock, DeHaven, Oakley, Ashburner,
Burke, Kuhl, Smith, Gurney, Knight, Markland, Pratt,
Harland, Hale, and Neill.
   The following report was made by the Church Warden,
and ordered to be entered on the minutes, viz.
   The Accounting Church Warden Reports that in
obediences to the eight Resolution of the Vestry on the
8th February last he had opened an account in the bank

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of North America in his name of Office of Church Warden of
the United Churches of Christ Church, St. Peter's Church and
St. James' Church; to the credit of which account he has
deposited since this appointment the sum of $4331.92 arising
from the following sources, vis
Balance in the hands of the late Accounting Church Warden $2711.65
Paid by Mr. Cumpston to the late Committee of account as
      stated in their report on the 25 Ult . . . . . . . . . . 600.--
Paid by Mr. Clark late Assistant Church Warden of Christ Church 88.27
Paid by Mr. Smith Assistant       "    "   of St. Peter's Church 319.40
Paid by Mr. DeHaven "         "      " of St. James' Church 572.60
Paid by William Stevenson for Ground rent Matthias's lot       40.--
   That in conformity with the resolution of the Vestry on
the 24th February, and the report of the Committee on the
subject on the 18th March last, he did on the 1st instant pay to Mrs.
Mary Muhlenbergh the mortgage due to her for the lot on
which St. James' Church is built, amounting, principal &
interest to the sum of $4240 _ leaving a balance in bank
to the credit of the churches of $91.92. The United Churches
are now entirely out of debt except for one or two unadjusted
bills of inconsiderable amount.
   He further reports that there is now due to the Churches
the following sums, viz
   For 1/2 years pew rent in the three churches due 25 ditto          4030
    Arrears of rent due prior to that time, ground fees and an estimated 2000
    Arrears of Ground Rent         say                            750
    There is besides in the hands of Mr. Dolby and of Mr. Ormrod
some monies collected by them the amount of which is not known.
   The churches having been lately put into repair, it is probable
that the incidental expenses of the year will be small, &
that no great amount of revenue need be reserved for that
object. There will be no demand of any extent upon the
churches until the 25th June when the claims will amount
to about $2600; and thence until the 25th September
when they will require about $2400 together about $5000.
There is no reason to doubt that the pew rents & other
sources of revenue now due and falling due between this
period and those above mentioned, will be sufficient to
meet those claims; and on the last of the those days there
will fall due another half years pew rent to meet the
demands of the then succeeding half year. If the revenue
of the Churches be equal to its expenditures, as matters now

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stand, there will always be a half years revenue due in advance.
But as the Expences and the Revenue are so very nearly of the
same amount, it will require attention in the collection of the
latter, to be always prepared to meet the former.
   By the discharge of the debt due upon St. James' Church,
the rent of the cellar under that church which heretofore has
been appropriated to pay the interest on that debt will fall
into, and increase the general revenue of the churches. And
when Mr. Paul Webb's legacy shall be received, if invested in
productive property, the interest thereon will increase them
still more.
   All which is respectfully submitted
Philadelphia April 3, 1815   (Signed)   John B. Wallace, Accounting Church Warden
   The Vestry proceeded to ballot for a committee of Christ
Church Hospital, and for a Treasurer of the same, when Messrs.
Hawkins, Dale, DeHaven, Murdock and Pratt were elected the
Committee, and Mr. Paul Beck the Treasurer.
   The two Church Wardens were appointed a Committee
to attend to the legacy of Mr. Joseph Dobbins with authority
to sell the stock in the Bank of South Carolina devised
by Mr. Dobbins, if they shall think it advisable and transfer
the proceeds to this City.
   The following named Gentlemen were elected by ballot
deputies to the next state convention, viz
   For Christ Church    St. Peter's         St. James'
    Messrs Pratt    Messrs. Gurney      Messrs. McEuen
         Murdock            Smith            Markland
         Neill            Sims            Dale
   Mr. Smith, the Assistant Warden of St. Peter's Church, together
with Messrs. Gurney and Hawkins members of the Vestry from
the same Church were appointed "The Committee on the
legacy of Mr. Thomas", agreeably to the plan adopted for
the management of that legacy on the 24th February last.
   A letter was received and read from Mr. Paul Beck
the Treasurer of Christ Church Hospital enclosing his accounts
and requesting that a committee of the Vestry may be
appointed for the purpose of examining the said accounts
and investing the funds of the institution in his hands,
also requesting the funds of the institution in his hands,
also requesting that the proper Bond to be given by the
Treasurer for the security of the institution may be prepared.
   Messrs. Pratt, Gurney and Hale were appointed the
committee for the above purposes, and the accounting Church
Warden was directed to attend to the matter of the bond.

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   Messrs. Neill Smith and Bancker were appointed the Committee
under whose inspection the Church Warden is to open his
books agreeably to the 7th resolution of the Vestry passed on
the 8th February last.
    Mr. Ormrod was elected Clerk of Christ Church
    Mr. Dolby            Sexton of the same         
    Mr. Kurtz            Organist of the same
    Mr. Cole            Clerk of St. Peter's Church   
    Mr. Christopher Trick   Sexton of the same
    Mr. Taylor            Clerk of St. James' Church
    Mr. Bowen            Sexton of the same
    Mr. Peiffer         Organist of the same
      The appointment of organist for St. Peter's Church
was postponed; and Messrs Smith and Wallace are ap-
pointed together with the committee of St. Peter's CHurch
congregation, a Committee to procure an Organist.
   On motion it was resolved, that the additional and
further additional salary be paid to the clergy and officers
of the churches to the 25th March last.
   It was also resolved, that the letting of the cellar
under St. James' Church and the receiving of the rent
therefore be committed to the charge of the Assistant Warden
of that church.
   Messrs. Smith and Hale appointed a committee
on the 8th February for the purpose of inquiring and
reporting upon what terms the three churches may be
insured from loss by fire, are re-appointed for the same
   Messrs. DeHaven and Wallace are appointed a Com-
mittee to attend to the right of passage and other
interest of the Corporation over and in certain lots in the
possession of Mr. Thomas Bradford.
   The accounting Church Warden is directed to call
upon the executors of Paul Webb in relation to the legacy
bequeathed by him to the churches.
   Messrs. Clark & Knight heretofore appointed a
committee to have the wall of Christ Church capped are
re-appointed for the purpose of completing the same,
and the same gentlemen are appointed the standing
committee to whom is entrusted the care of Christ
Church Steeple.
   The following named gentlemen are appointed
for the purpose of aiding the Assistant Church Wardens

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in collecting the pew rents in the churches; viz
   Christ Church      Messrs. Murdock and Kuhl
   St. Peter's Church   Messrs. Gurney and Hawkins
   St. James' Church   Messrs. Markland and Hale
    And the following days are appointed for their attendance
in their several churches, viz
   In Christ Church on Monday and Tuesday the 10th and 11th instant
   In St. James' Church on Friday and Saturday the 14th and 15th, and
   In St. Peter's Church on Monday and Tuesday the 17 and 18 instant.
      The Rector is requested to cause notice to be given from
the desk of the collection of the pew rents by a committee of the
Vestry in the several churches on those days respectively.
   Letters were received from Mr. Cole, the Clerk of St. Peter's
Church, and from Mr. Dolby the Sexton of Christ Church,
requesting an increase of their salaries; which letters were
referred to a committee consisting of Messrs. Pratt Smith and
Markland.                                 Adjourned.

   At a meeting of the Rector Church Wardens and Vestry Men
of the United Churches of Christ Church St. Peter's Church and St.
James' Church, held at the Rector's House on Monday June 7, 1815.

The Right Reverend Dr. White, Rector

Church Warden:
Mr. John B. Wallace

Vestry Men:
   Messrs. Sims, Smith, Hawkins, McEuen, Markland, Neill,
Huddell, Wayne, Hale, DeHaven, Bancker and Pratt.
   The Assistant Church Wardens made their semi-annual
report agreeably to the 4th resolution of the Vestry of the 8th
February last, which reports were ordered to be entered on
the minutes and are as follows viz,
   "In obedience to certain resolutions of the Vestry of the 8th of
February 1815, the Assistant Warden of Christ Church begs
leave to report. That he furnished the Accounting Warden with
the Pew rental of said Church due on the 25th March last
amounting to                           $2236.86
   That on the 22 April he paid the accounting
      Warden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1141.23
   That he has since received . . . . . . . . . . 352.19 1/2
                                              1493.42 1/2
                        leaving a Balance of        743.43 1/2
   He further reports
      That he has received for subscriptions $27.50
               for box money . . . . . . 65.64
               for ground and fees . . . 250.10
                     carried forward . 343.24

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   Amount of money in the hands of the Assistant Warden
      of Christ Church this day viz
         Pew Rent . . . . . . . . .          352.19 1/2
         Sundries as above stated (bro oven)    343.24      $695.43 1/2

      The Sexton of Christ Church has accounted regularly
                  (Signed)   Lewis Neill
   Philadelphia June 7, 1815.       Assistant Church Warden of Christ Church"

"In conformity to resolutions of Vestry of the 8th February 1815
the Assistant Warden of St. Peter's Church reports
   That he has furnished the accounting Church Warden
   with the pew rental of said Church due on the 25th
   March last, amounting . . . . . . . . . . . . $2282.88
   That on the 20th April he paid the Church Warden
   collected in the Church for pew rent . . . . . 872.77
   That he has since received for ditto . . . . . 446.28
         leaving outstanding . . . . . . . . . . 963.83
   That he has received for interments . . . . . . 73.50
                   for Box Money . . . . . . 74.79

      The Sexton of St. Peter's Church has accounted regularly
   Philadelphia June 7, 1815   (Signed) Daniel Smith, Assistant
                              Church Warden of St. Peter's."
      "In obedience to certain resolutions of the Vestry of
the 8th February 1815, the Assistant Warden of St. James' Church
begs leave to report.
   That he furnished the accounting Warden with the
   pew rental of the said Church due on the 25th March
   last amounting to . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 2123.98 1/2
   That on 20th April be paid the said warden $1274.50
   That he has since received . . . . . . . . 384.89 1/2 1659.39 1/2
                  leaving a balance of . . . . . . . $ 464.59

   He further reports that he has received
         for subscriptions      $118.25
         for Box money          83.11
   The Sexton of this Church has accounted regularly
                  Signed H. DeHaven
            ________________   Assistatn Warden of St. James'"
The Committee to whom were referred the accounts of the
treasurer of Christ Church Hospital made report stating

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that they found the said accounts to be correct and that the balance
in the hands of the Treasurer on the 25 March last was as follows.
Viz      In cash . . . . . . . . . $690.10
      In Notes of hand . . . 12269.47      12959.57

   The said Committee are continued for the purpose
of Assisting the Treasurer in investing the said funds
      The Committee to whom were referred the letters of
Mr. Cole, Mr. Dolby and Mr. Bowen made report, recommending
that no alteration be made in Mr. Dolby's salary, that Mr. Cole's
salary be advanced to one hundred and sixty dollars per annum
from 10 July next, and that Mr. Bowen be allowed thirty
six dollars per annum in lieu of enrolments for services at funerals
which Report was adopted.
   The Committee appointed to enquire at what rate insurance
from loss by fire could be affected on the three churches reported
that so far as their inquiries had extended, the premium would
be about 4 percent. The same committee are continued with
directions to make further inquires.
   The three Assistant Wardens are appointed a committee
to settle the accounts of Mr. Ormrod as collection of the churches,
and of Mr. Dolby for ground and fees prior to the 25 March last.
   On motion it was resolved, that the Church Warden be
authorized to make the next payment of salary to the Clergy
and officers of the Churches to the 10th July next, and that the
subsequent payments be made on quarter days conformably
   Resolved, that Messrs. McEuen and Hale be a committee
to invest so much of the monies in the hands of the Church
Warden and Assistant Church Wardens as hey may think
   Messrs. Pratt and Neill are appointed a committee to
attend to Christ Church burial ground, and to enclose the
ground and make such repairs to the wall as they may
find necessary.
   Upon the applicaiton of Mr. Joseph Sims, leave was
given him to erect a brick flue on the north wall of his house
in Third Street, adjoining St. Peter's Church burial ground,
to continue during the pleasure of the Vestry, in the same
manner as the window opened by him in his said north wall
looking into the said burial ground.
   The Assistant Warden of Christ Church is authorized to take
such measures as he may think proper to keep that Church in clean
and decent order.                     Adjourned.

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            June 17, 1815
   At a special Meeting of the Rector Church Wardens and
Vestry Men of the United Churches of Christ Church St. Peter's Church
and St. James' Church held at the Rector's House on Saturday June
17, 1815.

The Right Reverend Dr. White, Rector

Church Warden:
   Messrs. Smith, Neill, Hawkins, Wayne, Hale, Markland,
McEuen, Oakley, Burke, Huddell, Ashburner, DeHaven,
Knight, Sims, Pratt, Dale.
   It was stated by the Rector that this meeting was called
at the request of the Committee appointed at the last meeting
to enclose Christ Church Burial Ground, who were desirous of
submitting to the Vestry the expediency of purchasing from
the heirs of the late Mr. Godfrey Twells the piece of ground adjoining
that burial ground, being the same lot upon which a committee
was appointed on 11 January last.
   On motion it was Resolved that Messrs. Pratt and Neill be
a committee to treat with the heirs of Godfrey Twells for the
purchase of the said lot of ground, with liberty to contract for
the same it it can be obtained at a price not exceeding $250
per annum                              Adjourned.

                  August 14, 1815
   At a special meeting of the Rector, Church Wardens, &
Vestry Men of the United Churches of Christ Church, St. Peter's
Church and St. James' Church held at the Rector's House
on Monday the 14th August 1815.

The Right Reverend Dr. White, Rector

Church Warden:
Chief Justice Tilghman

Vestry Men:
   Messrs. Smith, Sims, DeHaven, Murdock, Ashburner, Hale,
Knight, Wayne, and McEuen
   The Rector stated the object of the meeting of the Vestry
to be for the purpose of furnishing the Reverend James Milnor
to be for the purpose of furnishing the Reverend James Milnor
with a testimonial for the information of the Standing
Committees of the Church in this State. Whereupon the
following certificate was signed by all the members present:
"Philadelphia, August 14, 1815
      We certify that the Reverend James Milnor,
one of the Assistant Minister of Christ Church, St.

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Peter's and S. James' in this City, has led his life piously,
soberly, and honestly for one year last past; and that he
has not so far as we know and believe, written, taught
or held any thing contrary to the Doctrine or Discipline of
the Protestant Episcopal Church
      Witness our Hands
      (Signed)   William Tilghman, Church Warden
Joseph Sims, H. DeHaven, Daniel Smith, Thomas McEuen,
William Murdock, Thomas Hale, John Ashburner, Daniel Knight, C.P. Wayne."
                  September 6, 1815
   At a stated meeting of the Rector Church Wardens
and Vestry Men of the United Churches of Christ Church, St.
Peter's Church and St. James' Church in the city of Philadelphia
held at the Rector's House on Wednesday September 6, 1815.

The Right Reverend Dr. White, Rector

Church Warden:
Mr. John B. Wallace

Vestry Men:
   Messrs. Dale, Smith, Neill, Markland, DeHaven, McEuen,
Huddell and Knight.
   The committee to whom was referred the examination
of the accounts of Mr. John Ormrod, Clerk of Christ Church made
report stating the account and finding a balance due by Mr. Ormrod
to the churches on the 10th July last of dollars 671.33.
   The same Committee was continued with instructions to
call Mr. Ormrod before them to know if the account be admitted
by him, and to hear what he has to alledge in relation thereto
and in regard to his means of paying it.
   The Committee appointed to consider the practicability
of increasing the funds of the churches made report, which
report was recommitted to the three Assistant Wardens.
   The Committee appointed on the 17th June to negotiate
with the heirs of the late Godfrey Twells for the purchase of a
lot of ground adjoining Christ Church burial ground, not
being ready to report are continued.
   A petition was laid before the Vestry from the ringers
of Christ Church Bells, praying for an increase of salary,
which petition was referred to a committee consisting of
Messrs. Murdock and Knight.
   Mr. Murdock was appointed an additional member
to the standing committee to whom is entrusted the care
of Christ Church Steeple.

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   Mr. DeHaven submitted the following resolutions viz
Resolved, that hereafter the monies collected in the churches
for the use of the poor shall be distributed in the following
manner, viz.
   The Assistant Wardens immediately after the
collections being made in the churches shall pay the
respective sums received by them to the accounting Church
Warden, who shall deposit the amount so received by
him in the bank with the other monies belonging to
the churches; that he shall open an account for those
monies in a book to be provided for that purpose, and
shall pay the same on orders drawn on him by the Rector
or either of the Assistant Ministers; and on or before
the first day of September in each and every year he
shall settle this account with the Rector for the time
being, who is requested to cause notice to be given from
the desk of the number of persons relieved thereby, as
soon as convenient thereafter.
   Resolved that the resolution of Vestry of the ninth
day of January 1775 be and the same is hereby repealed.
   These resolutions were ordered to be on the
table until the next meeting of the Vestry.
   Messrs. Wayne McEuen and Huddell were
appointed a committee to report upon the proper mode
of measuring the ground for vaults.
   The following named gentlemen were appointed
to aid the Assistant Church Warden in collecting in the
churches the pew rents falling due on the 25th instant, vis
   Christ Church      Messrs. Murdock and Kuhl
   St. Peter's Church   Messrs. Hawkins and Huddell
   St. James' Church   Messrs. Markland and Hale

   So soon as the Assistant Wardens shall
appoint the days on which they will attend in their
respective churches for the purpose of collecting the
pew rents, they are requested to communicate the
same to the Rector, who will be pleased to cause
notice thereof to be given from the desk.

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            September 15, 1815
   At a special meeting of the Rector Church Wardens and
Vestry Men of the United Churches of Christ CHurch, St.
Peter's Church adn St. James' Church in the City of Phila-
delphia, held at the Rector's House on Wednesday September 15, 1815.

The Right Reverend Dr. White, Rector

Church Warden:
Mr. John B. Wallace

Vestry Men:
   Messrs. Smith, Neill, DeHaven, Huddell, Kuhl,
Hale, Markland and Burk
   It was stated by the Rector that this meeting was
called at the request of the Pew holders of St. Peter's Church
who wish the assent of the Vestry to a resolution passed
by them at a meeting held on Wednesday. The proceedings
of that meeting being laid before the Vestry are as follows,
viz "At a meeting of the Pew holders of St. Peter's Church
"held at the Episcopal Academy on Wednesday evening the 13th September
1815 in conformity with previous notice.
   "Mr. Donaldson from the Committee for collecting subscriptions
for the news organ at St. Peter's church made report, that
Dollars 2963 had been subscribed for that object, of which
   2622 had been collected, leaving a balance outstanding
of $341. That of this balance, the sum of $241 might be
considered good making with . . . 2622 the sum
already received, a sum of dollars 2863 derivable
from subscriptions.
   That the cost of the organ as contracted for by the
committees appointed for that purpose was dollars 3500.-
and that expenses had been incurred amounting to   25.-
making a total of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3525.-
and after deducting the subscriptions . . . . . 2863.-
leaving to be provided for the sum of dollars . 662.-
   Whereupon Resolved, in conformity with a former
resolution of the Pew-holders, that with the assent of
the Vestry, there be assessed upon each seat in St. Peter's
Church, the sum of Twenty five cents semi-annually, as
a fund to make good the said deficit, the first payment
to be made on the 25th September 1815.
                           John Donnaldson
   Horaces Binney Secretary         Chairman

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   On motion it was Resolved, that the Vestry do assent
to the aforesaid resolution of the Pew Holders of St.
Peter's Church, and to the assessment therein made, and
the Assistant Warden of St. Peter's Church is requested
to receive the same at the time of collecting the semi-
annual pew rents.
   A letter was laid before the Vestry from Mr.
Isaac P. Cole resigning his appointment of Clerk
of St. Peter's Church, which resignation was accepted.

   At a special meeting of the Rector Church
Wardens and Vestry Men of the United Churches of
Christ Church St. Peter's Church and St. James' Church
at the Rector's House on the September 29, 1815.

The Right Reverend Dr. White, Rector

Church Warden:
Mr. John B. Wallace

Vestry Men:
   Messrs. Dale, DeHaven, Smith, Neill, Huddell,
Knight, and Ashburner
   The Rector informed the Vestry that in consequence
of an application from the Philadelphia Bible
Society, the Clergy proposed to have sermons preached
and collections made in the Churches in aid of the
funds of that institution, and that it would be
agreeable to the said clergy to have the approbation
of the Vestry to those measures. Whereupon
   Resolved that the Vestry do approve of the same
and do request the Rector to cause the same to be
done on Sunday the 8th October next.

            December 6, 1815
   At a meeting of the Rector, Church Wardens,
and Vestry Men of Christ Church, St. Peter's Church and
St. James' Church in the city of Philadelphia, held
at the Rector's House on Wednesday December th, 1815.

The Right Reverend Dr. William White,Rector

Church Wardens:
Mr. Tilghman
Mr. Wallace

Vestry Men:
   Messrs. Bancker, Markland, Wayne, Neill,
Smith, Murdock, Kuhl, Burks, DeHaven, Ashburner and Dale

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   The accounting Church Warden reported, that under
the resolution of the Vestry of the 7 June last, Four thousand
dollars of six percent stock of the United States had been
purchased by the committee appointed for that purpose,
which stock had been duly transferred to the corporation
in its corporate name, and that the certificates therefore
were in the hands of the said Church Warden.
   The Assistant Wardens made their semi-annual
reports agreeably to the resolution of the 8th February last.
   The committee appointed to report upon the proper
mode of measuring the ground for vaults made report,
concluding with a resolution which after being amend-
ed, was adopted as follows, viz
   Resolved, that the proper mode of measuring
the ground for vaults is by measuring it as a single
four sided, rectangular figure.
   The accounting Church Warden directed to inquire
from the executors of Paul Webb into the situation of the
legacy bequeathed by him to the churches, reported
a letter from Mr. Thomas Cumpston one of the Executors,
stating its situation.
   The Committee on Mr. Ormrod's accounts made
report stating that they had allowed him some fur-
ther credits which reduced the balances as due by him
on 10 October last to $387.33 which balance was ad-
mitted by him to be due.
   The report was adopted and the same committee
were requested to obtain from Mr. Ormrod his note
for the amount.
   The Assistant Wardens to whom was referred
the report made at the last stated meeting by the
committee appointed to consider the practicability
of increasing the funds, reported sundry resolutions,
which were adopted as follows viz
1.   That from and after the present meeting of
the Vestry the charge for muffling the bells for a
deceased person shall be twenty five dollars: viz
sixteen dollars to the ringers, and nine dollars for
the use of the churches.
   That the charge for ringing the bells on any
occasion of Joy (except on the 4 July when by contract
the ringers are to ring them without charge) shall

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be twenty five dollars, viz sixteen dollars to the
ringers, and nine for the use of the churches, to be
paid at the time of receiving permit from the Assist-
ant Warden.
2.   That in future the prices of the ground for
vaults for a member in either of the Church yards
exepting that in Second Street, shall be three dollars per foot.
For that in Second Street, five dollars per foot.
FOr a stranger, twenty five percent in addition to
those prices. For a head and foot stone, if a member
two dollars: for a stranger, three dollars.
3.   That previous to the ground being opened for the
erection of any vault, tombstone, pedestal, monument,
or head and foot stone, a permit shall be obtained from
one of the Assistant Wardens, and that the price be
paid before giving a permit.
4.   That no person shall be interred in a vault
belonging to a member at a less price than would
be paid in either of the burial grounds, nor shall
the sextons permit a vault to be opened without
an order from one of the wardens or assistant wardens.
   The committee to negotiate with the heirs of
Godfrey Twells are continued.
   Mr. Murdock from the committee to whom
was referred the petition of the ringers of Christ
Church bells, reported, that they had contracted
with Mr. Dolby to have the bells rung at the price of
one hundred and twenty dollars per annum _ to
commence on the 10th July last, which report and
contract were agreed to by the Vestry.
   The resolutions offered by Mr. DeHaven on
the 6th September last, relative to the charity money, after
being considered, were modified and adopted as
follows, viz
   Resolved, that hereafter the monies collect-
ed in the churches for the use of the poor shall
be distributed in the following manner, viz.
   The Assistant Wardens immediately after

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the collections being made in the churches, shall pay
the respective sums received by them to the accounting
Church Warden, who shall pay over the same to the
rector or one of the Assistant Ministers as he
shall designate _ to be distributed by such Assistant
Minister under the direction of the Rector, who is re-
quested to cause notice to be given from the desk of
the number of persons relieved thereby, prior to the
next annual collection.
   Resolved, that the resolution of the 9th January
1775, be and the same is hereby repealed.
   On motion Resolved, That from and after
the 25th December next, the salary of the Reverend
Mr. Milnor be fifteen hundred dollars per annum.
   The following resolution was laid before the
Vestry and remains for further consideration, viz.
   Resolved That whenever any person holding
a pew or sitting in either of the Churches shall re-
move out of the state and cease to be an inhabitant
thereof or shall remove to a greater distance from
the City of Philadelphia than   miles, and shall
continue to be non resident for      years, such
person shall be considered as having relinguished his
right to the said pew or sitting, and the Assistant
Warden shall be authorized to let the same to an-
   The following resolution was also submitted
and lies for further consideration.
   Resolved, That the Wardens be requested to
make out a statement of the existing
of the United Churches, designating each particular
species with its ascertained or presumed amount,
and of the necessary expenditures on account of
the same churches and also the amount of his
receipts and disbursements for the present year
that he have two hundred copies thereof printed
and laid on the table on Easter Monday for the
use of the members of the said churches.

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   Mr. Huddell and Mr. Wallace were appointed in the
places of General Gurney and Captain Hawkins deceased,
the committee in conjunction with the Assistant Warden
of St. Peter's Church, on Mr. Thomas's legacy.

            December 13, 1815
   At a special meeting of the Rector, Church
Wardens and Vestry Men of the United Churches of
Christ Church, St. Peter's Church and St. James'
Chuch in the City of Philadelphia held at the
Rector's House on Wednesday December 13, 1815.

The Right Reverend Dr. White, Rector

Church Wardens:
Mr. Tilghman
Mr. Wallace

Vestry Men:
   Messrs. Neill, Knight, Markalnd, Huddell,
DeHaven, Harland, Dale, Murdock, Pratt,
and Wayne
   The Rector stated that this meeting was
called at the request of several members of the
Vestry to consider the situation of the sextonship
of Christ Church.
   The Assistant Warden of Christ CHurch
stated that the health of Mr. Dolby was such as
to incapacitate him from discharging the duties
of Sexton, and that he considered it necessary
that an Assistant should be appointed, there upon.
   Resolved, that an additional Sexton be
appointed for Christ Church at a salary of
$114.67 per annum.
   Mr. Elijah Bowen was elected such Assis-
tant Sexton, and Mr. Neill and Mr. Wallace were ap-
pointed to arrange between the two Sextons as to the
perquisites of the office.
   Mr. Francis Helfreth was elected the
Sexton of St. James' Church in the room of Mr.

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   It appearing that some doubt had arisen as to the
mode in which the Vault lately built by Mr. Sims in St.
Peter's Church Ground should be measured, it was
after consideration Resolved, That it be measured
in the manner directed by the resolution of the
Vestry of the 6th instant.
   The three Assistant Wardens were ap-
pointed a Committee to consider and report
to the Vestry, the duties of the several subordinate
officers of the church.

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      Mary Andrews Legacy
   In Vestry August 14, 1769 The Rector informed Vestry that his Nephew Richard
Peters Junior had paid him the sum of sixty pounds 12/3 as the remainder of one
hundred pounds which was left by Mrs. Andews for the double use of a Monument
and Pulpit in Christ Church that his nephew had produced receipt for the
Monument amounting to thirty three pounds 7/9 in Minute books! page 169.
   In Vestry December 11, 1775 The Rector and Church Warden (Mr. H. Browne) are
desired to call on the Executors of Mrs. Mary Andrews as soon as possible after Christmas
day next to know whether they have paid the ten pounds bequeathed to the poor
of Christ Church.
   In Vestry April 26, 1806 An abstract from the will of Mrs. Mary Andrews was
read by which it appears that ten pounds per annum arising out of certain messuages in
Delaware Front, Walnut and Water Streets was bequeathed to the poor of the United
Churches Messrs. Stocker and Clark are a committee to recover the arrears due [unclear]
15 September 1806... 232 Dollars received from I. C. Fisher ________ 2nd M3. 145.
            Jonathan Browne donation
   Mr. Browne Merch: gave an order to the Rector on the undue master for two
hundred pounds profits on goods sold to him that had been deposited in the public
ware house belonging [crossed out] to the committee of [end crossed out] Merchants associated to power the non
importation of Burial Goods. M3 198 Expended on the wall of Christ Church
Burial Ground by resolution of Vestry.
            Doctor Kearsley's donation
   In Vestry March 19, 1772 The Rector informed Vestry that Dr. John Kearsley an
ancient worthy and useful member of these churches in January last and had
given a large part of his estate for the endowment of an Hospital or Alms House intended
for the support of ten or more poor women communion with the Church of England
and had Vested the same in this corporation see will M3 231 to 243_____
   In Vestry June 2, 1777 The committee appointed on occasion of the Death of
Mrs. Margaret Kearsley relit of Dr. John Kearsley Report that they have waited on the
Tenants in possession of the property left this corporation by Dr. Kearlsey's will and desired
that they would pay them the rents hereafter accruing with which they cheerfully complied
Mr. Taylor is considered as the tenant for both the houses in High Street, They further report
that Phineas Bond Esq. Executor of Mrs. Kearleys will keep the papers but that the Vestry
may at all times have access to them and that he will furnish them with a list of
ground rents the committee are continued and are requested to desire W/Bond
to inform them with whom he leaves the deeds and papers and to request his giving
directions that the corporation may have free accept to them. They are further directed
to demand the Legacy left by Dr. Kearsley as well as that due by the Will of the Reverend

p. ii

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Mr. Cumings they are also directed to let the house lately occupied by the
late Mrs. Kearsley MB.369__
   In Vestry January 8, 1780 The Rector Mr. Powell and Mr. Beach are a
Committee to take the advice of Council how for the corporation may with safety
proceed in applying the rents arising from the Estate of the late Dr. Kearsly
towards the support of the Hospital as instituted by his Will MB 399 __
   In Vestry March 20, 1780 The Committee appointed 8th January last to
advise with council on Dr. Kearsley's Will Report that they have unsullied with
Alexander Wilcocks and James Wilson Esquires who gave them the following
opinion. We have considered the last Will and Testament of Dr. John Kearsley died
and are of opinion that the several devises therein mentioned for the
charitable purpose of establishing on infirmary or Hospital are good in law
and that the Heirs of Dr. Kearsley are debarred of all rights in the lands and
Tenements given to the said corporation. MB page 402 __
   In Vestry May 20, 1782 On a report of the committee for managing
the concerns of Christ Church Hospital it appears that they have received
possession of the following property left by the late Dr. Kearsley Vizt
No. 1 House No. 2 South Front Street adjoined Coffee House rented at . . . 150._._
2 ditto No. 4 adjoining the above . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160._._
    3 ditto Letitia Court . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50._._
    4 ditto High Street in tenure Mary Taylor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160._._
    5 Pasture lot in Nothern Liberties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15._._
    6 Sundrey ground rents paying not more than 5.10._ . . . . . . . . . . 24.11.6
    7    ditto . . . paying more than . 5.10._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42.19.6
    8 One other ground rent pay by E Stroy and wife of 1.10 Sterling       602.11._
    9 The Hospital Lot with the Building thereon erected situate in Arch Street between
3rd and 4th Streets MB 424 & 425
   In Vestry March 22, 1788 The committee appointed for that purpose Reported
that they have received from Mr. Bond the Deeds relative to Dr. Kearsley's devise
but that they had not effected a settlement of the Legacy; referred to the early
attention of the next Vestry MB 2 page 42 see also 75 and 76.
   The Committee appointed for that purpose reported the receipt of eight
hundred pounds from Ex. of Dr. Kearsley MB 2 76 ordered that the same be vested in
Ground Rent MB 2 page 83.__
   In Vestry December 29, 1794 The Church Warden reports that he had purchased two
ground rents amounts to $50.12 with part of the monies of Christ Church Hospital situate
North west corner 6" and Lumber Streets 120 feet on 6" and 45 on Lumbard Street MB 2 page 84.
   In Vestry April 6, 1795 The Church Warden reported that he had purchased
three ground rents amts to thirty six pounds per annum issuing out of three lots out or near
the corner of third South Streets MB 2 page 87.--

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         Mr. Thomas Turners Legacy
   In Vestry November 1774 The Warden having received a legacy of five
hundred pounds left to the corporation by the late Mr. Thomas Turners on the express
condition that the same should be laid out at interest and the annual interest
applied to the repairs and incidental expenses of the churches he is desired to lay it out
on the best landed security MB 300__Ordered to be vested in ground rents MB 2 page 83.
         The Reverend Mr. Cummings Legacy
   In Vestry December 11, 1775 A report was made by the Rector on the will of
the Reverend Mr. Cumings formerly Rector of Christ Church from which it appears
that after various bequests it appears that after he leaves the residue of his Estate
to the poor of Christ Church and appointed Dr. John Kearsley his Executor by Doctor
Kearsley will he leaves 100 pounds to the Rector Church Wardens and Vestry Men of Christ
CHurch and St. Peter's which he says had been left him by the Reverend Mr. Cumings
in trust for the same purpose and that the money is in the hands of Mr. H. Bradford
of New York. MB 327 & MB 2 24 101 114 & 128. __
         Mr. James Stoops Legacy
   In Vestry April 15, 1782 An extract from the will of James Stoops
being produced was read from which it appears that he gives immediately
after the death of Ann Banks to the Rector Church Warden and Vestry Men of
the United Episcopal Churches of Christ Church and St. Peter's Church in the City
of Philadelphia the one full and equal third part of a house and lot situate on
the west side of Third Street from Delaware in the City of Philadelphia containing
in breadth on the said street seventeen feet and in depth westerly there from one
hundred and thirty two feet for the use of the poor of the said churches MB 424.
The Church Wardens are a committee to confer with the Legalties of the other two
third parts MB 2.73 Messrs. Wilcocks Ash and Cumpston ar a committee to report the
disposition of the monies arising from the sale of the Churches third part MB 2.80
ordered to be vested in ground rents MB 2 page 83.
         Mr. Walter Goomans Legacy
   In Vestry July 31, 1783 The Church Warden Reported that he had received
from Mrs. Sarah Goodman relict of Walter Goodman deceased by the hands of the Rector fifty
pounds being a legacy left by the will of Mr. Goodman to the United Churches MB 430.
         Mrs. Duche's Legacy
   In Vestry July 31, 1783 Messrs. Gurney Price DeHaven and Pollard are a
committee to consult with Mr. Duche on the subject of disposing of legacy of fifty
pounds left by the late Mr. Duche for the use of the churches MB 431.
   The Church Warden Reported that he had received the above fifty pounds
from Mr. Duche who expects the Vestry to put in four windows in the sother side
of Christ Church agreeable to a plan furnished MB page 431. The above request
was complied with.__

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         Mrs. Venables Legacy
   In Vestry December 21, 1785 Messrs. Swift and Coxe are a committee to enquire
after the Legacy left by the late Mrs. Venables to the Churches and they are
authorised to take the necessary measures for obtaining the same MB 2 page 24.
   In Vestry October 11, 1786 Resolved that Robert Towers be desired to obtain a
copy of the will of Mrs. Venables and to take measures for obtaining payment of
her legacy left to this corporation MB 2 39 & 40 Messrs. Wilcocks Ash and Cumpston
are a committee to report the best manner of disposing of this legacy MB 2 page 80
ordered to be vested in Ground Rents __ MB 2 page 83
         Mrs. Salters Legacy
   In Vestry October 11, 1785 Resolved that Robert Towers be desired to obtain a
copy of Mr.s Salters will and to take the measures necessary for obtaining payment
of her legacy to this corporation MB 2 page 39 ___ In Vestry May 2, 1791 The Vestry being
informed that Mr. Salter was deceased and had left a bequest to the poor of
these churches the Church Warden is requested to obtain a copy of her will MB 2:59
   In Vestry June 9, 1791 The Church Warden reported an extract from Mr. Salter
will as follows. Item I give and bequeath to the Vestry and Church Wardens of the
United Episcopal Churches in this City the sum of ten pounds to be by them dis-
tributed among the poor at their discretion MB 2 page 60 __
         Mrs. Oswald's Legacy
   In Vestry March 10, 1788 Messrs. Clarkson and Powell are a committee
to wait on Mr. Chew to obtain information relative to a legacy left to the churches
by the late Mrs. Oswalds MB 2 page 41. __
   In Vestry March 22, 1788 Mr. Powell reported by letter that Mrs. Oswalds is
30 pounds which will be paid by Mr. Chew her Ex. when in cash MB 2 page 42.
   In Vestry April 16, 1792 The Church Warden reported that he had received
the above legacy of thirty pounds Resolved that it be applied towards the payment
of the debt due to the College of Philadelphia MB 2 page 67. __
         Mr. Clymer Legacy
   In Vestry December 3, 1787 Resolved that sundry Ground Rent deeds
purchased with Mr. Clymer Legacy be put on record by the Church Warden MB 2 page 40.
   In Vestry June 9, 1791 Messrs. Towers and Ash are a committee to recover the Ground
Rent due from Lawrence Powell's Estate part of Mr. Clymer Legacy MB 2 page 62.
         Mrs. Sermines Assistant
   In Vestry March 10, 1788 Messrs. DeHaven and Morris are a committee to
wait on the widow of John Morris deceased to request payment of two bonds of fifty pounds
each due from her late hunband to Susanna Sermine MB 2 page 41.
   In Vestry March 22, 1788 The Committee report that they waited on Mr. Morris
who informed them that Mr. Morris had not left effects sufficient to pay all his
Debts and advised a suit to be brought against her Messrs. Simmons and Cox are
requested to commence the suit accordingly MB 2 page 42. __

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   In Vestry June 5, 1788 The Church Warden stated that John Britton offered to pay
and secure to the Vestry the sum of seventy five pounds on the Assignment of Mr. Somines
two bonds of fifty pounds each and moreover to pay to the Church the surplus above the
debt now due from said Britton to John Morris deceased teh said Debt being about 92 pounds
when the same shall be recorded Vestry accepted the same and Mr. DeHaven was author-
ized to adjust the matter with Mr. Britton MB 2 page 45__
   In Vestry May 27, 1795 Messrs. Ash and DeHaven and Simmons were a committee
to recover from Robert Towers Estate and Mr. Britton Mr. Simmons 2 bonds MB 2 page 91
   In Vestry October 20, 1790 The Church Warden reported that he had received
a note of hand for fifty pounds payable in 6 months from Mrs. Gostelowe being the monies
received by the late Mr. Towers from John Britton on account of Mr. Simmons
two bonds MB2 page 100 __
         Joseph Dobbins Grant
   In Vestry April 16, 1789 A letter was received from Mr. Joseph Dobbins of South
Carolina offering to convey to the corporation in trust for the use of Christ Church Hospital
a lot in Dealware Fifth Street between High and Mulberry Streets and a lot on Schuylkill
Fourth Street and about five hundred pounds in cash in the hands of John Drinker in
consideration that they pay him forty Spanish milled dollars every three months during
his life Vestry accept the above offer MB 2 page 48 __ The Committee produced the
deeds of conveyance ordered that they affix the Seal of the Corporation to the counter-
part MB 2 page 51 _ December 6, 1793 The Vestry request Dr. White to return the thanks
to the Reverend Dr. Smith for his attention to this business MB 2 page 73. __
         Joseph Dobbins Legacy
   In Vestry December 20, 1804 Mr. Joseph Dobbins late of South Carolina by his will
dated 19 June 1803 gives to the poor and distressed widows supported by Dr. Kearsley's bounty
one hundred and seventy six shows in the stock of the Bank of South Carolina together
with other property amounting to about six thousand dollars MB 2 page 132. _
   In Vestry April 14, 1806 On a letter from Thomas Jones Esquire the Vestry
send a power to William Johnson and    Dessassure to receive a transfer of the stock
in the bank of South Carolina left by Mr. Dobbins MB2 page 142. __
         Thomas Carlton Legacy
   In Vestry May 2, 1791 Vestry being informed that Mr. Thomas Charlton
was deceased and that he had left a bequest to the poor of these churches the Church
Warden is requested to procure a copy of his will MB 2 page 59 __
   In Vestry June 9, 1791 The Church Warden reported an extract from Mr.
Charltons Will as follows vizt "I will that my Executros do pay into the hands of the
Reverend William White or his succssor annually for three years after my decase twenty
pounds for the benefit of the poor of Christ Church who are communicants MB 2 page 60.
   In Vestry December 29, 1794 The Church Warden reproted he had
received the above sixty pounds left with the poor of Christ Church from Mr. Alexander
Henry Executor of the deceased.

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      William Thomas's Legacy
   In Vestry May 2, 1791 Vestry being informed that Mr. William Thomas is
deceased and has made a bequest to the Poor of these churches the Church Warden
is requested to obtain a copy of his will MB 2 page 59 __
   In Vestry June 9, 1791 The Church Warden reported an extract from Mr.
Thomas's will form which it appears that he gives immediately after the death of
his wife to the Bishop Wardens and Vestry Men of the United Episcopal Churches
two Brick Houses in Delaware Fifth Street and one other Brick House in Mulberry
Street on the following turns first that thirty pounds be paid by them out of the
income thereof towards the Tuition of the poor Children of St. Peter's Church and
the residue thereof to be distributed between the poor who are in actual communion
in St. Peter's Church and not elsewhere he also gives after the Death of his wife to the
Bishop Wardens and Vestry Men assisted the sum of ten pounds annually forever arising
out of two houses and three lots of ground situate in the District of Southwark to be
applied by them to the Tuition of the poor children of St. Peter's Church only MB 2 page 60 & 61
         Colonel Cox's Legacy
   In Vestry May 24, 1793 The Church Warden reports that he had received
thirty pounds from the Executors of Col. John Cox to be distributed among the poor of
the United Churches at the direction of the Warden MB 2 page 71 __
         Samuel Powell's Legacy
   In Vestry December 14, 1793 The Rector communicated to Vestry a note
from Mrs. Powell in the following words Mr. Powell begs the Rector Church Wardens and
Vestry Men of the United Churches of Christ Church and St. Peter's Church amy have paid to
them in two annual Instalments of one thousand dollars each MB 2 page 74 __
   In Vestry September 5, 1749 The Church Warden reports that he has reviewed from
Mr. Powell the sum of one thousand dollars in cash and he note for one thousand dollars
payable on the first day of October 1795 is being in full for the gift which the late Samuel
Powell Esquire requested might be paid to the Rector Church Wardens and Vestry Men of the
United Churches MB 2 page 83 __
   In Vestry December 29, 1794 the Church Warden reported that he had purchased
a ground rent of one hundred and forty dollars per annum with the monies given to the
corporation by Samuel Powell Esquire deceased MB 2 page 84 __
            Mrs. Doz Gift
   In Vestry October 20, 1796 Vestry were informed that Mrs. Doz had put into
the hands of the Rector McGawr Bond for one hundred pounds the interest
to be for the use of Mrs. Sinclair and Mrs. Timmons during their lives and after then
decease the donation to be for the use of Christ Church Hospital Vstry accepts this
donation and tender their thanks to the donor. MB 2 page 99 __
            Mrs. Henry's Legacy
   In Vestry February 3, 1797 The Church Warden reported that Mr. Maria Henry had
by will bequeathed to Christ Church Hospital three hundred pounds Messrs. Swift and Ash
are a committee to recover the legacy from Joseph Turner in whose hands the same is MB 2 page 101.

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         Peter Knight's Legacy
   In Vestry May 27, 1802 The Church Warden reported that he had received
from the Executors of Peter Knight two hundred pounds left by him for the use of
the United Churches ordered that the same be Vested in ground rents MB 2 _ 125
   In Vestry April 18, 1803 The Church Warden reported that he had purchased
two ground rents with the two hundred pounds left by the will of Peter Knight
amounting to forty three dollars and six cents MB 2 - 128 __
         Miss Greens Legacy
   In Vestry May 27, 1802 The Church Warden reported that he had received
the sum of fifty pounds being a legacy left by Miss Green for the use of Christ
Church Hospital MB 2 _ 125 __
         The Reverend S. Preston's Gift
   In Vestry November 11, 1789 It being stated to Vestry by the Rector that a
present consisting of Poliglot Bible School and Doctor Fass letter Lexicon Whole folio was
made to Christ Church library by the Reverend S. Preston Rector of Chevening interest and
Great Britain which Books were produced to the Vestry Resolved that the Rector
be requested to communicate the thanks of this body to the Reverend Mr. Preston for
this valuable present _____ MB 2 page 52 ___

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               Copy of the Will of Dr. John Kearsley.

   In the Name of God Amen, I John Kearsley of the
City of Philadelphia in the Province of Pennsylvania Practitioner in Physic
and Surgery, being in good bodily health and well disposing mind and
memory, but considering the certainty of death and uncertainity of the
true thereof, do make my last Will & Testament in manner & form
following: that is to say First, I commit my seal into the hands
of my good and merciful God who gave it me and my body
to the earth to be catered in full hopes of the Forgiveness of al
my sims and obtaining a blessed state of Felicity through the merits
mediation and intercession of my ever gracious Saviour & Redeemer
Jesus Christ the only be gotten Son of the Father: And it is my
Will that all my just debts & funeral expenses be duly paid;
and I do give and devise unto my dear and loving wife Mar-
garet my contiguous Messuages or Tenements and the lots ground
respectively belonging situate in the said City on the West side of
Front Street, the southernmost of which I now dwell in & the other
I purchased of John Kaighn and all my message or tenement
on building and lot of ground thereunto belonging situate in
Letitia Court in the said City, it lies westward of that I now
dwell in, and all other my pasture land in the Northern
Liberties of the said City, which was formerly of Thomas Harts,
together with their opportenances with my two houses on the
north side of High Street in which Blanch Roberts & Samuel
Taylor now dwell, to hold the aforesaid two Front Street
messuages, the Letitia Court messuage with the lots or pieces of
found thereunto belonging and the said pasture land with
the two High Street messuages with their appartenances unto her
my said wife Margaret, and her assigns for and during the
term of her natural life, without impeachment or any manner
of waste. Also I give and bequeath unto my said wife Mar-
garet and her assigns all my silver place my household goods
and kitchen furniture; my negro man Cuffee and my two horses.
Moreover I give and bequeath unto her my said wife Marga-
ret a sum of five hundred pounds current money of Penn-
sylvania and also six hundred pounds current Sterling money
of Great Britain, which Sterling money is in the hands of
Edward Payne & Rene Payne Merchants in London in Great
Britain or of one of them their or of one of their Executors
or administrators. Also I give & divide unto my said wife
Margaret all my yearly ground rents or yearly rent charges
paying upwards or above five pounds ten shillings Pennsylva-
nia currency/yearly by any one person or persons amounting in
the whole to forty two pounds nineteen shillings & six pence

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Pennsylvania currency and one yearly ground rent of four
pounds ten shillings sterlings payable by Enoch Story & wife
to hold the same forty two pounds nineteen shillings & six pence
currency and four pounds tens shillings sterling to her my said
wife Margaret and her assigns for & during all the term of her
natural life.
   And I do give and bequeath unto my nephew John
Kearsley the sum of five hundred pounds current money
of Pennsylvania to be paid in cash, or the assignment of
any Bond or Bonds as my Executors hereafter named or
any of them shall think fit. Moreover I give & bequeath
unto my nephwe John Kearsley all my books which do
treat of Physick or surgery, all my Instruments of surgery
all my Physical drugs and medicines with all my shop
furniture containing the drugs and medicines & all my
utensils for preparying medicines chymical or galenical
And it is my desire that my said Nephew John Kearsley
shall transact to his three brothers hereafter named or to any
of them such or so many of the said books and instruments
as he shall think proper. The which legacies to my said
Nephew John Kearsley it is my mind and will shall be in
full for and as his part or Expectancer of my Estate. As for &
concerning the Residue of my books being mostly History or heating
of some other subject than Physick or Surgery I give unto my
said wife Margaret such of them as she may think fit to choose
the residue of which books last mentioned I give and be-
queath unto my Executors hereafter named to be sold by them
for the most they will fetch. And I do give & bequeath unto
my two nieces Mary Kearlsey & Ann Kearsley both of them
now or late of Sedgefield in the County of Durham in Great
Britain the dune of tune of two hundred pounds a piece current money
of Great Britain: Moreover I do give unto her my niece Mary
a small Diamond gold ring which her Grandmother Kearsley
with one piece of gold called a Jacobus. And I do give unto
her my said niece Ann two gold moidores with a Gold
cypher ring. And I do give and bequeath unto my three
nephews Paul Kearsley David Kearsley and Timothy Kearsley
all of them now or late of Sedgfield in the County of
Durham in Great Britain the sum of one hundre
pounds a piece current money of Great Britain aforesaid.
All which money legacies so given or bequeathed unto my
said Nephews or nieces are in the hands or power of
Edward Payne or Rene Payne or one of them their or of
one of their Executors or Administrators. And it is my

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Mind and Will that if any of my said Nephews Paul David, or
Timothy shall happen to die without issue of their bodies respect-
ively before such times as the money or other effects given them
respectively by this will shall come to the hands or receipt of
any of them so dying them in that case the survivors or survivor
of them shall have, take, and receive the whole. And if they
all die first without such issue then in that case the Ex-
ecutors of the last dying of them shall have, take, and receive
the whole. And if the said Mary & Ann shall both die first
without such issue then in that case the Executors of
the last dying of them shall, have, take and receive the whole.
      And I do give and devise unto a certain
corporation by Charter lately created by the name of
"The Rector, Church Wardens & Vestry Men of the United
Episcopal Churches of Christ Church and St. Peter's
Church in the City of Philadelphia in the Province of
Pennsylvania and their successors" the sum of eight
hundred pounds Pennsylvania currency to be paid in
cash or the assignments of any Bond or Bonds as
my Executors or any of them shall think fit. And
moreover I give and devise unto the said Corporation
& their successors all those my Ground Rents or Rent
charges paying not more than five pounds, ten shillings
Pennsylvania currency yearly, and all of the said rents
paying yearly under that sum amounting in the whole
to the sum of twenty four pounds, eleven shillings & six
pence Pennsylvania currency yearly, to be sold by my
Executors and the moneys arising by the sale there of to-
gether with the above eight hundred pounds, I will shall
be made use of by the said corporation & their successors
for the purchasing a piece or lot of land & the building
thereon an infirmary or alms house or alms houses,
for ten or more poor or distressed women of the com-
munion of the Church of England, or such as the said
Corporation or their successors shall deem such/preferring
Clergymen's widows before others/and supplying them with
that drink & lodging & the assistance of persons practicing
Physick and Surgery by & out of the same moneys, & by &
out of such sum or sums of money or revenues as I
shall hereafter appoint for that purpose & by & out of
such other Legacies & donations as any other person

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or persons shall well and appoint for that purpose. And it is
my mind and will that the said infirmary or alms house
or alms houses when erected shall be called Christ's Church
Hospital & not otherwise. And it is my mind and will
that the said corporation and their successors shall provide
a house or houses for the reception of the said poor or
distressed persons or since convenient lodgings or house of
Entertainment (should such house or houses be wanting)
till such time as the infirmary or alms house or alms
houses aforesaid, shall be erected pursuant to this my will.
And moreover I do give and devise unto the said Corpo-
ration and then successors (after the determination of my
said Wife Margaret's Estate aforesaid devised) my said
two messages in Front Street which Blanche Robards
& Samuel Taylor now dwell in & all my ground rents
or rent charges, paying yearly above the sum of five
pounds ten shillings Pennsylvania currency, amounting
in the whole to Forty Two pounds nineteen shillings &
six pence with one other ground Rent or Rent charge
paying yearly four pounds ten shillings Sterling Current money
of Great Britain with their and every of their appurtenances
in Trust for the said Corporation and their successors to lease
from time to time as they shall think fit, to any person or
persons for any term a number of years or for one or
more life or lives for raising moneys annually for a fund
for supplying and providing the aforesaid infirmary, alms
house a alms houses or the poor people thereof my pasture
ground aforesaid only excepted, concerning which it is
my mind & will and I do hereby authorize my Executors
hereafter named to sell the same for the most it will fetch
& the moneys arising by the sale thereof to be added by the
said corporation & their successors to the fund herein
before mentioned for such and the same use or used
& to no other use or purpose whatsoever) provided
always nevertheless that if the said corporation and
their successors, or a majority of them for the time
being judge and conclude it most for the benefit &
advantage of the afore said infirmary or almshouse or
alms houses not to sell the aforesaid ground rents or
rent charges or any of them paying yearly above five pounds
ten shillings Pennsylvania currency with one other ground

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Rent or rent charge of four pounds, ten shillings sterling money of
Great Britain, Then and in such case it is my mind and will
and I do hereby empower and authorize the said Corporation
and their successors to receive the same yearly ground rents
or rent charges & every of them as the same shall hereafter
respectively grow due and payable & upon receipt thereof to
be added by the said corporation and their successors to the
fund aforesaid to be applied to such and the same use
or uses and to no other use or purpose whatsoever. Likewise
I do give unto the said Corporation and their successors the
Legacy of one hundred pounds left in my case by the
Reverend Mr. Archibald Cumming the interest thereof to be
distributed yearly at Christmas amongst the poor & dis-
tressed members of Christ Church Philadelphia aforesaid,
which moneys are in the hands of Messrs. William and
Cornelius Bradford in Philadelphia/and I do will &
order that the said Corporation and their successors an-
nually elected to serve for any one year shall meet
annually on the second Monday immediately next after
Easter, from time to time to make such Laws, Rules & Orders
as shall appear to them or a majority of them useful
& necessary for the governing, ordering & regulating the said
infirmary, or alms-house or alms-houses and all other things
concerning the same. And to choose one fit person not of
their number, to be Treasurer to continue in that office
until the next election of members of the said corpo-
ration for the succeeding year, & so annually for ever, which
Treasurer shall give Bond to the said Corporation & their
successors, conditioned that he will when there unto re-
quired by the said Corporation for the time being, render
an account of all moneys & effects that shall come to
his hands by virture of his office, and at the going
out of his office he will pay & deliver the balance
thereof with the Books of Accounts & other writings re-
lating to his said office unto his successors in the
same office. And I do will that in all things touching
the choice and special duty of a Treasurer and also of
receiving in of poor, sick, or distressed persons, & supplying
them with meat, drink & lodging, & the assistance of persons

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practising physick and surgery, the said Corporation and
their successors shall proceed as nigh as possible may be
in the managing and conducting the same as is set forth
in and by a law or ordinance founded on an act of
General Assembly of this Province entitled "An Act for
the encouraging the establishing of an Hospital for the Relief
of the sick poor of this province and for the reception and
cure of lunaticks" passed in the twenty fourth year
of the reign of the late King George the Second. And I do
nominate and appoint my said dear and loving wife
Margaret and my much esteemed friends. Amos Strettle
and John Swift both of the said City of Philadelphia Esquires
to be sole Executors of this my last Will and Testament.
And I do give unto each of them the said Amos Strettle
and John Swift that shall take upon him or them the
care and burthen of Executorship one gold ring with the
sum of twenty five pounds current money of Pennsulva-
nia in full for their trouble. And I do give the resideum of
my estate both real and personal whatsoever or where-
soever / if the same residuum exceed not in value the
sum of three hundred pounds Pennsylvania currency
unto my dear wife Margaret, but if the same Residuum
shall exceed the said sum of three hundred pounds
then the same excess shall be paid into the hands of
the said corporation and their successors for the purposes
aforesaid. And it is my mind and will that what I
have herein before given or devised unto my said wife
Margaret is and shall be deemed for and in lieu of her
Dower or thirds of my Estate and not otherwise. And far-
thermore it is my mind that if any doubt question or
controversy shall arise touching the affairs of the infirmary
or almshouse aforesaid that the same shall be referred
unto the Attorney General of the Province, the Mayor of
the City of Philadelphia & the Rector of Christ Church
aforesaid & what they or the major part of them shall award
thereupon in writing under their hands of the hands
of the major part of them shall be fully conclusive
unto all persons concerned. And I do declare this
only to be my last Will & Testament hereby revoking
all and every other will by me heretofore made.

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In witness thereof I the said John Kearsley, the Testator have
hereunto set my hand and seal, twenty ninth day of April in
the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and
Sixty nine.

Signed, sealed, published & declared                  John Kearsley (Seal)
by the above named John Kearsley the Testator,
for and as his last Will and Testament
contained in five pages of these two sheets annexed
together besides the above written in the presence
of us who in his presence & at his segment have
hereunto subscribed our names as wetness of
the same
   John Jackson, James Hunter, Paul Isaac Voto
      Francis Gordon

   I John Kearsley, the Testator above named do make
publish this codicil to my last Will and Testament in manner
following, that is to say, I give unto my dear and loving wife
Margaret, her Executors & Administrators and assigns my negro
man Sam the room of my negro man Cuff who hath departed
this life. Whereas since the Executing of my foregoing Will and Testa-
ment I have purchased of the acting Executors of the last
Will and Testament of John Gaul deceased a certain mes-
suage or tenement & lot or piece of ground thereunto be-
longing situate on the north side of Mulberry Street in
the City of Philadelphia & extends from thence Northward
to Cherry Street which I think a suitable place to erect
an infirmary or Alms house, all which said messuage
on Tennement & lot or piece of ground I do give and devise
unto a certain corporation by charter lately created by the
name of "The Rector, Church Wardens & Vestry Men of the
United Episcopal Churches of Christ Church and St. Peter's
CHurch in the City of Philadelphia in the province of
Pennsylvania" & then successors for ever over & besides
what I have given them by my foregoing will in trust
that the said Corporation & then successors shall con-
sent the said messuage or tenement into an in-
firmary or alms house to be called Christ Church Hos-
pital for the use and subject to the regulations in
my said last will and testament mentioned, to no
other use, intent or purpose whatsoever. And lastly

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it is my desire that this my present codicil be a part of
my said last will and testament. In witness where of
I have hereunto set my hand and seal the twenty third
day of December one thousand seven hundred and
sixty nine.

Signed, sealed, published & declared      John Kearsley (Seal)
by the above named John Kearsley,
the Testator as a Codicil or part of
his last will & testament in presence
of us
   James Hunter, Paul Isaac Voto,
    & Thomas Malone.

               I John Kearsley, the Testator in the foregoing
Will and Codicil named do hereby make the following attera-
tion in my said Will and Testament, viz, In the place or
stead of Mr. John Swift I do hereby nominate & appoint
the Reverend George Craig of Chester Clerk to be one of the
Executors of my said Will and Testament and
I do give him the sum of Twenty five pounds and a
gold ring for his care & trouble in the Execution thereof.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal
the eighteenth day of October in the year of our Lord
one thousand seven hundred and seventy one
                     John Kearsley (Seal)
Signed, sealed, published &
declared by the above named
John Kearsely, the Testator as a
Codicil or part of his last will &
testament in the presence of us.
         Paul Isaac Voto
         Samuel Bucklos
         A. Shoemaker

   The foregoing is a true copy of the last Will & Testament
of John Kearsley deceased taken from the original remaining in
the Register Generals office at Philadelphia, Given under my
hand & seal of the said office this second day of May
Anno 1772.
(SS)                  John Maxfield Dep Reg.?